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Новости за 26.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Suspected rapist handed eight-day remand

A 26-year-old man arrested on suspicion of rape was handed an eight-day remand at the Paphos district court on Tuesday. The man was arrested in the early hours of Tuesday morning after his alleged victim came forward. She said she had been inside an apartment when he had raped her.

Cyprus Mail 

First Lady calls for more women in decision-making centres

First Lady Philippa Karsera Christodoulides on Tuesday called for more women to be in “decision-making centres”. Speaking at the Women Leaders’ Forum, she said, “we need to say it loud and clear that we need more women in all decision-making centres, in politics, in the arts, in culture, in sports,...

Cyprus Mail 

Former north ‘minister’ denies taking bribes

The north’s former ‘interior minister’ Ziya Ozturkler on Tuesday denied having taken bribes from a university amid continued investigations and arrests in relation to the ongoing “fake diploma scandal”. Accusations against Ozturkler were raised in ‘parliament’ by opposition party CTP ‘MP’ Dogus Derya, who said it had been alleged that...

Cyprus Mail 

US Ambassador updates Christodoulides on aid corridor jetty

United States Ambassador in Nicosia Julie Fisher updated President Nikos Christodoulides on the state of the under-construction jetty on the shores of Gaza. The jetty is being constructed by the US to facilitate the delivery of larger quantities of aid to the war-torn region via Cyprus’ humanitarian aid corridor, which...

Cyprus Mail 

Second man arrested in child porn case

Police on Tuesday announced a second arrest regarding a case of child pornography. The man arrested is 25 years old and lives in Limassol. The first man arrested, also aged 25, remains in custody after receiving a four-day remand on Monday. The investigation into the case began after the police...

Cyprus Mail 

European affairs deputy minister meets Hungarian counterpart

European Affairs Deputy Minister Marilena Raouna on Tuesday met with Hungarian European Affairs Minister Janos Boka. Boka made a one-day working visit to Cyprus and was treated by Raouna to a guided tour of Nicosia’s green line. The pair then held a meeting at the Presidential palace, where Raouna told...

Cyprus Mail 

2024 set to be tough for tourism

Regional conflict and economic woes in Europe will likely make this year a tough one for tourism, the relevant minister said on Tuesday. Deputy minister for tourism Costas Koumis made the comments in parliament. Speaking to reporters, Koumis said he “hopes” that tourist arrivals remain at the high 2023 levels....

Cyprus Mail 

Restoration of Lefkara mosque complete

Restoration of the Hamidiye mosque in Lefkara has been completed, with a handover ceremony having taken place on Tuesday. The restoration works were carried out with funding from the European Union and technical support from the United Nations Development Programme. The mosque that currently sits on the site was constructed...

Cyprus Mail 

Paying former presidents to have secretary ‘problematic’

The payment of a ‘personal secretary’ allowance to former presidents and House presidents is problematic, the Audit Office said on Tuesday, even warning that it might report the matter to the anti-corruption authority unless the government takes immediate corrective action. The government watchdog pressed the issue of ex-presidents and ex-House...

Cyprus Mail 

Visitors challenged to become the artists

On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the AG Leventis Gallery invites the public to an alternative exhibition and challenges viewers to reconsider what they think they know about art, the creative process and the relationship between the creator and the viewer. In 1, 2, 3…Paint!, visitors switch places with...

Cyprus Mail 

Red buttons on emergency bracelets ‘underway’

Meetings regarding the potential roll-out of ‘red buttons’ on bracelets for elderly people are underway, Social Welfare Deputy Minister Marilena Evangelou said on Tuesday. The idea of the ‘red buttons’ is for elderly people to be able to press them when in need of emergency assistance. Evangelou added that she...

Cyprus Mail 

Govt to open, expand 30 kindergartens

The government is to open or expand 30 kindergartens across the country, Social Welfare Deputy Minister Marilena Evangelou said on Tuesday. She said the new and expanded kindergartens will also operate during the afternoon, with contracts already having been signed for the first two in Yeroskipou and Derynia. The new...

Cyprus Mail 

New push to set up glamping units

Proposals covering the operation of luxury camping sites – or glamping units – were submitted to the House commerce committee on Tuesday by Deputy Minister of Tourism Costas Koumis aiming to push a relevant bill to the plenum after it had been rejected in the past years. Addressing the committee,...

Cyprus Mail 

Single parent would not be penalised for cohabiting in new bill

By Robert Morgan A bill to ensure single parent allowance would not stop or change if single parents live with other adults unrelated to the children is due to be discussed in parliament by the end of May, MPs heard on Tuesday. The proposed changes also mean the income of...

Cyprus Mail 

Over 63,000 people dead or missing while migrating over last decade

At least 63,285 people have perished or disappeared on migration routes around the world between 2014 and 2023, with most deaths caused by drowning, the U.N. migration agency said on Tuesday. A report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on its Missing Migrants Project showed that the majority...

Cyprus Mail 

Kontides named EU Ambassador for Freedom Finance Europe

Olympic medallist Pavlos Kontides announced his position as EU Ambassador for Freedom Finance Europe during a press conference on Tuesday at the Hilton Park hotel in Nicosia. “2024 is a very important year for me, especially as I will be taking part in the Olympic games later this year. It...

Cyprus Mail 

Over 3,500 people to be elected in June vote

Over 3,500 people will be voted to positions of public office in the elections on June 9, the interior ministry permanent secretary Elikkos Elias said on Tuesday. Speaking after meeting political parties to discuss the upcoming dual elections, Elias said elections will see local officials and MEPs selected. “These elections...

Cyprus Mail 

Paphos and Limassol dominate top 10 property sales in February

Cypriot real estate market analytics firm Ask Wire on Tuesday released a report outlining the ten most expensive property transactions completed in February 2024, shedding light on the state of the local property market. According to Ask Wire’s findings, the top 50 property transactions in February amounted to over €55...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus’ migration efforts ‘validated’

European Commission vice president Margaritis Schinas’ statements on Cyprus’ migration policy validate the government’s approach and the effectiveness of its policies, Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou said on Tuesday. He was commenting on Schinas’ recent interview with Politis, in which he said Cyprus is “emerging as a European champion of returns”...

Cyprus Mail 

Traffic accident suspect pleads guilty to manslaughter

A 45-year-old man accused of deliberately running down a 58-year-old man in Paphos and killing him admitted in court on Tuesday to the charge of manslaughter. According to the history of the case, the victim was fatally injured when he was dragged on his moped by a vehicle driven by...

Cyprus Mail 

EU extends delays to changes to halloumi for five years

The extension of the percentage of goat and sheep milk used in halloumi production for another five years was approved by the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels on Tuesday, according to the agriculture ministry. The ratio of goat and sheep milk in halloumi at the moment stands at...

Cyprus Mail 

LaFinteca: leading innovation in the payment market in Latin America

In recent years, LaFinteca has solidified its position as a pioneer in the Latin American financial transactions landscape, thanks to its commitment to simplifying and enhancing monetary operations for businesses of all sizes. Its purpose is to act as a bridge between consumers and merchants of all sizes, ensuring that...

Cyprus Mail 

Cypriot gymnast Tukolukova wins bronze at World Cup

Cypriot rhythmic gymnast Vera Tukolukova won a bronze medal at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Athens. A press release issued by the Cyprus Gymnastics Federation said that this is the first time that a Cypriot gymnast has won a medal in a World Cup final. Tukolukova competed in the...

Cyprus Mail 

Emirates holding Cyprus open day to recruit cabin crew

Emirates, the world’s largest international airline, is looking for candidates to join its multinational cabin crew team. The Dubai-based airline is holding a Cabin Crew recruitment open day on March 28 at 9am. The airline is looking for individuals who are passionate about delivering simple yet personalised and impeccable hospitality...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus wineries showcase products in Germany

The Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry on Tuesday announced that, in collaboration with the Cyprus Trade Centre in Berlin, took part in the International Wine and Spirits Exhibition PROWEIN 2024, the third consecutive year it has participated in the event. This event took place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from March...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

Теннисист из Якутии Изот Кривошапкин завоевал три медали первенства России


Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины


Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week

Весенние субботники прошли на предприятиях «Московского» филиала ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис»


Собянин представил масштабную программу фестиваля "Пасхальный дар"

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Музыкальные новости


Суд отклонил иск против солиста Aerosmith Тайлера с обвинениями в насилии

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"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

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