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Новости за 06.10.2022


First 'Super Mario Bros.' movie trailer shows trouble in the Mushroom Kingdom

It's finally clear just what the long-expected Super Mario Bros. movie will look like. Nintendo and Illumination have shared a teaser trailer (below) offering a peek at the computer animated blockbuster. The clip shows Bowser (played by Jack Black) terrorizing a penguin kingdom in his quest for an invincibility star. Not surprisingly, we know who will come to their rescue — Mario (Chris Pratt) makes an abrupt entrance to the Mushroom Kingdom, while his brother Luigi (Charlie Day) makes a cameo.

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Amazon suspends Staten Island workers who held impromptu strike

Amazon has responded swiftly to the impromptu strike at its unionized Staten Island warehouse. The company and workers have confirmed to CNN that about 50 workers were suspended with pay at JFK8 after they occupied the human resources office and refused to work in allegedly unsafe conditions following a ship dock fire. One of the workers, Connor Spence, said the suspension would continue while Amazon investigated the work stoppage.

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Now TikTok is copying Instagram with 'Photo Mode'

At this point, we’re all pretty used to seeing Instagram copy TikTok. Now, in a new twist, TikTok is copying Instagram with a new feature called “Photo Mode.” The update allows TikTok users to share multiple still photos in a post, along with captions of up to 2,200 characters.

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Boston Dynamics and other industry heavyweights pledge not to build war robots

The days of Spot being leveraged as a weapons platform and training alongside special forces operators are already coming to an end; Atlas as a back-flipping soldier of fortune will never come to pass. Their maker, Boston Dynamics, along with five other industry leaders announced on Thursday that they will not pursue, or allow, the weaponization of their robots, according to a non-binding, open letter they all signed.

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'Need for Speed Unbound' revives the racing series on December 2nd

The Need for Speed series hasn't been heard from since 2019's so-so Need for Speed Heat, but Criterion and EA are ready to bring it back — and they're tinkering with the formula once again. They've revealedNeed for Speed Unbound, a follow-up to the fantasy racer that melds elements of street art (such as cel-shaded graphics and graffiti flourishes) with realistic-looking cars and a gameplay system that promises "true consequence[s]" for your decisions. And did we mention that A$AP Rocky plays a prominent role? Читать дальше...


Peloton is cutting another 500 jobs in its fourth round of layoffs this year

For the fourth time this year, Peloton has announced a round of layoffs. The struggling fitness company is cutting another 500 jobs, CEO Barry McCarthy told CNBC. In a memo to employees, McCarthy wrote that the company needed to make the move as part of efforts to reach break-even cash flow by the end of Peloton’s 2023 fiscal year (i.e by the end of next June).

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Everything Google announced at its Pixel 7 event

There weren't a lot of surprises in store at today's Google event in Brooklyn — after all, the company started teasing its Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro smartphones, the Pixel Watch and the Pixel Tablet months ago. Regardless, we now have all the details on Google's latest hardware, all of which you can pre-order now in advance of the October 14th launch date (with the exception of the Pixel Tablet, which Google still says will launch sometime in 2023). In the meantime, here's what you need to know about these new phones and watch. Читать дальше...


Google Pixel 7 pre-orders at Amazon include a free $100 gift card

There are already good deals for Google's Pixel 7 family mere hours after its debut. Amazon is including a free $100 gift card when you order the regular Pixel 7 by October 24th at 2:59AM Eastern. And if you'd rather buy the Pixel 7 Pro, Amazon is offering a free $200 card. This applies regardless of capacity, so it might do the trick if you want to buy a case or wireless earbuds to go with the Android flagship.

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Honda fully reveals the design of its electric Prologue SUV

Honda has finally offered more than a tiny peek at the Prologue, and it might prove interesting if you're not fond of overly flashy EV designs. The company has provided a full design preview indicating that the electric SUV is built to be practical, not ostentatious. The "neo-rugged" (yes, we know) styling isn't special apart from the 21-inch wheels and spelled-out Honda badge on the back, and the focus is more on an interior with "ample" room for people and their gear. This is aimed squarely... Читать дальше...


Google's Recorder app will automatically add speaker labels on Pixel 7

Google showcased the Pixel 7 lineup and Pixel Watch today, which of course meant it had updates on the Assistant front. For one thing, Google's Recorder app will be more helpful for those who use it to transcribe conversations between multiple people. Starting later this year, the app will automatically add speaker labels on Pixel 7. It will transcribe each person's words separately. 

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Pixel 7 and 7 Pro hands-on: Slicker design, same great pricing

Last year Google made a big change to its phone line with the introduction of its custom-designed Tensor chip. By focusing on increased AI and machine learning performance, the company was able to create more advanced apps and features for its handsets without needing help from the cloud. And now with the launch of the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro alongside the Tensor G2, it feels like Google is deepening the marriage between its hardware and software.

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Apple's previous-gen AirPods Pro drop to $170 at Amazon

There have been no shortage of AirPods Pro deals in the past, but the previous-generation models have been hovering at $180 for the past few months. Now, you can pick them up for $160, which is only about $10 more than their all-time-low price. While, yes, Apple put some decent upgrades into the second-generation earbuds that just came out, those will set you back at least $240 right now. If you're trying to stick to a budget, this is a good time to pick up the previous version — or the second-gen AirPods... Читать дальше...


Pixel Watch hands-on: Possibly the prettiest smartwatch I’ve touched

We’ve been waiting years and years for the Pixel Watch to finally be real. Because it’s taken so long for Google to show us its own smartwatch, expectations are high for the company to deliver something impressive. We were able to get a preview of the Pixel Watch ahead of its full launch at the Made By Google event in Brooklyn today, and honestly I’m very taken by its design.

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Google Pixel 7 camera app adds ‘Cinematic Blur’ and accessibility features

Google just launched its Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro smartphones, and as expected, the cameras haven't changed much from the previous model, hardware-wise. As usual though, Google has introduced a bunch of new and useful AI software camera tricks powered by the new Tensor G2 chip, including updates to Real Tone, along with the new Super Res Zoom, Photo Unblur and Cinematic Blur features. It also unveiled the very cool "Guide Frame" feature that helps visually impaired people take selfies.

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How to pre-order the Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro

Google's Pixel event today delivered exactly what we expected: a couple of new smartphones and a brand new Pixel Watch. The previously teased Google Pixel 7 was officially debuted, and while it doesn't look dramatically different from its predecessor, it includes a number of important changes. Key among them is Google's new Tensor G2 chipset, which promises speedier performance, improved efficiency and more for both the Pixel 7 and its larger sibling, the Pixel 7 Pro. As for the Pixel Watch, it... Читать дальше...


Google's 'Guided Frame' helps visually impaired users shoot better pictures

At today's Pixel 7 event, Google has announced a new accessibility feature that will help blind and visually-impaired users take better selfies. "Guided Frame" is a voice coach that will tell users where to hold their phones in order to, for instance, take a selfie. Hold the device in front of you, and it'll ask you to go up, down, or to the side, until its AI believes you're in the best place to shoot. When it does, it'll even trigger the shutter automatically, telling the user when they can relax their hand. Читать дальше...


Google's $899 Pixel 7 Pro has 5x optical zoom and a metal trim

The Pixel 7 Pro was first teased back in May 2022, but it’s finally time for every single detail. The 7 Pro takes the big design refresh of last year, and adds an aluminum frame and camera bar. Unfortunately, the eye-catching two-tone color options haven't made it to 2022, which is a shame. We’re back to single-colored Pixel phones, sadly, even if there are three different colors to choose from.

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Google's latest Pixel devices feature more recycled materials than ever

As Google details all the camera, processor and security updates coming to its new Pixel 7 phones and its very first smartwatch, it also noted that more recycled materials have been used in its latest hardware. With the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro the frames are now made of 100-percent-recycled aluminum, while the Pixel Watch housing uses 80-percent-recycled steel. (Google clarified on Twitter that recycled aluminum apparently makes up to 11 percent of the product, based on weight.)

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Google’s Tensor G2 chip gives a modest speed boost to the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro

With a new batch of Pixel phones comes a new chip at the heart of them all: Google's Tensor G2. Like last year's Tensor, the company's first custom mobile chip, it's an AI-infused powerhouse built specifically around the Pixel 7, Pixel 7 Pro's and Pixel Tablet's new features. It'll also be joined with a revamped Titan M2 chip, which deals with on-device security.

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У экс-супруги Матвея Сафина изъяли "Мерседес"

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России