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Новости за 16.04.2019


Indian Cabinet approves pact with Bolivia

India’s Union Cabinet on Monday approved a pact with Bolivia for bilateral cooperation in geology and mineral resources. “The Union Cabinet has given ex-post facto approval of the memorandum of understanding signed between India and Bolivia on cooperation in the fields of geology and mineral resources,” a government statement said.


Munali nickel mine restarted

Mabiza Resources and its major investor Consolidated Nickel Mines (CNM) have restarted mining operations at the Munali nickel mine, in Zambia. The refurbished mine was officially opened on Tuesday by Zambia President Edgar Lungu and key dignitaries from the Zambian government.


Beowulf raises another £500 000

Nordic-focused mineral exploration and development company Beowulf Mining has announced that it will raise £500 000 by issuing shares at 5.75p each. The funds are for general working capital purposes and for supporting its commitment to Vardar Minerals’ Kosovan exploration programme, the company said in an announcement on Tuesday.


Gold output to reach record high this year – report

Gold production increased for the tenth consecutive year in 2018 to 107.3-million ounces and is expected to reach a new record high of 109.6-million ounces this year, S&P Global Market Intelligence research analyst Christopher Galbraith said on Tuesday.   He noted that while the year-on-year increase of just under 1% in 2018 was the smallest in the last decade, output has risen by 40% since 2008.


Waterton launches legal action against Hudbay

Toronto-based investment firm Waterton Global Resource Management, which is waging a proxy contest against Hudbay Minerals, has started legal proceedings against the TSX- and NYSE-listed miner in the Ontario Superior Court. According to a statement from Hudbay, Waterton is alleging that the company’s management information circular in respect of its yearly and special shareholders meeting scheduled for May 7, contains misrepresentations and seeks to constrain its ability to solicit proxies. “Hudbay... Читать дальше...


Lumwana says higher taxes will have severe impact on business

Higher mineral taxes in Zambia will have a severe effect on Lumwana Mining Company's operations, driving its costs up, the copper miner's country manager, Nathan Chishimba, told journalists on Tuesday. Earlier this year, Africa's second-largest copper producing country increased royalties and introduced a new 10% tax on miners when the price of copper exceeds $7 500/t, prompting warnings it could tip many producers into the red.


WGC, ICBC sign MoU to develop Chinese gold market

The World Gold Council (WGC) and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate on developing the Chinese gold market, including the development and marketing of gold solutions for Millennial consumers and institutional investors.   China has become the world's largest gold producer and consumer. However, in recent years, with the increasing development of online financial products and constant changes in investment and consumer groups, "China's gold industry is at a crossroad... Читать дальше...


With sanctions lifted, Rusal to invest in US aluminum mill

Just months after being freed from US sanctions, Russia’s largest aluminum maker plans to invest in a new aluminum rolling mill in Kentucky. United Co. Rusal, controlled by billionaire Oleg Deripaska until the US Treasury forced him to reduce his stake earlier this year, intends to invest up to $200-million in the plant being built by closely held Braidy Industries. Rusal will also supply the mill with unfinished aluminum from plants in Siberia.


Court ruling not affecting Almaden’s Ixtaca project

Vancouver-headquartered Almaden Minerals on Monday clarified that the mineral claims subject to a court ruling about the constitutionality of the Mexican title system did not form part of the current claims covering its Ixtaca deposit. A lower court in Puebla state had reportedly ruled that Mexico’s mineral title system was unconstitutional because consultation was not required before granting mineral titles. The court suggests that the government should conduct consultation before the granting of mineral titles.


Flood-damaged Mt Isa zinc railway to reopen April 29

A railway that carries zinc from major producers such as Glencore across Australia's Outback is expected to reopen this month, Queensland's Transport Minister said on Tuesday. "Every resource has been made available to accelerate recovery works," Mark Bailey said in a statement.


Turquoise Hill reviewing impact of Oyu Tolgoi Shaft 2 delay

Rio Tinto, the project manager of the Oyu Tolgoi, in Mongolia, has concluded a review of the fit-out and commissioning issues at Shaft 2 – the main production and services shaft of the underground development – and expects the Shaft to be completed by the end of October. Rio Tinto-owned Turquoise Hill in February said that a review of the Shaft 2 commissioning was under way and described the installation as “technically challenging”.


Venezuela is said to sell $400m in gold amid sanctions

Venezuela sold about $400-million in gold despite a growing international push to freeze the country’s assets, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The amount, which would equal almost 9 t, was reflected by a drop in the bank’s total reserves, which fell to $8.6-billion on April 12, according to data provided by the central bank. About $5.1-billion of that is gold.


Enviro Minister OKs New Gold’s proposed $1.8bn mine

The Blackwater openpit gold and silver mine that TSX-listed New Gold is planning to build south-west of Prince George, British Columbia, has received the thumbs up from federal Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna. The Minister concluded, following an environmental assessment process, that the project would not cause significant adverse environmental effects when mitigation measures were taken into account and gave New Gold the green light to proceed with obtaining any additional permits from federal departments.


Orion clinches potent new-style empowerment deal

The Sydney- and Johannesburg-listed exploration and mining development company Orion Minerals has found a formula to achieve empowerment that puts all shareholders at the same risk and reward level. The proposed transactions will introduce a high-profile South African black economic empowerment (BEE) investor group to Orion’s share registry in an $8-million capital raising and a restructuring of the company’s BEE equity participation. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.)


Rio Tinto cuts iron-ore guidance after challenging start to 2019

The year has started with “several challenges” for diversified mining group Rio Tinto’s iron-ore business, resulting in the major downgrading its guidance for 2019. Pilbara shipments are now expected to be between 333-million and 343-million tonnes for the year, compared with the previous guidance of between 338-million and 350-million tonnes.


After 40 years, Chile copper giant is struggling to stay on top

Over more than a century, miners have been digging an open pit in northern Chile that’s now more than four times the size of New York’s Central Park. The Chuquicamata mine has helped Codelco dominate the copper market as the world’s number one producer of the metal. Now, the state-owned company is at risk of losing that title.


MC signs coal offtake agreement for Makhado thermal coal

ASX-, Aim- and JSE-listed MC Mining's Limpopo Coal Company subsidiary has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with one of the world's largest producers and marketers of bulk commodities for the offtake of export quality thermal coal to be produced during Phase 1 of the Makhado project, in Limpopo. “We have contracted with one of the world's largest producers and marketers of seaborne traded coal for the majority of the life of Phase 1. The signing of this agreement is a further significant step in the advancement of Makhado.

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Собянин: Запланирован новый этап модернизации клинического центра имени Логинова

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Собянин: Запланирован новый этап модернизации клинического центра имени Логинова

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России