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Новости за 09.03.2024

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Re: TV games (not Wire)

Nice little ground in Wimbledon, away end is probably around 2k capacity, maybe a bit more. Only 1 bar though so a few missed kickoff & start of second half. Before the game there was a bar open under the main stand with fans from both sides mingling, hopefully London can stay there long term because it gives them something to build on.

No parking at the stadium though, so public transport is a must realistically. Got the tube to Tooting Broadway then walked about a mile to the ground. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Re: Catalans - not the expected battering

Rocknrolla69er wrote:

All we can ask for is effort, we know the teams underfunded and lacking quality, but we got effort, tad frustrating we were our own worst enemy at times from some senior players who should know better.

Pele, tindall, trueman back will make a difference.

Alot better from Lane as ive been on his case.

When is Trueman back?

Statistics: Posted by Mrs Barista — Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:54 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Shopping list for 2025

You d hope itd be straight forward for a professional rugby team whos job it is to evolve a team.

Sorry just found the reply abit lacking in intelligence and depth.

Statistics: Posted by Rocknrolla69er — Sat Mar 09, 2024 8:43 pm — Replies 134 — Views 16956

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Re: Shopping list for 2025

Rocknrolla69er wrote:


But ultimatley not good enough
Quota spots are getting wasted.

Cash out pearson and use Carlos, Sao and Hoys quota spots on 3 marquees

Sounds so straight forward. Who shall we sign and how much shall we pay them?

Statistics: Posted by ComeOnYouUll — Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:32 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top

Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top
In the final game of round four of Super League XXIX the Catalans Dragons needed the win to go level on points with the five clubs above them with a share of the top slot in the division while a win of forty-nine points or more would see them above Wigan into top spot, on points difference.

A win for Hull FC was unlikely to change their league position but it would open some breathing space between themselves and the three sides below... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Catalans Dragons • Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top

Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top
In the final game of round four of Super League XXIX the Catalans Dragons needed the win to go level on points with the five clubs above them with a share of the top slot in the division while a win of forty-nine points or more would see them above Wigan into top spot, on points difference.

A win for Hull FC was unlikely to change their league position but it would open some breathing space between themselves and the three sides below... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Main News • Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top

Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top
In the final game of round four of Super League XXIX the Catalans Dragons needed the win to go level on points with the five clubs above them with a share of the top slot in the division while a win of forty-nine points or more would see them above Wigan into top spot, on points difference.

A win for Hull FC was unlikely to change their league position but it would open some breathing space between themselves and the three sides below... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top

Dragons Triumph Over Hull FC to go Joint Top
In the final game of round four of Super League XXIX the Catalans Dragons needed the win to go level on points with the five clubs above them with a share of the top slot in the division while a win of forty-nine points or more would see them above Wigan into top spot, on points difference.

A win for Hull FC was unlikely to change their league position but it would open some breathing space between themselves and the three sides below... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Re: Catalans OMG

Hull team this evening

Walker, Russell, Tuimavave, McIntosh, Martin, Smith, Brown, Ese'ese, Houghton, Sao, Okunbor, Staveley, Lane

Ashworth, Bullock, Gardiner, Hoy

Statistics: Posted by ComeOnYouUll — Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:13 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Wigan - home

Thoroughly enjoying this game....getting up at 4am to watch the broncos after 14 years down here...COYB

Statistics: Posted by orangeman — Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:11 pm — Replies 5 — Views 863

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leigh Leopards • Re: Hands off Asiata

Saddened! wrote:

The technique is awful and it's intended to injure the opposition player. He knew the technique is now banned and he knew doing it in his first tackle against Saints since the day that made the rules changes necessary would cause mayhem. Yet he did it anyway. The guy is an idiot and has let himself and the club down with that. The height of the tackle isn't the only consideration. He isn't looking at the ball carrier, he's just thrown his shoulder at the leg recklessly... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Death pitch 2

Lam needs to get a grip. It’s been raining solidly for two month. All pitches are heavy, the bloke simply can’t take a loss without some feeble moan

Statistics: Posted by vastman — Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:56 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • SL kick off...

They need to get rid of six again.

Statistics: Posted by Willzay — Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:22 pm — Replies 64 — Views 6415

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Other teams on TV

Watched the Salford Saints game this morning and thought Grant made some strange decisions.
Full credit to Salford who kept battling.
Looks like Hurrell for Percival Friday.
Also thought Lomax went missing second half.

Statistics: Posted by chapylad — Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:41 pm — Replies 8 — Views 675

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Attendances

I preferred my extreme ironing in the days before it went all corporate. It used to be all about the fans, what happened?

You cannot harp back to the past Mattwire, the days when extreme ironing used to be a series of cult, underground, pop up events staged at cosy country cottages, when flat irons were the only permissible implements, after they were warmed up on the coal fired aga. Just accept that we've gone electric, even if it feels like the soul of extreme ironing has been sold to the corporate devil... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors • Squad London

A few more changes than I expected but not totally surprising. On reflection giving Ellis a rest is understandable considering his minutes so far this season.
A very young bench.
Hope all the young guys go well.

Statistics: Posted by Itchy Arsenal — Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:56 pm — Replies 20 — Views 3060

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Transfer Talk / Rumour thread V4

I wouldn’t be upset if he extended or left. His value as a kicker and fairly pacy back rower is great; he lacks some punch for a forward though.

I guess it will depend on what kind of opportunity he might be offered in NRL and how settled he is at Leeds.

We do need to provide pathways for talent coming through, and there’s a lot of skill to the timing of letting senior players go. Too often in the past we’ve retained seniors 1-3 years beyond their shelf life.

Statistics: Posted by KaeruJim ... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Re: Tonight’s game v HKR

WireWireWire wrote:

I thought we were quite bad. Our defense was woeful so not sure where the praise for that is coming from. They continually marched up field with relative ease and it was only their own errors, or lack of detail when it came to finishing chances that gave us a look in at limping past them. Burgess talked beforehand about suring up our defense and then we go leak a load of points. We're not going to challenge anything of significance this season.

It’s probably going to seem a very long season to you. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Catalans OMG

Dave K. wrote:

Any update from our travel agent, looks to me they flew from Humberside, possible on a private plane?

So is it still a cost cutting exercise?

Maybe best to wait for the facts before having a dig at the club.

Yes, seems like Pearson has spent more this year with the party of twenty players plus coaching/medical staff taking two charter flights, transfers, one night in a hotel, four meals. If the trip works out OK regardless of result I guess the club will do the same later in the year. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Re: Wigan - home

Smithers99 wrote:

Does the short term loan of Reiss Butterworth suggest Sam Davis is injured, or are we just looking at depth in the position with Bill Leyland out for the season and Dean Parata unavailable to cover as he's now out..

I ask as Davis went off with ten minutes left to be replaced by Macani. Oli then effectively moved to Hooker. Maybe tactical or we simply ran out of options. With Williams replacing Jones a couple of minutes later, the only player available (fresh... Читать дальше...

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