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Новости за 10.04.2024


Q-Tech Introduces AXTAL OCXOs for Enhanced Satellite Bandwidth and Radiation Hardness

Cypress CA (SPX) Apr 09, 2024
Q-Tech Corporation, a prominent provider of space-qualified crystal oscillators and high-performance frequency control systems, has unveiled the AXTAL AXIOM75Sx Series oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs). These are specifically engineered for high-performance timing and frequency generation in low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite applications. The AXIOM75Sx Series, developed by Q-Tech's


Rocket Lab secures Space Force contract for STP-S30 launch

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 09, 2024
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) has been awarded a $14.49 million task order by the U.S. Space Force (USSF) to launch an Electron mission from Launch Complex 2. The mission, called Space Test Program-30 (STP-S30) falls under the Space Systems Command (SSC) Assured Access to Space organization and is part of Orbital Services Program-4 (OSP-4). The dedicated Electron launch is scheduled


TrustPoint Secures AFWERX Phase II Contract for Advanced Navigation Solutions

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024
TrustPoint has secured a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract from AFWERX, valued at $1.6 million, aimed at advancing resilient navigation technologies for the Department of the Air Force (DAF). AFWERX, in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory, has refined the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and STTR processes to expedite proposals, broaden a


SwRI Advances Robotics for In-Space Manufacturing at Annual Space Symposium

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024
Southwest Research Institute has enhanced its investment in space robotics to support the space industry's progress in in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM). At the 38th Space Symposium from April 8-11 in Colorado Springs, the Intelligent Systems Division of SwRI will showcase their latest ISAM-oriented research at Booth #237. SwRI is crafting solutions that integrate Eart


The Role of the Media in the Space Economy: The Kennedy Years to Current Day

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 09, 2024
More than six decades ago, astronaut Neil Armstrong made history by being the first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon. At the time, this crucial point of the Apollo 11 mission became the most-watched television broadcast in history - with an estimated 600 million people watching from around the world, it was a giant broadcast for a slowly emerging technology.


We have the watch: NASA Crew-9 visits Space Delta 4

Buckley SFB CO (SPX) Apr 08, 2024
"The first time I launched, my rocket didn't go where it was supposed to go, it had an in-flight anomaly, came apart and we landed in the middle of the Kazakhstan step," said U.S. Space Force Col. Nick Hague, NASA astronaut. "It was nice to be able to come and meet the people (Guardians) that were providing a little bit of over watch and making sure the rescue forces were going to get to where w


RS-25 engines certified for future Artemis missions after long testing program

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 08, 2024
L3Harris Technologies and Aerojet Rocketdyne have concluded a comprehensive series of development and certification tests for the RS-25 engine, confirming its readiness for upcoming Artemis missions, starting with Artemis V. These tests were carried out at NASA's Stennis Space Center, involving a total of 45 development tests and 24 certification tests. The RS-25 engines, crucial for the p


Delta IV Heavy Completes Its Final Mission with NROL-70 Launch by US Space Force and ULA

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024
The US Space Force's Space Systems Command (SSC), together with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and United Launch Alliance (ULA), has successfully launched the NROL-70 mission. This launch, utilizing the Delta IV Heavy rocket for its final mission, occurred at 12:53 p.m. EDT from Space Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. Col. Jim Horne, SSC's senior m


Georgia State's CHARA Array Adds Versatile Mobile Telescope

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024 - A new mobile telescope has been installed at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) at Georgia State University, enhancing global scientific access to advanced astronomical studies.

This telescope, the seventh at the CHARA Array, is uniquely mounted on a trailer, allowing for dynamic positioning in proximity to six other fixed telescopes. This adaptability facilitates varied astronomical observations.

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Planetary Fates as Sun Transitions to White Dwarf Explored in New Study

London, UK (SPX) Apr 10, 2024 - As our Sun ages and evolves into a white dwarf, the planets within our solar system face drastically different futures.

While Earth's destiny-whether engulfed or spared by the expanding Sun-remains uncertain, it's clear that Mercury and Venus are likely to be consumed, according to insights from a new study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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Totality insanity: Eclipse frenzy hits North America

Ingram, United States (AFP) April 8, 2024 - Eclipse mania is sweeping across North America as a breathtaking celestial event on Monday promises a rare blend of commerce, science -- and celebration.

The Moon's shadow will land on Mexico's Pacific coast at 2:07 pm ET (1807 GMT), then speed northeast across a 15-state swath of the United States and on to Canada, exiting the continent over Newfoundland just under an hour and a half later.

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New Multidirectional Electron Detector to Advance Aurora Studies

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024 - The enigmatic aurora borealis, known for its visual spectacle, is propelled by energetic electrons whose complex dynamics are not yet fully comprehended. Current tools used to study these electrons are limited by their capability to sample multiple energies swiftly. To address this, NASA has developed a new tool that drastically improves the frequency and detail of measurements by a significant margin, thus unlocking new insights into the aurora's intricate physics. Читать дальше...


Why unprotected eclipse gazing will leave you seeing stars

Washington (AFP) April 7, 2024 - Just a single, unguarded glance at a solar eclipse can result in a lifetime of vision loss, eye health experts warn.

On Monday, tens of millions of spectators across Mexico, the United States and Canada will witness the Moon completely obscure the Sun's light, a rare celestial spectacle that won't be visible for most of North America again until 2044.

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'Spectacular' total eclipse leaves North Americans spellbound

Niagara Falls, United States (AFP) April 8, 2024 - Eclipse mania gripped North America on Monday as a breathtaking celestial spectacle captivated tens of millions of people, offering a rare blend of scientific interest, commercial opportunity and daytime partying.

The Moon's shadow plunged the Pacific coast of Mexico into total darkness at 11:07 am local time (1807 GMT) then swept across the United States at supersonic speed, returning to the ocean over Canada's Atlantic coast just under an hour-and-a-half after landfall. Читать дальше...


AI a 'game changer' but company execs not ready: survey

Zurich (AFP) April 5, 2024 - A majority of corporate executives across leading economies believe artificial intelligence will be a "game changer" for their industry but admit their leadership teams lack the knowledge to understand AI's risks and rewards, a study showed Friday.

Adecco, the world's biggest temporary staffing agency, and Oxford Economics conducted a survey to see how companies are preparing for a technology that is growing fast but also raising concerns about what it means for jobs. Читать дальше...


South Korea to invest $7 billion in AI by 2027

Seoul (AFP) April 9, 2024 - South Korea will invest almost $7 billion in artificial intelligence by 2027 in an effort to become a global leader in cutting-edge semiconductors, President Yoon Suk Yeol said Tuesday.

The country is home to Samsung and SK Hynix -- the world's top two makers of memory chips, including the premium high-bandwidth memory (HBM) used in the hardware that powers AI.

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OpenAI's Sam Altman declared billionaire by Forbes

San Francisco (AFP) April 8, 2024 - Sam Altman, the CEO of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, has become a billionaire, Forbes said Monday.

Altman, who became the face of the global AI frenzy when his company released ChatGPT in 2022, cracked the magazine's list of billionaires in the 2,692nd position.

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MDA Space Defines The Next Generation Of Robotics With New Mda Skymaker Product Line

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 09, 2024 - MDA Space (TSX: MDA), a trusted mission partner to the rapidly expanding global space industry, has announced MDA SKYMAKERTM, a new suite of space robotics purpose-built to meet the diverse needs of our customers' most ambitious missions. Unveiled at the Space Symposium conference in Colorado Springs, MDA SKYMAKERTM, the world's leading space robotics technology and services, is now available for all missions and applications.

Derived from peerless Canadarm technology... Читать дальше...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Священник Царевский, который крестил Белоусова, назвал его патриотом

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» и все правительства могут отменить либо собрать все налоги!

Дети из Узбекского землячества Бурятии увидели театр кукол «Ульгэр»: Россия и Культура

С кем сегодня дружит Россия? Неутешительную правду озвучил Хазин


Правительство РФ сообщило о перевыполнении планов по достижению цифровой зрелости национальной экономики


Собянин рассказал о ходе строительства Троицкой линии метро

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости

Людвиг ван Бетховен

Миф об отравлении Бетховена свинцом окончательно опровергнут, уровень токсина в крови был недостаточным

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Собянин рассказал о ходе строительства Троицкой линии метро

"Зенит" в Москве обыграл ЦСКА и сравнял счет в серии

Пензенские регбистки выиграли первенство России


Азаренко вышла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Скончался актер и каскадер из «Место встречи изменить нельзя»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России