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Новости за 09.04.2024

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Third channel to open at Baltimore port as recovery from bridge collapse continues

A Maryland senator says a third channel will open this month at Baltimore’s port after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse two weeks ago. Sen. Ben Cardin also said Tuesday that the state's congressional delegation will sponsor legislation seeking federal aid to pay the entire cost of a new bridge. Cardin said it is hoped that the entire channel for the Port of Baltimore will be reopened by the end of May. Cardin also said he will be leading an effort to introduce legislation clarifying that federal... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Company that made millions of defective sleep apnea machines ordered to overhaul manufacturing

The company responsible for a global recall of sleep apnea machines is now legally barred from resuming production at U.S. facilities until it meets a number of safety requirements. The agreement Tuesday with federal officials is a major step toward resolving a massive medical device recall that has dragged on for years. U.S. Justice Department officials said Dutch Manufacturer Philips will be legally required to overhaul its manufacturing and quality control systems and hire independent experts to vet the changes. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Indianapolis teen charged in connection with downtown shooting that hurt 7

A prosecutor has charged a 17-year-old Indianapolis youth as an adult with criminal recklessness in connection with a shooting in downtown Indianapolis that wounded seven other youths age 16 and younger. Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears said Tuesday the youth has been charged with two counts of criminal recklessness and one misdemeanor count of dangerous possession of a firearm for the March 30 shooting near Circle Centre Mall. Prosecutors also have filed a motion for a so-called “stay away” order... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Speaker Johnson will delay sending Mayorkas impeachment to Senate as Republicans push to hold trial

Speaker Mike Johnson will not send the House’s articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate this week as planned. Republican senators requested more time Tuesday to build a case for a full trial. The sudden change of plans cast fresh doubts on the proceedings, the historic first impeachment of a Cabinet secretary in roughly 150 years. House Republicans impeached Mayorkas over the Biden administration’s handling of security and immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. Democrats... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Michigan school shooter's parents sentenced to 10 years in prison for not stopping a 'runaway train'

The first parents convicted in a U.S. mass school shooting have been sentenced to at least 10 years in prison in Michigan. The judge said Tuesday that Jennifer and James Crumbley missed opportunities that could have prevented their son from possessing a gun and killing four students at Oxford High School in 2021. Judge Cheryl Matthews says poor parenting wasn't on trial. Rather, the judge says the Crumbleys ignored things that should have raised the hair on the back of their necks. The Crumbleys were convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Peter Higgs, who proposed the existence of the 'God particle,' has died at 94

The University of Edinburgh says Nobel prize-winning physicist Peter Higgs, who proposed the existence of a sub-atomic particle that came to be known as the Higgs boson, has died at 94. Higgs predicted the existence of the particle in 1964. But it would be almost 50 years before the its existence could be confirmed at a particle collider in Switzerland called the Large Hadron Collider. Higgs’ work helps scientists understand of the most fundamental riddles of the universe: how the Big Bang created... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

US Postal Service seeking to hike cost of first-class stamp to 73 cents

The U.S. Postal Service is planning a rate increase that would raise the price of a first-class stamp from 68 cents to 73 cents. The filing on the planned increase was made Tuesday with the Postal Regulatory Commission. The commission must approve the proposed increase, which the Postal Service says is necessary to achieve financial stability. If approved, the 5-cent increase for a “forever” stamp and similar increases for postcards, metered letters and international mail would take effect July 14. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

How major US stock indexes fared Tuesday, 4/9/2024

Stocks meandered to a mixed close on Wall Street as traders made their final moves before several potentially market-moving reports later in the week. The S&P 500 edged up 0.1% Tuesday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was little changed, and the Nasdaq composite inched up 0.3%. Treasury yields eased in the bond market ahead of Wednesday’s highly anticipated update on inflation at the U.S. consumer level. This week will also bring other inflation data, and several big U.S. companies including... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Evers vetoes a Republican-backed bill targeting PFAS chemicals

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers vetoed a Republican bill Tuesday that would have created grants to fight pollution from so-called forever chemicals. The Democrat Evers also took the unusual step of calling the GOP-controlled budget committee into meeting to approve spending $125 million to deal with contamination. Evers and Republicans have not been able to agree on the best way to combat pollution from PFAS. These chemicals ave polluted groundwater in communities across the state. Evers and Republicans... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Idaho teen faces federal terrorism charge. Prosecutors say he planned to attack a church for ISIS

Authorities say a teenager planned to attack churches in a northern Idaho city using a metal pipe, butane fuel, a machete and potentially his father’s guns. Eighteen-year-old Alexander Scott Mercurio has been charged with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State group. He was arrested Saturday, and the charges were unsealed Monday in federal court. Investigators say Mercurio adopted the Islamic faith against his Christian parents’ wishes and was in contact with FBI informants posing as Islamic State group supporters. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

An Arizona court ruling makes nearly all abortions illegal in a presidential battleground state

An Arizona Supreme Court decision that would end virtually all abortions in the state puts the issue front and center in a critical 2024 battleground. Democrats immediately pounced on the ruling Tuesday, blaming former President Donald Trump for the loss of abortion access after the U.S. Supreme Court ended the national right to abortion. The ruling comes a day after Trump said abortion limits should be left to the states and declined to endorse a national ban. The decision will give Arizona the... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Florida woman is sentenced to a month in jail for selling Biden's daughter's diary

A Florida mother has been sentenced to a month in prison and three months of home confinement for stealing and selling President Joe Biden's daughter's diary four years ago. Aimee Harris was sentenced Tuesday in Manhattan federal court by Judge Laura Taylor Swain. Harris pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge in August 2022. She admitted that she sold the items to the conservative group Project Veritas. A tearful Harris apologized for enabling private writings of the president's daughter, Ashley Biden... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Sister of Maine mass shooting victim calls lawmakers' 11th-hour bid for red flag law 'nefarious'

The sister of one of the victims of the deadliest mass shooting in Maine history is accusing state lawmakers of acting “nefariously” by pressing at the 11th hour for a so-called red flag law. Others, however, testified Tuesday that such a law could have saved lives. Testimony stretched into a second day as a legislative committee heard testimony on the red flag proposal that aims to let family members or others petition a judge to initiate the process of temporarily removing someone’s guns during a psychiatric crisis. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Prosecutors say evidence was suppressed in case of Texas death row inmate Melissa Lucio

Prosecutors say a Texas woman whose execution was delayed in 2022 amid growing doubts she fatally beat her 2-year-old daughter had evidence suppressed at her murder trial. Prosecutors and attorneys for Melissa Lucio say an agreement on findings in her case concludes "she would not have been convicted in light of the suppressed evidence." The agreement recommends that Lucio’s conviction and death sentence be overturned. The case has remained pending before a judge for the last 16 months. The judge... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Kenyan hospital lays off 100 striking doctors as nationwide strike nears a month

A public hospital in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi has laid off 100 doctors who are taking part in a nationwide strike for almost one month. The Kenyatta Referral Hospital management said Tuesday that new doctors had been hired in place of those striking. Doctors in Kenya have been on a nationwide strike since March demanding better pay and working conditions. President William Ruto on Sunday broke his silence over the strike saying there was no money to pay striking doctors. “We must be honest with ourselves... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

How effective is California's homelessness programs? State hasn't been tracking

A state audit has found that California spent $24 billion to tackle homelessness over a five year period but didn’t consistently track the outcomes or effectiveness of its programs. The report released Tuesday attempts to assess how effective the state and local cities have been spending billions of dollars to address the ongoing homelessness crisis in California. An estimated 171,000 people are homeless in California, which would amount to roughly 30% of all of the homeless people in the U.S. Despite the billions in spending... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ancient sea turtle housed at Boston aquarium for more than 50 years passes another physical

Myrtle, an ancient green sea turtle that has delighted visitors to the New England Aquarium in Boston for more than 50 years, is in good physical shape. Veterinarians performed Myrtle’s check up Tuesday after the 500-pound reptile was hoisted from the aquarium’s Giant Ocean Tank in an enormous crate on a chain. Myrtle is thought to be as many as 95 years old, which would place her just beyond the upper boundaries of the species' longevity. But aquarium staff said the big turtle is in robust condition despite her advance age.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Arizona can enforce an 1864 law criminalizing nearly all abortions, court says

The Arizona Supreme Court says the state can enforce its long-dormant law criminalizing all abortions except when a mother’s life is at stake. The ruling examined whether the state is still subject to a law that predates Arizona’s statehood. The 1864 law provides no exceptions for rape or incest, but allows abortions if a mother’s life is in danger. The state’s high court ruling reviewed a 2022 decision by the state Court of Appeals that said doctors couldn’t be charged for performing the procedure in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

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Музыкальные новости

Григорий Лепс

Найдена необычная версия связи Лепса с 18-летней

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Естественный отбор технологий: в Москве пройдет отборочный этап чемпионата «Битва роботов»

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Оксана Федорова представила Всероссийский фестиваль «Моя Россия: Музыкальное путешествие»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России