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Новости за 20.12.2018

Cyprus Mail 

easyJet cancels all Gatwick flights over drone scare

BRITISH airline easyJet cancelled all its Gatwick flights on Thursday, including two to Cyprus, after drones flying near the airport grounded flights. The airline said the disruption was expected to continue into Friday. “At this stage, there is no indication of when the airport might re-open and as a result we have cancelled all flights […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Lefka-Apliki crossing to close for an hour

AUTHORITIES in the north have said that the crossing point at Lefka-Apliki will be closed for one hour on Friday due to works in the area. The crossing point will be closed from 11am to noon. Located some 50km from the capital, the Lefka-Apliki crossing was opened to the public on November 12 this year. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Disy leader eyes closer ties with Turkish Cypriot ‘left’

DISY leader Averof Neophytou said on Thursday that it would be easier for him to reach an understanding on the Cyprus problem with the leftist Turkish Cypriot parties and that he has “political chemistry” with Diko head, Nicholas Papadopoulos. Neophytou was speaking at a press conference where he also took questions from the public via […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Alleged car arsonists released on bail

PAPHOS district court decided on Thursday that two men aged 49 and 42, who were arrested the day before in connection with a case of arson, should be released on bail until their trial begins next year. The trial has been scheduled for April 18 and both should appear at a police station three times […]

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Cyprus Mail 

As Ebola threatens mega-cities, vaccine stockpile needs grow

Doubts are growing about whether the world’s emergency stockpile of 300,000 Ebola vaccine doses is enough to control future epidemics as the deadly disease moves out of rural forest areas and into urban mega-cities. Outbreak response experts at the World Health Organisation (WHO) and at the vaccines alliance GAVI are already talking to the leading Ebolavaccine manufacturer, Merck, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Focus corruption case headed back to court

THE trial proper in the Focus corruption case is to proceed again, after the Supreme Court rejected the latest motions filed by various defendants. To date, three trials within a trial have taken place in the start-stop case, which relates to the alleged bribery of a former central bank governor in exchange for his collusion […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Paphos pair plead not guilty in backpack theft

TWO men aged 52 and 37 pleaded not guilty in Paphos district court on Thursday, denying involvement in the alleged theft of €4,000 from a backpack in a parked car in June. The court scheduled the trial to begin on May 8, and released the two on parole until the hearing. The suspects put up […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Auditor-general defends whistleblower’s identity in Opap probe

THE private data commissioner has reported the auditor-general to the attorney-general after he refused to provide her with the name of a whistleblower, sparking a war of words between the two independent state institutions. Attorney-general Costas Clerides said Thursday he had received a complaint, which he would examine. Earlier, Irini Loizidou Nicolaidou issued a statement […]

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Cyprus Mail 

The life of Salgado

In its tireless quest to promote an appreciation of photography on the island, Fotodos organisation is putting together a screening, along with Cinema Xanthis and Pantheon Theatre, showcasing a documentary about photographer Sebastiao Salgado. This Brazilian social-documentary photographer and photo-journalist is known for having travelled to over 100 countries in order to complete his stunning […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus records highest number of first time asylum applicants

The highest number of registered first-time asylum applicants in the EU during the third quarter of 2018 relative to the population was recorded in Cyprus, a new Eurostat report has revealed. The number is 2,484 per million inhabitants. Next are Greece and Malta with 1,442 and 1,150 per million inhabitants respectively. In contrast, the lowest […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Putin accuses US of raising risk of nuclear war

President Vladimir Putin on Thursday accused the United States of raising the risk of nuclear war by threatening to spurn a key arms control treaty and refusing to hold talks about another pact that expires soon. The United States has threatened to pull out of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) which bans Moscow […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Foreign ministry tight-lipped on diplomatic hacking report

The foreign ministry neither confirmed nor denied a New York Times report claiming hackers had targeted Cyprus’ diplomats and exposed thousands of EU diplomatic cables by using a ‘run-of-the-mill’ phishing campaign. Ministry spokesman Demetris Samuel told state radio “we don’t want to confirm or deny,” in line with policy not to comment on security matters. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Death toll in French ‘yellow vest’ protests rises to nine

The death toll linked to France’s anti-government “yellow vest” protests has risen to nine, the government said on Thursday, as demonstrators kept up major disruptions of road traffic. “There has been a ninth death, this morning in Agen, by a roundabout. It was a ‘Yellow Vest’ who was protesting outside but was not following roadway […]

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Cyprus Mail 

A gamer’s paradise weekend

Amidst the Christmas markets and piano recitals comes a gaming event, adding a slightly different note to the month’s festivities. The island’s gaming show will be a cornucopia of cosplay, e-tournaments and the well-known (in the gaming world) concept of the LAN party. Whether you’ve got no idea what this entails or it’s right up […]

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Cyprus Mail 

N. Korea media: denuclearisation includes ending ‘US threat’

Any deal for North Korea to give up its nuclear arsenal must include “completely removing the nuclear threats of the US”, North Korean state media said on Thursday, in one of the clearest explanations of how North Korea sees denuclearisation. US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un issued a statement after a historic meeting in Singapore in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

EAC says no power cuts over Christmas

During the festive season electricity supply to those who owe money to the electricity authority will not be cut, it was announced on Thursday. The decision is valid from December 21 until January 11 and includes all household tariffs, 01, 02 and 08. Consumers who have been disconnected due to a debt may apply for […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus, Greece, Israel agree on Eastmed pipeline

Cyprus, Greece, and Israel on Thursday reached an agreement on the EastMed pipeline during the 5th tripartite summit between the three countries that is being held in Beer Sheva. According to the Cyprus News Agency, the agreement on the pipeline, which will connect Israel, Cyprus, and Greece, needs the approval of the European Commission first. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

‘IS suspected in killing of Danish, Norwegian women in Morocco’

Danish intelligence said on Thursday that Islamic State may be responsible for killing two women, one from Norway and the other from Denmark, while they were camping in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains. The bodies of Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway, were found on Monday in an isolated area near Imlil, on the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Evicted tenants had their power cut off illegally

Electricity was illegally cut before the eviction of some 100 tenants from a rundown apartment building in the old town of Nicosia, and was then reconnected after the incident made headlines, the Electricity Authority Cyprus (EAC) said on Thursday. “The EAC was informed that electricity was cut in the building on the night of December […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Bar review: Temple bar and café, Paphos

It is a long time since Temple Bar and café in the heart of Paphos gained a reputation for a great night out, a reputation it has managed to keep, fighting off competition from other, newer venues. Temple opened eight years ago and is primarily a music bar, and a huge supporter of local talent. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Gatwick closure delays Paphos flight

Gatwick Airport said its runway has now reopened but a flight to and from Paphos on Thursday will still be delayed. “The Easy Jet flight U28453 from Gatwick to Paphos, which was due to arrive at 1.40pm is expected to depart at 12pm from London; therefore, there will be a three-hour delay with the aircraft […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" раскрыл загадку В.В. Жириновского и В.Г. Мессинга. СЕНСАЦИОННЫЕ ДАННЫЕ!

Нарушения ПДД электросамокатчиками зафиксируют специальные видеокамеры

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 5 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

Роспотребнадзор: лучшими напитками для утоления жажды остаются зеленый чай и вода


Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты


Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?


Собянин: Число пользователей портала «Малый бизнес Москвы» превысило 200 тысяч

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости


Мариинский театр обзавелся четвертой сценой на 800 мест

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

МегаФон привёз спасателям и пожарным грузовик связи

VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Больше всего работников с креативными идеями работает в ритейле и спорте

Дарья Касаткина

Касаткина о романе Синнера и Калинской: рада, больше ничего не хочу говорить

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Ролан Гаррос

Арина Соболенко повторила уникальное достижение Азаренко на турнирах «Большого шлема»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России