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Новости за 12.05.2024

Voice of America 

Trump, Republicans ramp up criticism of Biden over suspension of some military aid to Israel

With the United States recently deciding to pause some military aid shipments to Israel, the war in Gaza has now become part of heated rhetoric on the U.S. presidential campaign trail. Donald Trump has joined other Republicans in criticizing his political rival, President Joe Biden, for Biden’s stance on the matter. Veronica Balderas Iglesias has the story.

Voice of America 

'The Fall Guy' gives Hollywood muted summer kickoff with $28.5M opening

New York — "The Fall Guy," the Ryan Gosling-led, action-comedy ode to stunt performers, opened below expectations with $28.5 million, according to studio estimates Sunday, providing a lukewarm start to a summer movie season that's very much to be determined for Hollywood. The Universal Pictures release opened on a weekend that Marvel has regularly dominated with $100 million-plus launches. (In 2023, that was "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" with a $118 million debut.) But last year's strikes jumbled... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Indian Kashmir voters prepare for historic election amid political shifts

Srinagar — Voters in Indian Kashmir are going to the polls from May 13 through May 25 to select their representatives in the Indian parliament. Local media reports claim that more than 1.7 million voters will determine the outcome for 24 candidates competing for the Srinagar constituency.  This is part of India’s ongoing general elections, which began in late April and run through June. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is seeking a third term. The vote comes nearly five years after the Modi... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Georgian PM vows to pass 'foreign agent' bill next week after thousands protest 

TBILISI — Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze vowed on Sunday to push ahead with a law on "foreign agents" that has sparked a political crisis, after opponents of the bill rallied in one of the largest protests seen since independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.  Kobakhidze told a televised briefing that the ruling Georgian Dream party would secure passage of the bill in a third reading this week, and threatened protesters with prosecution if they resort to violence.  Georgia's opposition... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

4 killed during rebel attack on Central African Republic mining town 

BANGUI — Armed rebels Sunday attacked a Chinese-run gold mining town and killed at least four people in Central African Republic, authorities said.  Maxime Balalu, a local government spokesperson, told The Associated Press that the Coalition of Patriots for Change, an alliance of rebel groups aligned with former President Francois Bozize, had carried out the attack in Gaga, a village roughly 125 miles (200 kilometers) from the capital, Bangui.  He said the death toll might rise and included several individuals who worked at the nearby mine.

Voice of America 

Fire destroys shopping center housing 1,400 outlets in Warsaw  

WARSAW — A fire broke out Sunday morning in a vast shopping center housing 1,400 shops and service outlets in the Bialoleka district in Poland's capital. The fire brigade said more than 80% of The Marywilska 44 shopping complex was on fire, and 50 teams, including chemical and environmental rescue specialists, were carrying out rescue operations. A police spokesperson told the news agency PAP there were no injuries reported. Authorities also sent a text message warning Warsaw residents about... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Magnitude 6.4 earthquake rattles people on Mexico-Guatemala border 

TAPACHULA, Mexico — A strong earthquake shook the border of Mexico and Guatemala early Sunday, driving frightened residents into the streets.  The temblor struck just before 6 a.m. near the Mexican border town of Suchiate, where a river by the same name divides the two countries. The epicenter was just off the Pacific coast, 10 miles (16 kilometers) west-southwest of Brisas Barra de Suchiate where the river empties into the sea.  The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.4, according to... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Flash floods and cold lava flow hit Indonesia's Sumatra island

PADANG, Indonesia — Heavy rains and torrents of cold lava and mud flowing down a volcano's slopes on Indonesia's Sumatra island triggered flash floods that killed at least 37 people and more than a dozen others were missing, officials said Sunday. Monsoon rains and a major mudslide from a cold lava flow on Mount Marapi caused a river to breach its banks and tear through mountainside villages in four districts in West Sumatra province just before midnight on Saturday. The floods swept away people... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

First patient to get gene-edited pig kidney transplant dies 

Washington — The first living patient to receive a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has died two months after the procedure, the US hospital that carried it out said. "Mass General is deeply saddened at the sudden passing of Mr. Rick Slayman. We have no indication that it was the result of his recent transplant," the Boston hospital said in a statement issued late Saturday. In a world first, surgeons at Massachusetts General Hospital in March successfully transplanted the genetically edited pig kidney into Slayman... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Afghan officials put flood toll at 315

Islamabad, Pakistan — Afghan officials said Sunday that the death toll from Friday’s flash floods in the northern Baghlan province had risen to at least 315, with more than 1,600 people injured. The refugee ministry announced the latest casualties through social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. It said more than 2,600 homes had been "completely and partially destroyed" in the province since the calamity hit following heavy seasonal rains. The ministry stressed that it was reporting... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Lawyers: Three Tunisian commentators arrested over critical remarks

Tunis, Tunisia — Tunisian authorities on Sunday ordered the arrest of two journalists over critical comments, a lawyer told AFP, a day after security forces stormed the bar association and took political commentator Sonia Dahmani into custody.   Dahmani, also a lawyer, was arrested late Saturday after criticizing the state of Tunisia on television, her attorney Dalila Msaddek said in a post on Facebook.    Msaddek said there was a "police attack against the bar association headquarters" in Tunis... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

A decade of uncertainty: the fate of detained Uyghur refugees in Thailand

washington — Dozens of Uyghurs who fled China a decade ago and have been indefinitely detained in Thailand are getting conflicting explanations from the U.N. refugee agency and Thai authorities on why their cases are still in limbo. "If we speak out about our condition or our situation here, it will attract media attention, the world will know, Thai authorities will find out. Then our situation here will worsen, and we might lose all communication with the outside world,” said one detainee in a rare interview with VOA. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Prada focuses generational transition on Italian artisans

TORGIANO, Italy — The Prada Group is expanding its production footprint in Italy, including dozens of new jobs at its knitwear factory in Umbria, leaning into "Made in Italy" as integral to the brand's ethos and developing new artisanal talent to ease the luxury group through a generational shift in its workforce. Prada CEO Andrea Guerra, who was brought in last year as part of the generational change in family-run Prada's management, said at an unveiling of the expanded plant Tuesday that the... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Dogs entering US must be 6 months old, microchipped to prevent rabies spread

New York — All dogs coming into the U.S. from other countries must be at least 6 months old and microchipped to help prevent the spread of rabies, according to new government rules published Wednesday. The new rules require vaccination for dogs that have been in countries where rabies is common. The update applies to dogs brought in by breeders or rescue groups as well as pets traveling with their U.S. owners. "This new regulation is going to address the current challenges that we're facing," said Emily Pieracci... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Vatican and Rome begin dash to 2025 Jubilee with papal bull, construction

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican crossed a key milestone Thursday in the runup to its 2025 Jubilee with the promulgation of the official decree establishing the Holy Year. It's a once-every-quarter-century event that is expected to bring some 32 million pilgrims to Rome and has already brought months of headaches to Romans. Pope Francis presided over a ceremony in the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica for the reading of the papal bull, or official edict, that laid out his vision for a year of hope: He asked for gestures of solidarity for the poor... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

California to use generative AI to improve services, cut traffic jams 

sacramento, california — California could soon deploy generative artificial intelligence tools to help reduce traffic jams, make roads safer and provide tax guidance, among other things, under new agreements announced Thursday as part of Governor Gavin Newsom's efforts to harness the power of new technologies for public services.  The state is partnering with five companies to create generative AI tools using technologies developed by tech giants such as Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google- and... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Fans follow Taylor Swift to Europe for more affordable Eras Tour tickets

london — Thousands of ride-or-die Taylor Swift fans who missed out on her U.S. concert tour last year or didn't want to buy exorbitantly priced tickets to see her again found an out-of-the-way solution: Fly to Europe.  The pop star is scheduled to kick off the 18-city Europe leg of her record-setting Eras Tour in Paris on Thursday, and planeloads of Swifties plan to follow Miss Americana across the pond in the coming weeks. The arena where Swift is appearing said Americans bought 20% of the tickets for her four sold-out shows. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Kenyan students plant bamboo to help offset huge trash dump next door

NAIROBI, Kenya — Armed with gardening hoes while others cradled bamboo seedlings, students gathered outside their school in Kenya's capital. They hoped the fully grown bamboo would help to filter filthy air from one of Africa's largest trash dumps next door. More than 100 bamboo plantings dot the ground around Dandora secondary school, which shares a name with the dumpsite that was declared full 23 years ago. Hundreds of trucks still drive in daily to dump more trash. Allan Sila, 17, said sitting... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Poorest Kenyans feel devastated by floods, brutalized by government response

NAIROBI, Kenya — Winnie Makinda, 35, says she is facing the worst crisis and lowest moment of her life because of the Kenyan government's response to floods that devastated her poor community in the capital, Nairobi. The floods and mudslides swept away people and inundated homes, killing at least 267 people and affecting more than 380,000, according to government statistics. The floods are fueled by unusually heavy rainfall during Kenya's rainy season, which starts in March and sometimes extends to June. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Still reeling from Oct. 7, Israel marks its Memorial Day

TEL AVIV, Israel — Ruby Chen's son, Itay, was killed in the Hamas attack on October 7. But unlike scores of other families of soldiers killed that day, Chen doesn't have a grave to visit because his son's remains are held captive in Gaza. The absence of a final resting place is being felt acutely now, as Israel marks its Memorial Day for fallen soldiers, when cemeteries are brimming with relatives mourning over the graves of their loved ones. "Where are we supposed to go?" Chen said. "There is... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Wildfire in Canada's British Columbia forces thousands to evacuate

CAIRO, Canada — Canadian authorities are urging all remaining residents in the northeastern part of the province of British Columbia to leave immediately, despite improving weather conditions, after thousands have already been evacuated due to a fast-growing wildfire. The blaze, which started Friday, almost doubled in size the following day, reaching about 17 square kilometers. BC Wildfire Service maps showed the fire burning just a few kilometers west of Fort Nelson's city limits. Online footage... Читать дальше...

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СК отпустил еще трех задержанных по делу о стрельбе у офиса Wildberriеs

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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

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Сергей Собянин рассказал о передовых российских разработках ИИ в области медицины

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Певица Mary Gu вышла замуж за солиста группы Wildways Анатолия Борисова

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Набор в резерв сборных для участия в школьных олимпиадах объявили в Москве

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России