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Новости за 07.05.2024

Sofia News Agency 

Enhanced Mobility: Sofia Launches New Tram Line and Transit Improvements

As of today, Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is rolling out a series of enhancements to its public transportation system, including the launch of a new tram line and improvements to existing services. The upgrades aim to provide residents with more efficient and comfortable commuting options. Among the notable changes is the introduction of tram line 15, which will run between "Buxton" and "Hladilnika" districts....

Sofia News Agency 

Misinformation Surrounding Croatia's Inflation Stirs Eurozone Concerns in Bulgaria

A wave of misinformation regarding Croatia's inflation rates has sparked concerns about the potential consequences of adopting the euro in Bulgaria. The spread of misleading claims, fueled by cherry-picked data and biased narratives, underscores the complexities surrounding economic discourse and public opinion. Recent publications on inflation in Croatia have garnered attention across Bulgarian websites and social media platforms, reports Factcheck....

Sofia News Agency 

Notorious Bulgarian Gambling Mogul Vasil Bozhkov Released from House Arrest

In a recent judicial decision that has stirred public interest, former gambling mogul, businessman, and politician, Vasil Bozhkov, has been released from house arrest by the Sofia City Court. The court granted Bozhkov's release against a bail of BGN 130,000, considering the eight-month period he spent under house arrest as a new circumstance. However, it's important to note that the court's decision is not final and can still be challenged by the prosecution or by Bozhkov himself. ...

Sofia News Agency 

Should Parents Vaccinate their Children? Our Readers Have Spoken

In a recent poll conducted on our Facebook page, we asked our readers a critical question: "Should parents vaccinate their children?" Out of the participants, a resounding 87.5% voted in favor of vaccination, while 12.5% opposed it. ...

Sofia News Agency 

Tragedy Strikes: Teen Driver Hits Two Girls in Sopot, Bulgaria

In a devastating incident in Sopot, Bulgaria, an 18-year-old driver with only one month of driving experience behind the wheel struck two 15-year-old girls, leaving one of them in critical condition and fighting for her life. The driver, who was transporting her sister to the "Gen. Zaimov" elementary school in Sopot, stopped in the parking lot in front of the sports hall in the city....

Sofia News Agency 

Several Bulgarian Political Parties Finalize their Candidate Lists for the Upcoming 2-in-1 Elections

With the national and European Parliament elections drawing near, Bulgarian political parties are making significant strides in finalizing their candidate lists. Among the notable developments, GERB officially registered its list with Rosen Zhelyazkov at the helm. Notably absent from GERB's lineup are former and current European Commissioners Mariya Gabriel and Iliana Ivanova, signaling a strategic shift in the party's composition. ...

Sofia News Agency 

Sweden Ready for Eurovision Despite Protests and Security Measures

Swedish police assure that Eurovision fans need not be concerned about safety despite heightened tensions due to the conflict in Gaza. Malmö is hosting the event, with the first semi-final taking place today. Authorities emphasize that the threat level remains below the highest, with security measures in place. ...

Sofia News Agency 

Bulgarian Defense Chief Dismisses Notion of Anti-NATO Sentiments in the Army

In a recent interview with bTV, Defense Chief Emil Eftimov addressed concerns about the presence of anti-NATO sentiments within the Bulgarian military, stating unequivocally, "I wouldn't say that there are anti-NATO sentiments in the army." Eftimov acknowledged the existence of various hybrid actions orchestrated by Russia but emphasized that responding in kind was not the appropriate approach....

Sofia News Agency 

Controversy Erupts Over New Traffic and Parking Changes, Including Bike Lanes, in Sofia's City Center

The recent implementation of traffic and parking adjustments along key boulevards and streets in Sofia's city center has sparked heated debates and disputes among residents. Notably, alterations on Vitosha, Patriarch Eftimi, and Fritjof Nansen boulevards, including diagonal parking arrangements, have fueled discussions on social media platforms. One of the most contentious alterations involves the introduction of diagonal parking, which requires drivers to maneuver into and out of parking spaces... Читать дальше...

Sofia News Agency 

Bulgaria Absent from Eurovision 2024 as Competition Kicks Off

The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 commenced with a grand opening ceremony in the picturesque Swedish city of Malmö, marking the start of the highly anticipated music extravaganza. This year's competition features 37 talented artists from across Europe and Australia, all vying for the coveted title of Eurovision champion. However, notable by its absence is Bulgaria, as the country did not field a representative for the 68th edition of the prestigious music event....

Sofia News Agency 

European Nations on High Alert Amid Russian Sabotage Threats

European intelligence agencies are on high alert as they warn of potential aggressive actions by Russia, including bombings, sabotage, and infrastructure damage across the continent, reports the Financial Times. According to assessments from multiple European countries, Russia is intensifying its efforts to destabilize Europe as part of Vladimir Putin's strategy of perpetual conflict with the West. Reports from intelligence agencies highlight concerns that Russia may orchestrate coordinated attacks involving bombings... Читать дальше...

Sofia News Agency 

Bright Tuesday: Bulgarians Celebrate the Resurrection

Today marks a significant day of celebration for Bulgarians as they observe Bright Tuesday, the second day of Bright Week in the Orthodox Christian calendar. Bright Tuesday holds profound spiritual significance, symbolizing the enlightenment brought forth by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope it instills for eternal life. During Bright Week, believers honor the revered figures of the Holy Apostles and the Holy Mother of God....

Sofia News Agency 

Israeli Tanks Seize Control of Rafah Crossing Amid Ceasefire Uncertainty

Israeli forces have reportedly taken control of the Rafah border crossing on the Palestinian side, adjacent to the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt. A spokesman for Gaza's border authorities told Reuters the checkpoint on its Palestinian side was closed because of the presence of Israeli tanks. Earlier, reports indicated that Israeli tanks had entered Rafah, nearing the crossing by approximately 200 meters....

Sofia News Agency 

Former Bulgarian PM Warns of Foreign Meddling, Russia's Influence

In an interview with Spanish publication EL PERIÓDICO, former Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov sheds light on the precarious state of Bulgaria's political landscape, warning against external attempts to sway governmental decisions. Denkov's remarks underscore the nation's pivotal role in European energy transit and the challenges posed by Russia's expanding influence. Denkov, known for his reform-oriented approach during his tenure, offers insights into the collapse of Bulgaria's pro-European coalition government... Читать дальше...

Sofia News Agency 

Bulgarian Ambassador to Russia Declines Putin's Inauguration Invitation

The Bulgarian ambassador to Russia, Atanas Krastin, will be notably absent from Vladimir Putin's upcoming inauguration ceremony, citing "personal reasons" for his inability to attend. The revelation surfaced in response to inquiries from the Bulgarian media website "Club Z", following the Kremlin's invitation to European Union leaders to witness Putin's swearing-in for his fifth presidential term. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), it was confirmed that Krastin had indeed... Читать дальше...

Sofia News Agency 

From Today: Bulgaria Implements New Train Ticket Prices with Average Increase of 20%

Commuters and travelers in Bulgaria are bracing for a hike in train ticket prices, as the national rail carrier rolls out revised fares starting today. With an average increase of 20%, passengers will feel the pinch as they navigate the updated pricing structure. Citing a surge in operational costs over recent years, the state railway company attributes the price adjustment to the substantial rise in expenses....

Sofia News Agency 

Russia to Conduct Military Exercises with Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Reports from AFP and Reuters have revealed that Russia is set to conduct military exercises in the near future, involving the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The maneuvers, ordered by President Vladimir Putin, aim to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces and will include preparation and deployment drills. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, missile forces from the Southern Military District and the Russian Navy will participate in the exercises....

Sofia News Agency 

China Hacked the British Ministry of Defense!

Reports have emerged of a significant cybersecurity breach within the British Ministry of Defense, casting a spotlight on the vulnerability of critical government systems. According to the BBC, hackers successfully infiltrated the ministry's data infrastructure, prompting urgent action from authorities. Initial suspicions point to China as the orchestrator of the breach, with Sky News attributing the cyberattack to state-backed actors from the East Asian nation....

Sofia News Agency 

Bulgarian Prime Minister Takes Action on 'Mama I Az' Hospital

Acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev is poised to address critical issues plaguing children's healthcare in Bulgaria, particularly regarding the "Mama I Az" hospital. In a concerted effort to tackle these challenges, Glavchev plans to convene a high-level meeting with key stakeholders, including Health Minister Dr. Galya Kondeva, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lyudmila Petkova, Children's Hospital Executive Director Dr....

Sofia News Agency 

Weather in Bulgaria: Sunshine and Thunderstorms

Brace yourselves for a blend of sunshine, scattered clouds, and the occasional rumble of thunder in Bulgaria today. According to the latest bulletin of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), the day will dawn with the gentle caress of warm rays, as mostly sunny skies greet early risers. However, don't be fooled by the serene start; as the day progresses, nature's mood is set to fluctuate....

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Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»


Театрально-кукольные вести из Бурятского театра "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Серебряные звездочки засветились в буддийском дацане в Иволге

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Собянин: Московский предпринимательский форум объединил более 3 тыс. человек

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