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Paper Blog 

Affiliate Websites- Can they rank in Google and Bing? Or are you Doomed as an Affiliate Marketer?

Last Updated

Yeah I think I know:

You might have heard some other crap I don't know, but I do know all of that is BULLSHIT!
Sorry for swearing but it's the truth and this article explains exactly why.
Read to learn?

What Does Google Really Want?

So. they make a huge chunk of their profits from Google Search and they'd do everything to keep it as spotless as possible.

It depends on what you do and what you DO NOT do.

Let me explain.

What... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

thinking geometrically

There's a little piece of you that drifts away every time you say goodbye. It's the end of a moment in time, and even with the promise of another, the potential of this ongoing line, once traveling with no end in sight, becomes a segment. It's a beginning and an end, waiting to repeat.

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Paper Blog 

Vitamin Supplements

I highly recommend supplements that are vegan/vegetarian suitable, non gmo, without fillers, and that are labeled with legitimate seals and certifications of high quality, assuring the product consists of laboratory testing to confirm accuracy of contents as well as safety of consumption.

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Paper Blog 

naan bread smoked salmon veggie squares

I was at this trendy cafe buying some freshly baked bread and as I was waiting, I caught a glimpse of an open faced sandwich that was being served to a table. Now this sandwich was like three dimensional. It was full of color and vibrancy. I had no idea what was in it, but I could tell by all the details and 'flair' that it was a healthy sandwich that was undoubtedly artistic. And, given that I love creating foods that are artistically ...

Paper Blog 

Compare Data without Specifying the Columns

private static boolean getDataFromDB() {
try {

String srcTableQuery = getSrcQuery();
String tgtTableQuery = getTgtQuery();

ResultSet srcResultSet = srcStatement.executeQuery(srcTableQuery);
ResultSet tgtResultSet = tgtStatement.executeQuery(tgtTableQuery);

boolean status = false;
while (srcResultSet.next() | tgtResultSet.next())
if (tgtResultSet.getRow() == 0 | srcResultSet.getRow() == 0)

} else {
for (int i = 1; i < tgtResultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount()... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

EPL: What Man United Coach Said After Bashing Chelsea

EPL: What Man United Coach Said After Bashing Chelsea

Manchester United coach Ole Gunnar Solsjkaer has admitted his team needs to improve despite a 4-0 bashing of Chelsea, Naijaparry reports.

United beat Frank Lampard’s side in their English Premier League opener at the Old Trafford on Sunday.

However, Solskjaer is demanding more from his charges as they seek to mount a challenge for the crown.

“We have found a way we want to play that we believe in,” he said after the match. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Buratai Orders Soldiers To Wear Mufti While Traveling

Buratai Orders Soldiers To Wear Mufti While Traveling

The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai on Monday has ordered traveling officers and men to wear plain clothes [mufti] while traveling across Nigeria.

Buratai accused the Force Headquarters of making “inciting and inflammatory comments” following soldiers’ killing of three policemen and a civilian in Taraba after they had effected the arrest of a notorious kidnap kingpin, Alhaji Hamisu Bala Wadume, who is now on the run. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Eating Out|| Sunday Roast @ The Royal Oak, Marylebone

We hadn't been out for a roast in so long! It's not that the summer puts us off. Because truth be told, I can eat roast chicken and veg all year round! I LOVE a good roast. We just hadn't really been out on a Sunday in London. To be fair, I'd actually been away a lot. But this roast at The Royal Oak in Marylebone, reminded just how good it can be to venture out for on a Sunday afternoon. Because this one was amazing.

Paper Blog 

August Birthstone: Peridot

August is here and we only have a few more months before we are celebrating a new year. But right now, we're going to go ahead and celebrate the lime green beauty of August's birthstone, Peridot.

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Paper Blog 

Deadline For Uploading of O’level Results to JAMB Portal

Deadline For Uploading of O’level Results to JAMB Portal

We’re all aware JAMB requires all candidates to upjad their O’level results to the body’s portal. This is the only way the matriculation body can offer you admission if you eventually merit it.

This warning is not limited to JAMB, each institution is asking their applicants to make sure they upload their SSCE results. In fact, some include it in their post UTME instructions.

But the question that needs to be answered is. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Quote of the Day

The Gemara in Kiddushin 32b says: a king that waives his honor, his honor is not waived

  -- Netanyahu Spokesperson Yonatan Orich, regarding the debate going on whether or not Netanyahu should fire Smotritch, remove him from the cabinet but leave him in his ministerial position, or just criticize him. Smotritch had criticized Netanyahu harshly for initially giving orders to close Har Habayit to Jews on Tisha B'Av.

Reach... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Sheer Act of Will

A Guest Post by Seraya Ziv

Sheer Act of Will by Saraya Ziv,  A new personal history from www.jerusalemneverlies.com
1. I’m sitting in the shade at the Kotel (Western Wall) waiting for my friend Ruthie who’s standing stock-still, praying. In front of me are Ruthie’s sister-in-law and a woman she’s escorted to the Wall. The woman shakes my hand: she’s Sandra from somewhere Texas; it’s her first time in Israel, first prayers at the Kotel, and as one of the Bnei Noach, (a Noahide), she’s truly moved to be here. Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

General Insurance Industry in India - posting losses !!

Think Insurance ~ Think LIC – was the caption of those days.  In old Tamil movies -  if Hero or Heroine were to land up in the metropolis breaking away from their village – they would land up in Train (Egmore railway station) – for sure, you get to see – Beach, Central Station, red coloured Pallavan Transport (PTC) buses running in Mount Road and then there was that skyscraper (!) ,...... the tall 14 storeyed LIC Building............. the landmark building of those years, housing the southern regional... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

massage in the mikva

I was in a shul the other day and they had this list of rules for using the mikva scrolling on their digital board. Most of them were benign, but this one struck me as weird and funny...

massages in the mikva are prohibited, except for in the sauna and then only on the upper body...

okey dokey

are people really doing this? is it really an issue?

Reach ...

Paper Blog 

How Much Do Double Glazing Windows Cost In The UK In 2019?

Every day in the UK, people have new double glazing windows installed in their homes. Double glazing has an endless list of advantages that are appealing to homeowners for a number of clear reasons – increased energy efficiency, better security, noise reduction, various styles – but what’s not always clear is how much double glazing windows cost in the UK in 2019.

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Paper Blog 

Vegan & Paleo Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache Frosting

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Paleo Chocolate Cake with Vegan Chocolate Ganache Frosting – a quick and easy cake recipe with a simple 2-ingredient frosting! This layer cake is gluten-free, paleo, dairy-free, and vegan, and it tastes as decadent as your favorite chocolate cake. Thanks to Hu Kitchen for sponsoring this post.

Paper Blog 

Ruth Krall, Moral Corruption in the Religious Commons (2)

Theodore Rombouts, (1597-1617), "Christ Driving the Money-Changers from the Temple"

The essay below is the second installment of Ruth Krall's essay "Moral Corruption in the Religious Commons." Part one was published previously. In this essay, which is the sixth of a series of essays Ruth has entitled "Recapitulation: Affinity Sexual Violence in a Religious Voice," whose premise is (to quote the essay below), "Studies of sexual violence inside... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Picture of the Day

I suspect he was taking advantage of having his Tisha B'Av chair with him anyway rather than stand on the full bus, but it looks funny, as if he brought so as not to sit on the regular seat..

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Талибы* хотят участвовать на саммите БРИКС в Казани

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Как и где заказать вкусные бургеры на дом?


Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета


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