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Trump haters gaslighting Trump supporters: It's getting uglier


It's getting scary out there, people. Everywhere you turn, Trump haters are venting their wrath against Trump supporters, as if supporting President Trump is an unforgivable sin.

They're projecting and gaslighting – blaming Trump and his supporters for everything they're doing. It's madness, but at long last, they might have awakened the sleeping giant they're trying to hunt down and destroy.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweeted, "Genuine question: what will be the relationship between the majority of Americans, and Trumpists after this long, national nightmare ends – and it will eventually end – do people anticipate simply letting bygones (be) bygones with people who joined the Trump personality cult?"

What bygones? Who's doing what to whom? What are we Trump supporters doing to you Trump haters, Joy? We are trying to mind our own business and stay safe. Are you and yours?

MSNBC's Donny Deutsch likened a Trump rally to a Hitler rally from the early '30s: "Well, basically you had a destruction of the belief in the free press. You had a blurring between the executive branch and the Justice Department. You have creating an other, whether it's Muslims, whether it's Mexicans, whether it's congressmen who weren't born in this country. And then you have the destruction of free elections. And we're here."

This is screaming insanity. Trump supporters aren't censoring people on social media. They aren't threatening their opponents' civil liberties. They aren't violating the separation of powers, which leftists routinely do, including through their activist courts and lawless executive orders (under former President Barack Obama). They're not demonizing other races, as you maliciously accuse. Quit belching that vicious slander. And they are not the ones threatening the integrity of the electoral process. The left, on the other hand, has promised to stack the Supreme Court; add territories to the union to increase its electoral prospects; circumvent the Electoral College; obliterate the integrity of the voting process through rampant unverifiable mail-in ballots and the elimination of voter ID rules; and lower the voting age to 16. Republicans aren't the ones threatening to lawlessly invoke impeachment to block Trump's lawful Supreme Court nominee.

Increasingly deranged, intolerant, hateful and unhinged actor-turned-artist Jim Carrey said, "Too many Americans support Trump because he appeals to their basest and most primitive urges." This is a direct indictment of millions of Trump supporters – many of whom have been your fans. Tell me, Jim: What base and primitive urges do you mean? Our commitment to the Constitution, law and order, equal protection under the law for everyone, liberty, prosperity and a strong national defense? Protecting the borders to ensure orderly and legal immigration? Are these commitments racist and sexist to you, Jim? If you really believe that, you are obviously blinded into irrationality by your hatred and need of therapy and prayer. Please get the tree trunk out of your own eye. In the meantime, sketch a picture of your own dark heart.

And how about the now-famous Leo Guinan, who publicly bragged that he told his parents neither he nor his children would visit them because they had placed Trump signs in their yard. After receiving blowback for this self-indulgent and heartless act, he publicly apologized.

We have obnoxious leftist "protesters" in St. Petersburg, Florida, taking over peaceful diners' tables from restaurant to restaurant, ratcheting up the despicable practice they began a few years ago to harass Trump supporters.

And, once again, we have violent leftists rioting in the streets of Louisville, where two policemen were shot trying to keep the peace.

How can things be more surreal? I'll say it again: The left is projecting its own darkness onto Trump and his supporters. Countless leftists accuse Trump of inciting violence and hate while displaying their own intolerance and hatred and committing violence. Trump is trying to stop the violence, while Democratic governors and mayors are fanning the flames.

Fair-minded Democrats, please don't fool yourself into rationalizing that these things are happening equally on both sides of the aisle. It simply is not true. And don't fall into the insidious trap of Trump Derangement Syndrome, which now possesses large swaths of Americans because of the left's concerted effort to smear Trump and his supporters as racists for political gain.

How many Trump supporters are burning down cities, murdering cops, threatening mayhem if Joe Biden is elected, bullying Biden supporters out of restaurants, accosting people with Biden caps or yard signs, threatening to withhold their children from their Biden-supporting parents and stirring up racial disharmony throughout the nation? When have Republican lawmakers ever tried to destroy the character of a Democratic president's Supreme Court nominee?

Yes, Republicans say they're ready to defend themselves, but I know of none who are threatening to commit violence and mayhem if Trump loses.

I don't know how people can be so warped as to condemn Trump for allegedly inspiring violence simply because they don't like him, when they themselves are actually committing violence or enabling those who are. I don't know how they can rage against Trump as a dictator when he is doing nothing but exercising his lawful authority in office and appointing justices who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law, and when they are openly promising to thwart the Constitution in countless ways if they regain power. Notwithstanding the planted trick question, Trump will not resist the peaceable transition of power, but he might legally contest a stolen election. Meanwhile, prominent Democrats are promising not to accept a Trump victory – just like they never accepted his 2016 victory.

No, Joy Reid, we Trump supporters are not part of a cult, no matter how much Trump haters have convinced themselves otherwise. But we do see him as the last best hope to restore America's greatness – and that includes liberty, peace and security for all, not just for those who agree with us, unlike many on your side believe. We are relying on him to lawfully prevent the left's destruction of the nation, its violence and lawlessness, and its abolition of liberty.

God save the republic.

The post Trump haters gaslighting Trump supporters: It's getting uglier appeared first on WND.

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