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Новости за 19.03.2024

Paper Blog 

If You Hear Your Kids Say The Words ‘Blue Whale’, Stop Them Before They Die

Do you know what the Blue Whale Challenge is?

Teens are playing an online game that appears to be urging them to kill themselves, and so far, two American families have blamed the game for their children’s deaths.

Texas father Jorge Gonzalez claimed that neither he nor his family knew that their son Isaiah was considering suicide.

On the morning of July 8, Isaiah’s body was discovered; he had hanged himself in his closet.

Isaiah had placed his phone up... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Unleash Radiant Skin with DermaSage 360° Skin Renewal Facial

In the world of skincare, finding products that truly work can be a daunting task. That's where DermaSage 360° Skin Renewal Facial comes in. This meticulously crafted skincare treatment combines the latest advancements in dermal science with the nurturing properties of botanical extracts. The result? A facial that addresses a wide range of skin concerns, from ageing and dullness to sensitivity and acne-prone skin. But what sets it apart is its use of ActiBloom ...

Paper Blog 

8 Things Dogs Can Sense Before They Happen

Dogs are known for their remarkable ability to perceive subtle changes in their environment, including detecting certain events before they happen. While the scientific understanding of these capabilities is still evolving, anecdotal evidence and research suggest that dogs possess keen senses that allow them to anticipate various occurrences. Here are eight things dogs can sense before they happen:

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Paper Blog 

A Million Days (2023) Movie Review

A Million Days – Movie Review

Director: Mitch Jenkins

Writer: Michael Dobbin, Guillaume Fradin (Screenplay)


  • Simon Merrells (The Wolfman)
  • Hermione Corfield (Rust Creek)
  • Kemi-Bo Jacobs (London Has Fallen)
  • Darrell D’Silva (Wrath of Man)

Plot: Over the course of one night, an astronaut must decide between pursuing his life’s work or sabotaging it for a greater cause.

Runtime: 1 Hour 23 Minutes


Paper Blog 

On Fire – Release News

On Fire – Release News

In this eco-action thriller inspired by true events, one man will have to fire-fight for his family to make it out alive. Dave Laughlin is a self-employed contractor struggling to make ends for his family who suddenly find themselves forced to fight for their lives when a wildfire suddenly breaks out in their small California town of Colberg. Their unexpected journey leads them down a path of tragic losses and perils and takes the audience on a suspenseful action packed ride. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

they cannot put two words together

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reportedly asked, in a session of the Foreign and Defense Committee, about the state of Israel's public relations in the USA..
PM Netanyahu responded saying that it obviously is not as good as it should be. He denied the reason is due to lack of funding but said that there are not enough good people with a command of the English language. Netanyahu said "I am surrounded by people who cannot put two words together".
Let's not forget that Netanyahu recently... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Great processor even in cheap phones, OnePlus is coming with a big surprise

OnePlus is all set to launch its affordable OnePlus Nord CE 4 smartphone in the global market on April 1. It is going to be the successor of the Nord CE 3 which was launched in July last year. Speculations have been going on in the technology circles for the past few weeks about the phone. Besides, the company has also revealed some of its key features. And now, ahead of the launch, the OnePlus Nord CE 4 has ...

Paper Blog 

Tweet of the Day

אברך בפתח תקווה ששכנו במילואים שומר על הכלב בזמן המלחמה ויוצא איתו כל יום לטיול pic.twitter.com/UkgQXuoi1x

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Paper Blog 

Support page for Samsung Galaxy F55 5G in India and Bangladesh is live, launching soon

Samsung is rumored to be working on a new Galaxy F-series smartphone. It is going to enter the market very soon as Samsung Galaxy F55. And now the phone’s support page has gone live in India and Bangladesh, indicating the launch of the handset in both countries. Let’s find out what information has emerged from the support page of the upcoming smartphone released by Samsung.

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Paper Blog 

A lot with a 50 megapixel camera within the budget, the Lava 02 is launching on this date

Lava today finally announced the launch date of their upcoming smartphone Lava O2 in India. The device is set to make its debut in the country on March 22 at 12 noon. The company made the announcement by sharing a teaser video on their social media handles. The video also reveals the launch date as well as the processor of the handset. Lava O2 phone will have Unisoc T616 chipset. Notably, this processor has ...

Paper Blog 

The wait is over, the special design Xiaomi MIX Flip is coming to the market this time, it will have this Snapdragon processor

Popular brand Xiaomi is currently gearing up to launch their ‘first ever’ clamshell style foldable phone MIX Flip. Various information about this device has already surfaced. Today again, the information regarding the processor variant along with the model number of Xiaomi MIX Flip has come to the public. We also got to know about its availability and launch time.

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Paper Blog 

Jesus, Football, and a New Novel

Jesus & The Chosen

I promised I’d write about Season 4 of The Chosen, having just seen the full season in the theater. It was so well done, emotional, and heart-breaking.

If you haven’t watched one minute of The Chosen, it’s the most successful crowd-funded series in history and the first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ. It’s become a global sensation. The series is centered around Jesus and all the “chosen” people in His life. Seasons 1-3 are available on The Chosen app via Angel Studios. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

The same trend in the third year too, Xiaomi favors not changing anything, claims report

The standard model of Xiaomi’s number series basically comes with a compact form factor. However, next year’s Xiaomi 13 uses a 6.36-inch display, compared to the smaller 6.28-inch panel of the Xiaomi 12, which will launch in 2021. Launched last year, the Xiaomi 14 retains the same form factor, but with different specifications And now a reliable source has revealed that the company will use the same size panel in its next generation Xiaomi 15 as well.

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Paper Blog 

Quote of the Day

I approved a "pilot" that includes allowing entry to Palestinian workers for construction , alongside foreign workers..
  -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a session of the Foreign and Defense Committee
Haven't we had this pilot running for the past 50 or 60 years? see how well it turned out? Will the pilot be considered successful until a Palestinian worker kills someone or shares information with a terrorist who kills someone?

------------------------------------------------------... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Republic F-105F Thunderchief

@ Santa Rosa, CA

December 2019

The Pacific Coast Air Museum’s Republic F-105 Thunderchief (63-8331) seen on outdoor display. When it entered service, the Thunderchief was the largest single-seat, single-engine combat aircraft in history, with a gross weight of over 50,000 pounds. The Mach 2 capable F-105 conducted the majority of strike bombing missions during the early years of the Vietnam War and was the only U.S. aircraft to have been removed from combat due to high loss rates. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

JAPAN’S GOVERNMENT Annuity Speculation Asset Investigates Interest IN BITCOIN

In a groundbreaking move, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), the steward of an immense $1.5 trillion in assets, has set its sights on delving into the realm of Bitcoin. This behemoth of a pension fund, responsible for managing the financial futures of millions of Japanese citizens, has made waves by announcing its intention to broaden its investment horizon.

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Paper Blog 

GraceLife Thoughts – Questions about the Canon (Part 3)

Grace Thoughts

GraceLife Thoughts – Questions about the Canon (Part 3)

The methodology for studying the writings of early Christians leaders is often based on the Council of Nicaea (325 AD). The Roman Emperor Constantine 1 convened the council of Christian bishops in Nicaea in Bithynia. Constatine was hoping to find consensus among the Church leaders on important aspects of belief and practice.

Christian leaders are often known as Ante-Nicene (before Nicaea), Nicene (contemporary with Nicaea)... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

The Cyrkle: Revival

Rekindling the magic of a band can go two ways: the former members look stupid and destroy their legacy. Or they pick things up where they left and proof that age is just a number. Fifty years ago, American pop band The Cyrkle got noticed by Beatles manager Brian Epstein and scored two sunny side up hits, Red Rubber Ball and Turn-Down Day. They broke up soon after this and got jobs that had nothing to do with music. Fast forward to 2014 when keyboard player Mike Losekamp started playing ...

Paper Blog 

Joseph of Nazareth

Joseph is the figure in the bottom left of the icon of the nativity. Sometimes he is in the bottom right. But he is separated apart from, out of the main scene of Mary and baby and ox and ass. He is being tempted by the old man surrounded by his dogs (symbolising the devil) and he is lost in doubt. He is the first person, and certainly not the last, to doubt the virgin birth.

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Paper Blog 

What is the full form and meaning of CRCS – CRCS Full Form

CRCS Full Form Crcs full from : नीचे दी गयी लिस्ट में CRCS की सभी...

<p>The post What is the full form and meaning of CRCS – CRCS Full Form first appeared on WN Magazine.</p>

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Воскресшего Иисуса могут дополнительно установить в церквях, вместо черепа.

Путин в Кремле начал переговоры с королем Бахрейна

Что известно об аресте замглавы Генштаба ВС РФ Вадима Шамарина. Главное

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)


Воскресшего Иисуса могут дополнительно установить в церквях, вместо черепа.


Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

"Возрождение интереса к народному искусству и ремеслам в современном мире"


Новые вызовы и обеспечение технологического суверенитета квалифицированными кадрами обсудили в Москве


В московской мэрии не планируют запрещать самокатам ездить по тротуарам

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Музыкальные новости

Луи Армстронг

Будет выпущен неизданный концертный альбом Луи Армстронга

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Москва передала два спортобъекта в аренду частным операторам с начала 2024 года

Чья компания сильнее всех?

Гонки на яхтах и практики лидеров рынка: предприниматели Татарстана станут участниками образовательной регаты в Москве

Ролан Гаррос

Фалей уступила в квалификации открытого чемпионата Франции по теннису

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