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Новости за 09.11.2020


Chilean mine group warns pending glacier bill could shut down deposits

Chile's world-leading copper industry could see some of its mines put out of business if an early stage bill to protect glaciers continues its march through Congress, Chilean mining trade group Sonami said on Monday. Diego Hernández, president of Sonami, which represents mining firms including BHP, Anglo-American and Antofagasta, asked lawmakers to closely review the science on glaciers before finalizing the bill. "We consider [the bill] contrary to the interests of our country," Hernández said in a statement. Читать дальше...


Updated PFS extends Dougou Extension project's life-of-mine to 30 years

An updated prefeasibility study (PFS) into ASX- and JSE-listed mineral exploration and development company Kore Potash' Dougou Extension (DX) project has extended the life-of-mine from 18.4 years to 30 years at a production rate of 400-million tonnes a year of potash, based on probable ore reserves. The recently completed and updated PFS follows the completion of a review of the production target for the company's DX project, which is situated in the Sintoukola basin, in Congo-Brazzaville.


Denison restarts EA process for Wheeler River

The environmental assessment (EA) process for the Wheeler River uranium project, in the Athabasca basin, northern Saskatchewan, will resume in January, dual-listed Denison Mines announced on Monday. The resumption will mark the end of the temporary suspension announced in March, amid the social and economic disruption that emerged as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.


English judge blocks £5bn Brazil lawsuit against BHP over burst dam

A £5-billion English lawsuit against Anglo-Australian mining giant BHP has been blocked, in a blow to a 200000-strong Brazilian claimant group, seeking damages after a devastating dam failure in 2015. A High Court judge in Manchester, northwestern England, struck out the largest group claim in English legal history because the complex case was an "abuse of the process of the court", a judgment published on Monday said. Tom Goodhead, a partner at law firm PGMBM, which is representing the claimants... Читать дальше...


Nordgold production stable in Q3 despite maintenance, lower grade issues

Global gold producer Nordgold's operations delivered 264 900 oz of gold production in the third quarter of the year, with healthy operating performance from the Gross, Taparko, Irokinda, Berezitovy and Suzdal mines having offset lower output from other operations. Production was, however, lower than the 293 200 oz produced in the third quarter of 2019 and the 281 400 oz produced in the second quarter of this year.


Botswana Diamonds identifies focus areas at Marsfontein, Thorny River

Aim- and BSE-listed diamond explorer Botswana Diamonds' exploration programme has identified several kimberlite targets at its Marsfontien and Thorny River projects in South Africa. To build on the exploration programme, the company plans to start drilling, through a multihole programme, at the sites within two weeks.


Lucky Friday silver mine back at full production this quarter

The Lucky Friday silver mine, in Idaho, US, will return to full production this quarter, owner Hecla Mining reported on Monday, stating that its ramp-up following a several-year long strike of unionised workers was ahead of schedule. Union employees at Lucky Friday were on strike from March 2017 until January 2020, when a new collective bargaining agreement was signed. Hecla started restaffing the mine in the first quarter of 2020 and reported that it had substantially completed the process.


JX Nippon to buy partner's stakes in Chile's copper mine

JX Nippon Mining & Metals, the metal unit of Eneos Holdings, said on Monday it has agreed to buy the stakes in its Caserones copper mine in Chile owned by its partners Mitsui & Co and Mitsui Mining and Smelting for an undisclosed sum. After the deal, JX Nippon Mining aims to maintain and expand production volume and extend the life of Caserones by investing in automation using advanced technology, it said in a statement.


ScoZinc pursuing project finance talks for Scotia mine

TSX-V-listed ScoZinc remains in active discussions with various capital providers for the Scotia project, near Halifax, the company said on Friday. The company recently completed a prefeasibility study (PFS) for the project, which indicates that the past-producing zinc and lead mine could achieve commercial production in 12 months or less from securing project finance. ScoZinc said it was “aggressively pursuing” the project finance required to start commercial production.


Lundin’s Inkster appointed IZA chair

The International Zinc Association (IZA) has appointed Lundin Mining president and CEO Marie Inkster as its new chairperson. Inkster has succeeded Rodrigo Daud, who has served as IZA chair for the past four years. Commenting on the appointment, Inkster says she looked forward to supporting IZA in its work to build sustainable, long-term markets for zinc and helping to ensure license to operate for the industry.


Weekly Coal Index Report

Coal markets enjoyed a lively week, with strength picking up in European power, flowing through into stronger FOB markets. European coal buyers are expecting stronger power demand this winter, thanks to colder weather than last year, and lower wind and solar availability. However, the coal forward curve is significantly flatter than in the recent past, indicating that the longer-term outlook remains quite bearish. Gas prices also weakened late in the week, helping the “clean spark spread” stay barely... Читать дальше...


How Biden’s win affects commodities hit by trade wars, tariffs

It’s been a tumultuous four years for US commodity industries that found themselves a key focus of the White House through its aggressive trade policy agenda. From steel and aluminum tariffs to grain subsidies to boosting exports of liquefied natural gas, very few corners of the global commodities market eluded Donald Trump’s attention. There was at least one memo, executive order, pronouncement or tweet bringing some sort of attention to uranium, soybeans, and rare earths, the kinds of materials... Читать дальше...


Qld govt take stake in Dalrymple

The Queensland Treasurer has flagged a possible investment into the Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal (DBCT) near Mackay, with the state’s investment arm, Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) committing to take a 9.9% stake in the coal export facility. Queensland Resources Council CEO Ian Macfarlane said that the QIC’s decision to invest in the DBCT is a clear vote of confidence by the state government in the role of resources in Queensland’s Covid-19 recovery and economic growth for decades to come.


Cokal taps mining contractor

Coal developer Cokal has tapped PT Harmoni Panca Utama (HPU) as its preferred tenderer to provide contract mining services for the development and mining of its Bumi Barito Mineral (BBM) coking coal project, in Indonesia. HPU will be responsible for openpit overburden removal, the provision of the required mining fleet and associated equipment, and coal hauling from in-pit to near out-of-pit intermediate stockpile facility.


BHP completes Shenzi buy

Diversified major BHP over the weekend completed the transaction to acquire an additional 28% working interest in Shenzi, a six-lease development in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The company in October struck the $505-million agreement with Hess Corporation, which would result in BHP’s working interest in the project increasing to 72% and immediately add approximately 11 000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of production.


BHP probing hydrogen steelmaking

Major BHP will be investigating the use of hydrogen in the steelmaking process, having inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with steel producer, China Baowu. The two companies intend to invest up to $35-million and share technical knowledge to help address the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions facing the global steel industry. The five-year partnership will focus on the development of low carbon technologies and pathways capable of emission intensity reduction in integrated steelmaking. Читать дальше...


Biden win may curb US oil drilling, super-charge renewables

Biden’s victory could end up reshaping the US energy sector in years to come, although the President-elect may have limited room to maneuver given that control of the Senate remains unclear. The President-elect has pledged to spend trillions of dollars to speed up the transition from fossil fuels, slash emissions and curb climate change. Biden has also promised to ban new fracking on federal lands, which he may try to achieve via an executive order. Such a move would limit shale companies’ operations in several states, including New Mexico.

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Древлехранитель Шахтинской епархии выступил с докладом на научной конференции в Санкт-Петербурге

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Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS

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Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника


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Музыкальные новости

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Международный молодёжный форум БРИКС+ по спортивной дипломатии состоялся в Ульяновске

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Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине

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Чеченский внук Пугачевой появился в Москве

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России