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Новости за 25.08.2020


Zambia's ZCCM-IH in talks with Glencore over Mopani Copper Mines stake

Glencore and Zambia's mining investment arm ZCCM-IH are in talks about ZCCM-IH acquiring additional shares in Glencore subsidiary Mopani Copper Mines, Glencore and Zambia's mines minister said on Tuesday. ZCCM-IH holds a 10% stake in Mopani Copper Mines. Glencore is the majority owner with 73.1% and First Quantum Minerals owns 16.9%.


Alrosa sells more than 1 700 ct of diamonds in digital auction

Russian diamond miner Alrosa has sold 132 lots, weighing more than 1 700 ct during its digital auction in August. As part of the auction, clients were able to view and evaluate 2 300 ct of rough diamonds across 172 lots.


First Quantum Minerals maintains jobs amid Covid-19

Copper, gold and zinc miner First Quantum Minerals (FQM) has maintained jobs and production at its operations in Zambia, despite sector-wide moves to cut workforce and scale-down production as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. 
Speaking at a visit by Zambia Mines and Minerals Development Minister Richard Musukwa to its Kansanshi mine earlier this month, GM Anthony Mukutuma attributed the positive results to the initiatives the mine had put in place to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on its operations and workforce.


Kibo to publish full-year results by September 30

JSE- and Aim-listed Kibo Energy has been granted an extension for the publication of its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2019. It expects to publish its full-year results on or before September 30.


Trump promised a coal comeback but America’s miners need an energy revolution

Bobby Stevens’s backup plan for his backup plan encountered an obstacle a few months ago. In March the coronavirus pandemic closed the Kentucky government building where he was set to take his commercial driver’s license test, which he started studying for after he got dismissed by his second coal company in a year, where he’d started working after the first one went bankrupt. The bankruptcy of coal giant Blackjewel, which terminated Stevens and about 1 700 other workers in four states, made international... Читать дальше...


Vale starts up iron-ore grinding hub in China's Zhoushan

Brazilian mining giant Vale said on Tuesday it has started producing high-grade iron-ore fines for pelletizing at its new grinding hub with China's Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group (NZP Group) in eastern Zhejiang province. The hub, located in the Shulanghu Ore Transfer Terminal in Zhoushan city, has three production lines and an annual capacity of three-million tonnes of ground iron ore fines, Vale said in a statement. The new product, known as GF88, is based on Vale's flagship Carjas IOCJ 65%-iron fines... Читать дальше...


Initiative launched to stimulate adoption of fast-growing energy management standard by South ...

An initiative is under way to accelerate the adoption by South African industrial firms of the international energy management standard ISO 50001, which is designed to help improve the performance of a company’s energy-intensive assets to support cost savings and emission reductions. Although ISO 50001 is the fastest-growing standard globally, it has not been widely embraced by South African firms, with domestic adoption rates lagging those being reported in Asia, Europe and North America, as well... Читать дальше...


Third of labour force let go – Master Drilling

The Covid-19 crisis resulted in drilling company Master Drilling having to let go a third of its labour force in the world, Master Drilling CEO Danie Pretorius said on Tuesday. Fochville-based Master Drilling provides drilling services to the mining, civil engineering and building construction sectors across 23 countries.


Congo grants new export ban waivers for copper, cobalt, tin

Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday gave mining companies an indefinite waiver to an export ban on cobalt hydroxide and carbonate, as well as tin, tungsten, and tantalum concentrates after meeting the country's biggest miners in Kinshasa. The mines ministry also announced an export ban waiver on copper concentrate, but said the duration of that waiver was still to be determined, with companies expected to submit proposals a week from now.


Caldas Gold to raise $90m for expansion

TSX-V-listed Caldas Gold is looking to raise up to $90-million to fund the expansion of its mining operations in the Marmato Deeps Zone (MDZ) in Colombia. The company on Monday announced a proposed issuance and sale of up to 90 000 subscription receipts at $1 000 each, on a fully-marketed private placement. The terms of the offering were negotiated with Scotiabank and Canaccord Genuity, as co-lead agents on behalf of a syndicate of agents including Stifel Nicolaus Canada and Red Cloud Securities.


Anglo American Platinum to transfer R2bn value to communities

Platinum group metals mining and marketing company Anglo American Platinum on Tuesday announced shared value worth R2-billion for host and labour-sending communities one year early as a result of recent strong share price performance. The settlement will result in R2-billion of value transferring to these communities through regional development trusts, which will focus on advancing broad-based community development including infrastructure, education and health developments, as well as improving livelihoods. Читать дальше...


Master Drilling’s net half-year operating cash up 100%

Net cash generated from operating activities in the six months to June 30 increased 100% to $11.1-million amid unprecedented Covid-19 disruptions, drilling services company Master Drilling reported on Tuesday The Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company, headed by CEO Danie Pretorius, provides drilling services to the mining, civil engineering and building construction sectors across 23 countries.


De Beers cuts diamond prices after Covid-19 curbs demand

De Beers has finally decided to cut the price of its diamonds in a bid to spark sales after the coronavirus pandemic paralyzed the industry. De Beers, the world’s biggest producer, told customers that it is cutting prices for larger stones by almost 10% at its sale starting this week, according to people familiar with the situation, who asked not to be identified as the details are private.


Protest at Freeport's Grasberg mine in Indonesia extends to second day

Workers at Indonesia's Grasberg gold and copper mine operated by the local unit of Freeport-McMoRan extended a protest into a second day on Tuesday as they demanded an easing of a coronavirus lockdown More than 1 000 mine workers had joined the second day of protests and blocked access to the world's second-largest copper mine in the easternmost region of Papua, Yonpis Tabuni, a workers' representative said. "Our demand is not met yet. Today there is a meeting with the local government and the management," Tabuni said.


Western Areas posts highest NPAT in seven years

Higher nickel prices has boosted the bottom-line for producer Western Areas during the full year ended June, despite a decrease in both production and sales for the 12 months under review. ASX-listed Western Areas on Tuesday reported that sales revenue for the full year ended June had increased to A$308.4-million, up from the A$268.7-million reported in the previous financial year, despite production falling from 21 700 t to 20 900 t, and sales falling from 21 500 t to 19 900 t.


Sorby Hills to cost A$183m

A prefeasibility study (PFS) into the Sorby Hills lead/silver/zinc project, in Western Australia, has placed a price tag of A$183-million on the project. The PFS estimated that the project could produce some 81 000 t/y of 62% lead/silver concentrate containing 50 000 t/y of recovered lead and 1.5-million ounces a year of recovered silver, across an initial ten-year mine life.


Mardie gets federal backing

The federal government has awarded ASX-listed BCI Minerals Major Project status for its Mardie salt and potash project, in Western Australia. Major Project status provides companies with extra support from the Major Projects Facilitation Agency, including a single entry point for Commonwealth government approvals, project support and coordination, and help with state and territory approvals.


Bolivia's largest mine suspends operations again due to pandemic

Bolivia's San Cristóbal mine, a huge deposit of zinc, lead and silver, has suspended operations for a second time due to the coronavirus outbreak, it said on Monday, as Covid-19 infections continued to spread in the landlocked South American nation. The company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Japan's Sumitomo, had previously suspended operations in March, before resuming production in May.


Pebble to submit mitigation plan ‘in weeks’ as USACE says mine cannot be permitted

The US subsidiary of Toronto-listed Northern Dynasty said on Monday that it had started work on a plan to meet the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) expectations for wetlands mitigation and that it would be ready to submit a comprehensive management plan (CMP) “within weeks”. This comes as the USACE has announced that the controversial copper/gold mine project near Bristol Bay, in south-west Alaska, cannot be permitted as currently proposed. The USACE stated that the project could have substantial... Читать дальше...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Школьники Москвы и Приморского края обменялись опытом на конференции в Музее Победы

Продажи квартир в новостройках на востоке Москвы выросли на 81% за год

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Экономист Щербаченко назвал справедливым текущий размер налога на недвижимость


Вечерний кинопоказ в ТРЦ «Нора»: фильм «Друг в океане»


На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS


Сергей Собянин: Разработки резидентов кластера «Ломоносов» превосходят аналоги

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Музыкальные новости

Филипп Киркоров

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Международный молодёжный форум БРИКС+ по спортивной дипломатии состоялся в Ульяновске

Игорь Ларионов стал новым амбассадором Лошадиной силы

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Розовое утро....

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России