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Новости за 14.05.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli tanks push deeper into Rafah, battles rage in northern Gaza

Israeli tanks pushed deeper into eastern Rafah on Tuesday, reaching some residential districts of the southern Gazan border city where more than a million people had been sheltering and stoking fears of further civilian casualties. Israel’s international allies and aid groups have repeatedly warned against a ground incursion into refugee-packed...

Cyprus Mail 

Unficyp chief briefs Pace on peace-building efforts in Cyprus

UN Secretary General’s Special Representative in Cyprus and Head of Unficyp Colin Stewart briefed the Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on the issue of Famagusta, Italian MP, Piero Fassino, on peacebuilding efforts in Cyprus on Tuesday afternoon during a tete-a-tete meeting. According to a post...

Cyprus Mail 

Man dies after tractor accident

A 79-year-old man in Nicosia died as a result of injuries as he tried to stop his tractor on Tuesday. Georgios Michail, from Ayios Ioannis Malountas had parked his vehicle but under conditions that are being investigated, the tractor began to roll down the street. Police said it appears Michail...

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar slams Holguin: ‘she has no right to provoke’

The divide between UNSG envoy Maria Angela Holguin and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar became increasingly evident on Tuesday, when both went public with their grievances against each other. Holguin, in an interview with Kibris Postasti said “I have to admit I was surprised by Ersin Tatar’s refusal to agree...

Cyprus Mail 

EU Commission: two firefighting aircraft to Cyprus

The European Commission will reinforce Cyprus’ firefighting fleet with two aircraft this summer, amid increased risks of forest fires, it announced on Tuesday. In a briefing to journalists, the commission said the two aircraft (Air Tractor type) will be leased to Cyprus again this year, but with costs covered by...

Cyprus Mail 

Monks testify over scandal-hit Osiou Avakoum

Monks Isiais and Timotheos from the scandal-hit Osiou Avakoum monastery made statements to the church investigative committee on Tuesday. Accompanied by their lawyers Adrianna Klaedes and Anastasios Vavouskos, the monks testified for around two hours each. Their appearance before the committee is part of a church-appointed investigation into the slew...

Cyprus Mail 

MPs rush bill to extend hotel license grace period

MPs on Tuesday decided to rush through the plenum this week a bill extending a grace period for hotels to obtain a full operating license, as at the moment more than 90 per cent lack such a permit. Parliamentarians want to vote through the bill at the next plenary session...

Cyprus Mail 

Government prepares subsidies for elderly care

The government is preparing subsidies for elderly people who require long-term care in nursing homes but face financial constraints, announced Deputy Welfare Minister Marilena Evangelou on Tuesday. She briefed the House Labour Committee about the scheme, which is in its final stages of development. The plan aims to assist elderly...

Cyprus Mail 

European spot will make Chelsea’s season, Pochettino says

If Chelsea finish in a European qualifying spot it will not only make their season but would give the club hope of improving in the next campaign, manager Mauricio Pochettino said on Tuesday. Chelsea need to win Wednesday’s game at Brighton & Hove Albion to get closer to a top-six...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus welcomes a wave of art exhibitions

May’s cultural calendar welcomes a series of new exhibitions showcasing the work of artists on the island. In the coming days and weeks, Nicosia and Limassol will host a diverse range of shows that feature both traditional and contemporary works. This week, six new exhibitions open their doors. Opening on...

Cyprus Mail 

Environmental groups demand release of Akamas investigation findings

Environmental groups on Tuesday demanded the immediate publication of the final findings of an administrative investigation into illegal interventions in Akamas. The government has yet to hand over the investigation to Auditor-General Odysseas Michaelides, though the former agriculture minister conceded the works on Akamas were not properly done, with various irregularities...

Cyprus Mail 

Varane to leave Man United at end of season

Central defender Raphael Varane will leave Manchester United at the end of the season after three years at the Premier League club, the France international said on Tuesday. Varane, 31, joined United in 2021 after 10 years at Real Madrid. He has made 67 league appearances for the English side...

Cyprus Mail 

Housing prices maintain upward trend

The upward trend in housing prices, primarily driven by increases in apartment prices, persisted during the fourth quarter of 2023, according to a report published by the Central Bank of Cyprus on Tuesday. Based on the findings of the report, housing prices continued to rise despite a slight decrease in...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Conditions are set for another successful tourist season’

Deputy Tourism Minister Kostas Koumis on Tuesday said that the total seat capacity airlines expect to offer for trips to Cyprus in the coming months will be similar to last year, despite a range of challenges plaguing the aviation sector, setting the stage for a robust tourist season, provided there...

Cyprus Mail 

Napa mayor faces charges over alleged misuse of European grant

Ayia Napa Mayor Christos Zannettou has been accused of unlawfully securing a €765,000 European grant for a hotel renovation project in which he held a stake. The mayor finds himself entangled in a criminal case less than a month ahead of the municipal elections in which he is a candidate...

Cyprus Mail 

Mandatory safety training for construction workers implemented

Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou on Tuesday signed off on a compulsory provision guaranteeing safety and health training for all construction industry workers in the country. Speaking to the media Panayiotou highlighted the significance of the move for the country’s workforce safety. “Today marks a crucial step for our workers’ safety...

Cyprus Mail 

Two French prison guards killed, inmate escapes in ambush

At least two French prison guards were shot dead and three others seriously injured on Tuesday after heavily armed men ambushed a prison van to free an inmate, French police said, triggering a major manhunt. The orchestrated attack, which comes amid rising drug-linked violence across Europe, took place around 0900 GMT at a...

Cyprus Mail 

Sculpture of Michael Cacoyannis unveiled in Limassol

The world’s first monument of Michael Cacoyannis, famous Cypriot film and theater director, has been unveiled in Limassol. The sculpture inauguration took place on Monday, May 13th. The monument is located by the sea near the Amathus hotel. The idea for creating the monument belongs to Alexey Gubarev, an entrepreneur,...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus building permits up — value reaches €470.19 million

Cyprus’ construction sector has shown significant growth, as evidenced by the increase in building permits issued by the municipal authorities and the district administration offices in the early months of 2024. According to the latest data from the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat) released on Tuesday, the number of building permits...

Cyprus Mail 

World Court to hold hearings over Israel’s Rafah attacks

The U.N.’s International Court of Justice will hold hearings on Thursday and Friday to discuss new emergency measures sought by South Africa over Israel‘s attacks on Rafah during the war in Gaza, the tribunal said. The hearings on May 16 and 17 will deal with South Africa’s request to the court to...

Cyprus Mail 

From Venice to Cyprus: art for the past and future

SARA DOUEDARI meets Countess Chiara Modica Donà dalle Rose an active promoter of the Larnaca Biennale She is not just a patron of the arts: Chiara Modica Donà dalle Rose is a lawyer, philanthropist, art curator and collector. Descended from noble Hapsburg and Norman lineages, and married to Count Francesco...

Cyprus Mail 

Agriculture minister pledges support for Cyprus farming

During her visit to the agricultural estate of Akhelia as part of her tour in the Paphos district on Tuesday, Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou said the ministry’s goal is “to expand and increase the primary sector both in gross domestic product and in exports, aiming to attract even more young...

Cyprus Mail 

Twin banking honours for BoC at 2024 Global Finance awards

Global Finance, one of the leading international publications focused on banking and finance, has named Bank of Cyprus (BoC) the Best Bank and the Best Investment Bank in Cyprus in its 2024 awards. These award wins are particularly important for the Bank as they recognise the significant achievements of BoC...

Cyprus Mail 

Bank of Cyprus named best bank, best investment bank

Global Finance, one of the leading international publications focused on banking and finance, has named Bank of Cyprus the Best Bank and the Best Investment Bank in Cyprus in its 2024 awards, according to an announcement released on Tuesday. The announcement noted that “these award wins are particularly important for...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol chamber to host support scheme presentation

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve), in its role as the Coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Cyprus, alongside the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry and the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Evel), is set to host an event aimed at unveiling the new entrepreneurship support...

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Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”


Собянин рассказал об открытии нового перехода на вокзал Зеленоград-Крюково

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Supercell выпустил игру Squad Busters на смартфоны

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России