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Новости за 14.04.2024


Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Announces Major Expansion in Colorado Springs

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 11, 2024
Spectrum Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Spectrum AMT) is set to significantly expand its operations in Colorado Springs, reinforcing its role in precision electronics and assemblies manufacturing. This move is supported by the Colorado Economic Development Commission and both state and local governments, emphasizing a mutual commitment to economic development and innovative enterprises.


NASA's Electrodynamic Dust Shield Enhances Lunar and Martian Missions

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 11, 2024
Defeating dust is a critical concern for astronauts and spacecraft heading to the Moon or Mars, prompting researchers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to refine Electrodynamic Dust Shield (EDS) technology. The technology uses transparent electrodes and electric fields to electrically lift and remove dust from crucial surfaces used in space, such as thermal radiators, solar panels,


Kennedy Space Center Enhances Altitude Chamber for Artemis II Spacecraft Trials

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
As NASA prepares for the Artemis II mission, the Orion spacecraft is set for extensive testing to ensure its readiness for lunar exploration. Engineers at Kennedy Space Center have recently upgraded the altitude chamber used for these tests. The upgrades were made in anticipation of the testing phase, ensuring the spacecraft endures conditions similar to those


NASA continues Artemis program amid advancements in Starship program at SpaceX

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
As the race to the Moon intensifies, NASA's Artemis program and SpaceX's Starship represent two pivotal, yet distinct approaches to lunar exploration. Despite the emergence of cost-effective alternatives like SpaceX's Starship, NASA is moving forward with Artemis, underscoring its strategic, multi-faceted mission objectives beyond mere cost considerations. NASA's Artemis program is laser-f


True Anomaly secures $30M contract for VICTUS HAZE space mission

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
True Anomaly, Inc. has been awarded a $30M contract by the U.S. Space Force's Space Systems Command for the VICTUS HAZE Tactically Responsive Space mission. This funding is part of a broader $60M initiative, with True Anomaly providing an equal amount of private capital. The contract is part of the Emergent Need Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award, facilitated by SSC's Space Sa


Space chiefs from 18 nations convene at forum hosted by Space Force

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
On April 11, military space leaders from 18 countries convened at the invitation of U.S. Space Force Chief of Space Operations, Gen. Chance Saltzman, for the fourth annual Space Chiefs Forum in Colorado Springs. Participants included representatives from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, S


Kendall emphasizes space as a key security domain amid budget constraints

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall highlighted the critical role of space in national security at the Space Symposium on April 10, stressing the need for the U.S. to maintain its leadership despite financial uncertainties. Kendall pointed out the delayed approval of this fiscal year's budget as a significant hurdle, with Congress finalizing it six months late, in March 2024 instead of Octo


The Integration of Space and Everyday Technologies

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
The integration of space technology into everyday life is transforming how we communicate, navigate, and interact with our environment. Satellite technology, once the domain of specialized applications, is now a foundational component of everyday devices and services, enhancing connectivity and providing critical data across various sectors. Satellite Technology's Broad Applications


Space Technology's Role in Disaster Management and Climate Monitoring

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
Space technology has become an indispensable tool in disaster management and climate monitoring, providing critical data that helps mitigate the effects of natural disasters and environmental changes. As the frequency and intensity of such events increase due to climate change, the role of space-based assets has become more crucial in safeguarding populations and ecosystems. Satellite Tech


Private Sector Innovation and Its Impact on the Space Industry

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
The private sector's involvement in space exploration has dramatically transformed the landscape of the industry. Companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and others have introduced new technologies and business models that have reduced costs, increased accessibility, and accelerated innovation in space travel and infrastructure. Role of Private Companies in Space Innovation Private compa


Emerging Markets in the Space Economy: Opportunities Beyond the West

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
The space industry, once dominated by Western nations, is witnessing a significant shift as emerging markets invest heavily in developing their space capabilities. This expansion is not only redefining the geopolitical landscape of space exploration but also opening up new avenues for economic and technological growth in these nations. Focus on Emerging Space Nations Countries such a


Space Force charts new path for commercial integration in space operations

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
In a significant announcement, Gen. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, revealed the U.S. Space Force's latest strategy on April 10, aimed at integrating commercial expertise, skills, and products more closely with military operations to ensure ongoing superiority in the increasingly contested space domain. The new Commercial Space Strategy, which has been in the works for some tim


Kendall Emphasizes Strategic Importance of Space Amid Budget Challenges

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024
In a compelling address to a space-focused audience at the Space Symposium on April 10, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall articulated a clear vision for the United States' dominance in space, emphasizing the complexities posed by fluctuating and often unpredictable domestic budgets. Kendall's keynote speech not only reviewed his tenure and outlined forthcoming priorities but also undersco


Navigating the New Frontier: The Space Economy and Its Global Implications

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
The World Economic Forum's recent report, "Space: The $1.8 Trillion Opportunity for Global Economic Growth," offers an in-depth analysis of the potential economic impact of the space industry by 2035. This comprehensive document not only projects the financial valuation of space-related activities but also highlights the transformative role space technology will play across various sectors globa


The economics of falling satellite costs and the global impact

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 15, 2024
The space industry has witnessed a transformational decline in satellite launch costs over the past few decades. This trend represents a pivotal shift in the accessibility and frequency of space missions, fundamentally altering the economic landscape of the global space economy. Historical Context and Current Trends In the early days of space exploration, the cost of launching a sate


Massive star collapse confirmed as source of history's brightest gamma-ray burst

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 12, 2024 - In a landmark observation, an international consortium of astrophysicists, led by experts at Northwestern University, documented the most intense gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever recorded in October 2022, labeled GRB 221009A. Recent investigations using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have now confirmed that this record-setting burst, nicknamed the B.O.A.T. ("brightest of all time"), originated from the collapse and subsequent explosion of a massive star, culminating in a supernova. Читать дальше...


Digital telescope project at Warwick secures grant for advanced sky monitoring

London, UK (SPX) Apr 12, 2024 - The University of Warwick has received a GBP 3 million grant from the European Research Council to develop a digital telescope designed for continuous, high-sensitivity monitoring of the night sky.

This innovative equipment will enable real-time detection of significant astrophysical phenomena such as stellar explosions and black hole mergers. It can also monitor satellites, asteroids, and hazardous space debris in Earth's orbit.

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SwRI Advances Robotics for In-Space Manufacturing at Annual Space Symposium

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Apr 10, 2024 - Southwest Research Institute has enhanced its investment in space robotics to support the space industry's progress in in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM). At the 38th Space Symposium from April 8-11 in Colorado Springs, the Intelligent Systems Division of SwRI will showcase their latest ISAM-oriented research at Booth #237.

SwRI is crafting solutions that integrate Earth-based industrial robotics with sophisticated automation and simulation... Читать дальше...


Microsoft to invest $2.9 bn in Japan AI push

Tokyo (AFP) April 10, 2024 - Microsoft on Tuesday announced a $2.9 billion investment over the next two years in Japan to bolster the country's push into artificial intelligence and strengthen its cyber defences in the face of threats from China and Russia.

The announcement coincides with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's visit to Washington, underscoring Tokyo's commitment to becoming a major AI power.

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Astronaut fitness regimes critical in Tiangong Space Station

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 12, 2024 - With China's ambitious plans to expand its space missions, the health of astronauts during prolonged spaceflights has become a vital concern. The state-of-the-art equipment aboard the Tiangong Space Station plays a crucial role in ensuring astronaut safety and health in the absence of gravity.

The China Manned Space Agency recently shared new footage showcasing crew members participating in intense exercise routines aimed at reducing the adverse effects of long-term microgravity exposure. Читать дальше...


China finds use for space tech in extending food shelf life

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 12, 2024 - The China Academy of Space Technology has repurposed a barrier film originally designed for space stations to enhance food preservation on Earth, illustrating a key application of space research in everyday life.

Researchers at the academy demonstrated the benefits of this new high-barrier film by comparing the freshness of tofu stored in traditional packaging versus their innovative material. After a week, the tofu in the conventional package decayed while... Читать дальше...


Space Devices Ensure Health of Taikonauts Aboard Tiangong Space Station

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Apr 11, 2024 - The China Manned Space Agency recently showcased new devices aboard the Tiangong Space Station, essential for maintaining the health and safety of taikonauts in zero gravity. These tools have become critical as China aims to extend the duration of manned missions.

The agency highlighted the routine of taikonauts engaging in extensive physical training to combat the effects of prolonged microgravity. These include muscle atrophy, irregular heart rhythms, and immune system issues. Читать дальше...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Сеть клиник «Будь Здоров» подвела итоги первого квартала 2024 г.

Исполнитель хита “На Заре 2020” Сергей АРУТЮНОВ оживил ещё один хит из 20-го века и выпустил песню “Лететь” вместе с её создателями - группой Амега.

Музей Победы представил программу на Поклонной горе в честь последних дней весны

Песков заявил об открытости РФ к расширению сотрудничества с Узбекистаном


«Адвокат Валиевой: ей подсыпали допинг и сделал дедушка». Серьёзное расследование.



Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»

Афиша театра кукол Бурятии "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Спектакль "Курочка ряба"

Театрально-кукольные вести из Бурятского театра "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Серебряные звездочки засветились в буддийском дацане в Иволге


Собянин: Московский предпринимательский форум объединил более 3 тыс. человек

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости


Мать рэпера Тимати призналась, что оказалась в больнице после занятий фитнесом

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Завершилась сап-экскурсия на фестивале «Москва — на волне. Рыбная неделя»

«Адвокат Валиевой: ей подсыпали допинг и сделал дедушка». Серьёзное расследование.

В Подмосковье прошли соревнования Кубка Kramar Motorsport по автокроссу

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Теннисист Рублев вышел во второй круг Открытого чемпионата Франции

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Камила Валиева

«Адвокат Валиевой: ей подсыпали допинг и сделал дедушка». Серьёзное расследование.

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России