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Новости за 19.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

North rules out amnesty for fake diplomas

The north’s ‘education minister’ Nazim Cavusoglu on Tuesday ruled out the possibility of granting an amnesty for those who obtained fake diplomas but did not use them. Speaking in ‘parliament’, he said such a thing would “not be possible”, and that his ‘ministry’ “will not stand by those who did...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoulides meets Curtis Reid

President Nikos Christodoulides on Tuesday evening met with the head of the United States’ National Security Council Curtis Reid. No statements were made after the meeting/ Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos is also set to meet Reid on Wednesday morning. He will also have separate meetings with the United Arab Emirates’...

Cyprus Mail 

Two more arrests after building site attack

Police on Tuesday announced two further arrests in the case of an attack on a construction site and resident workers which took place on Friday evening. Four people are now being held in conjunction with the incident, with three having been arrested on Sunday but one having been subsequently released....

Cyprus Mail 

MPs hear LNG grant could be lost

Lawmakers on Tuesday sounded the alarm that Cyprus may lose part – or worse – all of an EU grant allotted to the liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Vasiliko. In parliament, officials from the Natural Gas Public Company (Defa) informed MPs that Cyprus must meet certain requirements to cash...

Cyprus Mail 

Larnaca calls for greater police roll after graffiti appears

The Larnaca municipality on Tuesday called on the police to take the necessary measures to identify the culprits behind graffiti found on buildings and trees in the city centre on Sunday. According to the municipality, “irresponsible people have used spray paint to deface public and private buildings, shop windows, flowerbeds...

Cyprus Mail 

Govt given 15 days to decide who will run marinas

The House commerce committee on Tuesday gave the government 15 days to submit its position over which body will be responsible for overseeing Cyprus’ marinas. Committee chairman and Disy MP Kyriakos Hadjiyiannis accused government departments of “fighting with each other” over the matter and put forth his own proposal for responsibility for marinas to...

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar’s bodyguard ‘lost phone on way to police station’

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar’s bodyguard Serif Avcil claimed to have “lost his phone on the way to the police station”, police sergeant Bilger Koral said in court on Tuesday. Koral was speaking at Avcil’s second court hearing, after he had been arrested on Friday night and appeared in court for the first...

Cyprus Mail 

Sexual harrassment complaint filed against Avakoum monastery head

A criminal complaint for sexual harassment was filed against the head of the beleaguered Osiou Avakoum monastery, it emerged on Tuesday. The complaint was filed by a former employee, who according to the Cyprus Times spent two hours giving statements to police on Sunday. The Cyprus Times also reported that the complaint in question had “various...

Cyprus Mail 

Seven football matches ‘may have been manipulated’

Investigations into football refereeing in Cyprus have revealed that as many as seven games may have been unduly manipulated over five years, it emerged on Tuesday. The Sports ethics committee announced the receipt of information from investigating officers looking into football refereeing, with the investigators having concluded that seven matches played...

Cyprus Mail 

Limassol’s Heroes Square set for upgrade

Limassol municipality is on the verge of signing contracts for the redevelopment of Heroes’ Square and its surrounding lanes, with construction expected to commence in the coming months. The project, titled Everyday Heroes Square, aims to incorporate features such as a smart floor equipped with sustainable rainwater management systems. The smart floor...

Cyprus Mail 

Renowned artist in Limassol

Limassol’s Gallery 45 opens its spring season by welcoming the internationally acclaimed artist Daniela Busarello. Showcasing the exhibition Mindfully Yours, The Atom, curated by Lydia Theodoridou, the gallery will host the artist’s work from April 10 onwards. Busarello was born and raised in a heavily constructed area in south Brazil...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus second in EU for social media use

Cyprus ranked second in the EU for social media participation with 83 per cent of the population actively engaged last year, data released by the EU statistical office Eurostat showed on Tuesday. Platforms used included Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok. The figure places Cyprus significantly above the EU average...

Cyprus Mail 

New buses for Kormakitis, Karpasia

The Council of Ministers on Tuesday gave the green light for the purchase of two buses to address the transportation needs of communities in Rizokarpaso, Kormakitis and Karpasia. Responding to a request from the head of humanitarian affairs for missing and trapped persons last November, Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades highlighted...

Cyprus Mail 

Audit office raises illegalities at justice ministry

The justice ministry needs to develop a reliable internal audit system for receipts and payments, the Audit Office said in a report released Tuesday. The dossier covered the justice ministry’s financial transactions for fiscal year 2022. Having examined a sample of transactions, the government watchdog found “weaknesses in terms of...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus supports effort to boost girls’ participation in STEM

The  Empowering Girls in STEM Project (EGI-STEM) conference, which took place from February 27 to 29 in Nitra, Slovakia, put a spotlight on the vital need to boost girls’ participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programmes. This event, according to an announcement released on Tuesday by the Ministry...

Cyprus Mail 

House considers reducing fees for Cyprus startups

The House Committee on Energy, Trade, Industry and Tourism this week revisited a proposal aimed at abolishing fees for innovative startups, in a bid to boost innovation and entrepreneurship. This initiative represents an effort to support startups by reducing financial burdens while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, thereby fostering a...

Cyprus Mail 

‘The elderly’s problems are not government’s priority’

“The elderly’s problems are not the government’s priority,” House Labour committee chairman and Akel MP Andreas Kafkalias charged on Tuesday. Speaking at a committee meeting regarding services for the elderly, he said problems faced by the elderly discussed by the committee as far back as six years ago have “not...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Someone will die’: Perkins warns of Enhanced Games safety concerns

Australian Sports Commission boss Kieren Perkins said on Tuesday that athletes’ lives could be in danger if the Enhanced Games is allowed to go ahead. The Enhanced Games will allow athletes to use pharmacological or technological assistance, including substances banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Retired world champion swimmer...

Cyprus Mail 

Minister to deal ‘aggressively’ with illegal work

The issue of people working illegally in Cyprus will be dealt with “aggressively”, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said on Tuesday. Panayiotou was evaluating his first year in the post and looking ahead to his second, and said he plans to “strengthen the institutional framework” regarding inspections of workplaces to uncover...

Cyprus Mail 

Akamas road works moving forward

Beleaguered Akamas National Forest Park road projects will restart in April, Agriculture Minister Maria Panayiotou said on Tuesday, adding they would “prioritise environmental preservation”. The decisions were made during a cabinet meeting earlier in the day. Panayiotou emphasised the importance of preserving the park’s ecological integrity and said the government’s...

Cyprus Mail 

Nowruz: a festival celebrating renewal and unity

The Nowruz festival is an ancient tradition that has been celebrated in Iran for centuries, as well as among a diverse array of people in more than 10 countries. Since 2009, UNESCO has recognised Nowruz as an integral part of its Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage. UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay,...

Cyprus Mail 

Tourist arrivals show recovery in February

Tourist arrivals recovered in February from the dip seen in January with a five per cent increase on figures from last year, data released on Tuesday showed. As a result, the increase in tourist arrivals for the first two months of 2024 reached 1.6 per cent compared to the corresponding...

Cyprus Mail 

Musk defends his ketamine use as beneficial for investors

CEO Elon Musk said his ketamine prescription was beneficial for Tesla’s investors in a video interview with former CNN anchor Don Lemon posted online. Musk said the drug helps him manage a “negative chemical state” similar to depression in the interview conducted this month that also touched on politics, content...

Cyprus Mail 

Recycling kiosks to be set up in rural areas

A total of 50 ‘green kiosks’ will be installed in rural areas from Nicosia to Famagusta for 25 months to boost recycling efforts, the environment department announced on Tuesday. The department inked a contract with Mesogeios Digital for the implementation of a project called Green Pavilion with a value of...

Cyprus Mail 

Foody’s Red Selection showcases cities’ highest-rated eateries

Foody’s platform now includes over 3,000 choices of store from all over Cyprus, giving users the unique opportunity to discover new taste experiences in their city continually, while keeping up to date with the most delicious food trends. Most recently, the Foody team offers you the Red Selection, with suggestions...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Все под рукой. Эксперт назвала бюджетные способы покрасить яйца

"Можно безопасно загорать": Вильфанд представил прогноз на майские праздники

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week


Врач Тяжельников рассказал, какое мясо лучше всего подходит для шашлыка


Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week

Весенние субботники прошли на предприятиях «Московского» филиала ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис»


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Музыкальные новости

Александр Розенбаум

Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

ЦСКА уступил "Балтике" в 26-м туре чемпионата России

"Зенит" потерпел второе поражение подряд в РПЛ

Елена Рыбакина

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде

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Рушникосушки від Hygge Family: європейські стандарти якості на українському ринку

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России