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Новости за 07.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Six Sri Lankans knifed to death in Canadian capital in rare case of mass murder

Six people from Sri Lanka, including a mother and four young children, were knifed to death in the Canadian capital Ottawa late on Wednesday, police said on Thursday, rocking a country where mass murders are rare. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was horrified by what he called a “terrible...

Cyprus Mail 

Officials warn Okypy to cut expenses

The state health services organisation (Okypy) needs to rein in its expenses if it is to continue receiving state grants, officials warned in parliament on Thursday. Health ministry officials and MPs were discussing the auditor-general’s recent special report on the Nicosia general hospital. Among other things, the dossier flagged excessive...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus could lower voting age to 17

Political parties and the government had reached a consensus on lowering the voting age in Cyprus to 17 instead of 18, it emerged on Thursday. The house interior committee discussed the measure proposed by Disy MP Averof Neophytou and its feasibility at a session on Thursday. The proposed bill is...

Cyprus Mail 

Business groups oppose price caps proposal

Business associations have stated on Thursday that implementing a price cap on items sold at various locations would distort the market, following a cabinet decision to propose a bill to parliament on the matter. The cabinet decided on Wednesday to promote a draft bill to parliament to set price caps...

Cyprus Mail 

Events unlock Nicosia’s charm

A series of upcoming events this weekend will take curious wanderers around Nicosia’s streets, neighbourhoods, stories and art. Although these weekend events are independent of one another, they all have an explorative notion, inviting citizens to engage with the city’s communities, history and galleries. First up is a special guided...

Cyprus Mail 

Comedy nights in March

If it is comedy shows you are after, this month has plenty to choose from and not just in Greek. The local stand-up comedy scene has picked up in recent years, building both a fanbase and popular local comedians. The majority of the shows tend to be in Greek but...

Cyprus Mail 

Govt to participate in interconnector project – if conditions met

The government intends to participate in the Great Sea Interconnector project alongside Greece and Israel, provided that the conditions set by the cabinet will be fulfilled, Finance Minister Makis Keravnos said on Thursday. Speaking to reporters after a meeting with the president of the radio and television authority, Keravnos was...

Cyprus Mail 

Eroglu: North must ‘embrace reality’

Former Turkish Cypriot Leader Dervish Eroglu said on Thursday the north must “embrace the reality” that the Greek Cypriot side never intended to accept the Turkish Cypriot side’s red lines to solve the Cyprus problem. Speaking to Kibris Postasi, he said “we must all therefore embrace the reality of the...

Cyprus Mail 

Two Brighton fans attacked in Rome ahead of Europa clash

Two Brighton & Hove Albion fans were admitted to hospital with minor injuries after being attacked in Rome on Wednesday ahead of their team’s Europa League last 16 first-leg tie with AS Roma, the Premier League club said. Local media reported that the two fans were stabbed and robbed. “Two...

Cyprus Mail 

How the switch from TR-069 to TR-369 can positively impact the bottom line for telecoms

The telecommunications industry is at a pivotal moment in its evolution, marked by rapid technological advancements and changing consumer expectations. One of the significant transitions affecting telecom professionals today is the shift from Technical Report 069 (TR-069) to Technical Report 369 (TR-369), also known as User Services Platform (USP). This...

Cyprus Mail 

President warns of impending fuel price surge

President Nikos Christodoulides on Thursday warned of large increases in the prices of motor fuel at the end of the month, following the end of reduced consumption tax on fuels, combined with the imposition of a green tax in the exact same period. Reductions in consumption tax end at the...

Cyprus Mail 

Justice minister honours fallen officers on Remembrance Day

Justice Minister Marios Hartsiotis on Thursday pledged “unwavering support” to police and firefighters in Cyprus during International Day of Remembrance for fallen officers, celebrated annually on March 7. “Today we pay tribute to those who gave their lives on the front line of duty for the safety and protection of...

Cyprus Mail 

Ethics committee to investigate €200,000 Olympic Committee sponsorship

The House ethics committee has decided to write to the Treasury to address a €200,000 sponsorship by OPAP to the Cyprus Olympic Committee (KOE), its chair Demetris Demetriou said on Thursday. The Disy deputy told the Cyprus News Agency that discussions on the matter concluded during Wednesday’s House ethics committee...

Cyprus Mail 

Netanyahu: Israel will push on with offensive against Hamas

Israel will push on with its offensive against Hamas, including into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite growing international pressure to stop, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday. Netanyahu has vowed to destroy Hamas after its fighters attacked southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people and abducting 253, according to Israeli tallies. More...

Cyprus Mail 

North begins investigation into fraudulent college

The north’s higher education standards authority (Yodak) and the Turkish Cypriot police on Thursday launched an investigation into a “higher education institution” which has been linked to a large criminal network. The investigation is based on the arrest of a Pakistani national in Kioneli last month, who had received €10,000...

Cyprus Mail 

Joining forces in the fight against breast cancer

Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, accounting for one in four cases of cancer worldwide. It is the second most frequent cause of death in the European population, and the first among cancer patients. The statistics provide irrefutable evidence of the increased incidence of this disease....

Cyprus Mail 

Red Bull suspend woman who accused F1 boss Horner

Formula One champions Red Bull have suspended the female employee who accused team boss Christian Horner of inappropriate behaviour, the BBC and Sky Sports television reported on Thursday. A spokesperson said the team could not comment on internal employment matters. Horner was due to appear later in a regular FIA press conference at...

Cyprus Mail 

The ghosts of the past

By Alexander Carpenter In 2011, pop music scholar Simon Reynolds was already observing pop culture’s fascination with its own past, noting that “we live in a pop age gone loco for retro and crazy for commemoration.” For Reynolds, this obsession with the past has the potential to bring about the...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus inflation rises by 1.8 per cent in February

Cyprus saw a modest inflation increase of 1.8 per cent in February 2024, a development primarily driven by the services sector, according to a report released on Thursday by the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat). Interestingly, this uptick follows a notable de-escalation in inflation rates observed in the preceding months, with...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Fight for life’ by mothers whose daughters still hostages in Gaza

Simona Steinbrecher holds up two images of her daughter, Doron. One shows a young woman with twinkling eyes and a big smile. The other, from a video distributed by Hamas 107 days into the war, shows an emaciated, pale woman, with an almost lifeless gaze. Doron, a 30-year-old veterinary nurse...

Cyprus Mail 

Fire on old ship in Limassol put out

A fire broke out on a boat in the Karnagio area in Limassol on Thursday that was extinguished before spreading to other vessels and structures in the area. Fire service spokesman Andreas Kettis said on X that the boat was an immobilized vessel approximately 15 metres in length. It was...

Cyprus Mail 

Medical unions reject Okypy proposal on labour agreements

A proposal put forth by the State Health Services (Okypy) on collective agreements is set to be rejected once again by unions, it emerged on Thursday. The disagreements between Okypy and public health sector workers have protracted for months, as the latter maintain their stance that Okypy must implement structured...

Cyprus Mail 

TEDx Talk is coming to Limassol to Inspire Change and Celebrate Local Legends

TEDx Talk is coming to Limassol to Inspire Change and Celebrate Local Legends Limassol, Cyprus – 26th February 2024 – TEDxMolos is thrilled to announce its inaugural event, themed “Local Legends: From Passion to Change,” scheduled to take place at the Plevsis Hall, Old Port Limassol, Cyprus, on March 27,...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus tourism minister upbeat about German market

Cyprus’ Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis on Thursday expressed optimism about the German tourist market, despite the ongoing challenges in the aviation sector, and the overall negative economic climate in Germany. These remarks were made after the conclusion of the ministry’s participation at the ITB Berlin tourism exhibition, where...

Cyprus Mail 

Lidl launches UEFA EURO 2024 campaign for kids

Lidl, Official Partner of UEFA EURO 2024TM, announces the Lidl Kids Team programme, a campaign to give over 1,100 children Europe-wide the chance to be an official UEFA EURO 2024 player escort. Today, Lidl Cyprus is launching a competition for parents/guardians to enter, potentially to win a spot on the...

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103news.com — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 103news.com — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Итальянские корни: дизайн автомобилей SWM

"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" раскрыл загадку В.В. Жириновского и В.Г. Мессинга. СЕНСАЦИОННЫЕ ДАННЫЕ!

В Москве умерла автор программ на советском ТВ Майя Яковлева


ONYX отправляется в Большой тур по России


Компании Группы "Интеррос" взяли ряд наград премии FINAWARD

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Дипломатическая бизнес-встреча «Россия - Африка» прошла в Белом Особняке Villa Barvikha

Генералов много, а Норат Тер-Григорьянц один!


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости


Бесконечный отдых закончился: Джиган и Оксана Самойлова стали участниками шоу «Выжить в Дубае»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

В новой Москве соревновались нештатные формирования

ТАСС: Паралимпийский комитет России провел урок и мастер-классы для участников СВО

В преддверии Международного дня защиты детей подмосковные росгвардейцы провели спортивное мероприятие для школьников

Сюзанн Ленглен

Последний танец Надаля и юбка Сюзанн Ленглен: 6 важных фактов о «Ролан Гаррос»-2024

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России