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Новости за 20.08.2019

Paper Blog 

Nobody move or the refineries get hurt!

From the BBC:

The future of the UK's fuel refineries could be threatened by a no-deal Brexit, according to an internal local authority document seen by the BBC.

Under current government plans for no deal, they face a "danger to viability" from cheaper imports, while exports to the EU are set to be hit with tariffs.

Concern is widespread in an industry deemed crucial for both economic and national security...

National security??

From oil well to your car is a long, delicate thread, ...

Paper Blog 

Kudos to Rav Lau

Kudos to Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau who today helped free an aguna from her chains.

the mother of a man refusing to give a gett to his wife died, and Rabbi Lau ruled that the mother would not be allowed for burial until the gett is given, or arrangements made.

Reports even have it that the chevra kadisha, unsure of what to do with the body of the mother waiting for burial, asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky about this and he said Rav Lau is correct in his instructions and the body should not... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

5 Simple Homemade Cleansers for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin you might as well know the struggle to find a suitable cleanser for your skin. Most of the foaming cleansers might dry out the skin and some might make the skin oily. So today we are presenting to you some simple homemade cleansers which you can easily make with the ingredients in your skin, for your oily skin.

You can even make a batch of any of the following powder cleansers and store it in an airtight container. After that all you need to do is scoop out some cleanser... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

The Don’t Stop Living Art Story: Logo Mock Ups

Whether you think it’s important or not, the logo of a company sticks and it becomes part of the culture of any brand. The Don’t Stop Living logo has remained constant and consistent since 2013, however I had a few different logos before that, all in a similar style and all using the colours blue, white and green. The colours of land (green), sea (light blue) and ice (Antarctica/purity) mixed with the Don’t Stop Living abbreviation of DSL were what I used to design my logo.

Paper Blog 

Four Legs Good - Thanks, George

“Four legs good, two legs bad.”
Later, “Four legs good, two legs better.”
  An unwelcoming, imposing secondary school full of strangers in a small, unfamiliar town. I was a reluctant new girl wearing the uniform of my old school, being stared at, but not spoken to. I kept silent and avoided eye-contact.  I was in an English class faced with an impossible task from a flustered and unfriendly teacher.
“Write a review of Animal ...

Paper Blog 

Those were the days, 51 Pacific, Fall 2012

Outside & Up Top (w/ flare) (Bayonne in the distance)
Inside, Work in Progress (reference material, yes, why not?)
Deep Inside, contemplation ("she came in thru the bathroom window")

Paper Blog 

Life update

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a life update. In fact, it’s been awhile since you’ve seen consistent blog posts around here.

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Paper Blog 

What Are Backlinks And How To Create Them, बैकलिंक एंड लिंक बिल्डिंग

Backlinks are significant for a blogger blog entry. You should think about the backlink and processors to create backlinks on the blog entry. Presently here I might want to talk about what is a backlink, how to make it and sort of backlinks.

What Are Backlinks And How To Create Them

What Are Backlinks And How To Create Them, बैकलिंक एंड लिंक बिल्डिंग

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Paper Blog 

Why the Partisanship of Wichita's Mayoral Race is a Good Thing

[Cross-posted to Wichita Story]

Four years ago, as Jeff Longwell ran against Sam Williams in the 2015 mayoral race, I mourned that the primary had been such a non-partisan affair. I definitely don't have any reason to feel that way this time around. The party differences between Mayor Longwell (who kicked off his campaign while surrounded by all sorts of Republican notables) and Brandon Whipple (who has served as a ...

Paper Blog 

Deirdre McCloskey on liberalism (in the classical sense)

It's rather "according to the solid scientific consensus of economic historians." Concretely I mean that the bizarre 18th-century idea of liberalism-which is the theory of a society composed entirely of free people, The Yale Politic: According to Bourgeois Equality, the average U.S. resident's real income per head increased from $3/day in 1800 to $132/day in 2010- an increase of 44x. You attribute this 'betterment' to the ideas of dignity and liberty. What do you mean more concretely?

Deirdre McCloskey... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Choosing 100% Safe Kratom Supplements

You must be aware of Kratom and its instant growth all over the world today. However, Kratom is not a local supplement or a herb that grows in the US. Kratom is procured from the Southeast Asian countries that have a tropical climate. Yes, Kratom is a tropical deciduous tree that grows in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and other surrounding islands due to the favorable climate and the soil conditions that help thrive Kratom tree for a long time. Belonging to the coffee plant family... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

How to Accept Credit Card as a Means of Payment

The history of business begins with a cash-based business. Over time because of the high susceptible risk of cash to theft and loss. There are inventions of new technology and they are new ways of making payment which reduces the carrying of cash. Nowadays, people do my carry cash rather they use debit or credit cards to make payments.it is noticed by merchants that people spend more with their credit cards so there is need to business to allow credit cards as a means of payment.

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Paper Blog 

nobody wants the Palestinians

Maariv has an interesting report from an anonymous senior diplomat saying that Israel has offered the Palestinians the ability to leave Gaza and emigrate to anywhere else int he world, even using a southern Israeli airport to do so. Israel would also help them arrange flights and shuttle them to where they need to go and would pay any relevant costs as well.

The only condition being that they have to find a country willing to take them in.

According to the report, 35000 Gazans have... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Interesting Psak: riding the trains after Shabbos

Rav Moshe Shternbuch has issued an interesting psak about riding the trains in Israel after Shabbos.

Ladaat brings the psak of Rav Shternbuch, Raavad of the Eida Hachareidis, that one should not ride any Israeli train that runs on any line that was worked on on Shabbos until the time of "kdei sheyaasu", the amount of  time it takes to have done that specific work not on Shabbos, wuill have passed. Only after that time has passed will it be ok to ride the trains.

Unfortunately he... Читать дальше...

Paper Blog 

Quote of the Day

I saw the response of the Likud and it made me laugh. Netanyahu signed a deal of submission with  Hamas. I signed a vote-sharing agreement with Kachol Lavan. It seems to me my agreement is better.

  --MK Avigdor Lieberman (YisraelBeyteynu), after coming under strog criticism from Likud and other right-wing parties for signing the vote-sharing agreement with Kachol Lavan

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Задержанные при попытке прорваться в Склиф хотели увезти бойца ММА Чичаева

«Стал рекордным»: в восьми городах-миллионниках увеличилась цена за аренду жилья

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

СК отпустил еще трех задержанных по делу о стрельбе у офиса Wildberriеs


Реклама на радио точно достигает своей аудитории


Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета


Сергей Собянин: МСД улучшил транспортное обслуживание 5 млн человек

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости

Авраам Руссо

Пленили и избивали в ресторане: певец Руссо опознал своего похитителя

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Баскетболисты ЦСКА начнут защиту титула в Единой лиге ВТБ

Владимир Ефимов рассказал, каким будет комплекс «Олимпийский» после реконструкции

Набор в резерв сборных для участия в школьных олимпиадах объявили в Москве


Полина Кудерметова одержала первую победу в карьере над игроком из топ-50 рейтинга WTA

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