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Новости за 16.04.2024


ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает об отключениях

АрмИнфо.ЗАО "Электрические сети Армении" предупреждает, что в связи с проведением плановых ремонтных работы, 17 апреля текущего года будет прекращено электроснабжение следующих адресов:

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Sobhani: Iran`s "red lines" regarding inviolability of borders of  countries in region have not changed

ArmInfo. "Iran's "red lines" regarding the inviolability of the borders of the countries in the  region have not changed, I emphasize this on a regular basis in all my interviews." Iranian Ambassador to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani stated on April 16 at a press conference in Yerevan to clarify whether Iran's  position on this issue has changed, taking into account the fact that Azerbaijan continues to keep a number of territories of the Republic of Armenia under occupation. The diplomat again emphasized... Читать дальше...


Ambassador: Iran cannot be against Armenia`s efforts to strengthen  its own economic sustainability and solve Artsakh refugees` problems 

ArmInfo.The Armenian authorities assured us that the meeting in Brussels was purely  economic. Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani  stated on April 16 at a press conference in Yerevan in response to a request to comment on the Armenia-US-EU meeting in  Brussels on April 5. The Ambassador noted that Tehran discussed this meeting with official  Yerevan. "Armenian authorities assured us that the Brussels meeting  was purely economic, and was also aimed at obtaining assistance... Читать дальше...


Iranian ambassador advises collective West to stop trying to involve  Armenia in its geopolitical games

ArmInfo. A number of European embassies in Yerevan are planting one-sided narratives in Armenian  society in connection with Iran's retaliatory actions against Israel on the night of April 13. Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani stated on April 16 at a press conference in Yerevan, referring to  Iran's retaliatory actions against Israel after the Israeli strike on the Iranian diplomatic facility in Damascus. He explained that such narratives are spread on Twitter (X) in  Armenian and Farsi... Читать дальше...


Parliamentarian: There is masked gang in Armenia that allows itself  to brutally beat citizen under police protection

ArmInfo. There is masked gang in Armenia, which allows itself to brutally beat a citizen under the  protection of the police, taking him out of a police car. We are talking about what happened to Samvel Vardanyan, a participant in yesterday's incident in public transport with the participation of Hakob Aslanyan, an MP from the faction of the ruling Civil Contract party. The former head of the parliamentary committee on human rights  and public affairs, Taguhi Tovmasyan wrote on her Facebook page. Читать дальше...


Armenia, Azerbaijan start debate on Armenia v Azerbaijan case at ICJ

ArmInfo.Armenia and Azerbaijan have started debate on the Armenia v Azerbaijan case at the International  Court of Justice.  As Yeghishe Kirakosyan, the RA representative on international legal  issues, noted in his speech, Armenia initiated the trial on September  16, 2021 in accordance with the International Convention on the  Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Yerevan accuses  Baku of actions against Armenians for decades, which came to the fore  during the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2020. Читать дальше...


Armenia`s authorities lying - public figure 

ArmInfo.The current authorities of Armenia are lying, assuring the public that there is no alternative to the shameful concessions to Baku, member of the "Group of Alternative Projects" Vahe Hovhannisyan writes. The expert stated that there are no simple solutions. However,  according to him, a hopeless option is being imposed on the Armenian  people. The incompetence of "official Yerevan" is being imposed on  us, and they say there is no alternative to this. These authorities  lied to their people both before and after the elections. Читать дальше...


Turkiye behind Islamic State - Armenian MP 

ArmInfo. The terrorist organization "Islamic State", which committed genocide against the Yazidis in 2014, was not alone; Turkiye stood behind it, stated opposition MP Gegham Manukyan, commenting on the presented draft amendments to the law "On Holidays and Memorable Dates", according to which annually on August 3 Armenia will mark the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Yazidi Genocide in Iraqi Sinjar. According to the deputy, a number of IS bases are located in Turkiye.  The West also played an important role in its creation... Читать дальше...


Stop discussing Armenian Genocide - Edmon Marukyan 

ArmInfo. On his Facebook account, former Ambassador-at-Large Edmon Marukyan made a call to  abandon discussions on the topic of the Armenian Genocide.  The day before, at a briefing, the head of the RA National Assembly  Commission on Defense and Security Issues, Andranik Kocharyan, said  that it is necessary to clarify and record the names of all victims  of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. According to him, you  need to have a list of everyone, "in case there are more or less than  1.5 million... Читать дальше...


Armenia`s former human rights defender draws parallels between  Armenian, Turkish authorities 

ArmInfo.The authorities [the government] are taking an absolutely unacceptable step against the  Armenian identity and statehood of Armenia, considering the creation of a name list of 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide as "laying the real foundations associated with the Genocide," reads a statement by the ex-Ombudsman of Armenia, head of the Tatoyan Foundation, Arman Tatoyan. "It is the Turkish government that constantly puts forward the idea  of questioning the number of victims of the Armenian Genocide... Читать дальше...


Law-enforcers detain citizen who insulted MP on bus 

ArmInfo.The Department for Investigation of Serious Crimes of the Yerevan City Administration of  the Investigative Committee of Armenia has opened a criminal case on the fact of hooliganism against a member the dominant faction of the RA National Assembly. According to the Investigative Committee, on April 15, the police of  the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia received  a message that on the same day, from 14:10 to 14:30, in the area  between Arshakunyats Avenue and Agatangeghos Street in Yerevan... Читать дальше...


Before, After: Reflections on Armenian Genocide Opens at ReflectSpace  Gallery

ArmInfo. Glendale Library, Arts & Culture and ReflectSpace Gallery are pleased to present Before, After: Reflections on the Armenian Genocide.   Before, After: Reflections on the Armenian Genocide traces  generations of Armenian resiliency through the common thread of loss  and survival. The exhibition examines the connections passed down  through blood, migration and history; from genocide to diaspora to  belonging. Before, After integrates artifact with abstraction,  witness accounts with recreation... Читать дальше...


Armenian ambassador to Germany severely critical of Russia, CSTO

ArmInfo.Thanks to the solidarity of the Armenian society and the efforts of the Armenian  government, it was possible to mitigate the problems faced by forcibly displaced people from Nagorno-Karabakh and avoid the establishment of tent cities in Armenia, Armenian Ambassador to Germany Viktor Yengibaryan stated in an interview with Loyal - Das Magazin fur Sicherheitspolitik. During the interview, the diplomat touched upon security in the South  Caucasus, ethnic cleansing of the population of Nagorno-Karabakh and  peacebuilding. Читать дальше...


Issues of development of Turkmen-Uzbek relations were discussed

ArmInfo.On April 15, 2024, as part of the program of the second Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Strategic Dialogue “Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf - Central Asia” in Tashkent, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov. At the beginning of the conversation, the head of the foreign policy department conveyed greetings and wishes from the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Chairman... Читать дальше...


Citizen Samvel Vardanyan detained on suspicion of hooliganism after  altercation with MP from  ruling faction

ArmInfo. Citizen Samvel Vardanyan was detained on suspicion of hooliganism after an altercation with MP from the ruling Civil Contract faction, Hakob Aslanyan. This became known from the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia.  It should be noted that the video footage of the incident on one of the city buses was spread on the Internet this afternoon.  In the video, it can be seen that a citizen sitting on the bus,  recognizing Aslanyan, known for his odious statements, threw  "Anti-Armenian scoundrel" in his face. Читать дальше...


Hranush Kharatyan gives harsh answer to Andranik Kocharyan, who  wanted to compile lists of victims of Armenian Genocide

ArmInfo. Ethnographer Hranush Kharatyan gave harsh answer to Chairman of the Standing Parliamentary  Commttee on Defense and Security, MP from the ruling Civil Contract party Andranik Kocharyan, who today stated that it is necessary to clarify and record the names of all victims of the Armenian Genocide  in the Ottoman Empire.  "In the end, you need to have a list of all the victims. What if there are more or less than 1.5 million, as is commonly believed," Kocharyan explained, assuring that this... Читать дальше...

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