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Новости за 04.03.2017

Voice of America 

Doctors Alarmed by Post-antibiotic Future

Unless new antibiotics are developed quickly, people will once again die from common infections. The World Health Organization has issued an urgent call for scientists to develop these new drugs, and for governments to fund the research. Dr. Trish Perl, chief of infectious diseases at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, said if there are no effective antibiotics, it will affect the entire practice of medicine. “You all of a sudden understand what it was like to practice medicine maybe 50... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Suspected IS Loyalists Execute Pakistani Spy Agency Officer

Police and witnesses in central Pakistan say that suspected Islamic State militants have executed a kidnapped officer of the country’s prime intelligence agency and dropped his chained body on a busy road before driving away. Police in the city of Multan, where the rare incident occurred, say they found the body early Saturday morning and it was dressed like detainees at the U.S.-run Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba. Officials identified the slain man as Umar Mobeen Gilani, saying he was... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Supporters Hold Nationwide Rallies

Backers of President Donald Trump were scheduled to hold rallies across the country Saturday. The “Spirit of America” rallies are being organized by a group called the Main Street Patriots, which is made up of some of the same people that founded the Tea Party movement eight years ago to voice concerns about the way the federal government operates. Debbie Dooley, a leader of the group and co-founder of the Tea Party, told Time magazine the rallies planned for Saturday are meant to be a positive... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Former President Bush Honors Veterans With 'Portraits of Courage'

Since leaving the White House in 2009, former President George W. Bush has transformed his post-presidential perch into an easel for artwork, which helps him raise awareness and funds to ease soldiers' transition to civilian life, and to treat the wounds of war. VOA's Kane Farabaugh reports.

Voice of America 

Malaysia Expels North Korean Envoy

Malaysia has expelled the North Korean ambassador in a continued fallout from the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un’s half-brother at the Kuala Lumpur airport last month. In a statement, Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry labeled the ambassador “persona non grata” after he criticized the investigation into the assassination. "The expulsion of the DPRK (North Korea) ambassador is... an indication of the government's concern that Malaysia may have been used for illegal activities," it said. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Number of Interracial Marriages, Multiracial Americans Growing Rapidly

The number of mixed-race Americans is growing three times faster than the US population as a whole. That's according to the Pew Research Center. VOA’s Elizabeth Lee reports from Los Angeles that many mixed-race Americans experience life in a way that is very different from that of any other minority group in the United States.

Voice of America 

Somali PM: 110 Deaths in 48 Hours From Diseases, Malnutrition

Somalia’s new prime minister says that dozens of people, mainly women and children, have died from water-borne diseases within the last two days as a result of the enduring drought in the country. At a press conference Saturday in Mogadishu, Hassan Ali Khaire, announced the deaths, providing the first official figure after months of severe drought. “I was informed today that more than 110 people have died due to the current drought only for the past 48 hours in parts of Somalia, particularly Bay and Bakol regions,” Khaire said. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Save the Elephants: Beehive Fences Help Protect Small-scale Farms from Crop Raids

It may seem odd that the world's largest land mammal would be afraid of bees, but Kenya-based research and conservation group Save the Elephants has used the elephants' fear of being stung around the eyes, mouth and trunk to deter them from crop-raiding. It is doing this through "beehive fences," which they have found to be 80 percent effective. "Elephants have come to my farm but they couldn't manage to enter the farm," said Hesron Nzumu, a farmer who lives near the Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN Official Issues Urgent Call for Protection of People With Albinism

A U.N. expert is calling for urgent action to curb attacks on people with albinism who are killed and maimed for their body parts. In Geneva, the independent expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism has submitted a report on this harmful practice in African countries to the U.N. Human Rights Council. More than 600 attacks and other violations against people with albinism have been reported in 27 countries over the last six years, with the most recent just a few days ago. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Libya National Army Retreats from Key Oil Port

In Libya, fighting was continuing Saturday for control of the country's oil facilities around the city of Benghazi.  The eastern-based Libyan National Army, or the LNA, had given up control Friday of at least one major oil port it had captured last year. The withdrawal followed an offensive by a faction known as the Benghazi Defense Brigades, or BDB. Ahmed al-Mismari, an LNA spokesman, told the Reuters news agency that the LNA responded to the oil port attacks by launching airstrikes in Ras Lanuf, Es Sidra, Ben Jawad and Harawa. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Accuses Obama of Pre-election Wiretapping

President Donald Trump has accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of wiretapping his offices at Trump Tower in New York City before the November 2016 presidential election. In a series of tweets Saturday, Trump likened the alleged wiretaps to the Watergate political scandal that eventually led to the resignation of former president Richard Nixon in 1974. Trump did not offer proof of any wiretaps. In a tweet, former National Security Agency analyst and counter-intelligence officer... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Aboriginal Trans-women to Debut at Sydney’s Gay Mardi Gras

A group of Aboriginal transgender women have traveled more than 3,000 kilometers to take part in Sydney’s world-famous Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. They have spent decades fighting for recognition within the indigenous community on the remote Tiwi Islands. About 30 transgender women from the islands off the coast of Australia’s Northern Territory will march Saturday for the first time with thousands of other participants in outfits colored with glow-in-the-dark paint emblazoned with traditional patterns and totems. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Pakistan, US Partner to Begin Construction of Waziristan Dam

Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, on Friday ceremonially broke ground on an $81 million U.S.-funded component of a larger dam project to be built in North Waziristan, a volatile tribal region that until recently was condemned as the epicenter of global terrorism. Officials say that, once completed, the $230 million Kurram Tangi Dam would promote local agriculture and generate 83.4 megawatts of environment-friendly power.   Sharif told the ceremony at the project site that it marks the... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Number of Interracial Marriages, Multiracial Americans Growing Rapidly

Delia Douglas’ experience growing up has been different from the rest of her schoolmates. “In any of the storybooks that I was reading growing up, I remember the families always looked a certain way. Both parents matched,” she said. “Even it seemed like in many of the storylines that were about animal families, both bears kind of looked the same, and the baby bear looked the same.” These storybooks did not reflect her family. Douglas’ father is African American and American Indian. Her mother is white. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN Calls for Inquiry Into Suspected Chemical Weapon Use in Mosul 

The United Nations humanitarian coordinator in Iraq has issued a warning about the possible use of chemical weapons in Mosul where Islamic State militants are battling U.S.-backed Iraqi forces. “This is horrible,” said Lise Grande, deputy special representative of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, who has called for an investigation. She said if the alleged use of chemical weapons is confirmed, it would be “a serious violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime, regardless... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Preparing for New Travel Ban, Lawyers Step Up to Help Immigrants 

A man near the cordoned-off area near the baggage claim for international arrivals at Dulles International Airport questioned Mirriam Seddiq as she stood with her sign offering free legal assistance. As Seddiq later tells the story, he sneered, “Would you take these Muslims home with you?”  She looked down at herself, then back up at him before responding that she does, indeed, take a Muslim home every night: herself. Seddiq is an Afghanistan-born lawyer and one of the lead organizers of lawyers... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Prize-winning Author Paula Fox Dies at 93

Paula Fox, a prize-winning author who created high art out of imagined chaos in such novels as Poor George and Desperate Characters and out of the real-life upheavals in her memoir Borrowed Finery, has died at age 93.   Her daughter, Linda Carroll, told The Associated Press that Fox died Wednesday at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. She had been in failing health.    Abandoned as a girl by her parents, a single mother before age 20, Fox used finely crafted prose to write again and again about breakdown and disruption... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

India Brushes Off China's Objections to Dalai Lama’s Upcoming Visit

Overriding objections by China, India will allow the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, to make a religious visit to the far northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, a border territory partially claimed by China. On Friday, Beijing warned India against the weeklong visit scheduled for next month, saying it will cause severe damage to bilateral ties and to peace and stability in the China-India border area. India dismissed China’s concerns with Foreign Ministry spokesman Gopal Bagley saying... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Eight Killed, at Least 20 Injured in Afghan Attack

At least eight Afghan civilians, including four children, were killed in an attack late Friday night in western Farah province, according to Afghan officials. However there is disagreement over what exactly caused the deaths.    Mohammad Naser Mehri, spokesman for the provincial governor, said Saturday that the incident was a roadside bomb explosion in the Bala Buluk district. But family members of the victims are claiming they were hit by an airstrike.   Gen. Dawlat Waziri, a Defense Ministry spokesman... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sinn Fein Sees Big Gains in Northern Ireland Voting

Sinn Fein, the Irish nationalist party, has fallen just short of becoming the largest party in elections for the Northern Ireland Assembly.   In results declared early Friday, the Democratic Unionist Party led with 28 seats, just one more than Sinn Fein’s total.   At stake in the outcome from Thursday’s snap election is the revival or demise of power-sharing between Irish Catholics and British Protestants, the central objective of the U.S.-brokered Good Friday peace accord nearly two decades ago. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Jordan Executes 10 Convicted of Terrorism

Jordan on Saturday executed 10 men convicted of terrorism charges, including deadly attacks on tourists, Jordanian security forces and a local writer, the government spokesman said.   It was the largest round of executions since pro-Western Jordan launched its crackdown on Islamic extremists more than two years ago. The kingdom is a key member of the U.S.-led military coalition against the Islamic State group, the extremist group that controls parts of neighboring Iraq and Syria.   The men were... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Activists: Failure to Act on Anti-Semitism Creates ‘Incubator of Hate’ 

“I’ve been doing this work for 20 years, and we’ve never seen anything like that many bomb threats in a row,” Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center told VOA recently, referring to a string of some 100 threats made to Jewish organizations since January. At least three Jewish cemeteries were attacked in the past two weeks, in St. Louis, Missouri; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Rochester, New York, in a case discovered March 3. In all cases, headstones of Jewish graves were knocked over or defaced. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nature Plays Starring Role in Florida Everglades

National parks traveler Mikah Meyer says visiting Everglades National Park in southern Florida was like stepping back in time. Time standing still   “It’s this huge section of [protected] land … it takes up the entire southwestern corner of Florida and essentially before human interaction, everything south of Orlando looked like the Everglades.” Join Mikah in the Everglades That huge expanse of land includes more than half a million hectares of wetland, the largest subtropical wilderness... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Doctors Alarmed by a Post-Antibiotic Future

Unless new antibiotics are developed quickly, people will once again die from common infections. The World Health Organization on Feb. 27 issued an urgent call for scientists to develop these new drugs, and for governments to fund the research. VOA's Carol Pearson reports.

Voice of America 

Galleries Worldwide Showcase Artists at New York's Armory Show

Art lovers from around the world descend on New York City every March for several art fairs. One of the longest running and most popular fairs is the Armory Show, which hosts more than 200 galleries from 30 countries. For visitors, who are expected to reach 65,000 this year, the Armory Show cements New York City's status as an international art destination. Tina Trinh reports.

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Baltnews: в тюрьме Латвии умер обвиненный в шпионаже в пользу РФ Олег Бурак

Новую трамвайную линию открыли на улице Сергия Радонежского в столице

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Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве

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Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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