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Новости за 04.04.2022


Shanta benchmarks sustainability efforts with inaugural sustainability report

East Africa-focused gold producer, developer and explorer Shanta Gold achieved several sustainability and health and safety milestones in 2021, such as a lost time injury frequency rate of zero and a total recordable injury frequency rate of 0.67. According to its first sustainability report – which covers activities at its Tanzania-based New Luika gold mine and Singida project, and Kenya-based West Kenya project throughout 2021 – the miner achieved a rate of 99% local employment from Tanzania and... Читать дальше...


Greenland's new coalition partner won't seek changes to uranium ban

Greenland's social democratic Siumut party, part of a new government coalition, will not immediately seek changes to the country's ban on uranium mining, its chairman Erik Jensen said on Monday. Greenland's ruling left-wing Inuit Ataqatigiit party (IA) on Monday announced a government coalition, with Siumut replacing the pro-independence Naleraq party.


Trevali rolls out digital technologies to further digitalisation goals

Canada-headquartered base metals miner Trevali is increasingly rolling-out its use of the Emmesent Hovermap simultaneous localisation and mapping light detection and ranging scanner, both underground and on the surface, as the miner moves towards increased digitalisation of its mines. With its 90%-owned Rosh Pinah zinc/lead/silver mine in Namibia, its 90%-owned Perkoa zinc mine in Burkina Faso and its fully-owned Caribou zinc/lead/silver mine in Canada, the miner is aiming to digitise its assets and automate physical processes... Читать дальше...


Indian state cancels Adani bids to supply imported coal

India's southern Andhra Pradesh has cancelled bids made for two separate tenders by India's Adani Enterprises to supply imported coal as the prices quoted were too high, two state government officials told Reuters. It is the first time in recent years that a major government tender for imported coal has been cancelled over high prices. Details on the cancellation have not been previously reported.


The battery metal really worrying China is lithium, not nickel

Nickel has captured much of the limelight among battery metals in recent weeks, and understandably so. Wild price swings, including an unprecedented 250% advance over two trading sessions amid a short squeeze, and concerns tied to Russia’s role as a key supplier have added to longstanding worries among automakers about securing enough of the material. Even so, it’s another metal that’s been causing concern in the world’s largest electric vehicle market.


LME introduces 15% daily price limits for all metals

The London Metal Exchange said it had introduced daily price limits for all its metals and would commission an independent review into the events that led to chaos in the nickel market last month. The LME has brought in 15% upper and lower daily price limits for all of its physically delivered metals plus cash-settled cobalt, it said on Monday.


With court's backing, Ecuador's indigenous block Amazon mining

Armed with spears, their faces painted, members of the A'i Cofan community's indigenous guard prepare to patrol the banks of the Aguarico River in Ecuador's Amazon, ready to confiscate equipment and call in the police if they find miners on their ancestral land. "We go down (the river) and document all the people who have entered," guard coordinator Nixon Andy, 24, said. "When we come across strangers on our territory we speak peacefully, but if there isn't respect there are authorities to whom... Читать дальше...


Peru targets copper price windfall in dialed-back tax reform, Minister says

Peru, the world's no. 2 copper producer, will target "excess profits" that mining firms have gained from soaring global metals prices for extra taxation, the country's economy minister told Reuters. While President Pedro Castillo came to power last July pledging to increase taxes on the powerful mining sector, the current plan is far less ambitious than initial promises of sharp tax hikes that met fierce resistance from the industry and a divided Congress.


Lithium Chile and Monumental partner on Laguna Blanca project

TSX-V-listed Lithium Chile has announced an arm’s length definitive option agreement with fellow-listed Monumental Minerals to earn up to 75% of the 5 200-ha Salar De Laguna Blanca project, near San Pedro de Atacama. The Laguna Blanca project is located in the lithium triangle, a zone within the central Andes high desert that includes Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. This zone is estimated to contain more than half of the world’s lithium supply beneath its many salt flats.


Kennecott Utah Copper agrees labour deal

The United Steelworkers (USW) has ratified a new, five-year labour agreement with Kennecott Utah Copper, covering more than 1 300 hourly workers at the Rio Tinto subsidiary's mine in Salt Lake county. The new contract includes gains for workers that include lump sum payments, wage increases in each year, as well as other contract improvements, and it maintains and improves health and life insurance benefits.


Agrimin finds more buyers for Mackay potash

ASX-listed Agrimin has inked a binding offtake agreement with US-based Gavilon Fertilizer for the supply of 50 000 t/y of sulphate of potash (SOP) from the Mackay potash project, in Western Australia. Agrimin has now secured offtake agreements for a total of 315 000 /y of SOP, representing 70% of the Mackay potash project’s planned production capacity of 450 000 t/y .


Comet acquires Glencore project, hopes to raise cash

Junior Comet Resources has struck a deal with diversified major Glencore to acquire the Mt Margaret copper project, in Queensland, and has announced plans to raise A$50-million. Under the terms of the agreement, third-party company Minerals Mining and Metallurgy (MMM) would pay Glencore subsidiary Mount Isa Mines (MIM) A$5-million as a non-refundable payment, while Comet would issue 25-million shares in the company to MIM or its nominee, at an aggregated deemed issue price of 20c a share.


Bond takes the reins at OceanaGold

Gerhard Bond has taken the helm at dual listed gold miner OceanaGold. Bond was appointed in February as president and CEO of the gold producer, taking the reins from Scott Sullivan, who will now revert to his role as COO.


Boss closes SPP early

Uranium developer Boss Energy on Monday announced that it would close its A$5-million share purchase plan (SPP) early, after receiving applications well in excess of the raising target. Boss recently announced a A$125-million equity raise to fund the construction of the Honeymoon uranium project, in South Australia.


Indian trade deal offers opportunity for miners

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has welcomed an interim trade agreement between Australia and India, saying it would eliminate 71% of tariffs, covering 91% of Australia’s exports to India, including a suite of Australian minerals. The minerals falling under the trade agreement include natural sands, magnesium, manganese copper, nickel, cobalt, bauxite, coal, coke and semi-coke of coal, alumina, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, silver ore, zirconium, antinomy, lithium, niobium, many rare earths, titanium, vanadium and phosphates.


Australia's energy exports on the rise - report

Australia’s resources and energy export earnings are forecast to surge to a record high A$425-billion for 2021-22. Minister for Resources and Water Keith Pitt said the latest forecast, from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ March 2022 edition of the Resources and Energy Quarterly (REQ), is up a stunning 12% on the December 2021 REQ projection of A$379-billion.


Oz Minerals increases shaft capacity at Prominent Hill

Copper gold miner Oz Minerals on Monday announced a decision to increase the hoisting shaft capacity at its Prominent Hill mine from 6-million tonnes a year to 6.5-million tonnes a year. The ASX-listed miner told shareholders that project optimisation works identified the opportunity to increase the hoisting shaft capacity by some 8% to 6.5-million tonnes for an additional A$2-million with the increased capital to be absorbed within the approved A$600-million budget.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

Разгромившего могилу Александра Маслякова вандала задержали

Пять вопросов о финансах современных школьников


Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве


Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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Музыкальные новости

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