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14 мая 2024 года

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Cyprus Mail

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Road trip essentials: The ultimate packing checklist for your adventure

Few people like to pack their bags, even if they have an exciting journey ahead. Start preparing for the trip in advance... Читать дальше...

12,4 дюйма, 144 Гц, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, 6 динамиков и 10 000 мА·ч. Стартовали продажи Xiaomi Pad 6S Pro 12.4 в России

Голоса хора ЛЭТИ звучат на Урале!

Гонки на выносливость – старт сезона!

В Обручевском районе обновили коллекторный комплекс «Ленинский 131»


Все новости

Cyprus Mail 

Housing prices maintain upward trend

The upward trend in housing prices, primarily driven by increases in apartment prices, persisted during the fourth quarter of 2023, according to a report published by the Central Bank of Cyprus on Tuesday. Based on the findings of the report, housing prices continued to rise despite a slight decrease in...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Conditions are set for another successful tourist season’

Deputy Tourism Minister Kostas Koumis on Tuesday said that the total seat capacity airlines expect to offer for trips to Cyprus in the coming months will be similar to last year, despite a range of challenges plaguing the aviation sector, setting the stage for a robust tourist season, provided there...

Cyprus Mail 

Napa mayor faces charges over alleged misuse of European grant

Ayia Napa Mayor Christos Zannettou has been accused of unlawfully securing a €765,000 European grant for a hotel renovation project in which he held a stake. The mayor finds himself entangled in a criminal case less than a month ahead of the municipal elections in which he is a candidate...

Cyprus Mail 

Mandatory safety training for construction workers implemented

Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou on Tuesday signed off on a compulsory provision guaranteeing safety and health training for all construction industry workers in the country. Speaking to the media Panayiotou highlighted the significance of the move for the country’s workforce safety. “Today marks a crucial step for our workers’ safety...

Cyprus Mail 

Two French prison guards killed, inmate escapes in ambush

At least two French prison guards were shot dead and three others seriously injured on Tuesday after heavily armed men ambushed a prison van to free an inmate, French police said, triggering a major manhunt. The orchestrated attack, which comes amid rising drug-linked violence across Europe, took place around 0900 GMT at a...

Cyprus Mail 

Sculpture of Michael Cacoyannis unveiled in Limassol

The world’s first monument of Michael Cacoyannis, famous Cypriot film and theater director, has been unveiled in Limassol. The sculpture inauguration took place on Monday, May 13th. The monument is located by the sea near the Amathus hotel. The idea for creating the monument belongs to Alexey Gubarev, an entrepreneur,...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus building permits up — value reaches €470.19 million

Cyprus’ construction sector has shown significant growth, as evidenced by the increase in building permits issued by the municipal authorities and the district administration offices in the early months of 2024. According to the latest data from the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat) released on Tuesday, the number of building permits...

Cyprus Mail 

World Court to hold hearings over Israel’s Rafah attacks

The U.N.’s International Court of Justice will hold hearings on Thursday and Friday to discuss new emergency measures sought by South Africa over Israel‘s attacks on Rafah during the war in Gaza, the tribunal said. The hearings on May 16 and 17 will deal with South Africa’s request to the court to...

Cyprus Mail 

From Venice to Cyprus: art for the past and future

SARA DOUEDARI meets Countess Chiara Modica Donà dalle Rose an active promoter of the Larnaca Biennale She is not just a patron of the arts: Chiara Modica Donà dalle Rose is a lawyer, philanthropist, art curator and collector. Descended from noble Hapsburg and Norman lineages, and married to Count Francesco...

Cyprus Mail 

Agriculture minister pledges support for Cyprus farming

During her visit to the agricultural estate of Akhelia as part of her tour in the Paphos district on Tuesday, Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou said the ministry’s goal is “to expand and increase the primary sector both in gross domestic product and in exports, aiming to attract even more young...

Cyprus Mail 

Twin banking honours for BoC at 2024 Global Finance awards

Global Finance, one of the leading international publications focused on banking and finance, has named Bank of Cyprus (BoC) the Best Bank and the Best Investment Bank in Cyprus in its 2024 awards. These award wins are particularly important for the Bank as they recognise the significant achievements of BoC...

Cyprus Mail 

Bank of Cyprus named best bank, best investment bank

Global Finance, one of the leading international publications focused on banking and finance, has named Bank of Cyprus the Best Bank and the Best Investment Bank in Cyprus in its 2024 awards, according to an announcement released on Tuesday. The announcement noted that “these award wins are particularly important for...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol chamber to host support scheme presentation

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve), in its role as the Coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) Cyprus, alongside the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry and the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Evel), is set to host an event aimed at unveiling the new entrepreneurship support...

Cyprus Mail 

Holguin’s departure raises doubts (Updated)

It is not at all clear whether the efforts of the UNSG’s personal envoy spell the “beginning of a solution or the beginning of the end” for the Cyprus problem, Disy MP Averof Neophytou said on Tuesday. In a scathing statement, the former party leader criticised the Christodoulides government for...

Cyprus Mail 

Road trip essentials: The ultimate packing checklist for your adventure

Few people like to pack their bags, even if they have an exciting journey ahead. Start preparing for the trip in advance, there are things that are not done the night before departure. These include: issuing bank cards, buying currency, choosing an international communication tariff, copying documents, washing clothes, and...

Cyprus Mail 

Mismanagement allegations at Nicosia sewerage board

The Nicosia sewerage board is currently under scrutiny by independent authorities for alleged mismanagement, misuse of public funds, abuse of power, corruption, employee exploitation and workplace bullying. Investigations are focusing on five old contracts of the sewerage board, totalling tens of millions of euros, which are still unresolved due to...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli tanks push into Gaza’s Rafah, as displaced civilians flee again

Israeli tanks forged deeper into eastern Rafah, reaching some residential districts on Tuesday, stepping up an offensive in the southern border city where more than a million people had been sheltering after being displaced in seven months of war. Israel’s international allies and aid groups have repeatedly urged against a...

Cyprus Mail 

EU flag banned from Eurovision song contest, rainbow-colored LGBTQ+ flag allowed

The Eurovision Song Contest’s ban of the European Union flag was a “completely regrettable” mistake that should be rectified next year, the European Commission said. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which operates Eurovision, said Swedish host broadcaster SVT chose to limit flags among participants and the audience at the venue...

Cyprus Mail 

Cats brutally killed in Paphos

A horrific incident of cat killings and possible torture has been reported in Paphos in the Tombs of the Kings area. Videos shared by an animal rescuer to the Cyprus Mail show one animal lying on the concrete grounds of an abandoned site, alleged as the ‘Land of the Kings’...

Cyprus Mail 

Offer stray dogs a second chance

An event this Saturday offers the opportunity to support a Nicosia animal shelter through donations or the adoption of a shelter dog. The 2nd Chance Dogs shelter is collaborating with the Cyprus Radio and Television Foundation (CyBC) on the initiative of the Strovolos municipality and municipal council member George Hadjiyannou....

Cyprus Mail 

REALTYon EXPO: biggest-ever real-estate event in Cyprus fast approaching

REALTYon EXPO, the number one real estate event in the Mediterranean, is returning to Cyprus once again, with the 2024 expo expected to be even bigger and better than last year’s hugely successful exhibition. Excitement is building across the island as Limassol gears up to play host to the largest...

Cyprus Mail 

Cost-benefits of electricity cable expected by end of month

The first results of the cost-benefit study requested by the energy ministry for the Greece-Cyprus Great Sea Interconnector electricity project are anticipated to be unveiled by the end of May, according to an announcement released on Tuesday by Greece’s Independent Power Transmission Operator (Admie). The Great Sea Interconnector – formerly...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Haircut’ depositors compensation platform reopened

An online platform through which depositors who suffered from the 2013 “haircut” can receive compensation, will be reopening on Tuesday, the finance ministry announced. Through the platform, available at the ministry webpage here,  applicants can submit their online applications to the National Solidarity Fund, starting at 10:30am. Affected natural and...

Cyprus Mail 

City eye return to top of table with win at Spurs

Manchester City will try to vault above Arsenal and into the Premier League lead on Tuesday when they visit a Tottenham Hotspur side that has recently caused them problems. City enter the game one point behind Arsenal but with two games remaining to Arsenal’s one, meaning they control their destiny...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Очистные сооружения «Пучково» реконструируют в поселении Первомайское

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает Государственной Думе РФ оптимизировать налоговую сферу. «СВЯТОЙ кибер ЛЕНИН» удаляет налоги: перезагрузка.

Автоэксперт Аксенов напомнил, что за защитные пленки на дисках и внешние фары можно получить штраф

В День Пушкина театр кукол «Ульгэр» в райцентре Бурятии: Россия, Культура, Дети


Роботы-курьеры «Яндекса» будут доставлять заказы в ещё нескольких районах Москвы


Собянин рассказал, как можно посетить экскурсии в зданиях посольств разных стран

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости


На восстановление уйдет год: невеста Тимати пострадала на Мальдивах

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Свёнтек прошла в полуфинал турнира WTA-1000 в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Game News

Badlands Champions 1.5.141

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России