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Новости за 20.09.2022


GM wants to help shape the EPA's next clean car standard

GM wants to exclusively sell electric vehicles by 2035, and it's now trying to nudge the US government toward the same goal. The automaker has teamed up with an advocacy group, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), to develop recommended principles for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) car emissions standards from the 2027 model year onward. The guidelines are meant to accelerate EV adoption in a socially conscious way — and, of course, help GM's bottom line.

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Amazon is holding its annual hardware event on September 28th

Amazon will host a hardware event on September 28th at 12PM ET, the company announced today. The invite the retailer sent to Engadget didn't include many details, promising only that it would share news about "our latest Amazon devices, features, and services." Incidentally, the event will fall exactly one year to the date of its 2021 hardware showcase. 

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The US Space Force's new anthem proves it's just another boring government entity

Three years after becoming the newest branch of the US Armed Forces, the Space Force has an official song. Titled “Semper Supra” (or “Always Above,” if you’re not a fan of Latin), the tune made its debut on Tuesday at the 2022 Air, Space and Cyber Conference in Maryland. Now, before I say anything else about it, I think it’s best you hear the song for yourself.

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American Airlines says hackers obtained some customer and employee data

American Airlines says that hackers may have obtained personal information for a "very small number" of customers and employees. The company did not say exactly how many people were impacted, though it noted there's no evidence that the attackers have misused the information. It told affected customers that names, driver’s license and passport numbers, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and medical information may have been compromised.

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The iPhone 14 Pro isn't as easy to repair as the other new models

So much for the iPhone 14's surprisingly repairable design extending across the lineup. iFixit has completed a teardown of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, and the easier-to-fix internals haven't carried over. Break the back glass and you'll have a harder time repairing it yourself — or an expensive ($549 in the US) Apple Store visit if your device is out of warranty. While Apple never said the Pro models would receive this upgrade, it's worth considering if you plan to keep your phone running with a little surgery. Читать дальше...


Hertz to purchase 175,000 General Motors EVs over the next five years

Hertz is once again growing its EV fleet, announcing Tuesday that it has struck a deal with General Motors to purchase 175,000 electric vehicles from the automaker's Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac and BrightDrop brands over the next five years. Customers will see the first offerings, namely the Chevrolet Bolt EV and Bolt EUV, arrive on Hertz lots beginning in the first quarter next year. 

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The Windows 11 2022 update is here, but should you care?

Can you believe it's been almost a year since Windows 11 launched? Back then, I was surprised that Microsoft was practically rushing a new version of Windows out the door. But, as I noted in my review, Windows 11 ended up refining Microsoft's desktop formula fairly well. My opinion hasn't changed much since then (and yes, I'm still frustrated by the cleaner but less usable taskbar). Today, Microsoft will start rolling out the Windows 11 2022 update, the operating system's first major revision... Читать дальше...


Windows 11 adds support for Auto HDR, VRR in windowed games

The Windows 11 2022 update is launching today, and while it's a mostly behind-the-scenes update for most PCs, gamers have a few new features to look forward to. First up, Microsoft is adding support for Auto HDR, VRR (variable refresh rates) and better latency for windowed games. Previously, those were only features you could use in full-screen mode. The change should be a boon to streamers and anyone who wants to multitask while clearing their Halo Infinite dailies.

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NVIDIA reveals its next-gen chipset for autonomous vehicles

NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference isn't only about gaming graphics cards. The company had other news up its sleeve, including in the autonomous vehicle space. During the GTC keynote, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced a system-on-chip (SoC) called Drive Thor. NVIDIA says it designed the chip using the latest advancements in graphics and processing to provide 2,000 teraflops of performance, all while keeping costs down.

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'Deathloop' is now available on Xbox Game Pass

Deathloop, a terrific time-loop puzzle box in the guise of a first-person shooter, is now available on Xbox. Until now, Arkane Lyon's most recent game had been a PlayStation 5 console exclusive (it was available on PC too). As of today, though, it's playable on Xbox Series X/S through Xbox Game Pass, as well as on Xbox One, tablets, phones and desktop browsers through cloud gaming. PC Game Pass subscribers can check it out at no extra cost on their gaming rig too. In addition, PS Plus Extra and... Читать дальше...


NVIDIA's DLSS 3 promises higher frame rates for CPU-intensive games

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 40 series GPUs won't just rely on brute force to deliver high-performance visuals. The company has unveiled Deep Learning Super Sampling 3 (aka DLSS 3), a new version of its AI-based rendering accelerator. Rather than generating 'only' pixels, the third-gen technology can create entire new frames independently. It's a bit like the frame interpolation you see (and sometimes despise) with TVs, although this is clearly more sophisticated — NVIDIA is improving performance, not just smoothing out video. Читать дальше...


AMD's Ryzen 7020 CPUs offer more performance for budget laptops

AMD has unveiled its first Ryzen 7000 laptop processors, but they're aimed at a very different audience than the enthusiast desktop chips. The newly introduced Ryzen 7020 mobile series is billed as a performance boost for budget laptops that combines AMD's older Zen 2 architecture with a few newer technologies, including RDNA 2 graphics (the Radeon 610M) and LPDDR5 memory. It also promises a healthy, if unspectacular, 12 hours of peak battery life.

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'Portal' will get ray tracing to show off NVIDIA's 4000-series GPUs

Portal 3 may never happen, but at least we've got a new way to experience the original teleporting puzzle shooter. Today during his GTC keynote, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced Portal with RTX, a mod that adds support for real-time ray tracing and DLSS 3. Judging from the the short trailer, it looks like the Portal we all know and love, except now the lighting around portals bleeds into their surroundings, and just about every surface is deliciously reflective. 

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NVIDIA's $1,599 GeForce RTX 4090 arrives on October 12th

Following months of anticipation and controversy among its add-in board partners, NVIDIA's 40 Series GPUs are finally here. The company unveiled the GeForce RTX 4090 and GeForce RTX 4080 today at its GTC 2022 keynote. Taking full advantage of its new "Ada Lovelace" architecture, NVIDIA says the two GPUs offer significantly better ray tracing performance. The company worked with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) to co-develop a new "4N" fabrication process that NVIDIA says is up... Читать дальше...


Samsung's rugged T7 Shield SSD is back on sale for $100

Don't fret if you've been looking for an external SSD that can handle a few knocks. Amazon once again has the 1TB Samsung T7 Shield on sale for $100, well below its official $160 price. The 2TB version has also dropped to $200 (normally $280). The savings apply regardless of color, so you can buy a beige drive if black or blue seems too pedestrian.

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Amazon will start testing ultra-low carbon electrofuels for deliveries in 2023

Amazon is partnering with Infinium to test the use of so-called electrofuels (e-fuels) in its middle-mile diesel fleet, it announced. The company invested in Infinium last year as part of its goal to reach net-zero carbon by 2040. "We’ve been developing this technology for the better part of a decade, and we expect our electrofuels to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 95 percent over traditional fossil fuel," said Infinium CEO Robert Schuetzle in a statement. 

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Apple will fix iOS 16's annoying copy and paste prompts

Apple has another bug to quash in iOS 16. Senior manager Ron Huang told a MacRumors reader that the company will fix the frequent permissions prompts when you try to copy and paste content between apps. This is "absolutely not expected behavior," Huang said. While Apple didn't spot the problem internally, the manager acknowledged that others were dealing with the problem.

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iOS 16 review: Apple opens the lock screen

Just in time for the arrival of the iPhone 14 line, iOS 16 is officially here, after spending several months in beta. I’ve spent the last week or so testing out the final version of the software, and there are plenty of new things to try, including customizable lock screens, improvements to the Messages app and some smarter AI tricks. Just as importantly, it’s not buggy. The latest edition of Apple’s mobile OS works with the iPhone 8 and newer models, although some features, demand the relatively recent A12 chip. Читать дальше...


Tile now offers $1 QR code stickers as a low-tech way to recover lost items

Tile has just launched "Lost and Found" QR labels that are a essentially a low-tech way to get your stuff back. They're meant to be used on small or perhaps not particularly valuable items like "travel mugs, musical instruments, sports equipment and earbud cases," the company said. It's the company's first new product release since its acquisition by location sharing service Life360. 

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The Morning After: Hilton is designing suites for a private space station

Voyager and Lockheed Martin plan to have their private space station, Starlab, up and running by 2027. The latest development is a partnership with Hilton, which will help design astronaut facilities, including the sleeping quarters and other parts of the station. NASA has contracted four private companies to build private space stations ahead of the agency's planned decommissioning of the International Space Station at the end of the decade.

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Елена Волкова

Ресторатор Дарья Полыгалина представит главную рюмочную Петербурга «ЦаЦа»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

«Спартак» одерживает волевую победу над «Динамо» после 1-го тайма: видео голов

«Спартак» — «Динамо» Москва — 2:2. Видеообзор матча РПЛ

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Котов проиграл О'Коннеллу в первом круге турнира ATP в Чэнду

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России