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Новости за 11.02.2018


Why Do People Keep Eating Tide Pods?

The New York Assembly has proposed legislation that would require the packaging of Tide Pods to be changed in order to make the laundry detergent look less delicious for idiotic consumers. This whole thing has gotten way out of control, and we can only blame American stupidity for it. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins breaks it down for simple American Republicans.


'Out of order': West Virginia lawmakers drag woman off House floor for reading list of oil and gas donations

According to the report, fracking activist and House of Delegates candidate Lissa Lucas appeared in the Charleston state house on Friday to address lawmakers considering a bill that would allow oil and gas companies to drill on minority mineral owners' land without their consent. Stepping to the microphone Lucas can be seen saying, "I have to keep this short, because the public only gets a minute and 45 seconds while lobbyists can throw a gala at the Marriott with whiskey and wine and talk for hours... Читать дальше...


Germany has no budget for its elderly, but will spend 93 billion on migrants

It's a crippling shame how Germany treats the people who reconstructed the country after WWII. Here is just one of many examples of how the country treats its elderly: In the meanwhile Germany does have a large budget for migrants. Already in 2016 a budget of 93 billion euros was reserved until 2020. As we know Germany accepted more migrants afterwards, as part of family reunifications for example. It isn't unreasonable to think the budget has reached $100B.


Soros defends funding anti-Brexit groups

Billionaire industrialist George Soros has defended his decision to fight Brexit. Last week, Soros put his money where his mouth is and donated more than seven thousand pounds to anti-Brexit groups. The businessman has been blasted in UK press and told to 'butt out' of British politics. In his defense, he says the referendum on membership was a fatal error egged on by unscrupulous agitators. Britain outside Europe, he says, will lose much of its global influence and will suffer because... Читать дальше...


Prison guard is attacked by 6 Blood gang members

A Rikers Island corrections officer has been hospitalized with a fractured spine after six Bloods gang members viciously attacked him. Surveillance video captured the savage attack on the 39-year-old officer, which occurred on Saturday around 6.30pm in the George Motchan Detention Center on New York City's island jail complex. 'This is the most serious assault on a CO in perhaps years,' Unions sources said the six inmates involved in the attack were Bloods gang members. Video of the... Читать дальше...


Republicans Keep Getting Destroyed In Special Elections, And It Will Only Get Worse

Another special election was held this week, this time in a deep red district in Missouri that went for Trump by 27 points. The Democrat in the race managed to win, flipping the district to blue. The Republicans have lost more than 30 special elections held in the last year, and they are terrified of getting further decimated in this year's midterms. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why Trump's grandstanding won't be enough to save the Republican Party from annihilation in November.


Jeff Sessions Blames Opioid Crisis On Marijuana Users

Attorney General Jeff Sessions ramped his anti-marijuana campaign up to conspiracy theory levels this week when he told a crowd at the Heritage Foundation that the opioid crisis is being fueled by people who use marijuana. Not only is this not true whatsoever, it shows that Jeff Sessions will not be taking this public health crisis seriously. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.


Communists take to Britain's streets in solidarity with comrades facing repression in Ukraine

The protesters gathered in London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Manchester to protest against the Kiev regime's "violation of the political and civil rights of Ukrainians by adoption of laws banning the use of communist symbols and ideology." The libtards handed in a letter of protest at the city's consulate but, in London, embassy staff refused to accept the letter to the ambassador, instead calling armed diplomatic police on the libs. Notice the Antifa logos on the banner...


3 Men Charged For Running Over SFPD Officer **LOUD**

A plainclothes officer saw two people get out of the Infiniti, peer inside the Toyota and then smash the rear window to take items from it, police said.Officers identified themselves and moved in to try to arrest the suspects, but one suspect fled into the waiting vehicle with the stolen property, according to police and court records.While an officer was taking another suspect into custody, Lofton allegedly put the vehicle into reverse and accelerated backwards, hitting the officer and Landers... Читать дальше...


Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Somehow Finds Way to Blame Obama in Rob Porter Scandal

Pirro suggested that former President Barack Obama was to blame for the scandal surrounding ex-Trump aide Rob Porter. Porter never received full security clearance and was ousted from his position Thursday after reports surfaced that he physically abused two ex-wives. White House chief of staff John Kelly initially defended Porter as a "man of true integrity and honor." But he later expressed shock at the allegations and reportedly forced him to resign. According to Pirro, however, Kelly should... Читать дальше...


(Feb. 11, 2018) Watch Ancient Sword And Spears Be Discovered

If you're at a loss on how to fritter away some time this weekend, I have a solution for you. Watch this video about the hoard of Bronze Age weapons discovered at the former Newton Farm in Carnoustie, eastern Scotland. More info in comments.


Man interrupts secret meeting in Chicago

The man walks into a secret meeting and shouts that men are being shot at on the streets and the pastors are brainwashing the audience into thinking prayers are helping the situation. A brawl breaks out after.


Trump regime wanted a Nobel Peace Prize

Trump supporters claimed it is Trump who forced the Korean to unite by threatening to nuke North Korea and the Nobel Prize should go to Donald Trump. They say if Obama can buy a Peace Prize then so can Trump.


EAT ME! Brit cake designer creates $1million life-sized edible bride

A million-dollar wedding cake depicting an Arab bride was unveiled by British fashion designer Debbie Wingham at the BRIDE show in Dubai on Sunday. The life-size cake weighing 120 kg (264 lbs) is edible from head to toe. It was adorned with five flawless three-carat white diamonds, each valued at USD 200,000 (EUR 163,326), along with a 1000 pearls, earning it the moniker "The Million Dollar Bride". Wingham used 50 kg (110 lbs) of fondant and about 20 kg (44 lbs) of chocolate to make the cake... Читать дальше...


Johann Johannsson found dead

Award-winning Icelandic composer and producer Johann Johannsson has been found dead in his Berlin apartment. He was 48. Police are said to be investigating how he died. His signature sound combining classical music with modern electronics can be heard in the soundtracks to 'The Theory of Everything' and 'Sicario'.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Московский зоопарк показал видео, как панда Катюша плещется в уличном бассейне

Зиновьева: В Московской области широко диверсифицированная экономика

Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

Благотворительный концерт для детей пройдет в Зале Церковных Соборов Храма Христа Спасителя


Стоматолог Татьяна Сумцова: какие зубные пасты вредны для зубов


Сергей Собянин: в ТиНАО создадут новые управы районов

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Музыкальные новости

Булат Окуджава

В БРХК прошел Урок памяти Булата Окуджавы

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Новак Джокович

Новак Джокович низко оценил свою готовность к «Ролан Гаррос» и Олимпиаде-2024

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MTA reveals new electric buses, charging stations in Queens

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