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Новости за 19.11.2017

Paper Blog 

Box Office: How Lionsgate Used Schools to Turn Wonder Into the Sleeper Hit of the Season

Justice League, Daddy's Home 2 or Wonder.

Those were the choices I gave my 10-year-old nephew last night. It was my night to babysit and we were heading to the movies. He could either see the new superhero movie, a bawdy family comedy, or a children's novel adaptation which uses the story of a boy with facial deformities and his tough first year in school to teach its audience about the power of inclusion and kindness. My conscience hoped he'd pick the latter, but my more realistic expectation... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Festive menu at Turtle Bay

Yesterday we popped into Turtle Bay Blackburn to sample their festive menu which has just recently launched and is available until the 31/12/17. There are a range of menus to suit all budgets and going Caribbean is a nice alternative to the usual Christmas fare, lots more exciting than Turkey. There is also plenty of choice for vegans, vegetarians and gluten free diners on the menu's on offer.

Paper Blog 

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick the "Playboy" Reunite for Date Night

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick the "Playboy" Reunite for Date Night

Sofia Richie reunited with her “playboy” on Friday night.
The 19-year-old model and 34-year-old beau Scott Disick were spotted leaving the celebrity hotspot and sushi restaurant…
Source: Sofia Richie and Scott Disick the "Playboy" Reunite for Date Night

6 total views, 6 views today

Paper Blog 

How To Safely Lose Weight During Pregnancy

Weight gain is typical during pregnancy and doctors will also encourage moms-to-be to add a few extra pounds. But, if you are overweight/obese when you get pregnant, weight gain might make the pregnancy a tiring experience for you. Luckily, it is still possible to shed some weight when pregnant and do it safely without affecting the health of your unborn baby. However, losing weight during pregnancy requires a lot of dedication and commitment, and you have to be very careful when doing it. But... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

By floral design

Can you think of any place or occasion when you have been able to go into a shop and order the same thing that you found there six years ago? Well, this is what I was able to do when I went to Laura Ashley to get some fabric to replace some curtains, once gently glowing and resplendent, but now sadly frayed and tatty.

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Paper Blog 

The Hype: Hoodie Allen, Myles Parrish and Luke Christopher

At Phoenix Concert Theatre, Toronto

On a rainy, but warm November Saturday night, Hoodie Allen came to Toronto's Phoenix Concert Theatre and the crowd went wild!

Hoodie Allen, aka Steven Markowitz, brought along a few friends for good measure, and Myles Parrish and Luke Christopher were the perfect warm-up for the Long Island, New York alt-hip-hop singer.

The first performer up was Myles Parrish who showed up with his DJ and immediately got the ...

Paper Blog 

Lena Dunham Feels That Her Only Problem Was Bad Timing

Lena Dunham Feels That Her Only Problem Was Bad Timing

Dlisted favorite and attention enthusiast Lena Dunham cemented her “Most Hated Faux-Social Justice Warrior” status on Friday when she publicly disputed a woman’s rape allegation. Lena (alongside her frequent collaborator Jenni Konner) released a statement describing actress Aurora Perrineau’s rape allegation against Girls writer Murray Miller as “misreported.” To get an idea of how THAT went over, just take a scroll down yesterday’s... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Short Stories Challenge 2017 – Unplugged by Dianne Gray from the collection Manslaughter And Other Tears

What’s Unplugged all about?:

With references to The Wizard Of Oz, Unplugged follows a young woman who hears voices in her head which leads to dramatic consequences as she chooses to listen.

What did I think?:

It’s purely coincidence that this story rolled around as part of my Short Stories Challenge quite soon after I had posted a review of a novel also compared to The Wizard Of Oz, ...

Paper Blog 

Foliage Follow Up

Well lookee here two posts in three days! Anyway, I have been reading gardening posts this last few days especially those from across the pond because I am planning to go to the Garden Bloggers Fling in Austin in May and I want to reconnect with the blogs that inspired me some 9 years ago to start blogging.

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Paper Blog 

Moody upgrade India rating; Red attack Tom Moody FB

At Kolkata, Openers KL Rahul and Shikhar Dhawan capitalised on vastly improved batting conditions, to lead India's recovery on the fourth day in Kolkata; Dhawan missed a century.  Earlier,  Rangana Herath's third Test fifty too the lead to 122.. .. remember that Reliance World Cup match in Oct 1987  at Chepauk between India and Australia, 2 players debuted – one who was earlier dubbed as strokeless wonder hit 5 sixers – Navjot Sidhu and shared a partnership with Srikkanth who too made a 70. For Australia... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Beyoncé Shares Photos of Her Sexy Look From Serena Williams' Wedding

Beyoncé Shares Photos of Her Sexy Look From Serena Williams' Wedding

Beyoncé attended Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian’s wedding last week and somehow managed not to upstage the bride.
…which was likely not easy, because A, she’s…
Source: Beyoncé Shares Photos of Her Sexy Look From Serena Williams' Wedding

2 total views, 2 views today

Paper Blog 

David Cassidy Is Very, Very Ill And Needs A Liver

David Cassidy Is Very, Very Ill And Needs A Liver

70s pop star icon David Cassidy, 67, is in a very bad way. He was rushed to a Florida hospital this week with his organs failing, and TMZ is reporting that his doctors are saying that his “prospects are grim.”

David is currently on a breathing tube in the hospital’s ICU. The Patridge Family star has ...

Paper Blog 

RESPONDblogs: The Missing Second Burial of Jesus

When considering the Christian claim that Jesus was raised from the dead, one historical point often overlooked is the lack of evidence that Jesus’ body received a second Jewish burial. The evidence supports his death by crucifixion, burial in an unused tomb that was then found empty and his subsequent appearances to his disciples.

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Paper Blog 

Who is an avrech?

There is another "minor" drug scandal gong on in the frum community, though it is not getting much press that I can see.

Behadrei has reported on a a drug bust involving an avreich as the ringleader dealer, and 3 yeshiva boys as the mules. Among the 3 mules, 1 was actually a mule, 1 changed his mind at the last minute and did not agree to carry the suitcase, and the 3rd acted as some sort of agent bringing them together.

According to the claims of the prosecutor, this group ...

Paper Blog 

…Sit and Think

Happy Sunday! Today isn’t just any Sunday, it’s World Toilet Day.

In spite of the chuckle that may elicit, it’s no joke. World Toilet Day is an official UN observance meant to raise awareness of the global sanitation crisis. Something to think about as you enjoy the convenience of sanitary, indoor plumbing this Sunday.

Seeing as it’s also Sunday Funday, you can sit and think about such things while enjoying a few videos.  Where you do that sitting is entirely up to you…

Paper Blog 

My Solo Adventure in the Mount Baker Wilderness

Many people associate Washington State with Mount Rainier or Olympic National Park.  North of Seattle, however, is filled with wonderful mountain trails to entice any type of hiker or mountain enthusiast.  As a former resident of the state, I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t get a chance to explore much of the trekking destinations in Washington.   Luckily, on a trip to California for a travel conference that I attended as part of my social enterprise, I managed to squeeze in a side solo trip to Seattle and do some hiking. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

CeCe Winans Sings ‘Amazing Grace’ At The Museum of the Bible Opening

CeCe Winans performs at the Museum of the Bible grand opening.

The Museum of the Bible opened on Friday in Washington, D.C.  with a dedication ceremony kicked off with a performance from Grammy award winning gospel singer, CeCe Winans.

Winans performed a rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’

After that, the 10 ...

Paper Blog 

Proposed Law: people can't think you are kosher without a Rabbanut hechsher

The game legal "ping pong" between th Rabbanut and its adversaries such as Hashgacha Pratit might soon come to an end, if this new law proposal will pass.

A law proposal submitted by a number of MKs from various parties, including MKs Yoav Ben Tzur (Shas), Moshe Gafni (UTJ), Betzalel Smotrich (Habayit Hayehudi), Menachem Eliezer Mozes (UTJ), David Amsalem (Likud), Miki Zohar (Likud) and others, calls for not allowing a business to present itself as kosher even just by presenting some sort... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Ripple Music releases the self-titled album by Heavy Rockers, Freedom Hawk

It's finally here!!  Out of print for years, Ripple Music is proud to unleash the self-titled album by Stoner/Doom legends Freedom Hawk!  Unavailable on vinyl for years, we'll be releasing two editions, the "Red Freedom" Limited Edition milky clear vinyl with Red and Gold splatter, and the World-wide "Midnight Black" Edition.  "Red Freedom" limited to only 80 copies available, so you may want to hurry.  CD digipack ...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

В Подмосковье участок трассы А-108 стал четырехполосным

Вильфанд пообещал москвичам "летнюю погоду" до конца недели

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве


На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья


Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

Бутик-отели «Де Арт 13» – уют и дизайн в сердце Москвы


Собянин подвел итоги фестиваля «Лето в Москве. Все на улицу!»

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости

Ольга Бузова

Парашютист из Казани сделал Бузовой экстремальное предложение в воздухе

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

Дарья Касаткина

Дарья Касаткина поднялась на две позиции в мировом рейтинге

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Бутик-отели «Де Арт 13» – уют и дизайн в сердце Москвы

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России