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Новости за 25.11.2017

Paper Blog 

Greenberry Organics Mud-Ash 3 in 1 Review

Hey beautiful people, what’s up? How are you all doing? What’s the weather like where you stay? Here, it’s damn confusing. I mean, can the weather not come to one decision? Either be hot or cold, don’t stay in between. Anyways, now coming to today’s topic. What are we doing today? Today, I’m going to talk about one more interesting product from Greenberry Organics. It’s the Greenberry Organics Mud-Ash 3 in 1 Mask, Scrub and Cleanser. A product that can be used in three different ways, Interesting right? Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

The Naked Turtle White Rum: Have a Sip, Save a Baby Sea Turtle

We're continuing our #GivingTuesday coverage with a great way to save the life of a baby Sea Turtle. What's a more wonderful gift to give, than the gift of life? If you're looking for more holiday gift ideas that benefit a good cause, keep reading on for a delicious gift idea that is as precious as it is flavorful. This holiday season is the perfect time to #SipNakedSaveTurtles with The Naked Turtle White Rum. With only one in every 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings surviving into adulthood, help these... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Elizabeth's Pumpkin Bread

One of the nicest gifts I ever was given for Christmas was a small notebook filled with my MIL's favorite recipes, her tried and trues and family favourites. Written by hand it represented a real labor of love to me, and it is something which I still use and cherish, some 40 years later. 

As you can see it has been very much loved, its pages spattered and falling apart, the writing fading now . . . I ...

Paper Blog 

Jennifer Hudson Sings Her Face Off With Pentatonix For Their Christmas Special


Pentatonix and Jennifer Hudson

J-Hud is doing some of her good singing for the Pentatonix Christmas special.

 The Voice UK coach gives a  powerful performance of ‘How Great Thou Art’ with the a capella group for their  A Very Pentatonix Christmas special airing on NBC.

The group’s rendition of the song  featuring J-Hud is on their new album A Pentatonix Christmas Deluxe.

The special will premiere Monday night on NBC, until then check out the sneak peek released by the network. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Emma Watson and William "Mack" Knight Split: Reports

Emma Watson and William "Mack" Knight Split: Reports

Emma Watson has called it quits with William “Mack” Knight.
The 27-year-old former Harry Potter actress had ended her relationship with her tech entrepreneur boyfriend after two…
Source: Emma Watson and William "Mack" Knight Split: Reports

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Paper Blog 

Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipstick Swatches

The Anastasia Beverly Hills Matte Lipsticks have become my recent favorites to reach for and in this post I'm sharing my most favorite of the nudes from this range. These lipsticks are true to their name with their matte finish, they are also richly pigmented and do not feather as you wear them. They do require lip prep in the form of proper exfoliation and hydration before application the formula is not forgiving to dry/flakey lips. I personally don't find them drying on my lips but as I just I do the prep... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

How to Wear Oversized Cardigan

What are the favorite outfits of supermodels in winter? Get the hint from their street looks in the oversized cardigan sweater. Soft long cardigan are warm and stylish. How to wear it to show our feminine temperament and fashion taste? Newchic has listed the top styles according to different colors.

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Paper Blog 

Black Sesame Brownie

Black Sesame Brownie
(recipe adapted & modify slightly from Peng's Kitchen)

150g salted butter
130g Black sesame paste
60g fine sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
60g Blue Jacket Plain Flour
20g black sesame powder
1/2 tsp baking powder 

1. Melt butter, sugar & black sesame paste over stove with medium heat. Cool slightly.
2. Whisk in egg & mix till well combined.
3. Sift flour, baking powder & black sesame powder & mix till combined. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Uncategorisable act Worbey & Farrell won’t be playing the Edinburgh Fringe

The act formerly known as Katzenjammer at the Fringe

Steven Worbey and Kevin Farrell met while studying at the Royal College of Music. They formed their Katzenjammer act in 2003. Their ‘hook’ was that they play the same piano simultaneously – a ‘four hands, one piano’ musical act.

Their current selling blurb is: “They’ll ...

Paper Blog 

The Idlers at the Gate

‎This celebrated sixty-ninth psalm has been called the missionary’s psalm. It speaks of the miseries of one far from home and kindred, of one who proclaims God to those who will not heed. The unbelievers, in their rage and scorn, heap injury upon the preacher, afflict him both in body and in mind. "Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face. I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children. “For the zeal of ...

Paper Blog 

FFS Friday - Okay

Turns out sending Chai back to school was a huge mistake.

Last Thursday he told me he was going to school all day Friday. Friday morning he woke up with sensory issues. His clothes were uncomfortable, everything irritated him and he wasn't happy. 

He decided that he wasn't going to school, he wanted to go to breakfast club then come home. It took him half an hour to get dressed because all his clothes irritated him. He tried on about ten tops before one was okay. I gave him the... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

More local newspaper news

Just a quick photo from the local news lady, Linda and a good friend. It works well when you've got friends all around. The only outsiders were probably the lead, Riva and the 1st A.D. who felt that he should be directing.

But it still was me.  

More Monday and thanks everyone for coming back from my long space of time.

Paper Blog 

#IssaBoy LL Cool J Daughter Italia Smith Is Having A Boy!!


It’s a boy for LL Cool J daughter Italia Smith Cardinez and husband Lamar Cardinez!

The rapper and his wife Simone hosted a gender reveal party for the couple over the holiday.

The shower was football themed, with pink pom poms to represent cheerleaders just in case the couple was having a girl.

Italia’s husband use to work for the NFL, so the football theme was perfect.


Paper Blog 

The Spring and Summer foundation edit

Whilst it's officially Spring in Australia, mother nature seems to think it's Summer, we've gone from cold winter straight to hot summer. One week it was 13, the next week it was 31. I had to hastily sort through my collection and pull out all my warm weather make-up.

Over the next few weeks I'll be showing the products I'm using in Spring and Summer. I've already shared my Spring make-up bag contents, today I'm talking foundations, next up will be lip products.

Paper Blog 

Movie Reviews 101 Midnight Horror – The Lazarus Effect (2015)

Director: David Gelb

Writer: Luke Dawson, Jeremy Slater (Screenplay)

Starring: Mark Duplass, Olivia Wilde, Sarah Bolger, Evan Peters, Donald Glover, Ray Wise

Plot: A group of medical researchers discover a way to bring dead patients back to life.

There may be spoilers the rest of the review

Verdict: Just Didn’t Click

Story: The Lazarus Effect starts as we meet our team Frank (Duplass), Zoe (Wilde), Eva (Bolger), Clay (Peters) and ...

Paper Blog 

Chunkiest Knit

Chunky Sweater: Free People via Trunk Club (now on SUPER SALE!) / Denim: Rag & Bone / Booties: Target / Sunnies: Brickyard Buffalo / Earrings: J. Crew – similar / Lip: L’Oreal Nature’s Blush 

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Paper Blog 

Today's Review: Cadbury 5 Star

It's a little odd that despite Britain being the home of Cadbury, there are bars that turn up in other countries that I've never seen before. This was particularly evident in the Australian bars I used to see lining the shelves at Cyber Candy, but this 5 Star I found in the local pound shop is a particularly odd one, as they're made in Ireland to be sold in Egypt. It's a combination of Cadbury chocolate, caramel, biscuit and a smooth chocolate center.
In essence, ...

Paper Blog 

Tasting Notes: Brewdog: Make Earth Great Again

Brewdog: Make Earth Great Again (Scotland: Saison: 7.5% ABV)

Visual: Pale light yellow to grain, very clear. An inch of white froth for a head but still main body.

Nose: Wheaty. Vanilla. Light lemon citrus character. Dried banana. Light cloves. Crusty white bread. Light white chocolate. Cheese puff crisps styled funk.

Body: Bitter. Slight cloying cream character. Cream cheese and chives. Slight chalk and prickly feel mix. Cheese puff crisps. Hop oils. Light lemon. Palma violets. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Astrology of the Day - Saturday 25th November 2017

The Moon remains in the air sign of Aquarius today and there is a need to innovate and to do things a little differently and independently. We may feel as if we need to rebel against the establishment way of doing things, and we won't be in a mood to comply or tow the line. All the same, we have a kind humanity about us and a caring side that is inclusive and quite lovely. We will ...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Новости России

В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи

"Выгнать со всех морей". Извечный враг Москвы испытал новое оружие

Мизулина не планирует заключать мировое соглашение с Лебедевым

В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи


В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи


Сотрудники вневедомственной охраны Росгвардии Московской области провели патриотические уроки для школьников региона

В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи

В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи

В Подмосковных Люберцах росгвардейцы задержали подозреваемых в совершении кражи


Собянин рассказал о возвращении предприятий в Москву

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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Все цвета джаза Игоря Бутмана: о туре с оркестром, новом альбоме и Билле Клинтоне

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Амурская область станет частью "аритмии" путешественника

В Конаковском бору соревновались в легкоатлетическом пробеге

Офицер Росгвардии из Иркутска стал призёром всероссийского чемпионата по джиу-джитсу

Андрей Рублёв

Андрей Рублёв о медицинской драме: операция спасла от ампутации

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Game News

Golden Spatula — авто-баттлер по вселенной League of Legends выйдет в Юго-Восточной Азии

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России