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Новости за 28.10.2020


Lloyd's insurer Apollo to stop underwriting Adani coal mine from Sept. 2021

Lloyd's of London firm Apollo has written insurance for Adani Enterprises' Carmichael thermal coal mine which expires in Sept 2021 but is not planning to provide any further insurance for the mine, according to a memo seen by Reuters. Carmichael has provoked controversy in Australia because it would open up a new thermal coal basin at a time of growing concerns over global warming, in a region that is in need of jobs.


Alba appoints geologist as COO

Aim-listed diversified miner Alba Mineral Resources says its senior geologist Mark Austin has agreed to take up the full-time position of COO, in addition to serving as senior geologist. He will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the company’s mining projects in north Wales, Greenland and Ireland.


Wheaton's shares start trading on the LSE

TSX- and NYSE-listed precious metal streaming company Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation has started trading on the LSE main market, effective October 28. CEO Randy Smallwood says Wheaton’s business model offers UK investors a unique and appealing opportunity to gain exposure to precious metals through one of the highest-quality portfolios of assets in the industry.


Britain's Banks Mining will not challenge coal mine rejection

Banks Mining will not appeal against a government decision to reject its plans to develop a new coal mine in northeast England, the British company said on Wednesday. Northumberland County Council agreed in 2016 that developer Banks could extract three-million tonnes of coal over six to seven years by cutting an open cast, or surface mine, near Druridge Bay, Highthorn.


Boliden reports healthy third-quarter output, financial performance

Swiss miner Boliden says its milled production volumes during the third quarter remained on par with that of the second quarter of the year, but came in higher than that of the prior year's third quarter. The company reported an operating profit of SEK2.2-billion for the quarter ended September 30, compared with the operating profit of SEK1.8-billion reported for both the second quarter and the third quarter of last year.


Atalaya launches feasibility study on scaled-up copper-cathode-producing plant

TSX- and Aim-listed Atalaya Mining has started with a feasibility study on its Proyecto Riotinto site, in Spain, to evaluate the economic viability of producing cathodes from complex sulphide ores prevalent in the Iberian pyrite belt. This will be done through the application of a new extraction process called the E-Lix System, the effectiveness of which had been tested with a pilot plant at the Proyecto Riotinto site.


Chaarat maintains guidance amid instabilities in its operating countries

Aim-listed Chaarat has produced 15 175 gold-equivalent ounces (GEOs) in the third quarter, an increase of 8.7% on the second quarter’s output but 0.4% lower on that produced in the third quarter of 2019. This places the company on track to achieve its full-year guidance of 55 000 GEOs.


Gem says higher prices demonstrate improved demand for Letšeng diamonds

LSE-listed diamond miner Gem Diamonds has sold 70 559 ct worth of diamonds for the year to date, achieving an average price of $1 908/ct. During the third quarter, the group also unearthed five diamonds greater than 100 ct, bringing the total for the year to date to 13.


Parties call for Ntshangase's killers to be brought to book, peace in Somkhele

In the wake of the murder of Mfolozi Community Environmental Justice Organisation (MCEJO) subcommittee vice-chairperson Fikile Ntshangase on October 22, numerous parties have called for calm and peaceful discussion about the contested issue of expansion of the Somkhele, KwaZulu-Natal-based Tendele anthracite mine. The mine’s management has conveyed its sadness and concern in hearing of the incident, expressing its “sincere condolences” to the family and friends of Ntshangase. It has reiterated its... Читать дальше...


Resgen says IDC resolves not to grant extension for Boikarabelo coal funding

Owing to delays in satisfying certain conditions precedent to reaching financial close for first drawdown under the mine funding package for the construction of the Boikarabelo coal project, dual-listed Resource Generation (Resgen) has been trying to secure formal sign off of the extension of the common terms agreement. On December 5, 2019, Resgen announced that, along with its majority owned subsidiary, Ledjadja Coal, it had executed principal binding agreements for the funding of the construction of Boikarabelo.


Miner Kaz agrees to £3bn buyout deal from chairman-led group

Kaz Minerals said on Wednesday it has agreed to be acquired by a consortium led by its chairperson Oleg Novachuk, in an all-cash deal that values the London-listed miner at £3-billion ($3.91-billion). Nova Resources, a company owned by Novachuk and Kaz director Vladimir Kim, will pay 640p per Kaz share, the miner said.


Sandfire’s first deposit at Black Butte shows potential to produce 23 000 t/y of copper

ASX-listed Sandfire Resources America has announced a maiden mineral reserve of 8.8-million tonnes at 2.6% copper for 226 100 t of contained copper for the Johnny Lee deposit at the company’s Black Butte copper project. The company also published a feasibility study on the deposit, which is the cornerstone deposit of the Black Butte copper project, in White Sulphur Springs, Montana.


Black Butte proves positive - Sandfire

A feasibilitiy study into the Johnny Lee deposit, at the Black Butte copper project, in Montana, has found that the deposit would underpin a mine life of eight years, at a production rate of 1.2-million tonnes of ore a year. The North American subsidiary of ASX-listed Sandfire Resources, Sandfire Resources America, has reported a maiden mineral reserve of 8.8-million tonnes, grading 2.6% copper for 226 100 t of contained copper at Johnny Lee.


Galaxy expectations remain intact

Lithium miner Galaxy Resources is on track to achieve its full year production guidance following a strong September quarter. Galaxy on Wednesday reported that the Mt Cattlin operation, in Western Australia, maintained steady production during the third quarter ending September, with the mine producing 30 067 t of concentrate, in line with the 30 942 t produced in the June quarter.


New Century hoping to halve debt

Base metals miner New Century Resources has announced plans for a $25-million capital raise to retire over half of its existing net secured debt. The ASX-listed company on Wednesday said that it would raise some $15-million through a share placement to two existing institutional shareholders and new investor, US hedge fund Luxor Capital.


Thermal coal demand in Asia to rise - report

New research conducted on behalf of the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) has noted that the demand for thermal coal imports in the Asia Pacific region will grow by more than 270-million tonnes to 2030, to reach 1.1-billion tonnes a year. The report by Commodity Insight, noted that there were several fundamental factors driving this growth in demand, including high electricity demand, high population growth, significant coal-fired generation capacity, and the inability of domestic coal production to keep pace with demand growth.


Brixton Metals, HPX enter into $44.5m earn-in agreement over Hog Heaven project

Canadian exploration and development company Brixton Metals has entered into a binding heads of agreement with High Power Exploration (HPX), a mineral exploration and development company led by chairperson and CEO Robert Friedland, with respect to a $44.5-million earn-in and joint venture on Brixton's Hog Heaven silver/gold/copper/lead/zinc project, in Montana, in the US. “This $44.5-million earn-in agreement highlights the high quality and significant potential of the Hog Heaven project and is an... Читать дальше...


Trump lifts tariffs on Canadian aluminum, warns he may resume them

US President Donald Trump issued a proclamation on Tuesday formally removing tariffs on raw aluminum imports from Canada but threatening to reinstate them if there was a surge in imports of the metal across the northern US border. The proclamation follows an agreement with Canada announced last month by the US Trade Representative's office to reinstate an exclusion for Canadian imports from 10% "Section 232" national security tariffs, retroactive to Sept. 1.

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Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

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Собянин: В районе «Южного порта» появится зеленая набережная без автомобилей

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Музыкальные новости

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Бутман провел открытый урок в музыкальной школе им. Дунаевского в рамках проекта «Звездный час»

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Международный молодёжный форум БРИКС+ по спортивной дипломатии состоялся в Ульяновске

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Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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