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Новости за 23.03.2018

Cyprus Mail 

Police arrest motorcycle thieves

Two teenagers suspected of stealing a motorcycle in Limassol were arrested after trying to sell it online, a court heard on Friday. The pair, aged 17 and 19, were remanded in custody for two days after their arrest on Thursday afternoon. Police were led to the suspects by the owner who saw a sale ad […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Dynamite on canvas

The solo painting exhibition Colourful X-Rays by Kyriakos Papasavva is still on at the Apocalypse Gallery until the end of the month, so art lovers who have not yet had the chance to soak up Papasavva’s colours can still do so. For Papasavva’s first solo exhibition he chose to showcase 40 pieces of art work […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Government generates €255m surplus in January

The government generated a fiscal surplus of €255m on a cash basis in January, compared to €168m in January last year, as the increase in revenue outpaced that of expenditure, the finance ministry said. The increase in revenue in January was mainly on a €54m increase in value added tax (VAT) revenue to €191m, compared […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Energy minister confident oil and gas firms will move from Larnaca

Oil and gas companies are not discussing if but when they will be moving their facilities from Larnaca, Energy Minister Yiorgos Lakkotrypis said on Friday after meetings between companies and the municipality that wants them out of the city. Speaking to reporters after the first round of meetings with representatives from oil and gas firms […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Akel seeks to boost appeal

Main opposition Akel is looking to reinvent itself by redefining its organizational operation and formulation of policy as well as giving a bigger role to people who are not party members but share its leftist ideology as it seeks to broaden its support base within the society, its leader Andros Kyprianou said on Friday. “We […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Argentina to be ‘Messi’s team’ at the World Cup

Barcelona talisman Lionel Messi has the talent and maturity to carry Argentina’s hopes of a successful World Cup campaign this year, the national team’s manager Jorge Sampaoli has said. Five-time Ballon d’Or winner Messi has led Barcelona to 30 domestic and European trophies during a stellar career but is yet to win a major trophy with the national team, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Creditors repeat urge for reforms

Cyprus needs to take advantage of the current higher-than-expected economic growth to promote structural reforms that will help reduce risks to its financial system and public finances and improve its competitiveness, bailout supervisors said. Last month’s presidential elections which gave President Nicos Anastasiades a new mandate, “provide a window of opportunity to reduce the key […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Paralimni mayor defends beach works

Paralimni Mayor Theodoros Pyrillis defended on Friday the right of his municipality to carry out earthworks on beaches within its jurisdiction, which he said aim to provide unhindered public access. Speaking to state broadcaster CyBC radio, Pyrillis, who came under fire once more after photos and videos circulated on social media of bulldozers on the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Greens appeal to European Commission over sea caves

The Green Party on Friday called on the EU to examine whether the government’s decisions surrounding the controversial developments in the sea caves area in Peyia, Paphos were legal. In a letter submitted to the European Commission’s representation in Cyprus, party leader Giorgos Perdikis said he was reporting the government and called on the EU […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man hands found cash to police

A Paphos man on Friday found an envelope containing €3,500, which he took to the police who are trying to track down the owner. The former police sergeant found the cash outside the town’s hospital. He handed the envelope over to police who marked it as found property. The owner has not been found since […]

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Cyprus Mail 

President lauds EU solidarity over Turkey (Updated)

President Nicos Anastasiades on Friday welcomed the strong expression of solidarity from the European Union after the 28 member states called on Turkey to stop all illegal activity in the Republic of Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and normalise its relations with Nicosia. Anastasiades, who is in Brussels attending the spring European Council, said this […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Three killed in French supermarket hostage-taking (Update 3)

Three people were killed in south-western France on Friday when a gunman held up a car, opened fire on police and then took hostages in a supermarket, screaming “Allahu Akbar”. Police later stormed the supermarket in the small town of Trebes and the attacker was killed, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told reporters on site. The attacker was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Record-breaking Williamson says Crowe still the greatest

Kane Williamson believes the late Martin Crowe remains the greatest batsmen New Zealand has ever produced despite surpassing the former captain as his country’s highest test century maker on Friday. After resuming on 91, the 27-year-old Williamson took about 30 minutes to reach his 18th test century on a rain-affected second day of the first match against England at […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Thieves steal dogs

Twelve dogs, total worth more than €7,000, were reported stolen on Friday on two separate incidents in Mandria in Paphos. Police said they received two complaints that dogs were stolen from premises in the Mandria area. Three brothers reported that 10 dogs – worth around €7,000 – had been stolen from their property in Mandria. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Fake toys seized

Fake toys worth more than €2,000 were seized on Friday, the customs department announced. The 382 toys marked with the Disney trademark were detected in a village in the Nicosia district. The items will be destroyed in accordance with normal procedures.

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Cyprus Mail 

Parents’ group asks for postponement of midterm exams

The federation of high school parents said on Friday they would like midterm exams, which are to be introduced in high schools in September, to be postponed for at least a year to give time to better prepare students for the change. The group said in an announcement that they agree with most of the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Doctors jailed for false certificates

Two doctors were sentenced to prison for issuing false certificates for patients they never examined, later used to deceive state services in issuing work permits for foreign domestic workers. Nicosia criminal court ordered doctors Andreas Hadjiloizou, 76, who served as Agios Dometios mayor three times, to five months in jail, and 55-year-old Nicos Tapanides, a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

More Syrian rebels agree to leave eastern Ghouta (Update)

Syrian rebels agreed to surrender a second besieged enclave in eastern Ghouta on Friday, state television reported, as their comrades in another insurgent pocket in the area continued their withdrawal after a month-long assault by the army. Capturing eastern Ghouta, near the capital Damascus, would be Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s biggest victory over the rebels since […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Limassol and Nicosia commerce chambers spat over court location

Limassol chamber of commerce and industry expressed its surprise on Friday after its counterpart in Nicosia opposed the choice of Limassol as the location for the commercial court. “The chamber expresses its great surprise at yesterday’s announcement by the Nicosia chamber, which criticizes the government’s decision to establish a commercial court based in Limassol, as […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Support for LGBT community in Paphos growing

Monthly rainbow meetings in support of the LGBT community are being held Geroskipou, following the success of similar events that got underway in Paphos last June. The meetings are co-ordinated by Accept LGBT Cyprus’ representative in Paphos, South African Cypriot Zac Theophanous. He said that even though only two meetings have taken place in Geroskipou […]

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Cyprus Mail 

EU: Trump putting ‘gun to our head’ over tariffs (Update)

European Union leaders called on US President Donald Trump on Friday to make permanent an EU exemption from US metal import duties, saying they reserved the right to respond “in a proportionate manner” to protect the bloc’s interests. The 40-day exemption granted by Washington was like US President Donald Trump “putting a gun to our […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Paphos veterinary clinic awarded Gold at European awards

A Paphos veterinary clinic has just been awarded a gold International Arch of Europe award at a ceremony held in Frankfurt, Germany. The award is given by Business Initiative Directions (BID) and recognises D and N Vets in Paphos for ‘immeasurable contribution to the business world and for high standing and professionalism demonstrated by prestigious […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Attorney-general defends legal service traffic offence record

Attorney-General Costas Clerides said on Friday that the state legal service does not indiscriminately and collectively waive road traffic offences. In a written statement the attorney general said that anyone committing an offence is subject to the appropriate sanctions provided by the law and should not complain about this. Clerides said he felt compelled to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Rhythm and rhyme compete

There is just something about the spoken word that lends itself to a great performance. When that spoken word is in the form of a poem, then dramatisation, attitude, tone and a splash of the theatrical become part of the mix. This, and much more, is what we can expect from the second Poetry Slam that […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

Распределяй и управляй: водители «Грузовичкоф Бизнес» – о преимуществах работы и трудовых буднях  

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Последний секрет. Пять знаменитостей, чьи могилы были утрачены

Сергей Собянин: фонд музея "Царицыно" собрал 61 тыс. произведений искусства


Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты


Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?


Сергей Собянин: фонд музея "Царицыно" собрал 61 тыс. произведений искусства

103news.comмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Музыкальные новости


Уссурийский ЛРЗ расширяет форматы промышленных экскурсий на предприятие

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Волонтеры Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге вносят свой вклад в развитие и повышение доступности спорта для граждан

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Ролан Гаррос

Медведев пошутил о том, что часто проводит ночные матчи на турнирах «Большого шлема»

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России