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Новости за 14.04.2024


Vance said there is a ‘real fear of escalation’ amid Iran strikes on Israel

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) cautioned Sunday that there is a "real fear of escalation" amid Iran's missile and drone attack on Israel over the weekend. Vance said that he agreed with Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) on Sunday, who also appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" and suggested that there could be further escalation amid...


Rubio says Iran wants to make Israel ‘an impossible place to live’

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Sunday Iran wants to make Israel "an impossible place to live" amid its aerial attacks on the U.S. ally over the weekend. Well, Iran's goal has always been the same and that is to make Israel in unlivable place. Iran does not believe that it can —Iran knows it cannot...


Kirby says it will ‘be up to’ Israel on any response to Iranian attack

White House national security communications adviser John Kirby on Sunday said it would be up to Israel to decide how it moves forward after Iran launched a missile attack against Israel over the weekend. When pressed on "Fox News Sunday" if the Biden administration is advising Israel leaders about any retaliatory response, Kirby said, "I...


Bolton labels Iranian strikes as ‘massive failure of Israeli and American deterrence’

Former national security adviser John Bolton said the Iranian strikes over the weekend represented a "massive failure" of deterrence from Israel and the United States. "What we had tonight was a massive failure of Israeli and American deterrence. Massive failure, a 200 ballistic missile, cruise missile, drone failure. And I think notwithstanding that there appears...


Kirby calls Israel defense against Iran 'an incredible military achievement'

White House national security communications adviser John Kirby on Sunday applauded Israel's ability to intercept most of Iran's missile attacks over the weekend, calling it "an incredible military achievement." "What Israel demonstrated last night was an incredible ability to defend itself. Just their own military superiority was quite remarkable yesterday. I mean, very little got...


A glimmer of hope for Gaza

Netanyahu’s claims that elections will prevent Israel from defeating Hamas, set back negotiations to release hostages and further polarize society are self-serving and unpersuasive.


Kirby: 'We’re not looking for a wider war with Iran'

John Kirby, White House national security communications adviser, said the Biden administration is "not looking" for a wider war with Iran after Tehran launched a retaliatory attack against Israel and sparked fears of a wider regional conflict in the Middle East. Asked Sunday on NBC News's "Meet The Press," if the Middle East tensions have...


US helps Israel repel Iran's missile and drone attack: Live Updates

The U.S. helped its ally Israel repel a significant missile and drone assault by Iran, assisting with intercepting hundreds of Iranian drones and missiles. The attack from Iran and its allies on Israel appeared to cause little damage, and Israeli forces said most of the projectiles had been successfully thwarted. President Biden and Israel Prime...


'SNL Weekend Update' roasts Trump abortion stance 

This weekend's segment of "Saturday Night Live," mocked former President Trump for his position on abortion, in which he asserted laws on the procedure should be left to the states. "This week, Donald Trump said that he supports abortion laws being decided by the states instead of the federal government," SNL "Weekend Update," co-host Michael...


Conservative Republicans need to expand their pool of judicial candidates

Eight years ago, Donald Trump’s commitment to appointing conservative judges helped him win the White House. In selecting judicial candidates, the 45th president and other Republicans have rightly prioritized merit — including academic excellence, professional achievement, and a conservative record — recognizing that quotas and preferences undermine the principle of equal opportunity.  Yet with the...


News outlets push Biden, Trump to publicly agree to debates

A coalition of media outlets published a statement Sunday urging President Biden and former President Trump to publicly commit to debates ahead of the November election. "General election debates have a rich tradition in our American democracy, having played a vital role in every presidential election of the past 50 years, dating to 1976," the...


The secret to defeating Biden’s ‘SAVE’ program  

With challenges to the SAVE program underway and the Biden team scrambling to enroll as many people as possible before the courts can weigh in, expect questions about the department’s authority to loom large in coming months.


Suburban women are more complicated than ‘soccer moms’

President Biden and former President Trump are both fighting for the suburban woman voter, but she’s no longer the “soccer mom” caricature that gained traction in the '90s. The label connotes a stereotypical picture of a white, college-educated woman, married with a couple of kids. She’s a type of suburban woman voter, but far from the only one....


5 things to know ahead of Trump’s hush money trial

The first criminal trial of any U.S. president is set to begin Monday, when former President Trump stands trial for his role in a hush money deal with a porn actress ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Trump for months has sought to push back the start of his first criminal trial, launching a series...


Biden, Netanyahu speak after 'Iran’s brazen attack'

President Biden and Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke following “Iran’s brazen attack” that targeted Israel on Saturday. “Earlier today, Iran—and its proxies operating out of Yemen, Syria and Iraq—launched an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in Israel,” Biden said in a Saturday night statement. “I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms.” ...


Trump endorses Pennsylvania Republican David McCormick

Former President Trump officially announced his endorsement of Pennsylvania Republican Dave McCormick, throwing his support behind the Senate candidate who did not get the former president’s blessings last time he ran for a seat in the upper chamber. Trump unveiled the endorsement during his rally in Schnecksville, Pa., on Saturday.  “I am officially giving my...


Lawmakers react to Iran's drone attack on Israel

Iran launched a missiles and drone attack on Israel on Saturday, in retaliation for the alleged Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy that took out two senior Iranian officers. The attack started late Saturday night local time in Israel. Israel has its Iron Dome air defense system on high alert, and American forces have reportedly...


Israel says most of Iranian missiles intercepted

Israel said most of the Iranian missiles launched on Saturday were intercepted outside of the country by Israeli and allied defense systems. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported in a Telegram post that the "vast majority" of the dozens of Iranian surface-to-surface missiles were identified approaching Israeli territory and were "successfully intercepted" by the country's...


US intercepts Iranian drones targeting Israel

American forces have intercepted Iranian drones targeting Israel, according to a U.S. defense official. The official said the U.S. continues to "shoot down Iranian-launched drones targeting Israel." "Our forces remain postured to provide additional defensive support and to protect U.S. forces operating in the region," the official added. Iran has launched a wave of drones...


Biden wins Alaska Democratic primary

President Biden has won the Alaska Democratic presidential primary, according to a projection from Decision Desk HQ. Biden was the only candidate on the ballot with Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), a primary challenger who was also originally on the ballot, having dropped out last month. The Alaska Democratic Party decided as a result to hold...


Trump rallies Pennsylvania voters ahead of first criminal trial: Watch live

Former President Trump is holding a campaign rally in Schnecksville, Pa., on Saturday, just days before his first criminal trial is set to take place early next week. Pennsylvania is the biggest swing state on the map, boasting 19 Electoral College votes. If Trump can capture it in November, it could severely narrow President Biden’s...


Iran's diplomats warn US 'must stay away' from Iran-Israel conflict

Iran’s diplomats warned the U.S. “must stay away” from the developing Iran-Israel “conflict” following Tehran’s drone and missiles attack on Saturday.  The post by the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations said the Saturday attack on Israel was a “legitimate defense” and a “response” to the alleged Israeli strike...


Cohen signals Trump won't testify in hush money case: 'Not going to happen'

Former President Trump’s ex-personal attorney, Michael Cohen, said that the former commander-in-chief will not testify in the hush money case, arguing it is “not going to happen.”  Cohen, a former ally of Trump who turned into a vocal critic of the former president, shut down the idea that he would testify in the New York...

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

Фигуристка Валиева объявила о начале музыкальной карьеры и записи первой песни

Воскресшего Иисуса могут дополнительно установить в церквях, вместо черепа.

В Подмосковье состоится экстремальный исторический забег «Зарайский бизон»

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о компенсации части затрат на путевки в оздоровительные лагеря в рамках нацпроекта «Семья»


Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»


Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»

Количество пользователей-инвесторов на платформе «Атомайз» превысило 72000

Театр «Модерн» представит спектакль к 130-летию Олдоса Хаксли

С чего начинается любое заболевание?


Мэр Москвы расширил финансовую поддержку бизнес-ангелов

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Музыкальные новости


Тариф – Концерт. Провести свой Концерт.

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Эксперт оценила развитие района Филевский парк

Финал командного чемпионата ФНТР по настольному теннису пройдет в Москве

«Евро-Футбол.Ру»: «Спартак» никогда не интересовался Сафоновым


ATP-250 Open Parc – Lyon. Бублик поборется за выход в финал

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Экологическая акция «Вода России» прошла в Воскресенске

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России