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Новости за 13.08.2016

Paper Blog 

Rico Henry to Undergo Scan on Monday - Suspected Dislocated Shoulder

Walsall manager Jon Whitney has spoken to the press following Saturday afternoon's Sky Bet League One draw with Oldham Athletic, and has offered an update on the injury status of left-back Rico Henry, who was stretchered off during the first half.
Whitney admitted that Rico, who landed badly on his shoulder after he had cleared an Oldham free-kick, will undergo a scan on Monday with the defender apparently ...

Paper Blog 

MATCH REPORT | Oldham Athletic 0 Walsall 0

On Saturday afternoon, Jon Whitney's Saddlers traveled North to Greater Manchester and took on bottom-of-the-table Oldham Athletic in the second game of the 2016/17 Sky Bet League One campaign. Our in-depth match report is below.

Walsall's first away day of the season saw them make five changes to the starting line-up from Tuesday's EFL cup defeat to Yeovil, and after a minutes applause in memory of Latics legend Jimmy Frizzell, the Saddlers got the ...

Paper Blog 

MATCH STATS | Oldham Athletic 0 Walsall 0

On Saturday afternoon, Jon Whitney's Saddlers traveled North to Greater Manchester and took on bottom-of-the-table Oldham Athletic in the second game of the 2016/17 Sky Bet League One campaign. The full-time match stats are below.

REFEREE | David Webb | (Lancashire) 47 | POSS. (%) | 53 8 | SHOTS (TOTAL) | 8 3 | ON TARGET | 3
6 | CORNERS | 4 14 | ...

Paper Blog 

Video Game Review: Until Dawn (2015), Choices and Fear of the Unknown

Until Dawn (2015)
Starring: Hayden Panettiere, Rami Malek, Meaghan Martin, Brett Dalton, Noah FleissPlatform: PS4Developed By: Supermassive GamesRelease Date: August 25, 2015Rating: A
Summary: A bunch of teens in the woods are stalked by a madman of some sorts.
My Thoughts: As an avid horror fan, the announcement of Until Dawn was one that excited me completely and the day it came out, I picked it up and I wasn't disappointed. ...

Paper Blog 

DNC insider: Hillary Clinton’s campaign is imploding

I don’t know if this is true, but thought it worth a read.

A website called Real. True. News. (RTN) published an interview on August 7, between RTN‘s Max Insider and an unnamed source within the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The source says Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is imploding because every weapon they’ve deployed against Donald Trump has failed, and Hillary may soon drop out of the race.

Note: Max Insider describes himself as having “20+ years of reporting... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

India Independence Day: Tri Color OOTD

Hello Lovely readers!Wishing Happy Independence Day in advance to all!The Indian flag tricolor inspired outfit is the most special thing about today’s outfit of the day. This OOTD is especially dedicated to all my friends in India.  The basic rule was to look chic, fashionable, desi and at the same time carry that #iamfreestyle confidently!

Paper Blog 

Vote For us + Win a Set of Gold Utensils!

Well folks, it’s August.  That doesn’t mean I’ve taken to alerting you of each month passing, what it does mean however, is it’s Amara Interior Blog Award time!  We’ve very kindly been nominated again and this year we’ve got a beauty of a competition for you, but more on that below.

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Paper Blog 

EFL YOUTH ALLIANCE | Cameron Peters Scores as Walsall Defeat Wrexham

On Saturday morning, Neil Woods' Walsall Under 18s side returned to EFL Youth Alliance (North West) action as they played host to Wrexham at the Birmingham County FA's headquarters in Great Barr.
The young Saddlers, who had opened their Youth Alliance campaign last weekend by defeating last season's champions Wigan Athletic by three-goals-to-one, were once again victorious as Cameron Peters slipped the ball home on the stroke of ...

Paper Blog 

Bharat Parv 2016 Azadi 70 – Yaad Karo Qurbani Photo Exhibition

Bharat Parv is a festival to celebrate our country’s 70 years of Independence. The festival aims to adopt the momentum in Unity and Integrity amongst the people of the country. In fact, that is the demand of time. As a matter of fact, this is quite an important issue to address today. Venkaiah Naidu, Minister for Information & Broadcasting inaugurates Photo Exhibition – Azadi 70 – Yaad Karo Qurbani. It is a right occasion to do it. What better could it be than this? Sometimes very critical... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Rushing Myself To St. Lukes Medical Center BGC Due To Acute Tonsilitis.

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July 8, 2016 Monday, I ate an ice cream thingy from a fast food resto.

2AM Tuesday July 9, 2016 was my scheduled work technically. Medyo iba na ang pakiramdam ko. I had this fever inside and I can no longer understand my feeling and still I was able to work then. But when later shift 11AM Tuesday when I was about to ...

Paper Blog 

What Is Philhealth Claim Form 1 or CF1 and Its Importance?

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Today Let us talk Update August 11, 2016 . Today i will be discussing about philhealth claim form 1 or simply cf1. CF1 is a ducoment that needs to be requested directly from your company's HR with an attachment of certificate of contribution and you should submit it to the Hospital's billing department along with the cf2. CF2 is coming from your attending physician.


Paper Blog 


(by guest blogger Cassie Phillips) 
Wanderlust goes hand in hand with reading an Austen novel. Every time I turn a page I can’t help but want to follow Mr. Darcy all the way to Pemberley. For me, every read through or movie adaptation leaves me longing for the cobblestoned streets of London or the expansive grounds of the Peak District, with its epic landscapes and rolling hills. 
Therefore, I’ve compiled a list must-see destinations that no ...

Paper Blog 

Continuing care for the Tomatoes

Having lost one of my big tomato plants to blight last week, I'm being even more assiduous in my care for the remainder now! I have largely managed to hold back the blight by snipping off any infected foliage as soon as I spot it, but it really is a race against time. Fortunately some of the fruit is ripening now. This is "Stupice", from which I picked the first ripe fruit a couple of days ago.


It looks as ...

Paper Blog 

YOUTH ALLIANCE | Walsall Play Host to Wrexham Later This Morning

Neil Woods' Walsall Under 18s side will return to EFL Youth Alliance (North West) action this weekend as they play host to Wrexham at the Birmingham County FA's headquarters on Ray Hall Lane in Great Barr.
The young Saddlers opened their Youth Alliance campaign last weekend as they took on and defeated last season's champions Wigan Athletic by three-goals-to-one.
Goals from Tobias Hayles-Docherty and first year ...

Paper Blog 

Take pity on Hull, Burnley and Sunderland, all doomed before a ball is kicked.

John McCormick. Impartial, as always

As the days went by our  “who’s doomed” poll slipped down the “Salut”front page until it dropped off the bottom like a relegated team.

By then over 3500 votes had been cast. Most came in flurries in the first couple of days and, although I suspect a strong contingent of Sunderland fans cast votes and tried to move us in the general direction of safety, the positions of the eight chosen clubs didn’t change, ...

Paper Blog 

Mozzarella-Stuffed Meatballs

Similar recipes

Low-Carb Tortilla with Ground Beef and Salsa4.6 out of 5 stars5 star77%4 star10%3 star9%2 star2%1 star0%187 ratings187 Strict low carbStrict low carbFat71%Protein24%Carbs3%8 g carbs / serving Medium 15 + 30 m15 minutes preparation30 minutes cooking timeSausage with Creamed Green Cabbage4.6 out of 5 stars5 star75%4 star12%3 star6%2 star3%1 star2%331 ratings331 Moderate low carbModerate low carbFat81%Protein11%Carbs7%10 g carbs / serving Easy 5 + 20 m5 minutes preparation20 minutes... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Golden Gate Bridge | A world famous landmark.

The dimensions of the bridge defied all imagination. The total length of the bridge is 8,981ft or 2,737 m. The main span between the two enormous towers is 4,200 ft or 1,280 meters long, making the Golden Gate Bridge the world's largest suspension bridge, Golden Gate Bridge seen from Baker Beach a record that would stand until 1964 when the Verrazano-Narrows bridge in New York was completed. The two beautiful Art Deco towers are almost 820ft or 250 meters tall, of which more than 20 meters is below the sea level. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Notre Dame de Paris | 13th-century cathedral with flying buttresses & gargoyles, setting for Hugo’s novel.

The site of the Notre dame is the cradle of Paris and has always been the religious center of the city. The Celts had their sacred ground here, the Romans built a temple to worship Jupiter. A Christian basilica was built in the sixth century and the last religious structure before the Notre-Dame construction started was a Romanesque church.It took until 1345 before the cathedral was completed, partly because the design was enlarged during construction. The result is an overwhelming building, 128... Читать дальше...

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МегаФон: Каждый третий верит фишерам

Спецконтейнеры для сбора сжатых пластиковых бутылок выпустили в Подмосковье

Алексей Фурсин рассказал о проекте московского кинокластера

Свыше 6,5 тысячи жителей Москвы и Московской области получили справки о статусе предпенсионера в клиентских службах регионального Отделения СФР и МФЦ


Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS



Свыше 6,5 тысячи жителей Москвы и Московской области получили справки о статусе предпенсионера в клиентских службах регионального Отделения СФР и МФЦ

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве


Сергей Собянин поздравил Валентину Матвиенко с переизбранием

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Музыкальные новости

Сергей Брановицкий

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России