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Новости за 09.09.2017

Paper Blog 

Cyclone Jose and Cyclone Irma ~ preparedness and treatment for people

At Lords, Jimmy Anderson, reached landmark of 500 wickets, then polished off the West Indies’ second innings with career-best figures of 7 for 42, enabling England to win the match by nine wickets and to retain the Wisden Trophy. Anderson, operating from the Nursery End, the one less favoured by England’s most prolific bowler, added five more wickets to his overnight tally in 11.1 overs so that the West Indies were bowled out for 177. The target of 107 was knocked off with ease.  Only recently, at Headlingley  was one of the great Test matches.

Paper Blog 

Wasting votes

I find it odd that people who claim to be liberal and believe in democracy would demonise people who vote third parties.  Especially since that is pretty anti-democratic and authoritarian behavior to persecute people based on their political leanings.

One of the allegations is that somehow I "wasted my vote". Now, let's look at the result of the 2016 election.

Not the big 306 "votes" for Trump or the 232 "votes" for Clinton, but the real numbers representing the popular vote.
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Paper Blog 

It's that myth again

Nick Hubble, who generally has the right idea about a lot of things, contradicts himself here.

"Prices are controlled by supply and demand. But over time they tend to converge towards the cost of production, plus a small return. Otherwise profits of sellers are too high and competitors muscle in with lower prices. But housing is not like other goods."

So far so good, but

"Government controls both the supply and the demand. At least in the UK it does. Here in the UK, restrictions are enormous. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 



A young boy wakes to find his mother missing. Their house is empty but outside in the garden he sees his mother's favourite scarf - wrapped around the neck of a snowman.

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Paper Blog 

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner Wear Daring Looks at NYFW Party

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner Wear Daring Looks at NYFW Party

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner turned heads Friday with different daring looks at a star-studded party for New York Fashion Week, which celebrates top designers’ spring/summer 2018…
Source: Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner Wear Daring Looks at NYFW Party

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Paper Blog 

Lady Gaga On Madge, Again

Lady Gaga On Madge, Again

Not like that. Lady Gaga gives her thoughts on Madonna in a scene from her new documentary, Gaga: Five Foot Two. If I had been noting Gaga’s actual physical position in regards to Madonna, this post would have been titled “Lady Gaga At Home Watching Every Single Appearance Of Madonna That She Can Find On YouTube In Order To Rip Her Off Some More.” I kid – innovator Lady Gaga is as original as Beyonce and Taylor Swift combined! Vulture watched ...

Paper Blog 

Les 3 Freres Brut

There's something special about vacation drinks. You're in a new place and try a local product in a wonderful little cafe and everything blends together harmoniously. After a long day of driving along with an excellent stop at one of France's top cidreries, I finally pulled into Quimper in Brittany. By the way, trying to park in Quimper is a unique experience. It's all steep hills and tiny winding roads. It's like trying to park in Seattle if you took a topographical map of the city and scrunched... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Big Bus Day

So today I didn't have anything in particular planned (which is generally the way I like life!), and I did a bit of a Google to see what was on in Hull today. Turned out to be "Big Bus Day" at Hull's Streetlife Museum of Transport so we went and checked it out.

It was pretty awesome as there was loads of extra buses to look at and go inside, there was the EYMS Brass Band playing inside the museum ...

Paper Blog 

Glorious bit of misreporting by The Daily Mail

They've really come up trumps this time:

Wetherspoons is set to slash prices on all of its food and drink for one day only in a bid to convince the Government to lower booze taxes. The pub chain is well known for its cheap pints but it is knocking off a further 7.5 per cent as part of the protest.

It is one of thousands of businesses across Britain supporting Tax Equality Day on Wednesday September 20th.

Under UK law pubs and restaurants are forced to charge 20 per cent ...

Paper Blog 

Opera Review: Minnie Shot First

The New York City Opera opens with La fanciulla del West. by Paul J. Pelkonen

A rootin'-tootin' romance: Jonathan Burton and Kristin Sampson in  La fanciulla del West.
Photo by Sara Shatz courtesy New York City Opera.

Of the mature operas by Giacomo Puccini, La fanciulla del West (English title The Girl of the Golden West) is unique. It was his first (and only) opera written for the American stage, premiering at the Metropolitan Opera... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Cruising Scotland with Windstar: A Booze Cruise Like No Other

 As the Star Pride pulls away from port just outside of Edinburgh, passengers on Windstar Cruises eight-day Gaelic Explorers itinerary toast bon voyage with the traditional glass of celebratory bubbly. With a range of top shelf liquor and bartenders with individual spins on classic cocktails, the cruise offers the option to indulge in alcoholic beverages while at sea. But cruising the coast of Scotland presents whisky lovers with a potable feast of distinct decadence.

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Paper Blog 

…open up

Today one of the U.S. Open champions will be decided. This comes after a semifinal round which featured not one, not two, but four U.S. women, which is incredible. Am I right, ladies?

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Paper Blog 

Ageless beauties galore: Manjusha car museum, Dharmastala

Reaching Dharmasthala just as the temple gates closed for the afternoon break was a tad disappointing. Given the fact that it was a long weekend, the highways were crowded and it was a rather tiring drive. Hoards of pilgrims were already queuing up to obtain a darshan of Lord Manjunatha in the evening session at this popular Shri Kshetra.

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Paper Blog 

Bobby Brown Files Lawsuit To Stop Release Of Daughter Bobbi Kristina Biopic


Bobby Brown does not want the biopic ‘Bobbi Kristina’ to air on TV One in October.  Brown has reportedly  filed court documents to prevent TV One from airing the biopic about his late daughter’s life.

According to E News, a line in the court document states that the biopic “contains ...

Paper Blog 

Before and After Living Room Reveal- The Peach Palace

What a delight we have for you today with a stunning before and after living room reveal of the ‘Peach Palace’. The 80’s was definitely the era of peach (although this house perhaps takes it a bit far), and swags and tails were the in thing. I should know, I even made a few myself! To cut a long story short, Katie (Mrs Peach) has devoted a blog, Come Down To The Woods about her trials with eradicating the colour to create a vibrant, eclectic home for her family.

Paper Blog 

A Day Out At Trentham Monkey Forest

Join us on a day out to the Monkey Forest in Trentham, Staffordshire. It’s a park where Barbery Macaque monkeys roam around getting up to all sorts of monkey business! Imogen loved watching the monkeys swing around in the trees and cause trouble!

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Paper Blog 

Duncan does Car-Owner-Ism

By @duncanstott:

We could plan cars in the same way we plan houses. Roads are congested, so let's have a planning system to control the number of new cars.

Government would do an objectively assessed car need to set the maximum number of cars that should be built for the next fifteen years. Sadly it's hard to predict what the future holds, so it's likely that the government gets its objectively assessed car need wrong.

Now car builders no longer build as many cars as... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Biblical Doctrine: Ladies, Study along with Jessica Pickowicz, & #ReadWritePlan2017

Ladies, Jessica Pickowicz, wife of Nate Pickowicz, who authored Why We're Protestant and Reviving New England, wrote a Bible study to go along with MacArthur's and Mayhue's tome, "Biblical Doctrine."

I have a dear friend who is attending The Master's University. He returned home for summer break and arrived at my door in July with a surprise gift of this wonderful book. Even more wonderful, it is signed by John MacArthur and a verse was selected to include with the signature!

Paper Blog 


It's always a little sad when the garden begins to look "over". Although I do have some vegetables for the Autumn and Winter, and even some PSB growing away strongly for next year's harvest, most of the contents of my Veg Plot is always stuff that matures in July, August and early September, so on its last legs now.

After yielding a satisfyingly huge crop, the tomato plants have been completely de-leafed now and only have a few fruits left to ripen.

The Runner Beans ...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

Вернуть в состояние мечты. Надя победила рак, теперь ей важно спасти ногу

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

На юго-западе Москвы нашли тело мужчины с признаками насильственной смерти


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Бутик-отели «Де Арт 13» – уют и дизайн в сердце Москвы

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника


Собянин подвел итоги фестиваля «Лето в Москве. Все на улицу!»

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Музыкальные новости

Сергей Брановицкий

Концертный Директор для певцов, музыкантов, артистов, музыкальных групп.

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья


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