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Новости за 20.08.2016

Paper Blog 

Is This the New Europe?

Michael L.

So, what we see in this clip, uploaded to Youtube on August 17 of this year, is apparently a gang of young Muslim emigres, possibly on their way to Germany and Sweden, robbing and vandalizing a restaurant somewhere in Italy.

You know, I grew up with dogs.

From the moment of my birth in the mid-60s to the present I've almost always had pooches. I love dogs despite the fact that mine defecate on my lawn and drool on my pillows.

It's disgusting!

Would... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 


My BoxyCharm box has arrived! I love BoxyCharm! They usually include FULL SIZE products! The boxes always exceed the cost of the box! The box includes at least five items and a detailed information card. It is one of my favorite subscription boxes and I highly recommend it!

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Paper Blog 

A new UFO has landed at the Ovniport d'Arès, part 2: meeting the designers!

A few weeks ago Invisible Bordeaux reported on the new spaceship which has been installed at the ovniport (UFO landing pad) in Arès, at the northern tip of the Bassin d’Arcachon. I recently caught up with the most excellent gentlemen who designed the stationary flying saucer!

A friend of mine had spotted the previous Arès spaceship on the car park of trailer company Sud Ouest ...

Paper Blog 

The Apathy Of Social Media and Your Band

People don’t really want to hear about your band. They don’t want to hear about how great your practice was. They don’t want to hear about how hard it is to find a producer. They don’t want to have to be forced to look behind the curtain. There needs to be a certain mystique to rock and roll and social media has ruined a lot of that. It has left us overexposed to the inner workings of the industry and frankly kind of pissed off at ...

Paper Blog 

Game 120: Marlins @ Pirates 08.20.2016

Game Preview:


"Marlins-Pirates preview

7:05 PM ET
Line: PIT -123

MIA: Phelps (6-6 , 2.48 ERA) PIT: Kuhl (3-0 , 3.73 ERA)
Pick Center
343 tickets available
12:22 AM ET
PITTSBURGH -- The Pittsburgh Pirates might start to consider Chad Kuhl their good-luck charm... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

How I Roll (Take a Video Tour of My Adapted Van!)

I wish I'd kept a record of all the questions, comments, and reactions I've gotten since I first began the process of learning how to drive. From total disbelief to utter fascination, people are unendingly taken by the fact that I can get from point A to point B behind the wheel of a vehicle. And I can sort of understand why. It's not like you can just go into a local car dealership and pick ...

Paper Blog 

Pista Khoya Modak

A new post for the festive season...Pista Khoa/Khoya Modak!

We are currently in the religious month of Hindu Calendar,"Shravana" and this is considered the month of all fasts,festivals and numerous celebrations.
After this month ends then we celebrate the most awaited festival of the year...that is Ganesh Chaturthi!

Every year people celebrate this festival as per traditions and customs followed by individual family rituals. Everyone has their own family traditions of celebrating this festival... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

MATCH REPORT | Walsall 1 Charlton Athletic 2

On Saturday afternoon Jon Whitney's Saddlers played host to Charlton Athletic in the latest fixture of the 2016/17 League One campaign. Our match report is below.

Walsall got the action underway, but it was Charlton who looked more dangerous going forward early on. The match began at a slow tempo, but four minutes in, a decent move from from the visitors culminated in Ricky Holmes sending a low cross into the box. James O'Connor ...

Paper Blog 

Walsall Edge Closer to Defensive Target

Walsall manager Jon Whitney has spoken to the press ahead of this afternoon's Sky Bet League One clash with Charlton Athletic, and has revealed that he has edged closer to signing another defender, but admits he may still have to play the waiting game.
Speaking via the Express & Star, Jon said; "We are a bit closer, it’s a difficult one because a lot of teams are waiting on targets. It is going to be a ...

Paper Blog 

TEAM NEWS | v Charlton Athletic (H)

Walsall and Charlton Athletic have both confirmed their respective line-ups for this afternoon's Sky Bet League One match. You can find all the information you need inside!
WALSALL STARTING XI | Etheridge; Edwards, O'Connor, Preston, McCarthy; Osbourne, Dobson; Markris, Moussa, Morris; Jackson

SUBS | MacGillivray; K.Roberts; Cuvelier, Kinsella; Ginnelly, Oztumer; Bakayoko CHARLTON ATHLETIC STARTING XI | Rudd, Solly, Konsa, Pearce, Fox, Foley, Crofts, Jackson (c), Holmes, Magennis, Ajose

SUBS | Phillips, Bauer, Johnson, .

Paper Blog 

Geeta Tandon – Salute to One of the Real Life Heroes

At one of the crucial junctures of her life, Geeta Tandon had two choices. The first option was to surrender to the situation. The second choice was to run away. Surrendering to the situation for her was keep going through the harassment. And the harassment was coming from none other than her life partner. Her husband was violent to her. That too when they had two kids in their life. And running away means leave her husband. In fact, leaving her husband would take her away from harassment and depression. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Sharp Shooter: Kim Rhode wins bronze, makes Olympic history

Obvious Bonus: She’s pro-Second Amendment.

From USA Today: Make it six straight for Kim Rhode. The 37-year-old American won a medal for her sixth consecutive Olympics on Friday, capturing bronze in the skeet shooting event at the Olympic Shooting Center.

It’s a stunning accomplishment from Rhode, who becomes the first female Olympian to medal in six consecutive games, and the first summer Olympian as well. Only Italian luger Armin Zoeggeler has done it on the men’s side.

Rhode’s bronze medal match ended in a shoot-off... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Douglas C-47 Skytrain

@Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

August 2016

The iconic Douglas C-47 Skytrain is a military transport aircraft developed from the civilian Douglas DC-3 airliner that entered service in 1936 and saw extensive service during World War II. This C-47, named Cheeky Charley during its wartime career, had a distinguished service record in the Pacific.  Afterward, it operated in Australia until 1972, when it was transferred to Hawaii.  It became part of the Pacific Aviation Museum collection in April, 2012. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Atlas Family Chiropractic. Alternative Solutions For Back-pain Sufferers

relief non-invasive and drug is now available for people who suffer from neck pain and lower back. connected For decades, people with neck pain and spinal cord with chronic degenerative diseases and often only had three options for pain relief: chiropractic, invasive surgery or medical treatment. This is no longer the case. Spinal decompression therapy is a viable new alternative.

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Paper Blog 

I’m going to Budapest!


I’m going to Budapest!


Just a quick note to let y’all know that I’m off to Budapest! Babybutter and I are taking to the skies this evening for a sister trip before she heads back for her final year of University and we’re so excited. We’ve even booked two Airbnb’s for our 5-day trip, so expect plenty ...

Paper Blog 

To Autumn- Ben Whishaw

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shellsWith a sweet kernel; to set budding more,And still more, later flowers for the bees,Until they think warm days will never cease,For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.
Who hath not... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Lotus Herbals YOUTHRx Youth Activating Serum + Creme Review

Serum is an emerging and effective skincare product although not originally from Indian skincare. It gets absorbed easily and is lightweight in nature which delivers maximum benefits to the skin. Today's review is about one such serum + creme from Lotus Herbals. My mom has used it for around one month and after that I have used it for around 15 days. Let's head on to the review to see how it fairs and whether lives upto it's claims.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Первое собрание отделения Союза женщин России прошло в Богородском округе

На матче "ЦСКА-Динамо" родилась новая семья

Шедевры Георгия Гараняна исполнит Денис Мацуев. Relax FM рекомендует

Координаторы проекта «Навигаторы детства» съехались в Москву на совещание


Легенда мирового хоккея Игорь Ларионов - амбассадор бренда "Лошадиная сила"



В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

Обзор известных приложений, созданных на iOS

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника


Сергей Собянин сообщил об открытии второго в Москве рыбного рынка

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости


«Опухший утопленник»: Джиган пожаловался, что супруга снимает его с неудачных ракурсов

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Легенда мирового хоккея Игорь Ларионов - амбассадор бренда "Лошадиная сила"

Международный молодёжный форум БРИКС+ по спортивной дипломатии состоялся в Ульяновске

Игорь Ларионов стал новым амбассадором Лошадиной силы


Токио (ATP). 1-й круг. Хуркач сыграет с Гироном, Берреттини – с ван де Зандшульпом

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Песков анонсировал беседу Путина с Совбезом на тему ядерного сдерживания

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России