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Новости за 07.04.2024


China continues to grow its remote-sensing fleet with Yaogan 42A launch

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 04, 2024
In a significant stride for its earth observation endeavors, China's aerospace community celebrated a new milestone with the successful deployment of the Yaogan 42A satellite aboard a Long March 2D rocket. Launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan province at 6:56 am local time, this addition underscores China's commitment to enhancing its


NASA's Artemis Program to enhance Lunar mobility with industry partners

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 04, 2024
In a significant move to enhance lunar exploration, NASA has enlisted Intuitive Machines, Lunar Outpost, and Venturi Astrolab to develop a lunar terrain vehicle (LTV) aimed at expanding the Artemis astronauts' mobility on the Moon. These vehicles are crucial for conducting extensive scientific research and laying groundwork for future manned missions to Mars as part of the agency's Artemis initi


Mynaric Accelerates Space Communication with CONDOR Mk3 Production

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Apr 04, 2024
Mynaric, a leader in scalable laser communications solutions (NASDAQ: MYNA) (FRA: M0YN), has reached a key moment with the start of volume production of its flagship CONDOR Mk3 optical communications terminal. This advancement is significant for both space-to-space and space-to-ground communications, with the initial batch successfully delivered following the endorsement from customers at the ou


Troposcatter Technology by Ultra I&C enhances global defense networks

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 04, 2024
Ultra Intelligence and Communications recently unveiled its Archer family of troposcatter communication systems, showcasing a significant advancement in beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) communications. The company's latest venture met and surpassed a significant milestone by maintaining a communication link over 185 kilometers, thereby satisfying the stringent range criteria set forth by the U.S. Arm


NASA unveils OVERFLOW to better predict air taxi performance and noise

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 05, 2024
NASA's introduction of the OVERFLOW software marks an important moment for the future taxi systems. Developed as part of NASA's Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) mission, OVERFLOW is engineered to precisely predict noise levels and aerodynamic performance, offering air taxi companies a critical tool in the early stages of aircraft design. The importance of noise reduction in urban environments c


US, Russian, Belarus ISS colleagues return to Earth

Moscow (AFP) April 6, 2024
A NASA astronaut, a Russian cosmonaut and Belarus's first ever space traveller on Saturday returned to Earth safely after a fortnight aboard the International Space Station, Russia's Roscosmos agency reported. "Today, at 10:17am Moscow time (0717 GMT), the descent vehicle of Sozuz MS-24 manned spacecraft landed near the Kazakh city of Jezkazgan," Roscosmos reported. "The (vessel's) deor


SpaceX launches 23 Starlink satellites ahead of two weekend launches

Washington DC (UPI) Apr 5, 2024
SpaceX launched a payload of 23 Starlink satellites Friday atop a Falcon 9 booster from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station Complex. The spacecraft launched at 5:12 a.m. EDT with the first stage booster rocket separating shortly after liftoff and landing on the drone ship A Shortfall of Gravitas in the Atlantic Ocean shortly afterward. SpaceX confirmed that the Starlink


ATLAS Integrates DoD antenna into Hybrid Space Architecture

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 04, 2024
In a significant advancement for space communications technology, ATLAS Space Operations has successfully integrated a Department of Defense (DoD) antenna into its Freedom Software Platform, marking a milestone in operational hybrid network capabilities. This integration exemplifies the potential of Hybrid Space Architecture (HSA) to unite various networks, including the Department of Defense, C


Smuggled Starlink dishes throw lifeline to some in war-torn Sudan

Tamboul, Sudan (AFP) April 3, 2024
On a street corner in the Sudanese town of Tamboul, dozens of people tap feverishly on their phones, calling loved ones and moving money through online apps. At the centre of their huddle is a bright white dish that connects to the internet via Starlink, the satellite system owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket company. Starlink has become a lifeline for some in a country where the interne


The Persistent Ices of Kuiper Belt Object 486958 Arrokoth

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 03, 2024
Scientists at Brown University, in collaboration with the SETI Institute, have unveiled findings from a new study that may rewrite the narrative on the behavior and composition of distant solar system objects, particularly a Kuiper Belt Object known as 486958 Arrokoth, affectionately dubbed the "space snowman." The research highlights Arrokoth's ability to retain ancient ices within its co


NASA to send unmanned drone 2 miles high to study radiation during eclipse

Washington DC (UPI) Apr 5, 2024
NASA researchers are planning to study changes in the sun's radiation during the solar eclipse via an unmanned aircraft on Monday. The team of six researchers from NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., will travel to Fort Drum, N.Y., to study the eclipse with a specially modified Alta X Uncrewed Aircraft System, NASA said in a release. Researchers will attach weather se


DARPA awards Phase Four with contract for Very Low Earth Orbit Propulsion System

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 05, 2024
In a significant advancement for satellite technology, Phase Four has been awarded a $14.9 million contract by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop an air-breathing electric propulsion (EP) system, aiming to enhance satellite functionality in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) at altitudes between 90-450km. This development marks a pivotal step in the DARPA's Otter program,


Zombie Stars: Northwestern University Unveils How Stellar Collisions Create Cosmic Oddities

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 05, 2024 - In the crowded heart of our galaxy, certain stars exhibit a deceptively youthful glow, not from cosmic skincare, but from the remnants of stellar cannibalism. Northwestern University's recent study exposes a dark universe secret: stars rejuvenating by consuming their neighbors.

The research led by Sanaea C. Rose and her team utilized a novel model to simulate the chaotic life of 1,000 stars whirling around the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Читать дальше...


Huge star explosion to appear in sky in once-in-a-lifetime event

Paris (AFP) April 6, 2024 - Sometime between now and September, a massive explosion 3,000 light years from Earth will flare up in the night sky, giving amateur astronomers a once-in-a-lifetime chance to witness this space oddity.

The binary star system in the constellation Corona Borealis -- "northern crown" -- is normally too dim to see with the naked eye.

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New observations challenge formation of brown dwarfs

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Apr 08, 2024 - The enigmatic birth of stars and their less luminous counterparts, brown dwarfs, has long intrigued astronomers. Recently, an international research team led by Dr. Basmah Riaz from the University Observatory Munich used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to observe an extremely young brown dwarf, Ser-emb 16. Their findings, which reveal novel structural complexities during the early stages of brown dwarf formation, have been detailed in... Читать дальше...


Neutron Stars prove to be a crucial tool in quest to unravel dark matter

Melbourne, Australia (SPX) Apr 08, 2024 - In a new study, scientists at the University of Melbourne's ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics have made significant advancements in understanding dark matter by studying neutron stars, potentially unlocking new methods to detect this elusive component of our universe.

Recent findings, detailed in The Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, suggest that when dark matter particles collide and annihilate within the dense core of cold... Читать дальше...


Galaxies grow more chaotic over time

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 08, 2024 - A new study led by Professor Scott Croom of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D) and the School of Physics has demonstrated that the age of a galaxy is the principal factor influencing its increasing disorganization over time, challenging previous beliefs that mass and environmental conditions were predominant influences.

This research, which meticulously analyzed data from over 3000 galaxies, discovered that... Читать дальше...


Lapland Trees Offer Clues to Historic Solar Storm Impact

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Apr 05, 2024 - In a groundbreaking study led by the University of Helsinki, scientists have unlocked new insights into historic solar storms by analyzing tree rings in Lapland. This research marks the first instance of detecting radiocarbon spikes from the Carrington Event of 1859, a massive solar storm, in tree rings. The findings offer vital data for anticipating future solar disturbances.

The Carrington Event, known for its extensive disruptions including fires at telegraph stations and unusual auroras... Читать дальше...


US prisoners sue to see April 8 solar eclipse

New York (AFP) April 3, 2024 - Six US prisoners have sued authorities to be allowed to see the year's biggest astronomic event, a total solar eclipse on April 8.

The inmates argued in a court filing that their right to religious freedom would be violated if the New York state prison service upheld a planned penitentiary lockdown during the eclipse.

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Apple explores making personal robots: report

San Francisco (AFP) April 3, 2024 - Apple engineers are working on making personal robots, a report said on Wednesday, just weeks after the iPhone-maker abandoned its efforts to develop an electric car.

The tech titan has people working on a robot that would follow people around at home and be helpful, according to Bloomberg that cited unnamed people familiar with the situation.

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Robotic Swarms Mimic Nature to Advance Collective Performance

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 05, 2024 - Drawing inspiration from the collective behavior seen in natural phenomena such as beehives, ant colonies, and schools of fish, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed "smart swarms" of minuscule robots. These tiny machines are designed to work together as a unified group, enhancing their ability to perform tasks through coordinated action, an advancement that far exceeds the capabilities of individual robots.

The concept, which mirrors the collaborative efforts seen in nature... Читать дальше...


Microsoft says China using AI to sow division in US

San Francisco (AFP) April 5, 2024 - China is ramping up use of AI-generated content and fake social media accounts to inflame division in the United States and elsewhere, according to the latest report from Microsoft's threat center.

Beijing has "doubled down" on targets and increased sophistication of its influence operations, Microsoft threat analysis center general manager Clint Watts said in a report released late Thursday.

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UN chief 'deeply troubled' by reports Israel using AI to identify Gaza targets

United Nations, United States (AFP) April 5, 2024 - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday expressed serious concern over reports that Israel was using artificial intelligence to identify targets in Gaza, resulting in many civilian deaths.

According to a report in independent Israeli-Palestinian magazine +972, Israel has used AI to identify targets in Gaza -- in some cases with as little as 20 seconds of human oversight.

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Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

Правительство РФ сообщило о перевыполнении планов по достижению цифровой зрелости национальной экономики

Прокуратура организовала проверку по факту пролета воздушного судна над трассой М-8 в Подмосковье

В Москве плановые отключения горячей воды отложили до 20 мая

В День Пушкина театр кукол «Ульгэр» в райцентре Бурятии: Россия, Культура, Дети


Дети из Узбекского землячества Бурятии увидели театр кукол «Ульгэр»: Россия и Культура


Собянин рассказал о строительстве трех станций новой Троицкой линии метро

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ЮрКисс о черных списках «Русского Радио»: как туда попали SMAMAN, Тимати и Егор Крид

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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МВД России объявило в розыск правнучку Чкалова, призывавшую к ударам по Москве

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России