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Новости за 16.03.2024

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Stadium and other issues

Heard in hospitality, that they were hoping to get photos of the greats who have played for us , but could not find some of the players ,so it is the first team . Also heard that it is temporary they are making plans now to get the West stand done which includes knocking down the covered stand near the flats . .Happy days

Statistics: Posted by alegend — Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:50 pm — Replies 2138 — Views 483962

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Road Roller Required to flatten & Press !

DESPERATE : URGENT ! - Road Roller is required At Fevs pitch to flatten ALL Lumps of soil to the depths of All the hollows & Rutts, Also to press Out All the months of rain water So that both teams playing on the 29.3.24 will have flat sound playing surface ?
One can only wish & dream !

Statistics: Posted by Start@1873 — Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:41 pm — Replies 1 — Views 105

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors • Rumours and signings v9

Any chance we can have Wane to sort that shower of sh!te out and replace the totally out of touch Smith and his totally useless side-kick Gene.Yet another Pearson master stroke

Statistics: Posted by The games afoot — Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:40 pm — Replies 28236 — Views 5981127

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Huddersfield Giants • Dreadful - Watson's future?

I am not sure dreadful sums up how bad that was today. Surely we can't go on with such clear issues in attack against decent teams. Time for a change of coach?

Statistics: Posted by Murphy — Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:03 pm — Replies 1 — Views 102

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • RD 5 | St Helens (H)

Simmo71 wrote:

"Meat and potatoes down the middle game plan"

Another wildly exaggerated conclusion from what I actually said.

I think you have high standards mate, bit like me. Think the only way to enjoy Leeds is to lower those standards as they’ll never play like they used to. None of the teams are as good as their pomp days. Simple as that, almost different game now.
It is annoying when people on here make out we don’t know what we’re talking about. I still play football... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leigh Leopards • Re: 21 Man Squads v Hull Fc

Above expectations today. Though hard one to predict we retained our shape and structure. McNamara slotted in well. Moylan improving every game. Great win just what we needed. First win away again in Humberside as last year!

Statistics: Posted by CowYed13 — Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:50 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Re: RD 5 | St Helens (H)

Be very interesting to see how we approach next week. Lisone will add something and so should Mom if he’s fit - knock on effect of getting Martin back in the pack where he seems to play his best.

Our left edge didn’t look as sexy in attack without Mom partnering Handley.

Not sure who is fit or ill, Croft has looked a little off it for 2 weeks for me.

Roberts, Newman, Mom, Handley
Croft, Frawley
Oledski, Ackers, Sangare
Bentley, Martin

Holroyd... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Re: Smith - should he stay or should he go?

Hasbag wrote:

Tempting anybody will be a huge problem. People know Pearson either doesn't have money to spend or is unwilling to spend the money he has. Any coach who comes in needs to spend. The squad isn't good enough. So then that raises the question of why would any coach come to Hull when they know their hands will be tied straight away.
That also extends to players. Why would any decent new signings want to come here when they're seeing the results we're getting. We need to... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Transfer Talk / Rumour thread V4

If Fus stays fit he could well get another year, which would be ideal in some ways while the younger players mature.

However I don’t think he will stay fit and so expect us to sign an overseas player in a 2 year deal or something.

Statistics: Posted by KaeruJim — Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:34 pm — Replies 8665 — Views 1720772

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Smith - should he stay or should he go?

Can't quite decide if it's the players getting up to their old tricks or downing tools to oust a coach...or if our 'most experienced coach in SL' has simply had his day.

But that was worse than anything Hodgson and Radford served up and serious questions need to be asked.


Statistics: Posted by UllFC — Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:09 pm — Replies 12 — Views 615

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Hull FC


Statistics: Posted by Khlav Kalash — Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:52 pm — Replies 2 — Views 181

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • TV games (not Wire)

Is it wrong I feel really sorry for Tony Smith?

Statistics: Posted by matt_wire — Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:28 pm — Replies 2808 — Views 303072

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos • Other teams on TV

For KR Tanginoa is a real strike player, as is Hiku.
Ryan Hall still the best winger in the league for me. Does the guy just not age…?!

Statistics: Posted by Shabino — Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:18 pm — Replies 25 — Views 2867

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Salford placed in special measures

PopTart wrote:

What we disagree on is whether they get those points unfairly.

Morally I wouldn't be too happy especially if I lived in Salford

But from what I see, it's just a deal they got away with.
I don't think anyone would complain if our council wrote off our loan.

Fev and Cas fans might.

Statistics: Posted by Khlav Kalash — Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:17 pm — Replies 87 — Views 18456

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Oliver Russell

Since I heard that we are rumoured to be signing him for next season I have made a point of watching him play and I have to say that I don't know why ??
He looks very average at best as he doesn't seem to create very much at all, either with ball in hand, or with his kicking game, or am I missing something ??
Surely if we are aiming for Super League top 6 then we can do a lot better than him ??

Statistics: Posted by FIL — Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:57 pm — Replies 1 — Views 130

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Salford placed in special measures

How is them getting a better IMG score than they should for performance not affecting us, or the wider game?

However, I'm certainly not attacking the SRD position from the viewpoint of a Wakefield supporter - I think it's a completely ridiculous situation for the game.

We disagree about it's importance, I guess.

Statistics: Posted by dboy — Sat Mar 16, 2024 2:53 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Shopping list for 2025

The Hollywood Frasier wrote:

He is on the exact opposite of what I normally advocate us signing but I think we would be smart to enquire if Townsend fancies a year or a year with a extra year option to lead the team and help mentor Charles.

He will get another NRL contract but Woolford is the stand out OOC hooker but Jayden Berrell has been a stand out in the NSW Cup for a few years and never really got a chance at NRL level

Get off the Berrell bandwagon. Been... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Bulls game

Spookisback wrote:

Do fairies have tails?

Oops Haha looks like they do now!

Statistics: Posted by 1315trinity — Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:50 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls • Re: Injuries/Suspensions

All seems to have gone quiet on Oakes, he didn’t look in great shape though so is he struggling for fitness/carrying injuries?

Baldy will be like a new signing, it seems like an eternity since he was last playing and he was one of best forwards when he got injured, hope he can rekindle some of that form in 2024. Ott would be handy player for the Fax game if the paperwork can be sorted on time but it would be a tough ask for him to come in for Gaskell in the derby.

If we ever get to a position when they’re all fit... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Bulls game

Good performance last night for a round 1 fixture. It wasn't perfect but definitely something to build on.

Lino was the best player on the field last night, showed that behind a pack that gets on top and gets quick PTB's he's got space to run the game. He had a hand in everything good last night. Griffin back to 2nd row showed extra quality we don't get from him in the centre. Jowitt was also proving that, for me, he's the best full back in the league barring his small lapse in discipline. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls • Injuries/Suspensions

Really tough start to the season with injuries and Suspensions. Not sure if there where any incidents during the game last night were players could be up for any disciplinaries to further add to the list.


Holmes- (wishing him all the best, only named him as he's a player who we thought would start the season until the devastating news)
Blackmore - Knee?
Taufua- Hia/Concussion
Gaskell - Hamstring

That you would say would be your Starting FB, Wingers and Halfback. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC • Re: Shopping list for 2025

mwindass wrote:

Justin Morgan was an assistant last year with Agar too. With Andrew Webster as the head coach it had a real Hull feel

Great game this.

Statistics: Posted by Marcus's Bicycle — Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:28 am

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors • Salford away

[Gareth] wrote:

Salford where by far the better team and deserved the win imo

we were very lucky last night but 2 points is 2 points so onward to GF

The only team that deserves to win is the team that does enough to win.

Salford didn't.

They played with lots of endeavour, and the determination to throw it around like it was a game of summer sevens (in pouring rain) was interesting but ultimately didn't do it for them.

I'm also bemused by those... Читать дальше...

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