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Новости за 07.07.2022


Diamcor optimisation efforts continue despite challenges

Junior diamond mining company Diamcor Mining notes that optimisation and refinement efforts at its upgraded processing plant, at its Krone-Endora at Venetia project in South Africa, continued as planned during the first fiscal quarter. These combined efforts continue to demonstrate the processing plant’s potential to support the company’s goal to increase long-term processing volumes, the company says.


Centamin aims for updated Sukari resource, reserve statement in Q4

The exploration team at dual-listed Centamin’s Sukari concession, in Egypt, keeps delivering results that demonstrate the quality of the orebody, says CEO Martin Horgan. The exploration work completed on Sukari so far this year has identified the potential for satellite openpit sources within the concession and extensions of the underground orebody.


WGC records another month of gold-backed ETF outflows

Gold-backed exchange traded funds (ETFs) have experienced a second consecutive months of outflows, at 28 t, or $1.7-billion, in June. This followed the 53 t of outflows recorded in May and contributed to net outflows of 39 t, or $2-billion, for the second quarter of the year.


Osisko’s Barkerville partners with indigenous organisation to develop Cariboo

North American gold mining company Osisko Development has advised of its subsidiary Barkerville Gold Mines entering into a participation agreement with Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN) to jointly develop the Cariboo gold project, in British Columbia. Osisko says the agreement supports the parties’ mutual vision of developing a socially and environmentally sustainable mine.


British coal mine decision delayed amid political turmoil

A British government decision on whether to allow a new coal mine in Cumbria, northwest England, has been delayed amid political turmoil which saw the minister responsible for the relevant department sacked by the Prime Minister on Wednesday evening. On a calamitous day for British politics on Wednesday, with several Ministers resigning in protest over Boris Johnson’s tenure, Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, was fired. Johnson is expected to announce his resignation as Prime Minister on Thursday... Читать дальше...


Tailings closure standard required to fast-track sustainable tailings landscapes, a ...

A tailings closure standard is urgently needed for the tailings industry to outline criteria that will ensure a closure certificate. This according to Agreenco CEO Fanus van Wyk, a specialist mine rehabilitation services contractor, who discussed the topic during a recent Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy webinar.


Remining of closed tailings facilities should be banned, rehabilitation expert suggests

Legislation should be enacted to ban the remining of closed tailings facilities in South Africa, specialist mine rehabilitation services contractor Agreenco Group CEO Stefanus van Wyk said on July 6. “Once these facilities have been closed, they should not be touched again. With closure interventions, one risks opening up a host of environmental problems if the facility is reopened,” he argued during a webinar hosted by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the University of Cape Town and interdisciplinary research... Читать дальше...


Deep-South to acquire up to 80% of three copper exploration licences in Zambia

TSX-V-listed Deep-South Resources has closed an option agreement, initially entered into on March 28, with Zambian private company World Class Minerals Venture (WCMV) to acquire up to an 80% undivided interest in three large-scale exploration licences in the centre of the Zambian copperbelt. Pursuant to the option agreement, Deep-South has to make a cash payment of $150 000 to WCMV, in addition to issuing WCMV 1.75-million common Deep-South shares. It will also be required to spend $3-million on... Читать дальше...


Copperstone expects enviro permit decision before year-end

Sweden-based Copperstone Resources has received feedback from the Land and Environmental Court at Umeå District Court and various consultation bodies, on additions to its environmental permit application for reopening the Viscaria copper mine, in Kiruna. After reviewing this feedback, Copperstone will submit supplementary information to the court in September.


Pensana to use offshore wind to produce ‘ultra-low carbon’ magnet metal

London-listed Pensana has signed a letter of intent with Yorkshire Energy Park (Yep) which ensures access to between 4 MW and 10 MW of low-carbon electricity. Pensana will use the low-cost and resilient supply of low-carbon electricity to power the Saltend rare earth separation facility and then later to power the conversion of neodymium and praseodymium (NDPr) oxide into magnet metal, making it the first in the world to use offshore wind to produce ultra-low carbon magnet metal.


White-hot metal market cools in warning for global economy

A white-hot corner of the aluminum market that for months defied a broader slide in metal prices is finally slumping, flashing a warning that major industrial economies are stumbling toward a recession. While commodity-grade aluminum ingots have been tumbling since March on the London Metal Exchange, until recently the premiums paid for specialized products like billets remained sky-high. Now those premiums for aluminum billets -- a cornerstone industrial product used to make extruded parts in buildings... Читать дальше...


AngloGold appoints Kramer as interim CFO

Gold miner AngloGold Ashanti has announced that senior VP of group finance Ian Kramer has been appointed interim CFO, following the early retirement of Christine Ramon on June 30. A comprehensive international search process for a permanent CFO is well advanced, the miner adds.


Qld's battery boom gets going

Construction has started on Australia’s Australia’s first, large-scale iron flow battery manufacturing facility, in Queensland. Deputy Premier and State Development Minister Steven Miles said the $70 million, state-of-the-art big battery manufacturing centre is being developed by Energy Storage Industries – Asia Pacific (ESI).


UK leaves door open for coal comeback in bid to keep lights on

The UK is set to water down one of its key climate change policies as it battles soaring energy prices that have contributed to a cost-of-living crisis for millions of consumers. Last year the government pledged to close all of Britain’s unabated coal-fired power plants by October 2024 -- and said it would enshrine that in law as soon as possible. But in an energy bill due to be published on Wednesday, there’s no mention of the date, according to fact sheets and a ministry statement detailing its contents.


Kingstone secures funding for Mineral Hill

ASX-listed Kingston Resources has secured a A$10-million debt facility with PURE Asset Management to fund growth initiatives at the Mineral Hill gold/copper project, in New South Wales. The funding will be provided in two tranches, including an immediate A$5-million, followed by a second A$5-million by the end of November, subject to progress milestones being met.


BCI delays salt sales from Mardie

Potash developer BCI Minerals has pushed out the first sales from its Mardie salt and potash project from the fourth quarter of 2024 to the second half of 2025. BCI in April warned of cost blow-outs at the Mardie project, in the Pilbara, only days after starting construction.


Lundin Gold guidance on track despite Ecuador protests

Canada-based Lundin Gold’s operations were largely unimpacted by the recent national protest in Ecuador, but gold shipments and sales have been impacted by blockades on major highways. In the second quarter, Fruta del Norte produced 111 890 oz, up from the 108 799 oz produced a year earlier. Gold sales, however, fell to 96 291 oz, from 125 412 oz sold in the same quarter last year.


Pitarrilla acquisition elevates Endeavour portfolio

Precious metals miner Endeavour Silver has completed the acquisition of the Pitarrilla project from SSR Mining and will immediately work on verifying historical data to prepare a current mineral resource estimate, CEO Dan Dickson reported on Wednesday. A $1.8-million budget is set aside for drilling and exploration activities to verify the historical data and define a current resource in 2022.


Peru copper output drops 11.2% in May after stoppage at key mine

Peru said on Wednesday that its copper output fell 11.2% in May from a year-ago after a stoppage at its Las Bambas mine and lower quality production in other deposits. Output from the world's second biggest copper producer totaled 174 258 t in May, while output in the first five months of the year reached 898 175 t, representing a drop of 0.3%, the Energy and Mines Ministry said in a report.

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Сергей Собянин поздравил с днем рождения артистку Ольгу Остроумову

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России