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Новости за 02.07.2023

Voice of America 

US Politicians, Activists Divided on Impact of Recent Supreme Court Decisions

Politicians and activists are divided on the potential repercussions of a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions this past week. While some praised the conservative justices, who make up a majority on the nine-member court, others are questioning whether their rulings will hurt some minorities. Veronica Balderas Iglesias reports.

Voice of America 

Nigeria Warns Citizens Against Consuming Animal Hides Following Anthrax Outbreak

Following an outbreak of anthrax disease in the West African nation of Ghana, Nigerian authorities have urged citizens to halt consumption of cooked animal hides, a delicacy also known as “pomo” in the country. Gibson Emeka has this story from Abuja, Nigeria, narrated by Salem Solomon.

Voice of America 

Togolese Immigrant Hopes to Shape Future of US Soccer

A soccer academy in Burtonsville, Maryland, founded by a Togolese immigrant is changing lives and training children to be stars on and off the pitch. VOA’s Arzouma Kompaore has the story.

Voice of America 

Riots Grip France Following Fatal Police Shooting of Teen

It’s been nearly a week since news broke of a police shooting in France, sparking protests around the Paris area. The victim was of North African decent. The officer involved said he feared the teen would hit someone with his car, but activists say the victim’s ethnicity got him killed. VOA’s Arash Arabasadi has the latest.

Voice of America 

Officials: Southwest Pakistan Shootout Kills 4 Security Forces,1 Militant

Militants attacked a security post in Pakistan’s southwestern Baluchistan province, triggering a shootout that left three police officers a paramilitary soldier and one militant dead Sunday, officials said. Local police chief, Abdul Salam Baloch said while one of the militants was killed, the others managed to escape to the mountainous terrain in the Shirani district, bordering North Waziristan where they have multiple hideouts. Baloch said the attackers used hand grenades, rocket-propelled grenades... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Rioting Arrests Drop in France After Teenager’s Funeral  

Rioting in France to protest the police shooting death of an Arab teenager, diminished Saturday night following the youth’s funeral earlier in the day. The government deployed about 45,000 police onto the streets to try to control unrest after the funeral of Nahel, a 17-year-old with Algerian and Moroccan parents, who was shot during a traffic stop Tuesday in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. In five nights of protests, rioters have torched cars and looted stores, while also targeting town halls... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Muslim Grouping OIC Says Measures Needed to Prevent Quran Desecration

An Islamic grouping of 57 states said on Sunday collective measures are needed to prevent acts of desecration to the Quran and international law should be used to stop religious hatred after the holy book was burned in a protest in Sweden.   The statement by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, most of whose members have a Muslim-majority population, was issued after an extraordinary meeting in Saudi Arabia's Jeddah called to discuss Wednesday's incident.   "We must... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Britain Planning to Overhaul Planning to Meet Net Zero Targets

Britain is planning to overhaul the country's planning system to make it easier to install overhead cables and pylons, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero said on Sunday, a move to help the government reach its net zero targets. A spokesperson for the department said the government had increased the amount of renewable energy capacity connected to the grid by 500% since 2010 but wanted to do more. "We want to go further as part of our plans to power up Britain with cleaner, cheaper and more secure homegrown energy. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Many Opposition Members Defect to Cambodian Ruling Party Ahead of Election  

A cascade of former Cambodian opposition politicians and activists have defected to the ruling Cambodian People's Party ahead of the July 23 election amid alleged government threats and frustration with Cambodia's political situation, putting pressure on the country's remaining opposition leaders. In May, the government disqualified its main opposition Candlelight Party from participating in the election, hastening the departure of members. Even before that, though, defections had accelerated... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Many Opposition Members Defect to Cambodian Ruling Ahead of Election  

A cascade of former Cambodian opposition politicians and activists have defected to the ruling Cambodian People's Party ahead of the July 23 election amid alleged government threats and frustration with Cambodia's political situation, putting pressure on the country's remaining opposition leaders. In May, the government disqualified its main opposition Candlelight Party from participating in the election, hastening the departure of members. Even before that, though, defections had accelerated... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

China’s Slow Economic Recovery Expected to Challenge Asia

China’s recent economic slowdown will have a negative but limited impact on the rest of Asia this year as China struggles to recover from the impact of the global pandemic and strict COVID Zero restrictions throughout 2022, according to analysts. Beijing has set a modest 5% growth target for the country this year as it recovers from a sharp drop last year because of the COVID restrictions, but even that may be a challenge because of problems across its economy, said Alicia Garcia Herrero, chief economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

South Africa Nearing End of Daily Power Cuts, Minister Says

South Africa's electricity minister said on Sunday the country was closer to ending daily power cuts as warmer weather returns towards the end of the year, but declined to give a specific date.   South Africa is on course to see its most blackout days in history this year with daily power cuts extending to almost 10 hours a day, affecting businesses and households in an economy already hobbled by high interest rates and inflation.   The power cuts, called loadshedding locally, is expected to shave off 2 percentage points from GDP this year... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Amnesty: UAE Must Free Critics 'Unjustly' Jailed in Mass Trial

The United Arab Emirates, host of this year's U.N. climate talks, must release dozens of Emirati nationals "unjustly imprisoned" in a 2013 mass trial, Amnesty International said Sunday, decrying the country's rights record. In a statement marking a decade since the trial concluded, Amnesty warned that the COP28 meeting would be "tarnished by repression" if the 60 Emiratis still languishing in prison are not immediately freed. The UAE "is in the international spotlight through its upcoming... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

30 Shot at Baltimore Block Party 

Baltimore officials say 30 people were shot overnight at a block party near the South Baltimore neighborhood of Brooklyn Homes. Police say three people are in critical condition and two people have died. Police say they received multiple calls about the shooting. Acting Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley described the crime scene as “extensive.”  He said 20 of the victims were able to walk to the hospital Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott addressed the assailants, “I want those who... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Record Temperatures in Warming Oceans Causes Chaotic Weather Patterns

Researchers say they are detecting a dramatic spike in ocean surface temperatures around the world — reaching as much as 5 degrees Celsius (9 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal in the North Atlantic — and they could rise even higher. “It is very alarming, and as temperatures keep spiking, this is not unexpected,” said Kim Cobb, a climate scientist and professor of earth, environmental and planetary sciences at Brown University in Rhode Island. As the oceans get warmer each year, scientists say... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Hope for Refugees in Africa, Syria Tops Week's Immigration News

Editor's note: Here is a look at immigration-related news around the U.S. this week. Questions? Tips? Comments? Email the VOA immigration team: ImmigrationUnit@voanews.com.  Detained Migrant Minors in US Get More Phone Time With Family  Unaccompanied migrant children in U.S. shelters will now be allowed longer phone calls with loved ones. That's because of a recent change in guidance announced by the U.S. agency that oversees the care and release of minors. VOA's immigration reporter Aline Barros has the story. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Civil Society Struggles for Freedom in Central Asia

WASHINGTON - Efforts to establish robust, independent civil societies are facing headwinds in the post-Soviet republics of Central Asia, where foreign-funded NGOs have long been regarded as agents of Western influence and even purveyors of “color revolutions.” Despite their suspicions, regional governments have reluctantly allowed some space for these nongovernmental organizations to operate, largely due to pressure from the United States and the European Union. But supporters are warning of new... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Israel's Air Force Attacks Syria; Syrian Missile Explodes Over Israel

BEIRUT — Israel carried out airstrikes on areas near the central Syrian city of Homs early Sunday causing material damage but no casualties, the Syrian military said in a statement. A Syrian anti-aircraft missile exploded over Israeli territory, the Israeli military said, prompting another round of strikes. Syrian state media quoted an unnamed military official as saying the air defenses shot down some of the missiles fired by Israeli warplanes flying over neighboring Lebanon. Israeli authorities did not comment on the airstrike on Homs. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US Religious Conservatives Lobby to Restrict Abortion in Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya — Nowhere in the world has a higher rate of unsafe abortions or unintended pregnancies than sub-Saharan Africa, where women often face scorn for becoming pregnant before marriage. Efforts to legalize and make abortions safer in Africa were shaken when the U.S. Supreme Court ended the national right to an abortion a year ago. Within days, Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio declared that his government would decriminalize abortion "at a time when sexual and reproductive health... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Mexican Anti-Cartel Leader Buried Along with His Self-Defense Movement

LA RUANA, MEXICO — One of the last leaders of Mexico's anti-gang citizens' movement was buried Saturday alongside two of his faithful followers, and any hope of reviving armed civilian resistance to drug cartels probably died with them. "Self-defense" vigilante leader Hipolito Mora had long since ceased to pose an armed threat to the cartel that dominates western Mexico's Michoacan state, as was clear from the overwhelming, deadly, multipoint ambush in which he and three followers were slain Thursday. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Heat Scorching America's Southern Half as July 4th Holiday Nears

Dangerous heat levels kicked in again Saturday for much of the southern United States as temperatures throughout the weekend were expected to reach a scorching 37.6 degrees Celsius or higher in several states. Excessive heat warnings were in place for Arizona's largest metro area, where Phoenix and surrounding communities were flirting with highs of 46 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, Las Vegas in the southwestern state of Nevada, got its first taste of triple digits on Friday, and forecasters warned... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Thousands Rally in Serbia to Strip Pro-Government TV of License

BELGRADE, SERBIA — Thousands of people in Serbia's capital rallied Saturday outside a pro-government TV station that protesters say promotes a culture of violence and should be stripped of its broadcasting license after two mass shootings stunned the Balkan nation. The protest started outside the Serbian parliament building before thousands marched toward the Pink TV building in a residential area of Belgrade that also hosts foreign embassies and residences. The protesters booed loudly in front of the station's offices... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

In US, 5G Wireless Signals Could Disrupt Flights Starting This Weekend

Airline passengers who have endured tens of thousands of weather-related flight delays this week could face a new source of disruptions starting Saturday, when wireless providers are expected to power up new 5G systems near major airports. Aviation groups have warned for years that 5G signals could interfere with aircraft equipment, especially devices using radio waves to measure distance from the ground and which are critical when planes land in low visibility. Predictions that interference... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Dozens Killed in Kenya Traffic Accident

At least 51 people were killed Friday when a large truck veered off a major highway, plowed into other vehicles and then into pedestrians and traders at a market in western Kenya.   Local police said Friday evening that 48 people died in the twisted jumble of cars, minibuses, motorbikes and other trucks in Londiani.   On Saturday, the toll rose to 51. More people were believed to be trapped in the wreckage, Rift Valley police commander Tom Odera told The Associated Press, as heavy rain hindered rescue efforts. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sierra Leone’s Opposition Demands Rerun of General Election After Incumbent Win

Sierra Leone’s main opposition party on Saturday demanded a re-run of last weekend’s presidential election after incumbent President Julius Maada Bio was declared the winner and swiftly sworn in for a second term in the West African nation. The opposition All People’s Congress party, or APC, accused Sierra Leone's electoral commission of conspiring with Bio's party to rig the results. In a statement, the party also called for the resignation of electoral commission chairman Mohamed Konneh and his entire team among others. Читать дальше...

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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие


Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин

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Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации — Собянин

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