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Новости за 01.09.2022


Standard Bank provides R4bn to De Beers for Venetia underground project

Financial institution Standard Bank has provided R4-billion of a total R10-billion syndicated debt funding package required by diamond miner De Beers for the largest single investment in South Africa’s diamond industry and one of the largest mining investment projects currently under way in Africa. As one of the financers, Standard Bank was responsible for the largest debt funding allocation, providing a revolving credit facility to help the Venetia diamond mine fund the completion of its strategic underground project... Читать дальше...


ARM ups dividend, highlights climate commitment, shifts to green energy

Diversified mining company African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) on Thursday paid higher dividends, reiterated its full commitment to climate change mitigation, and outlined the start of its intended shift towards the implementation of renewable energy. In affirming the Johannesburg Stock Exchange-listed company’s alignment to climate change mitigation and meeting the challenges confronting the environment and humankind, ARM executive chairperson Dr Patrice Motsepe told the presentation covered by Mining Weekly... Читать дальше...


Diamond demand recovering amid challenging operating conditions

The global diamond market has continued on its recovery trajectory for the first half of this year, said diamond producer Gem Diamonds, which reported positive demand for its diamonds for the period while global events continued to negatively affect operational costs. Gem said in its interim financial results for the six months ended June 30 and published on September 1, that the sanctions imposed on major Russian diamond mining group Alrosa has caused a shortage of rough diamonds in the market,... Читать дальше...


Kropz draws down second tranche of bridge loan to keep Elandsfontein going

Emerging African phosphate producer and developer Kropz has announced the second drawdown of R47-million on its R121.5-million bridge loan facility to meet immediate cash requirements resulting from continued delays in the ramp-up of operations at the Kropz Elandsfontein phosphate project, in the Western Cape. Kropz noted that progress continues to be made in the ramp up.


Rich nations to fund 80% of South Africa's climate plan with loans, some hard to unlock

About 80% of the-billions of dollars pledged by rich nations for South Africa's shift away from coal will be loans, not grants, and some may be hard to unlock due to national rules protecting domestic jobs, an official familiar with the matter said. Last year the United States, European Union, Britain, France and Germany committed to investing $8.5-billion over three to five years to help South Africa reduce its carbon emissions, which are among the world's highest because it depends on coal for 80% of its electricity.


First Quantum appoints new CFO and COO

Canada’s First Quantum Minerals (FQM) has appointed Ryan MacWilliam as CFO and Rudi Badenhorst as COO, with effect from September 1. MacWilliam joined FQM in 2019 and has been leading the business development and investor relations functions. Prior to joining FQM, he was the CFO of Canada-based Nevsun Resources until its acquisition by Zijin Mining.


Manufacturer to showcase industrial lighting range at Electra Mining

Lighting manufacturer Visionware will be showcasing its industrial lighting range at this year’s Electra Mining Africa exhibition, which will be held in September. The Kempton Park-based company focuses on the in-house design and local manufacturing of products for the electrical switchgear and lighting market. The V-Light brand aims to introduce new innovative light-emitting diode (LED) lighting products that are specifically designed for intended applications.


Rio Tinto’s Nuton invests $25m in McEwen Copper

Rio Tinto’s copper leaching technology venture, Nuton, has invested $25-million in McEwen Copper, which is advancing a copper project in Argentina. The investment forms part of the third and final tranche of a previously announced placement offering, in which the McEwen mining subsidiary raised $81.85-million.


Implats commits R50bn capex to mines, beneficiation, energy, decarbonisation

Platinum group metals (PGM) company Implats, which generated free cash flow of R28.8-billion in the 12 months to June 30, said on Thursday that it had allocated R4.3-billion over the next five years to energy security and decarbonisation. Gross profit totalled R41.3-billion at a gross margin of 35% with earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortisation (Ebitda) of R53.4bn at an Ebitda margin of 45%.


Vimy acquisition just the start - Deep Yellow

ASX-listed Deep Yellow Resource’s acquisition of fellow-listed Vimy Resources earlier this year was just the first step in the company’s merger and acquisition strategy. Speaking at the second day of Paydirt’s Africa Downunder conference, in Perth, Deep Yellow head of business development, Andrew Micro said that the company had undertaken a comprehensive review of some 200 uranium projects globally.


151-ct coloured diamond recovered from edge of Canada’s Arctic Circle goes on sale

Toronto-listed Mountain Province Diamonds will next week put on sale an “exceptional” coloured rough diamond, which it recovered from the Gahcho Kué mine, in Canada's Northwest Territories. The diamond, a 151.60 t octahedron of exceptional clarity, will be offered for sale alongside a selection of more than 90 individual special rough diamonds recovered from the company's Canadian diamond mine.


West Wits eyes uranium potential in S.Africa

Junior gold developer West Wits Mining is evaluating the uranium potential at its Witwatersrand Basin project, in South Africa. Speaking at the second day of Paydirt’s Africa Downunder conference, in Perth, West Wits MD Jac van Heerden noted that the project had an exploration target of between 12-billion to 16-billion pounds of uranium.


Europe’s crisis shows value of coal, South African Minister says

South Africa’s Energy Minister dismissed the notion that renewable electricity can bring an end to years of rolling blackouts, pointing to Europe’s pivot back to the use of fossil fuels as evidence of the constraints of using green energy. Solar and wind plants could be used to supplement coal, gas and nuclear power generation, but had limitations when it came to meeting South Africa’s needs, such as supplying mines, Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe said.


Mexican president courts private investment for new state lithium company

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday urged the private sector to work with his new state-run lithium company, which aims to position Mexico as a key player in the electric car battery market. "We wouldn't have enough for it to be only public. It requires a lot of investment," Lopez Obrador said at a regular news conference.


South African energy issues need joint effort - Minerals Council

South Africa’s energy conundrum will require a concerted effort by both industry and government, the Minerals Council South Africa said. Speaking to Mining Weekly Online on the sidelines of Paydirt’s Africa Downunder conference, in Perth, Minerals Council CEO Roger Baxter said that the solution to solving South Africa's energy crisis is unlocking ‘massive’ private sector investment.


Resources Watch

This week: Green hydrogen atlas to be officially launched before year-end; And, Northam constructing, commissioning solar plants, securing wind energy


Rio strikes $3.3bn deal with Turquoise Hill

Diversified miner Rio Tinto has reached an in-principal agreement to acquire the remaining 49% interest in TSX- and NYSE-listed Turquoise Hill, which it does not already own. Rio late in August increased its takeover offer for Turquoise Hill from C$34 a share to C$40 a share after the takeover target rejected its initial bid.


Qld approves Carborough Downs coal extension

The Queensland government has approved the extension of the Carborough Downs metallurgical coal mine. Resources Minister Scott Stewart said the extension of Carborough Downs, near Moranbah would increase the mine’s lifespan by 11 years and would support its large workforce helping continue good jobs for Queenslanders.


Oil and gas skills pivotal to emissions targets - Appea

The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (Appea) has told the federal government’s Jobs and Skills Summit that the nation’s oil and gas workforce would play a pivotal role in the cleaner energy future given the skills and expertise in the sector. “If science and technology is to help get us there, then Australia will need the brains, skills and creativity of our people to facilitate it and our industry has a competitive advantage to do this,” Appea CEO Samantha McCulloch said on Thursday.


Woodside-led JV given GHG assessment permit

A joint venture (JV) between energy majors Woodside Energy, BP, Shell Australia, Chevron Australia, and Japan Australia LNG (MIMI), which is owned equally by Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsui & Co, have been awarded the greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment permit (G-10-AP) in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, offshore Western Australia. The permit, located approximately 125 km north-west of Dampier, covers an area of 1 775 km2 and contains the depleted Angel gas field.


WA expands MRIWA research scope

The Western Australian government on Thursday announced plans to expand the research scope for the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) to support research into clean energy and emission reduction technologies. “The government is committed to supporting the Western Australian mining industry as it transitions to net zero emissions by 2050,” Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston said.


First Quantum targeting 1mt of copper in five years

Canada’s First Quantum Minerals is hoping to increase its copper production from its current 800 000 t/y output to one-million tonnes a year within the next five years. Speaking at the second day of Paydirt’s Africa Downunder conference, in Perth, First Quantum GM Sean Egnar said that the company would focus on brownfield projects to reach this target.


Lake Maitland scoping study going strong

A scoping study into a stand-alone uranium operation at Lake Maitland, at the Wiluna project, in Western Australia, is advancing and has flagged significant cost savings. Toro told shareholders on Thursday that the company’s research and development studies over many years have successfully identified and evaluated the opportunity to substantially reduce the size and cost of its processing facility at the Wiluna uranium project through a redesign of the proposed plant and processing flowsheet.

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