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Новости за 05.07.2019


Continental closes $25m private placement

TSX-listed Continental Gold on Friday announced that it had closed a previously announced nonbrokered private placement with Eric Sprott through 2176423 Ontario, pursuant to which the company issued 10.6-million common shares for $25-million. The proceeds of the private placement will be used for general working capital and corporate purposes.


Trans Hex proposes JSE delisting

JSE-listed Trans Hex announced on Friday a share buyback programme to purchase the issued share capital of shareholders at R1 apiece, which will effectively delist the company from the JSE. This offer excludes the shares of Cream Magenta 140, Metcap 14 Proprietary and RAC Investment Holdings – the consortium.


PIC’s shareholding in Resgen decreases to 15.42%

Energy resources firm Resource Generation (Resgen) on Friday reported that the Public Investment Corporation’s (PIC’s) interest in the company had decreased to 15.42% of its total shares. According to Resgen’s website, the PIC had previously held a 19.9% interest in the company.


Lundin finalises acquisition for ownership of Brazil copper project

Canadian base metals miner Lundin Mining on Friday announced that it had successfully completed the 100% acquisition of Mineração Maracá Indústria e Comércio, a mining company that owns the Chapada copper/gold mine, in Brazil. Lundin in April announced its plans to buy the company from Yamana Gold for $800-million.


Chile mining sector continues to lag on growth

Chile's economic activity rose 2.3% in May from the same month a year ago, the central bank said on Friday, as the top copper producer´s crucial mining sector continued to lag. The IMACEC economic activity index encompasses about 90% of the economy tallied in gross domestic product figures.


Alrosa earns $10m at Hong Kong auction

Russian diamond company Alrosa earned revenue of $10.3-million in its latest auction of special size rough diamonds weighing more than 10.8 ct, in Hong Kong. It sold 112 gem-quality rough diamonds with a total weight of 1 910 ct.


Zinc One to raise up to C$2.44-million in rights offer

TSX-V-listed Zinc One Resources will proceed with a rights offer to raise between C$1.22-million and C$2.44-million. The company will offer rights to holders of its common shares, as from the close of business on July 8, on the basis of one right for each common share held.


Argosy marks first lithium in Argentina

ASX-listed Argosy Minerals has started lithium carbonate production at its industrial-scale pilot plant at the Rincon project, in Argentina. The operation entails the continuous processing of concentrated lithium brine, which is sourced from the operational evaporation ponds at the Rincon project area using Argosy’s proprietary and exclusive chemical process to produce a 99.5% lithium carbonate product.


Spearmint embarks on Golden Triangle work programme

Canadian company Spearmint Resources has started on a work programme at its Golden Triangle gold prospects over 3 705 ha of landholding directly bordering GT Gold Corp, in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. “The price per ounce of gold has recently broken out to over $1 400 marking six-year highs. I am pleased to announce that we have started our summer work programme on our district-size land package . . .  where we border some of this world-class gold region’s most exciting discoveries,”... Читать дальше...


Jambreiro PFS proves up for Centaurus

A prefeasibility study (PFS) into the Jambreiro iron-ore project, in Brazil, has estimated that the project would require a capital investment of A$59.8-million. ASX-listed Centaurus Metals on Friday noted that the one-million-tonne-a-year operations is expected to have an initial mine life of 18 years, and would deliver high-grade, low-impurity sinter product.


Gold heads for the longest stretch of gains in eight years

Gold is headed for the longest stretch of weekly gains since 2011 as investors count down to the release of a highly-anticipated US jobs report that could provide clues on the Federal Reserve’s interest rate path. Bullion’s higher for the seventh week as investors bet on looser policy from the central bank after signs of a slowdown. The non-farm payrolls data later Friday is projected to show a rise of 160 000 in June, and while that would up from 75,000 a month earlier, it’d be lower than the rise a year earlier.


Billionaire US coal baron Cline dies in helicopter crash

Christopher Cline, the billionaire coal tycoon best known for reviving Illinois’s mining industry and making a fortune doing it, died in a helicopter crash Thursday. Cline died in an accident off the coast of the Bahamas that also killed six other people, Brian Glasser, an attorney who represented Cline, said by telephone. He was the founder of St Louis, Missouri-based coal miner Foresight Energy, a joint venture with Robert Murray’s Murray Energy Corp.


Autonomous testing making strides

Information technology provider Vist Group is currently spearheading the Intelligent Mine project which entails large truck manufacturer Belaz Corporations’ autonomous trucks being used at a test site in the town of Zhodino, in Belarus, using fifth-generation (5G) technology. The test zone was created by autonomous infrastructure operator beCloud – in conjunction with Belaz and Vist Group, a subsidiary of digital solutions vendor ZYFRA Group – specifically for the testing on the Belaz dump trucks, which are among the largest in the world.


Strategies, trials boost provider’s presence

Mining explosives solutions provider AEL Intelligent Blasting acquired full ownership of Brazilian explosives company Dinacon in April this year as part of its international expansion strategy, which will give the company an increased presence in South America. The acquisition includes a bulk emulsion and packaged explosives manufacturing plant, as well as distribution and storage facilities in São Paulo, Brazil.


Company receives exploration permit for Brazil gold project

Brazilian mining company Jupiter Gold received the exploration permit from the local mining department in Brazil for each of the three mineral rights that encompass its Serrita gold project. The Serrita project covers around 5 500 ha and is located in the state of Pernambuco, in the north-eastern part of Brazil. Jupiter Gold owns 100% of the Serrita project.


Local sector needs to combat imports, enhance manufacturing

Imports, and not an inability to export, are currently the largest obstruction in the local earthmoving and surface mining capital equipment sector, says South African Capital Equipment Export Council (SACEEC) CEO Eric Bruggeman. A machine can be imported and then either sold or hired at a cheaper rate than a locally manufactured one, which is detrimental to the local manufacturer, he points out.


High-powered dump truck available in SA

South African earthmoving equipment manufacturer and supplier Bell Equipment has added a new model to its range of articulated 4 x 4, two-axle articulated dump trucks (ADTs). The Bell B45E 4 x 4 was introduced to the market in April and, like all Bell 4 x 4s, the trucks are produced in Bell Equipment’s main factory in Richards Bay, South Africa. The first machines are planned for delivery in the third quarter.


New multipurpose drill rig launched

Global engineering company Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology has added a new surface top hammer drill rig – the versatile Commando DC300Ri – to its offering. The drill rig is ideal for drill and blast contractors as it suits multiple different applications, according to the company.


New software makes tyre management easier

Global mining tyre services and tyre supplier Kal Tire has completed the installation of its technology-based tractability software, the Tire Operations Management System (TOMS), at a coal mine in Delmas, Mpumalanga, and will finalise an installation at a surface mining customer in Rustenburg, in the North West, before the end of September. This will be the third installation of TOMS in the South African mining industry. The TOMS system is a proprietary tyre management system based on real-time information... Читать дальше...


New excavator reduces emissions, fuel use

The first Hitachi 20 t EX1200-7 excavator – one of Hitachi’s newest models in the EX-7 Series – arrived in South Africa at the end of May, construction and earthmoving machinery manufacturer Hitachi Construction Machinery Africa tells Mining Weekly. The excavator will be commissioned at the client’s premises by the end of this month.


Exxaro’s digital journey paying dividends

The Digital@Exxaro Show & Tell event last week, demonstrated that the digital transformation initiatives implemented by Exxaro Resources have been instrumental in the company’s achieving record performances in coal production, sales and export volumes in 2018. CEO Mxolisi Mgojo explained that the digital strategy had evolved since inception in 2016. Then, the priority was to mitigate potential headwinds by adopting disruptive technologies to ensure that the company could position itself at the lowest quartile of the cost curve. Читать дальше...


Chile mine conversions provide opportunities

The conversion of certain large openpit mining operations to underground operations, in Chile, will provide significant opportunities for minerals processing equipment supplier Multotec to expand further into the mining sector in South America. “We see the outlook for the mining sector in South America as positive. It’s an opportunity because of our experience in Africa and Australia, where we have extensive knowledge of the processes that support mining operations,” says Multotec general manager of South America Graeme Campbell.


Strong fundamentals positioning miners to adapt to changing shareholder expectations

Despite the world’s top 40 miners consolidating their performance of the past several years, they are “not getting the credit for it”, according to consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC’s) ‘Mine 2019: Resourcing the Future’ report, which provides key trends for the mining industry and PwC’s view on what those trends hold for the future. According to PwC partner Andries Rossouw, the market is affected by the impact of macroeconomic volatility in the form of a constrained global economic growth outlook and trade wars.


South American mining holds promise despite challenges

Investment in mining projects in South America is expected to continue, despite political and infrastructural challenges in key mining country economies, says international commodities consultancy Core Consultants MD Lara Smith. “Vast natural resources and relatively low labour costs make the continent an attractive investment destination. We’ve had many requests for projects in Brazil, particularly manganese projects. We are also aware of a number of investors who have chosen to invest solely in South America... Читать дальше...


Acquisition, base metals demand create growth in South America

Mining equipment manufacturer and supplier Metso’s acquisition of Chilean mining engineering and construction company HighService Corp’s service division will enable Metso to grow further in the mining sector in Chile and the South American region, says Metso Pacific Rim market area senior VP Eduardo Nilo. The acquisition, which was announced in January and approved by Chilean competition authority body The National Economic Prosecutor’s Office in March this year, increases Metso’s service offering... Читать дальше...

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Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета


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