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Новости за 13.02.2016

Paper Blog 

“Guess What, He’s Not Diabetic anymore!!!!”

Dr. Jason Fung has been corresponding with two of his readers, Clive and his wife Sandra. Thanks to Dr. Fung's advice on how to reverse diabetes ( low carb and intermittent fasting), Clive has lost a lot of weight and feels great. And then he got the blood results back from his doctor...

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Paper Blog 

ABC Extra Stout – Archipelago Brewery Company

From Archipelago Brewery Company in Singapore (contract brewed by Cambodia Brewery in Phnom Penh, Cambodia) owned by Heineken comes their "ABC Extra Stout". The beer pours an opaque black colour with a brown head. The aroma consists of mild roasted malts, some dark fruits, mild bitterness and resin. The flavour is of roasted coffee, earth, dark fruits, mild chocolate, some bitterness and a resin finish. The alcohol content comes in at 7%. This was a pretty decent imperial Stout and from what I... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Lalkovic - It Was a Frustrating Result, But Let's Stay Together

Following Saturday afternoon's Sky Bet League 1 draw between the Saddlers and Crewe Alexandra, Walsall winger Milan Lalkovic took to Twitter to discuss the result, and urge the fans to stay together.
Milan, who returned to Sean O'Driscoll's starting line up after a few substitute appearances, agreed that the result was a frustrating one, but also urged supporters to rally behind the team and 'stay together'. ...

Paper Blog 

Sad Day for Bar Century

I read with sadness that Bar Century formally known as Century Tavern is set to close. This place was the spot where my mates would hang out and we would have a blast. It all started when one of my good friends had his birthday there during our uni days. Since then we would go back to this pub to meet our gang of friends and have a great time.

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Paper Blog 

Government in exile

LAST week Vladimir Ashurkov, a former executive at Russia’s Alfa Bank, stood at the front of a tour bus full of journalists and academics threading its way through London’s Whitehall district, lecturing into a microphone as he pointed out an £11m ($ 16m) apartment belonging to a senior Russian official. Mr Ashurkov is a close ally of Alexei Navalny, a Russian anti-corruption campaigner and opposition politician, and the event was one of a series of “kleptocracy tours” organised by émigré activists... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

All Dolled Up For Valentine’s Day: Hair & Makeup

Hey Beauty Lovers. So Valentine's Day is almost here. Whether you have a significant other or not, you can still get all dolled up (even if it is just for yourself). It is nice to glam yourself up every now and again. I don't know about you but when I put effort into my look, I feel confident and beautiful. What better time to rock that glam look than Valentine's Day. It is a holiday dedicated to love so why ...

Paper Blog 

Wynwood Vibes

Wearing:// Top: LF Sale, Skirt: LF Sale, Shoes: Adidas Stan Smith, Bag: Rebecca Minkoff, Sunnies: Céline       To those who know me, I rarely sport sweat pants or sweatshirts outside of the house/dorm-- it's just not in my DNA. That's not to say that I shun anyone who dresses comfortably, but I am always trying ...

Paper Blog 

Satanists endorse Bernie Sanders for President

By their supporters, you will know them.

Hillary Clinton is endorsed by:

  • Baby butchers of Planned Parenthood
  • Hookers
  • Homosexuals, who say ‘I’d bottom for Hillary!’

Now, satanists are rallying behind Bernie Sanders.

There’s a highly popular pro-Sanders meme group on Facebook.

An image posted to that Facebook page three days ago on Feb. 10, has received 1,193 likes and 320 shares as of 6:48 AM today. This is the image:

Paper Blog 

Adidas goes homo

It will only cost you around $200 to show your pride!

From HuffPo:

Sportswear giant Adidas is following in the footsteps of Nike and Levi’s in putting a rainbow-hued twist on some of its most iconic designs in time for LGBT Pride Month.

Three Adidas staples — the Stan Smith, the Adilette Slide and the Superstar — are getting the limited edition makeover as part of the “Pride Pack.” Each of the designs draws inspiration from the LGBT rainbow ...

Paper Blog 

Franchise Weekend – Infernal Affairs II (2003)

Director: Wai-Keung Lau, Alan Mak

Writer: Alan Mak, Felix Chong (Screenplay)

Starring: Anthony Wong, Eric Tsang, Carina Lau, Francis Ng, Edison Chen, Shawn Yue, Jun Hu

Plot: In this prequel to Mou gaan dou (2002), Chan Wing Yan has just become an undercover cop in the triads while Lau Kin Ming joins the police force. Both the triads and the police find an enemy in a rival crime boss.

Paper Blog 

Economic Myths: Building more homes will increase owner-occupation rates

The politicians keep saying that owner-occupation rates are falling because homes are too expensive(1), that increasing new construction would get prices down(2) and hence reverse the decline in owner-occupation rates(3).

On closer inspection, none of these assumptions are correct:

1) Every home has to be owned by somebody, either an owner-occupier or a landlord. If high prices are deterring owner-occupiers, then why are they not deterring landlords as well?

2) We establish... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 


I'm going to do it


Paper Blog 

A Mama/Baby Video Haul!

I filmed a new video for my YouTube channel yesterday and I had such fun doing it! I've never filmed a haul style video before, but I'd gone to Primark and Next and picked myself and the boys some new clothes up, including some Disney clothes for our holiday, which is in just 4 days!! So I thought it would be fun to share them and it got me even more excited for Disney!! 

You'll be seeing most of the clothes we picked up in my Disney photos/video when we return but if you'd like a little sneak peak... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Ideas for decorating your buffet table

Ideas for decorating your buffet table

If you have ever served or enjoyed a buffet style meal, you will know just how important the layout can be. It's not just about displaying the food properly but also the additional décor. Buffet tables become empty after your guests have had their first go at it. Caterers will know that it's important to re-arrange the foods once everyone has sat down so that the platters don't appear too empty. In some cases, foods are placed on smaller plates or dishes so that they maintain their appeal. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

How to condition your carnations

How to condition your carnations

Not only are carnations beautiful but they are also very reasonably priced and they are one of the longest lasting cut flowers that you will find at any florist. Carnations are available in a wide variety of colours which means that you will always find something perfect for any occasion. Of course, just like any fresh flower, we always do everything we can to preserve their life as long as possible. Not only does this ensure maximum enjoyment but also the best value for money at the end of the day. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Flowers to ease that winter chill

Flowers to ease that winter chill

The winter months might start off mild at first but they can become quite harsh. Being sick during this time of year is the absolute worst. Whether it's something as simple as a common cold or a more serious infection or virus, being under the weather in winter usually means that we lock ourselves up in the comfort and warmth of our homes.

When you find out that a friend or loved one is feeling ill, you might be tempted to pay them a visit. That said, this might not be the best idea. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

TEAM NEWS | v Crewe Alexandra (A)

Later this afternoon Walsall Football Club travel to Gresty Road where they will take on Crewe Alexandra in the latest Sky Bet League 1 fixture of the season. The confirmed team news is below.
CREWE ALEXANDRA STARTING XI | Garratt; Turton, Ajayi, Nugent, Guthrie, Jones, Fox, Cooper, Inman, Haber, Seager

SUBS | Richards; Saunders, Baillie, Ng, Ainley, Howell, Bakayogo
WALSALL STARTING XI | Etheridge; Demetriou, Preston, Downing, Taylor; Chambers, Mantom; Forde, Sawyers, Lalkovic;... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

From the gallis of Hyderabad

I walked down the narrow lanes of Hyderabad In a hot wintry afternoon In the scorching sun Very un-poetic, like the times we live in Or should I say poetic, like those lines which spring up From the imagination of material deprivationFor, the poets of the absence Lack the agency of wordsAnd their languageDoesn't qualify to reach the palaces of knowledgeThe anguish of existence Was quite misplaced in meAnachronistic, in a way Like the nature of the world today
It was then I met an old Muslim man... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Fat Tax and Diet Failure – The Perfect Storm

As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed two articles came across in a row. The first was about how a University health sciences lecturer in Barbados made a public address at the Ministry of Health’s town hall meeting where the topic was the future of health care financing, and suggested that fat people should be subjected to a special tax.

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Paper Blog 

Top 10 Super Smoochy Kissing Booth Cats

Top 10 Super Smoochy Kissing Booth Cats

Getting a kiss for valentines day is easy if you have a partner. But what if you have a house full of cats? You can’t invite anyone back, and besides who needs boyfriends or girlfriends when you have cat friends?! Because every cat owner know cats are the best friends you can have…

Top 10 Super Smoochy Kissing Booth Cats


Paper Blog 

Luminize: All or Nothing

All-girl group Luminize got together in Croatia before coming to Holland, hoping to make it big as a rock band. They were guests on a wealth of radio shows and appeared at numerous festivals earning them some nice reviews as a rather good live band. Their debut album All or Nothing ia a mixed bag of power pop songs (Get It Back, Kill It With Love, Guess Who's Wrong) and hard rock (Fuck You), with the latter genre as the clear winner in terms of performance. Men ...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

Вечерний кинопоказ в ТРЦ «Нора»: фильм «Друг в океане»

Росгвардейцы задержали мужчину, напавшего на бригаду скорой помощи в Москве


Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS


Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья


Собянин подвел итоги фестиваля «Лето в Москве. Все на улицу!»

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Музыкальные новости

OG Buda

У Mia Boyka случилась истерика после слов рэпера OG Buda в треке о ее весе

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Игорь Ларионов стал новым амбассадором Лошадиной силы

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Елена Веснина

«Теннисистки заслуживают зарабатывать на равных с мужчинами». Веснина выступила за соразмерные призовые

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России