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Новости за 05.09.2019


Yamana hikes reserves and reserve grade at Jacobina

Canadian miner Yamana Gold has announced an increase in the mineral reserve and mineral reserve grade for its Jacobina mine, in Brazil. After depletion from production for the six-month period of 2019, the mine had proven and probable mineral reserves of 2.28-million ounces of gold, representing an increase of 8.6% compared with year-end 2018.


Jubilee’s Windsor PGM project fully operational

Dual-listed Jubilee Metals Group on Thursday announced that the joint venture platinum group metals (PGM) recovery plant targeted for the recovery of the PGM-rich material owned through its subsidiary Windsor SA has successfully been commissioned and is fully operational. The project, which holds 1.45-million tonnes of chrome and PGM-rich material at surface with further current arisings being added, offers the potential to more than double Jubilee’s existing PGM production and considerably enhance the company’s earnings.


Argentina miners hope for pragmatic Peronism amid project freeze

Whoever wins next month’s presidential election in Argentina will have to rely on commodity exporters to bring in much-needed foreign currency. The mining industry is hoping that will win them some concessions. Since Peronist candidate Alberto Fernandez nailed a landslide win over President Mauricio Macri in an August primary election, Argentina’s foreign currency reserves have fallen 22% to $51.7-billion.


Tin prices jump as China, Indonesia smelters flag output cuts

Tin prices jumped in Shanghai and London on Thursday after some of the world's top refined tin producers said they would cut production this year following a recent slump in prices for the metal. In total, producers including the world's top two - China's Yunnan Tin and Indonesia's PT Timah – will reduce production by around 30 000 tonnes this year.


Gem’s cost-cutting drive on track

LSE-listed Gem Diamonds continues with the successful implementation of its business transformation programme, which is aimed at achieving $100-million in incremental revenue, productivity improvements and cost savings to the end of 2021. Reporting on the diamond miner’s results for the six months ended June 30, CE Clifford Elphick on Thursday said the company had already achieved $42-million in cost savings, net of implementation costs and fees, over the first 18 months of the programme.


Jim Gowans named interim CEO at Trilogy Metals

Alaska-focused exploration and development company Trilogy Metals on Thursday announced the resignation of Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse as CEO, president and director and named Jim Gowans as his interim successor. Gowans is a director of Trilogy and was president and CEO of Arizona Mining before the company was bought by South32.


Barton steps down from Teck board for ambassador position

Dominic Barton has resigned from the board of directors of Vancouver-headquartered miner Teck Resources to assume the role of Canada’s Ambassador to China. Barton joined Teck’s board in September last year and was appointed chairperson on October 1.


Alrosa to consider withdrawal from subsidiary Alrosa-Nyurba

Alrosa said on Thursday its supervisory board will consider terminating the Russian diamond miner's participation in the share capital of Alrosa-Nyurba on September 10 by way of voluntary liquidation of Alrosa-Nyurba. The voluntary liquidation, in case it gets an approval from Alrosa's board and then from Alrosa-Nyurba's board and shareholders, would be completed by the end of 2020, it said.


BHP urges investors to veto resolution against coal lobbying

Mining giant BHP Group urged shareholders on Thursday to vote against a resolution that would require the company to quit industry groups that lobby for policies inconsistent with the Paris climate change agreement. Several BHP shareholders, including the Church of England pension fund and the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR), proposed the resolution to the company this week ahead of its annual general meetings.


Assore achieves third consecutive earnings record

JSE-listed Assore has achieved record attributable earnings for the third consecutive financial year, as iron-ore prices increased and the rand:dollar exchange rate weakened. The group on Thursday posted a 25% year-on-year increase in headline earnings to a record of R6.4-billion for the 12 months to June 30, while attributable earnings increased by 16% year-on-year to R5.9-billion.


Telson receives conditional $12m loan to complete Mexico project

TSX-V-listed Telson Mining has received conditional approval for a $12-million medium-term loan from an international investment bank to finalise construction at Tahuehueto mining project, in Durango state, Mexico. The credit line is dependent on Telson raising another $5-million in additional funding and the company said that its president, Ralph Shearing, and CEO, Jose Berlanga, would be attending the 2019 Precious Metals Summit Beaver Creek next week to continue the efforts of raising additional funds.


Rio2's Fenxi project 'reimagined and re-engineered'

The Fenix gold project, in the Maricunga mineral belt of Chile, has been “completely reimagined and re-engineered”, with a shorter timeline to construction, a more simplified approval process and lower initial capital costs, owner Rio2 president and CEO Alex Black announced on Wednesday. Unveiling the outcomes of an updated prefeasibility study (PFS) for the project, which was acquired about a year ago, Black said the TSX-V-listed company had set an achievable timeline to construction for the fourth quarter of 2021.


Mining investments in Zimbabwe

Mining Weekly and Engineering News Senior Deputy Editor Martin Zhuwakinyu unpacks the investments in Zimbabwe’s mining sector.


Glencore's risk appetite dwindles, fueling focus on safer regions

Glencore's penchant for risk has long been mining industry lore, but the company is quickly expanding into a part of the world that would have been improbable just a few years ago: Minnesota. The Swiss-based commodity trader took majority control last June of PolyMet Mining, which is developing a mine in the Midwest state near the Canadian border estimated to hold a century's worth of copper and nickel, critical to the development of electric vehicles.


Centaurus firms up Jaguar buy from Vale

ASX-listed Centaurus Metals has executed a formal sale and purchase agreement with Brazilian major Vale over the Jaguar nickel sulpide project, following board approval from Vale. Under the terms of the agreement, Centaurus would make an initial $250 000 cash payment and transfer its Salobo West exploration license and exploration license applications to Vale.


Panoramic raises cash

Base metals miner Panoramic Resources is hoping to raise A$28.2-million through a fully underwritten 2-for-11 pro-rata renounceable entitlement offer to repay debt and supplement revenue shortfall from lower-than-expected production at its Savannah project, in Western Australia. The entitlement offer will be priced at 28c a share, representing a 17.6% discount to Panoramic’s last closing price on September 2, and an 18.6% discount to the ten-day volume weighted average share price.


Mantos Copper clinches $250m in financing for northern Chile mine

Mantos Copper said on Wednesday that it had clinched $250-million in financing to extend the life of its Mantos Blancos copper mine in northern Chile. The financing, gathered from several sources, will fund a project aimed at allowing the mine to operate through 2035, while at the same time reducing costs.


Winchester South moves to EIS

The A$1-billion Winchester South project is a step closer to development after owner Whitehaven Coal was given terms of reference for the environmental impact statement (EIS). Whitehaven could now start working on the draft EIS for public consultation.

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Собянин: Запланирован новый этап модернизации клинического центра имени Логинова

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