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Новости за 11.02.2019


First US coal plant in years opens where no options exist

One way to boost coal in the US: Find a spot near a mine with no access to oil or natural gas pipelines, where it’s not particularly windy and it’s dark much of the year. That’s how the first coal-fired plant to open in the US since 2015 bucked the trend in an industry that’s seen scores of facilities close in recent years. A 17-MW generator, built for $245-million, is set to open in April at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, just 100 miles from the state’s only coal mine.


Vale's rout lures locals while foreigners remain wary, UBS says

Local investors are starting to see value in Vale SA shares after a fatal accident last month wiped out nearly a quarter of its market value, while global investors remain skeptical, according to UBS Group. Approximately 80% of Brazilian investors are showing interest in buying Vale after the rout, while 70% of global investors are holding back, UBS analysts Andreas Bokkenheuser, Marcio Farid and Cleve Rueckert wrote in a report dated February 8, mentioning recent conversations with 30 investors.


Gran Colombia ups stake in Sandspring

Midtier miner Gran Colombia has bought an additional 2.5-million shares in TSX-V-listed gold junior Sandspring Resources for a total cash consideration of $528 000. The shares were bought at a price of C$0.28 a share and were acquired for investment purposes, Grand Colombia said on Monday.


Xtract concludes MoA to explore for copper/gold resource in Zambia

Xtract Resources on Monday concluded a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with an unnamed consortium to jointly undertake exploration works on a small-scale copper/gold mining licence, in Zambia. The parties hope to identify a copper/gold resource at the licence within 24 months.


Metal Tiger raises funds to support exploration in Botswana

Aim-listed Metal Tiger on Monday announced the placing of 70.01-million shares, at a price of 1.45p each, with new and existing investors to raise gross proceeds of about £1-million. In addition to the placing, Metal Tiger also announced that it has signed a nonbinding term sheet with Sprott Capital Partners and certain of its affiliates.


Indian Power Ministry directs priority coal supplies to pithead plants ahead of summer

The Indian Power Ministry has issued directives to its counterparts in the Coal Ministry and Indian Railways (IR) to give the highest priority to dry fuel supplies to pithead thermal power plants, in light of a trend of lower coal dispatching from Coal India Limited (CIL) and an expected summer spike in electricity demand. The Power Ministry wants State-run coal miners and IR to ensure priority volume supplies and availability of wagons on priority basis, irrespective of volumes contracted between... Читать дальше...


Disgruntled unpaid mineworkers allegedly hampering rescue efforts at Gloria coal mine

The fate of approximately 22 alleged copper thieves trapped underground hangs in the balance as rescue efforts are allegedly being hampered by disgruntled unpaid mineworkers. "They have threatened us and the contractors and they've told us under no circumstances are we allowed to continue [rescue efforts]," the mine's business rescue representative Mike Elliot told eNCA on Sunday. A group of 42 men, reportedly Lesotho nationals, gained access to shafts at the Gloria coal mine near Middelburg in ...


BlueRock raises £575 000 for further Kareevlei development

Aim-listed BlueRock Diamonds has raised £575 000 before expenses through the issue of 191.67-million shares at a price of 0.3p a share.  The funds will be used to continue the development of the Kareevlei mine, in the Kimberley region of South Africa.


First chrome concentrate shipped from Eastplats subsidiary’s retreatment facility

Dual-listed Eastern Platinum’s (Eastplats’) Barplats Mines subsidiary has shipped the first 10 000 t of chrome concentrate from its newly built Zandfontein Upper Group 2 tailings chrome retreatment facility in South Africa’s North West province. The retreatment facility is being commissioned, TSX- and JSE-listed Eastplats said in a statement on Monday.


Australian Potash raises cash for Lake Wells studies

ASX-listed Australian Potash will raise up to A$5.2-million through a renounceable rights issue to complete a definitive feasibility study on the Lake Wells potash project, in Western Australia. The company on Monday said that it would offer three rights shares for every 14 shares held, at an issue price of 8c a share. The company is also offering one free attaching listed option, exercisable at 12c each, on or before August 8, 2021, for every four rights shares subscribed to.


Red River tips start at Far West

Base metals miner Red River Resources is expecting to produce its first production ore from the Far West underground mine, in Queensland, by the third quarter of this year. To date, some 3 500 t of high-grade development ore has been delivered to the run-of-mine pad at the Thalanga operations, and this ore will be treated as a single parcel through the mill, enabling the metallurgical performance of the ore to be optimised.


Uranium market improvements not enough to warrant new supply – Cameco

Canada’s largest uranium miner, Cameco, has cautioned against investing in new uranium mines, saying that “even the promise” of new supply could create a headwind and put downward pressure on uranium prices. The Saskatoon-headquartered company, which last year idled its McArthur River/Key Lake for an indeterminate duration, argues that much of the supply that have been removed from the market is the result of supply curtailment, not supply destruction.


Codelco plans to resume Chuquicamata mine operations after rains

Chilean State miner Codelco said on Saturday it hoped to soon restart operations at its northern Chuquicamata copper mine a day after heavy rains forced its suspension. Codelco said operations at its smaller Ministro Hales mine restarted late on Friday after several hours' suspension and that workers began their shift at Chuquicamata on Saturday afternoon with a view to "restoring normal operations gradually and progressively".


Cornerstone tells SolGold that its proposed offer will not succeed

TSX-V-listed Cornerstone has told its potential suitor that it will not be successful in a takeover of the company, after LSE- and TSX-listed explorer SolGold on Friday announced for the second time its intention to make an offer for Cornerstone. SolGold said on Friday that it believed all Cornerstone’s shareholders should be given the opportunity to make an informed decision, and that an independent review should be conducted by the company’s board.


Green light for Taseko’s BC copper project buy

The shareholders of development stage company Yellowhead Mining have approved a takeover by base metals miner Taseko Minerals, giving the larger company full ownership of the Harper Creek copper/gold/silver project, in British Columbia. The acquisition was approved by 99.98% of Yellohead’s shareholders, who under the terms of the transaction will each receive 1.1484 Taseko common shares for each share held.


Peru's environmental watchdog reports tailings spill from Southern Copper mine

Peru's environmental watchdog said on Sunday it was investigating a tailings spill from a unit of Southern Copper Corp, one of the world's largest copper producers, into a river in an area that has been inundated by heavy rains. The Agency of Evaluation and Environmental Enforcement (OEFA) said the spill occurred in the waste deposit area of the Cuajone mining operations of Southern Copper, located in the Moquegua region about 860 km southeast of Lima.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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