Официальный представитель российского МИД Мария Захарова в ходе онлайн-брифинга прокомментировала... Читать дальше...
CHICAGO – Junior pitcher Laila Summers (Joliet, Ill./Providence Catholic) threw a three-hitter in a 12-2 five-inning victory for Saint Xavier University softball (29-12/16-3 CCAC) in game one and worked 3.2 innings of relief to pick up the win in a 3-2 triumph in 10 innings in game two over Calumet College of St. Joseph (Ind.) Tuesday afternoon in Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) action at the SXU Softball Field in Chicago, Ill. Senior infielder Morgan Haefling (Gilberts, Ill./Hampshire) collected three RBIs... Читать дальше...
CHICAGO – Senior outfielder Sean Haddlesey (Ann Arbor, Mich./Albion/Skyline) was 2-for-2 on the afternoon with three runs scored, an RBI, a triple and a walk, and threw a runner out at home from left field, to help give the Saint Xavier University baseball team (23-22/15-8 CCAC) an 8-5 win over Olivet Nazarene University (Ill.) in a Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) contest Tuesday afternoon at Richard R. Ferrell Memorial Field in Chicago, Ill. With the win, the Cougars take the season series... Читать дальше...
Wilmington, Ill. – Senior Michael Furlong (Evergreen Park, Ill./Brother Rice) shot a three-round total of 242 (+26) and finished 13th overall for the Saint Xavier University men's golf team at the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) Men's Golf Tournament Tuesday afternoon at Cinder Ridge Golf Course in Wilmington, Ill. As a team, the Cougars placed sixth out of the 10 teams competing with a total score of 1,000 (+136) to end its 2022-23 season. Roosevelt University narrowly won the... Читать дальше...
CHICAGO – Junior Hannah Kilbane (Orland Park, Ill./Sandburg) continues her fantastic season by winning the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) Women's Golfer of the Week for the Saint Xavier University women's golf team when the awards were announced by the league office Tuesday morning. For Kilbane, it is her fourth CCAC Women's Golfer of the Week award for the Cougars and is the only golfer in program history to win the award more than twice in a season.
CHICAGO – Four of the Saint Xavier University Esports teams reached their conference championships, with two taking home the crown. The Rocket League squad won the NACE Varsity Plus East 4 Conference Championship and the Valorant JV team took home the NACE Academy East 8 Conference title. The Overwatch group was runner-up in the NACE Varsity Plus East 2 Conference and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (SSBU) team finished as runner-up in the NACE Varsity Plus East 8 Conference. With the titles for Rocket League and Valorant JV... Читать дальше...
Bourbonnais, Ill. – Sophomore Ayobami Arokoyo (Schaumburg, Ill./Schaumburg) set the school record in the Shot Put with a first-place throw of 15.16m to break his own record set last season, and he took first place in the Discus while improving on his NAIA 'A' Standard toss of 51.34m. Sophomore Lendale Franklin (Chicago, Ill./Roosevelt/Argo Community) ran the second-best time ever for the Cougars, and a new personal record (PR), in the 110m Hurdles with a time of 15.06 second. Sophomore Ronnie Foster (Peoria Heights... Читать дальше...
Bourbonnais, Ill. – Senior Delilah Delgado (East Chicago, Ind./Calumet St. Joseph/East Chicago Central) established a new personal record (PR) in the 800m and took home first place with a time of 2:22.91, Junior Victoria Dolbniak (Lyons, Ill./Morton West) was the top finisher in the 400m Hurdles with a time of 1:12.26, freshman Alanna Rodriguez (San Juan, Puerto Rico/Homeschool) won the 5000 Race Walk with a time of 30:52.78, juni and the 4x400 Relay Team was first with a time of 4:26.90 for the... Читать дальше...
LAS VEGAS, Nev. – The Saint Xavier University men's bowling team made its first appearance in program history at the Intercollegiate Team Championship (ITC) National Tournament at South Point Lanes in Las Vegas, Nev. The Cougars competed on Thursday, April 20 and Friday, April 21. They bowled in 24 Baker Games with 15 other teams to determine seeding on Thursday. SXU was in 13th place after the first block of 12 games with 2,344 pins, hitting 200 or more pins five times with a high of 267 in game 12. Читать дальше...
CHICAGO – Behind 25 hits and 32 runs, the Saint Xavier University baseball team (22-22/14-8 CCAC) swept Trinity International University (Ill.) in a Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) doubleheader Saturday afternoon at Richard R. Ferrell Memorial Field in Chicago, Ill. on 'Senior Day.' Three seniors, infielder Declan Smyth (Evergreen Park, Ill./North Central/Evergreen Park), outfielder Sam Ryan (Hoffman Estates, Ill./Conant) and infielder Darren Zarrillo (Grapevine, Texas/Frank Phillips/Grapevine) all had two RBI... Читать дальше...
Elgin, Ill. – Behind a combined 16 runs and 26 hits, the Saint Xavier University softball team (27-12/14-3 CCAC) came away with a pair of victories over Judson University (Ill.) Friday afternoon in Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) competition at the JU Softball Complex in Elgin, Ill. Junior pitcher Laila Summers (Joliet, Ill./Providence Catholic) struck out a career-high 10 batters, senior outfielder Nicole Lovato (Channahon, Ill./Minooka Community) and junior infielder Brooke Koran (Romeoville... Читать дальше...
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