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Новости за 14.04.2024

Voice of America 

News organizations urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates

New York — Twelve news organizations on Sunday urged presumptive presidential nominees Joe Biden and Donald Trump to agree to debates, saying they were a "rich tradition" that have been part of every general election campaign since 1976. While Trump, who did not participate in debates for the Republican nomination, has indicated a willingness to take on his 2020 rival, the Democratic president has not committed to debating him again. Although invitations have not been formally issued, the news... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump on trial, Biden headed to Pennsylvania

The first criminal trial of a former U.S. president is set to begin this coming week in New York City. Donald Trump’s hush money case will start on Monday with jury selection. Separately, President Joe Biden, who is seeking reelection, will hit the campaign trail in Pennsylvania. VOA’s Veronica Balderas Iglesias has the details.

Voice of America 

US helps Israel repel Iranian attack

The White House calls it an “incredible military achievement” that Israel, the United States and other partners succeeded in repelling “more than 300 drones and missiles” launched by Iran toward Israel. VOA’s Arash Arabasadi has more.

Voice of America 

China ‘deeply concerned’ after Iran strikes, online commenters largely oppose Israel

Washington — China’s foreign ministry Sunday said it is "deeply concerned" about escalating tensions in the Middle East. Hours after Iran launched more than 320 warheads towards Israel in retaliation for a suspected Israeli strike on Tehran’s embassy in Damascus, China’s foreign ministry published a statement calling for the immediate implementation of a U.N. ceasefire resolution. “China expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint to prevent further escalations. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Polish abortion opponents march against steps to liberalize strict law  

WARSAW — Thousands of Polish opponents of abortion marched Sunday in Warsaw to protest recent steps by the new government to liberalize the predominantly Catholic nation’s strict laws and allow termination of pregnancy until the 12th week. Many participants in the downtown march were pushing prams with children, while others were carrying white-and-red national flags or posters representing a fetus in the womb. Poland’s Catholic Church has called for Sunday to be a day of prayer “in defense of conceived life” and has supported the march... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

A year in, no end in sight for Sudan's 'forgotten war'

A year since war broke out in Sudan, analysts foresee no end to the conflict and say the longer it drags on, the more likely Sudan will become a breeding ground for terrorist groups. VOA spoke via video to a volunteer at one of the last functioning hospitals in Omdurman. Henry Wilkins reports.

Voice of America 

Thailand’s extended Songkran festival sees millions celebrate

Bangkok — Thailand is in the middle of its Songkran celebrations, marking the country’s traditional New Year, which have millions participating in the world’s biggest water fight. Thai officials and business owners have welcomed the festivities that increase the country's soft power and boost its economy. In many areas of Thailand, including the capital, Bangkok, Songkran public water fights usually last for three days starting on April 13. But this year the festival began a day earlier as Thailand enjoys a long public holiday weekend. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Cameroon opens museum honoring oldest sub-Saharan kingdom

Foumban, Cameroon — To enter the Museum of the Bamoun Kings in western Cameroon, you have to pass under the fangs of a gigantic two-headed snake — the highlight of an imposing coat of arms of one of the oldest kingdoms in sub-Saharan Africa. Thousands of Cameroonians gathered in the royal palace square in Foumban on Saturday to celebrate the opening of the Museum of the Bamoun Kings. Sultan King Mouhammad Nabil Mforifoum Mbombo Njoya welcomed 2,000 guests to the opening of the museum located in Foumban ... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

19 dead, two missing after Indonesia landslide 

Jakarta — At least 19 people have been found dead and two more are missing after a landslide in central Indonesia, local authorities said on Sunday.    The dead and two survivors were evacuated from two landslide-hit villages in Tana Toraja regency, South Sulawesi province on Saturday evening, said local disaster agency head Sulaiman Malia.    "There have been 19 fatalities, with 4 deaths in South Makale and 15 others in Makale villages," Malia told AFP on Sunday.    "Currently, we are still searching for other victims," he said... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Oregon city asks US Supreme Court: Can homeless people be fined for sleeping outside?

GRANTS PASS, Oregon — A pickleball game in this leafy Oregon community was suddenly interrupted one rainy weekend morning by the arrival of an ambulance. Paramedics rushed through the park toward a tent, one of dozens illegally erected by the town's hundreds of homeless people, then play resumed as though nothing had happened. Mere feet away, volunteers helped dismantle tents to move an 80-year-old man and a woman blind in one eye, who risked being fined for staying too long. In the distance, a group of boys climbed on a jungle gym. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Barges break loose on Ohio River in Pittsburgh, damaging marina, striking bridge

PITTSBURGH, USA — More than two dozen river barges broke loose from their moorings and floated down the Ohio River in Pittsburgh, striking one bridge that had already been preemptively closed and damaging a marina, officials said. The boats eventually were pinned to the riverbank or went over a dam downstream, officials said. Pittsburgh police, fire and emergency medical services responded around 11:25 p.m. Friday to reports of the barges “floating uncontrolled” down the river, Pittsburgh Public Safety said in a statement. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

G7 sets video conference on Iran strike on Israel 

Washington — Leaders of the G7 leading industrial countries will hold a video conference Sunday to discuss Iran’s strikes on Israel. The session was called by Italy, which holds the rotating presidency of the group, whose members also include the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, and Canada. "We express our deep concern about a further destabilization of the situation in the region and continue to work to avoid that," Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said on X, formerly known as Twitter. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

India's Modi vows to make country a manufacturing hub ahead of election

NEW DELHI — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday vowed to boost social spending, develop infrastructure and make India into a global manufacturing hub as companies shift away from China, as he unveiled his Hindu nationalist party's election strategy. Modi hopes to return to power for a third five-year term. He and other leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party unveiled their promises in the world's largest democracy days before the start of a multi-phase general election. Modi promised... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Archeologists find frescoes of Trojan War figures in Pompeii

rome, italy — Archaeologists excavating new sites in Pompeii have uncovered a sumptuous banquet hall decorated with intricately frescoed mythological characters inspired by the Trojan War, officials said Thursday.  The hall, which features a mosaic floor, was uncovered as part of a project to shore up the areas dividing the excavated and unexcavated parts of Pompeii, the ancient city near Naples that was destroyed in A.D. 79 when Mount Vesuvius erupted.  The banquet hall was used for refined entertaining and features black walls... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sexual assaults rise in Central African Republic 

BANGUI, Central African Republic — It was too late for the mother to shield her children when the two masked and armed Russian fighters burst into her home, held her at gunpoint and took turns raping her. Her five children were forced to watch in the dark.  Seated in a restaurant in Central African Republic's capital, to which she fled after the attack, she wiped away tears. Two years on, the assault has "stayed with me in my core," she said. The Associated Press does not identify survivors of sexual assault. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Germany making it easier for people to legally change their name, gender

BERLIN — German lawmakers on Friday approved legislation that will make it easier for transgender, intersex and nonbinary people to change their name and gender in official records. The "self-determination law," one of several social reforms that Chancellor Olaf Scholz's liberal-leaning coalition government pledged when it took office in late 2021, is set to take effect on November 1. Germany, the European Union's most populous nation, follows several other countries in making the change. Parliament's lower house... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nigerian families cope with trauma of more school kidnappings

KADUNA, Nigeria — His weak body stood in the doorway, exhausted and covered in dirt. For two years, the boy had been among Nigeria's ghosts, one of at least 1,500 schoolchildren and others seized by armed groups and held for ransom. But paying a ransom didn't work for 12-year-old Treasure, the only captive held back from the more than 100 schoolchildren kidnapped from their school in July 2021 in the northwestern Kaduna state. Instead, his captors hung on, and he had to escape the forests on his own in November. Читать дальше...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

5 фактов, которые необходимо знать о СЭЙН и Wimmortal и их релизе «Старик и воля».

Часть электричек из Твери изменит свое расписание, некоторые будут отменены

Экспорт столичных сладостей вырос более чем на 20% в 2023 году

Собянин принял решение увеличить фонд грантов одаренным учащимся школ искусств


"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" расшифровал смысл "ДНК В.И. Ленина".


Собянин: в Подольске отразили атаку летевшего на Москву дрона ВСУ

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Музыкальные новости

Светлана Сурганова

Светлана Сурганова выступит на фестивале «Окна Открой»!

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Развод на договорных матчах: схемы, риски и пути предотвращения

Футбольный турнир «Вызов» для студентов станет частью праздничных мероприятий ко Дню Победы

В рамках празднования Дня Победы в Москве пройдет ежегодный турнир среди студенческих футбольных команд «Вызов»


Стало известно, с кем сыграет Вероника Кудерметова во втором круге турнира WTA-1000 в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Москвичи из-за дороговизны массово поехали по регионам лечить зубы: из Москвы начался стоматологический туризм

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России