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Новости за 18.02.2022


Lundin’s free cash flow tops $1bn

Canadian base metals miner Lundin Mining took advantage of the favourable price environment in 2021, setting several all-time financial records. The company on Thursday announced all-time high earnings of nearly $880-million, adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $1.9-billion and free cash flow of more than $1-billion.


Hecla reports second-highest silver reserves in its 130-year history

NYSE-listed Hecla Mining on Thursday announced its second-highest silver reserves in its 130-year history, with reserves increasing to 200-million ounces. The company not only replaced silver production (15.2-million silver ounces contained), but also increased proven and probable reserves by 6%, or 11.5-million ounces, over 2020.


Lucapa receives A$5m dividend from Angola subsidiary

ASX-listed Lucapa Diamond Company has received a 2021 interim dividend payment of A$5-million, or $2.6-million, from its 40%-owned and wholly operated alluvial mining company Sociedade Mineira Do Lulo (SML), based in Angola. SML, which operates the Lulo project, is co-owned by Angola’s State-owned mining company Empresa Nacional de Diamantes and a private Angolan company called Rosas & Petalas.


Survey places ESG at top of miners' minds

A survey by law global firm White & Case has identified environmental and social governance (ESG), resource nationalisation and climate change regulation and shareholder activism as top concerns for 2022. “The mining industry has found itself caught between two competing themes when it comes to ESG. On one side comes the continued pressure from mining fossil fuels and the recent disasters that have done considerable damage to the entire industry's reputation, such as the fatal dam collapse in... Читать дальше...


Lukas Lundin retires as chair of Lundin Mining, Lundin Gold and Lucara

Lukas Lundin has announced his retirement as chairperson of several boards of mining companies that his family controls, including base metals producer Lundin Mining, gold junior Lundin Gold and Botswana's Lucara Diamond Corp. His retirement will be effective at the respective companies' upcoming yearly meetings.


Yamana forecasts near-term production growth

Canadian miner Yamana has exceeded its fourth-quarter and full-year production guidance and is forecasting further near-term production growth. The company produced 281 388 gold-equivalent ounces (GEOs) in the fourth quarter, significantly exceeding the previously provided quarterly guidance of 270 000 GEOs, with exceptional gold production contributing to the strong performance. Full-year output of 1.01-million GEOs also exceeded the guidance of one-million GEOs.


Poverty alleviation programmes, red tape delays, Mantashe pushing renewables make headlines

Mining Weekly Editor Martin Creamer unpacks DRDGold’s programmes aimed at reducing poverty in mining communities; Minerals Council South Africa notes that red tape is holding up R90-billion worth of protects that are ready to go; and Gwede Mantashe has uncharacteristically touted renewables as a kickstart to boost the country’s economy.


Exxaro commits R1.5m for food gardens at three community institutions

Although the fourth wave of Covid-19 infections has eased in South Africa, JSE-listed diversified miner Exxaro Resources continues to assist communities surrounding its operations to overcome the socioeconomic impacts brought about by the pandemic. The company has a partnership with international charity organisation World Vision South Africa, to bring healthy food and hygiene packs to vulnerable families.


Belarusian potash force majeure adds to global fertilizer chaos

A Belarusian potash miner that accounts for a major chunk of global supply has declared force majeure, shaking up a market that’s already contending with soaring prices. Belaruskali said around February 16 that it won’t be able to meet its contracts, according to a letter from an exporter addressed to clients seen by Bloomberg. US and European sanctions have also resulted in a halt of shipments.


Gold pushes above $1 900 as Ukraine crisis spurs haven demand

Gold advanced to an eight-month high above $1 900/oz as the prolonged standoff over Ukraine stoked demand for havens. The US ramped up warnings of a possible Russian attack, with President Joe Biden saying a “false-flag” event may be under way. Moscow said no invasion was planned, but given proposed US security assurances were unsatisfactory, Russia might have to resort to “military-technical measures.”


Nickel prices at 3-1/2-week high on Russian supply angst, low stocks

Nickel prices rose on Friday to their highest levels in three-and-a-half weeks after the market was bolstered by lower inventories and as the prospect of sanctions on Russia, a major producer of the metal, exacerbated concerns of reduced supply. Three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange CMNI3 rose 0.9% to $24 095 a tonne, after hitting its highest level since January 24. The metal climbed 4.4% so far this week, set for its biggest weekly gain in four.


Construction starts at Mardie

Construction has started at the Mardie salt and potash project, in the Pilbara. ASX-listed BCI Minerals on Friday announced that the company had now secured all secondary approvals for the main construction, including a mining proposal approval


Govt to spend A$47m to slash environmental tape

The Australian resources sector has welcomed an announcement by the federal government which will invest A$47-million to slash green tape for industry, protect the environment and improve transparency in project approvals. Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley said the funding will expand a ground-breaking Digital Environmental Assessment Program (DEAP) being piloted in Western Australia to reduce unnecessary duplication and delay.


Nickel Mines takes initial stake in Oracle

ASX-listed Nickel Mines has completed the acquisition of an initial 10% interest in the Oracle nickel project, currently under construction within the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Nickel Mines in December has inked a definitive agreement with partner Shanghai Decent Investment to acquire a 70% equity interest in the Oracle nickel project for $525-million, comprising $371-million of acquisition funding and $154-million of shareholder loans.


Hybrid PDAC allows for more stakeholder engagement

The decision to postpone the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada’s (PDAC’s) convention, from March to June, offers “the best chance of success for all of our stakeholders” to engage in the event, states PDAC president Alex Christopher. He explains that capacity limits for indoor gatherings at large events were implemented by the Government of Ontario, with no guarantee as to when the regulations would be lifted.


Company’s software can support exploration boom

The North American mining industry is experiencing a “remarkable period of expansion in exploration”, with mining companies rapidly turning to technology for support. This, in turn, is accelerating the uptake of software company Seequent’s solutions, states Seequent mining exploration director Rob Ferguson. “The Seequent business unit has mirrored the great success and expansion of the exploration sector in North America. Our metrics show growth in exploration, people and contracts. We have new branches and services... Читать дальше...


Acquisition helps improve mining digitalisation

Digital reality solutions developer Hexagon acquired drilling technology provider Minnovare last month; its solutions improve the speed, cost and accuracy of underground drilling. Hexagon Mining division chief technology officer Rob Daw says this acquisition by Hexagon’s mining portfolio is “welcome news” for any mine in North America looking to improve drilling accuracy and optimise blasting and production.


PV solar ideal for mine integration

As the trend towards decarbonisation gathers momentum, photovoltaic (PV) solar system manufacturer and distributor Valsa Trading, suggests that PV solar as a renewable, low-cost energy source continues to provide the mining industry with the opportunity to reap the benefits of renewable energy in the shortest time possible. Valsa MD Svilen Voychev says PV solar solutions can ensure that mine operations are not disrupted for prolonged periods, as they can be deployed quickly. However, he stresses... Читать дальше...


No one-size-fits-all for mine decarbonisation – engineering firm

Mining operations are energy intensive, with energy representing one of the sector’s biggest operational costs. Fossil fuels remain the primary feedstock, which leaves miners exposed to volatile gas, oil and coal prices. Consequently, an overarching challenge is decarbonisation, explains construction and engineering firm Black & Veatch South Africa sub-Saharan Africa regional director Joseph Mahendran.


Hybrid solutions can be more affordable – firm

The energy consumption of the global mining industry amounts to about 80% of the world's electricity use. This is comparable to the total energy consumption of Australia, Mexico, South Korea, Italy, and Canada combined – a situation that is further aggravated by an intensive reliance on fossil fuels, explains consulting firm Economic Development Solutions MD Janine Espin. She elaborates that there is an increasing global urgency to shift toward decarbonising to avert climate change by slowing global warming... Читать дальше...


Project to help diversify critical minerals production

The shovel-ready status of North American miner Fortune Minerals’ NICO cobalt/gold/bismuth/copper project positions it well to help diversify the sources of critical minerals in North America in the near term, states Fortune Minerals president and CEO Robin Goad. The company announced in January that it had entered into an option agreement with engineering company JFSL Field Services to buy JFSL’s former steel fabrication plant, in Canada’s province of Alberta.

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Поздравления с днем референдума о независимости


Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета


Сергей Собянин рассказал о передовых российских разработках ИИ в области медицины

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России