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Новости за 20.03.2018

Cyprus Mail 

Opposition parties furious over Co-op sale

Opposition parties were furious on Tuesday over the government’s move to put the Co-op Bank under the hammer without telling the House, they said. The bank was recapitalised with almost €1.7bn in taxpayers’ money in 2014 and 2015, but it is struggling with some €6bn of non-performing loans, accounting for more than half of its […]

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Cyprus Mail 

UniteCyprusNow calls for more checkpoints to open

Pro reunification group UniteCyprusNow on Tuesday urged the leaders of the island’s divided communities to uphold their promise and immediately open two crossing points they agreed on in 2015. In a written statemen, UCN said the Dherynia and Lefka crossing points, which Nicos Anastasiades and Mustafa Akinci decided to open in May 2015, should have […]

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Cyprus Mail 

‘Investment not sale of Co-op’

The Co-op bank is not bring sold off, a search for investors will begin, Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said on Tuesday. “It must be understood that the Co-op bank is not being sold. The state is not selling any of the shares that it holds in the Co-operative Bank.” The Co-op, Georgiades added, needs to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Bus strikes lead to new auditor general spat

The 48-hour strike by Limassol bus drivers on Tuesday raised the problem of government overpayments to public transport companies leading to a spat between the transport ministry and the auditor general on who’s to blame. Auditor-general Odysseas Michaelides refuted criticism by the permanent secretary of the transport ministry Alecos Michaelides that he too bares a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Colourful dreams take artistic form

Works by three artists, Vladimir Makeyev from Russia and Zoritsa Zoya Mladenovic and Katie Sabry from Cyprus, will be presented at the Beat Pazar in Limassol on Friday under the name Dreams & and Other Stories for a period of three days. These three artists create a narrative through their art, which concentrates on love […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Handshake with ICT at UNic

The ‘Handshake with ICT’, organised by the University of Nicosia over the past five years has become a successful annual programme. More than 1,000 students, 60 teachers and more than 60 academics have participated, while this year’s fifth workshop, held in cooperation with the Association of Computer Teachers of Cyprus, hosted more than 150 high […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus 61st most happy country

Cyprus ranks 61st in the World Happiness Report 2018, released on Tuesday. The report ranks 156 countries by their happiness levels, and 117 countries by the happiness of their immigrants. The top ten positions this year were held by the same countries as the last two years though some moved up and some down. The […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Turkish drillship to set sail for Mediterranean

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that a rig recently acquired by his country would soon set course for the Mediterranean to conduct exploratory drilling for hydrocarbons. “We possess one of the largest drillships in the world, 36m wide. Soon our drillship will be en route to the Mediterranean to carry out its first […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Probe results into leaked emails in hands of AG

The attorney-general has been handed the findings of two separate probes relating to the leaked emails of a senior state attorney in charge of extraditions who had been using her personal account for official business and who seemingly showed excessive zeal in pursuing requests against Russian nationals. According to daily Phileleftheros the findings of the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Reminder to apply for student grants

The student welfare service on Tuesday called on families of students both in Cyprus and overseas who have not yet applied for grants for the academic year 2017 to 2018 to do so by March 31. As the office said, a large number of potential beneficiaries have not filed applications while any late applications will […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Workplace sexual harassment ‘a frequent phenomenon’

Workplace sexual harassment is a frequent phenomenon in Cyprus with most victims being women but only a small number reports the issue, the committee for gender equality in employment and vocational training said on Tuesday. The committee told a news conference that a code of conduct on sexual harassment will be implemented soon in both […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Tiger puts game back together bit-by-bit ahead of Masters

Tiger Woods came up short in his bid for a comeback win at the Arnold Palmer Invitational on Sunday but a promising performance for a second week in a row looks like sending him off to next month’s U.S. Masters with growing confidence. Woods achieved his second consecutive top five performance at Bay Hill on […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Student company making fertiliser from seaweed

FIJI produces a liquid, organic fertiliser from seaweed with aim of aiding the environment. The student run company of nine students from The GC School of Careers operates under the umbrella of Junior Achievement Cyprus. Competitions such as the Junior Achievement Cyprus specialise in providing youth entrepreneurship education and aim to provide young people with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Arise Sir Ringo: Beatles drummer knighted at Buckingham Palace

Former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr was knighted at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday and joked with reporters afterwards: “I expect you to use my title.” The 77-year-old, originally from Liverpool and now based in Los Angeles, was honoured for his services to music in Queen Elizabeth’s New Year’s honours list. Ringo, real name Richard Starkey, joined […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Municipalities can receive EU funding to create public wi-fi spots

The European Commission on Tuesday launched its WiFi4EU web portal to which municipalities all over Europe are invited to register for the chance to benefit from EU financing to build free public wireless internet hotspots. The WiFi4EU programme offers vouchers worth €15,000 for municipalities to set up Wi-Fi hotspots in public spaces, including libraries, museums, public parks, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Former French leader Sarkozy held over Libyan funding inquiry

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was held in custody on Tuesday and questioned by magistrates investigating whether late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi helped finance his 2007 election campaign, an official in the French judiciary said. It is the second major judicial investigation to fall on the 63-year-old, who served as president from 2007-2012. He already […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Italian ambassador says ENI will not withdraw from Cyprus

Averof Neophytou met on Tuesday with Italian Ambassador Andrea Cavallari, who reaffirmed ENI’s position that it would not leave Cyprus and would continue its planning on the basis of its contractual obligations, the Disy leader said. In his statements, after his first official visit to the offices of the party, Cavallari said a significant part of […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Navratilova: BBC cannot be serious paying McEnroe so much more

Former tennis champion Martina Navratilova said on Monday she was shocked to discover that Britain’s public broadcaster, the BBC, paid John McEnroe at least 10 times more than her for their commentary of the Wimbledon tournament. Navratilova said she found out McEnroe made at least 150,000 pounds ($210,000) compared to her 15,000 pounds when the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Expelled Russian diplomats leave Britain in nerve agent crisis

Twenty three expelled Russian diplomats and their families left the embassy in London and headed back to Moscow on Tuesday in the deepest crisis in Russian-British relations since the Cold War sparked by a nerve agent attack in England. Prime Minister Theresa May blamed Russia for the attack on a Russian double agent and his […]

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Cyprus Mail 

UK investigates Facebook, to raid Cambridge Analytica

Britain is investigating whether Facebook did enough to protect data after a whistleblower said a London-based political consultancy hired by Donald Trump improperly accessed information on 50 million Facebook users to sway public opinion. Facebook shares closed down nearly 7 per cent on Monday, wiping nearly $40 billion off its market value as investors worried […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Text and music celebrate Charles Ferdinand Ramuz

Literature and music will join forces on Thursday when the Embassy of Switzerland will present Sur un Air de Ramuz (On a Ramuz Melody) as part of the Francophonie 2018 events. Sur un Air de Ramuz, which will be performed at the ARTos Foundation in Nicosia, is about Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, a French-speaking Swiss writer who […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Xi warns Taiwan will face “punishment of history”

Chinese President Xi Jinping warned self-ruled Taiwan on Tuesday that it will face the “punishment of history” for any attempt at separatism, offering his strongest warning yet to the island claimed by China as its sacred territory. Taiwan is one of China‘s most sensitive issues and a potentially dangerous military flashpoint. China‘s hostility towards Taiwan has risen since […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Iwo Jima personnel visit children with special needs

A group of sailors and marines from the USS Iwo Jima on Tuesday visited the Ayios Stefanos Institution for young people with special needs in Limassol, played basketball with them and planted trees on the grounds. The US navy ships docked at Limassol port on Monday morning for refuelling and crew R&R. Sailing from Haifa in Israel, […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Стартует капитальный ремонт зданий московских школ

Загрутдинов: в Западном Дегунине появятся пять жилых домов по реновации

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«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 5 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.


Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)


Собянин: Число пользователей портала «Малый бизнес Москвы» превысило 200 тысяч

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Музыкальные новости


В Ростове из-за двух концертов Басты перекроют улицу Левобережную

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Волонтеры Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге вносят свой вклад в развитие и повышение доступности спорта для граждан

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России