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Новости за 17.08.2016

Paper Blog 

Paleo Dinner Recipes: Golden Oven-Fried Chicken

Paleo Dinner Recipes:

Golden Oven-Fried Chicken

PREP/COOK TIME: 35 minutes

We are coating chicken in a delicious herb and spice mixture and then pan-frying it before finishing it off in the oven. We like to use lard or bacon fat to fry the chicken pieces but you can use any paleo-friendly oil with a high smoke point. Here are the smoke ...

Paper Blog 

Salt Lake City Eats // Aubergine Restaurant Review

A month or so ago, my good friend Brandi came into town. She spent the night at my house (her old house), we stayed up late chatting, watching a movie that made us cry, and eating ice cream. In the morning we took blog pictures, shopped some estate sales, bought - pastries just because they were pretty, and had one of my favorite Brandi & Gentri weekends.

The afternoon before Brandi needed to head back to Idaho, we ...

Paper Blog 

Don't Let Leaks Slow You Down.

This post is a paid sponsored post by Acorn Influence on behalf of Poise. All opinions and experiences in my story are my own.
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in middle school at a friend's sleepover party. We were playing hide and seek outside and I suddenly felt ...

Paper Blog 

Making sense of numbers (green c**p edition)...

The table below is the projected income statement from a 'community' hydro-electric project doing the rounds in Aberdeen.  Do have a glance at the whole prospectus here.
I checked the 7% claim by putting the payments schedule into an APR calculator and it checks out.  But the payments to investors are backloaded, the £500k share capital (the opportunity being promoted) is obviously being used to repay earlier backers.  They are in a hurry to get it ...

Paper Blog 

Kitchens Are Not Just For Cooking (video)

chazzanut from an unexpected source...

kol isha warning:

------------------------------------------------------ Reach thousands of readers with your ad by advertising on Life in Israel ------------------------------------------------------

Paper Blog 

Health Benefits of Mustard

It’s strange to think that one of the most overlooked healthy ingredients is also one of the most common. We’re talking about mustard—a condiment usually used as sauce in hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and corn dogs. Sometimes, it is mixed in flavorings and spices. Here’s an infographic presented by Wishing U Well. It illustrates the numerous health benefits of mustard.

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Paper Blog 

Professional Athletes That Have Served Our Country

For some people, excelling in their chosen careers isn’t enough. What makes their lives fulfilling is to serve the country in any way. And we’ve seen some of these people in the history—people who are professional athletes, yet enlisted in the military to serve the nation. A true mark of patriotism. Here are some of them:

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Paper Blog 

Upping My Blogging Game

Blogging is my full time job, but it never feels like work. With that said, recently I have been going through a bit of a blogging slump. If you're a Blogger, you've probably been there before, but it's a bit like 'writers block'. No matter how badly you want to write, your brain just hits blank and before you know it, weeks have gone by with no blogging or worse - bad content!

I went through that wee phase and if I'm ...

Paper Blog 

Beauty | Eyebrows with Eylure

If your eyes are the window to the soul, your eyebrows must be the curtains or something, they need to be fabulous.
Eylure is known for their fabulous false lashes, mostly. I have used them myself for years as they've always been a fail safe brand for when I ...

Paper Blog 

Summer Skin Favorites

Summer Skin Favorites

A regular skin care routine is something that has taken me so long to figure out and changes from season to season. To me, skin care is so important and while I have no where near perfect skin (thanks for the brown spots sun), I really do try hard to keep my skin in the best possible condition that I can. From getting regular facials, to lengthly discussions with my dermatologist, to drinking water, wearing hats, daily sunscreen; I try so hard to ...

Paper Blog 

The Best Of: Photo Booths

You might be surprised to know that I, as a documentary wedding photographer, love photo booths. It might sound incongruous to what I do, but when a wedding has a photo booth, it actually works hugely in my favour for two reasons. Firstly, it means that it fulfils the wishes of any guests who want to play up to the camera - so that they are far less likely to do so where I'm present, and so I get much more truthful documentary wedding images. Secondly, the photo booth operator is often very happy to keep the booth curtain open... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

New favourite lip balms - Pulling out the big guns

Recently I had an allergic reaction to a lip balm that I was using. My lips were red raw with sore patches and my usual healing balms weren't working. I usually turn to Carmex or Burt's Bees to heal dry lips, but my allergy sore lips couldn't handle the sting. 

I was stumped and had no idea what to use, so I turned to my small (haha, just kidding) collection of lip balms and pulled out a few to try. I tried and rejected about five then found three that worked wonders.

Paper Blog 


Shame comes from Awareness
Unfortunately so does KnowledgeWhy is it such a messKnowing just creates a wedge
Alone in my head,
I'm feeling so low,
No one can understand,
No one can know.
Here I am
Just stumbling down the street
The rain's pouring down
And I'm staring at my feet

But splashing on my feet it is
My ...

Paper Blog 

The Narrative Is the Answer

Kareem, a Black commenter, writes:

Ultra Cool: Why are there racially motivated  riots like these in the U.S?

Kareem: It’s all about narrative. It has become increasingly common that whenever a Black person is shot by a cop, it becomes national news. Blacks in this country, regardless of where and why, feel like they are being are treated worse in situations because they are Black. Now, this sparks a narrative that Blacks are mistreated and that there is a systemic effort to keep them down. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

7 Iced Tea Cocktails to Finish Out The Summer With

I have a friend named Larisa – she’s pretty cool. She’s the marketing manager at the Andaz Hotel in Hollywood and a few months ago she brought me a Tealeaves sampler after meeting with them at the hotel. Knowing I’m a lover of beverages beyond my beloved whisk(e)y she thought I would enjoy the tea… and she was right. She was also right that I would immediately think about turning them into iced tea cocktails.

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Paper Blog 

cumin coriander chopped salad

This is a sponsored post. I've teamed with Brabantia to review one of their products, a chef's knife. Believe me, I don't team with any brand unless that brand embraces similar values regarding cooking, family and the kitchen as mine. My review of this product comes only from how I really feel about it. I will speak the truth.

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Paper Blog 


天然酵母做出来的鬆饼味道真的不错,很喜欢它淡淡的酵母香。由于用了天然酵母,又加上没有鸡蛋的关系,所烘好的鬆饼颜色很浅。因此我把waffle maker调到4号让它上色。这款鬆饼很容易做,只是在面糊发酵的过程中须要多一点的耐心。鬆饼可以前一天先混合好,放冰箱密封冷藏發酵一夜,隔天要吃时,先回温再用waffle maker制做。
Natural Yeast Waffle 天然酵母鬆饼
(recipe adapted from Carol)

200g Blue Jacket Cake Flour, sifted
100g natural yeast
30g fine sugar
200g Cowhead UHT milk
10g Cowhead salted butter, melted

1. Combine flour & sugar in a mixing bowl.
2. Add in yeast, milk & butter. Using a balloon whisk, whisk the mixture till smooth. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Skipper Highlight Reel: Living Fluff and Pose ‘N Play Tiff

Skipper Highlight Reel: Living Fluff and Pose ‘N Play Tiff

The last few Skipper Highlight Reel posts have been about doll cases, so I thought I’d break it up a bit with this installment and talk about two of Skipper‘s lesser known best friends. We’ll start with Living Fluff. Making her debut in 1971, Fluff was the first new Skipper friend since Skooter and Ricky were discontinued in 1967.

Fluff’s blonde hair is styled in two pigtails with curly bangs/fringe. She ...

Paper Blog 

Preview of Superf*ckers Forever #1 by James Kochalka (IDW)

Superf*ckers Forever #1 Preview (IDW)

Here’s a short preview of Superf*ckers Forever #1 by creator James Kochalka, featuring a back-up story by Jake Lawrence, on sale August 17th, 2016 from IDW Publishing.

Superf*ckers Forever #1 (of 5)

James Kochalka (w) • James Kochalka, Jake Lawrence (a) • James Kochalka (c)

The Superf*ckers are back in their first-ever monthly comic-book series! James Kochalka’s loveably ...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Новости России

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

«Слушали отмазки»: россиянин сообщил о запрете ему на год полётов в Латинскую Америку компанией Turkish Airlines

Адвокат: Алексей Блиновский не вернулся в зону СВО из-за участия в следствии по делу Пашаева


Фестиваль «Песня года» 2024 состоится в ДС «Мегаспорт» в Москве


Можно ли перевестись из одной автошколы в другую в процессе обучения?

В Москве ежегодно состоялся юбилейный, всероссийский, патриотический гала-концерт «Проза и поэзия» «Россия - семья семей»

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

В Москве ежегодно состоялся юбилейный, всероссийский, патриотический гала-концерт «Проза и поэзия» «Россия - семья семей»


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Музыкальные новости

Сергей Брановицкий

Масспостинг вертикальных видео в TikTok, Youtube-shorts, ВК-клипы, Reels.

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Представители Росгвардии поздравили воспитанников Центра спорта и образования «Самбо-70» с принятием торжественной клятвы

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Марин Чилич

Эйсинг-777 // Марин Чилич стал самым низкорейтинговым чемпионом турнира АТР

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