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If Life Was Like Boxing

By Mauricio Sulaimán President of the WBC – Son of José Sulaimán I am in London, England, to participate in a press conference, with an impressive series of news for…
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The post If Life Was Like Boxing appeared first on fightnews.com.

By Mauricio Sulaimán
President of the WBC – Son of José Sulaimán

I am in London, England, to participate in a press conference, with an impressive series of news for the world of boxing.

While here, the news of drone attacks emerged and the global alert that this issued, the closure of air spaces, and the great speculation and nervousness that this inevitably generates for the world.

The only thing we can do is pray to God for peace globally. It is tragically ironic that in the middle of 2024 we are experiencing war conflicts. Have we learned nothing? I avoid mentioning the countries, it is not necessary.

Where have the lessons from the terrible events of the past gone? Why is it that the ego and thirst for power of a few is forcing the entire world live in constant trepidation?

If only everything in life was like boxing, it would be something else. Getting into the ring with rules and a referee present, to give everything and in the end, whoever wins, the victory is recognized. The combatants hug each other, their virtues are recognized, and they become friends forever.

This coming Saturday, one of the big fights of the year will take place. Our super lightweight world champion, Devin Haney, finally faces his archrival, Ryan García, in the professional boxing ring. They are very much fighters of the modern era, very active and popular on social networks, and they already have a long history in boxing, plus they are the same age: 25 years old. They fought six times in the amateur field (3-3), and as pros, they have been on the verge of facing each other several times. However, the time has come this Saturday, April 20, at the Barclays Center in New York, promoted by Golden Boy Promotions and broadcast by DAZN.

Also, this week we will be presenting the May 5 commemorative belt, which will be awarded to the winner of the fight between Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez and his compatriot Jaime Munguía. This belt is a true beauty and it will be a spectacular presentation. What culture do you think will be depicted?

Canelo vs. Munguía is one of the great fights of the year. Saúl returned home last year to fight in Mexico after 12 years of becoming a superstar through his exceptional feats. Now he is going to face another worthy Mexican rival, since the last one was Julio César Chávez Jr. in 2017. Experience vs. youth, greatness vs. hope, technique vs. aggressiveness, legacy vs. glory, and the corners will also play a crucial strategic role, since it will be Eddy Reynoso vs. Freddie Roach.

Another mega fight that is being overshadowed by the very popular, aforementioned one, is the battle between one of the best today, champion in four divisions, undefeated and undisputed super bantamweight champion, Naoya “Monster” Inoue against the Mexican and former world champion in two divisions, Luis “Pantera” Nery. The fight is so important that it will take place in the Tokyo Dome, before 55,000 fans. The last fight in that great place was in 1990, when James “Buster” Douglas knocked out Mike Tyson.

Two weeks later, in Saudi Arabia, Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk will fight for the four heavyweight belts, and many other fights are already on the calendar for this wonderful and extraordinary 2024.

I loved hanging out with Isaac “Pitbull” Cruz last week. After Coffee Tuesday, we went to eat with the champion and his dad. We were accompanied by the guerito from Tepito, Luis Menendez, who is a great boxing fan and supports our sport in many ways. Pitbull already crossed that fine line with the overwhelming victory against Rolly Romero. His popularity multiplied, he is now a champion that people recognize, and I am not exaggerating in mentioning that everyone in the restaurant took a photo with him. It was then that I warned him that it is precisely now where his most difficult fight in life will come. When fame and money arrive, come opportunists, temptations, tastes, and everything that elite athletes and personalities experience when entering that invisible bubble. I hope that our conversation has been useful to you and that in the future you continue to accept advice from those who love you and seek the best for you.

I admired the way he expressed himself about boxing and the champions. While many tell him that he is the best in the world, he rectifies and tells them that the greats have been Ratón Macias, Puas, Zarate, Sal Sánchez, Chávez, and now Canelo, and he says it firmly.

Did you know…

The World Boxing Council sanctioned 42 fights around the world during March, a record of activity in its 61-year history.

Today’s anecdote

My dad always tried to talk to fighters who achieved glory after winning a world championship. His greatest concern was to see that those ring warriors, heroes of the world, idols for their exploits, ended up living in misery, pitiful and dragging down their dignity.

After the fight that Mantequilla Nápoles had with Carlos Monzón, in which he won a fortune, Don José found him at the racecourse, elegantly dressed in one of the many suits he had in his wardrobe, drinking with luxurious company and betting on the odds. Days later, my father invited him to talk, and when he asked him to take care of his money, save and invest, offering him guidance and help, the great champion’s response was: “Don Pepe, compadre. I was born in poverty. I was a bolero as a child. Today, I am the king of the world. I have everything I ever dreamed of, and this is how I will live even if later I return to being a bolero.” Indeed, the champion, who on Saturday would have turned 84 years old, died in reduced circumstances.

I appreciate your comments at contact@wbcboxing.com.

The post If Life Was Like Boxing appeared first on fightnews.com.

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