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Новости за 20.08.2017

Voice of America 

Polls: Voters in 3 Key US States 'Embarrassed' by Trump

More than 60 percent of voters in three key states that helped Donald Trump win the presidency now say they are "embarrassed" by him. Asked if Trump's conduct since taking office made them proud or embarrassed, 64 percent of voters in Michigan and Wisconsin and 63 percent in Pennsylvania say they have been embarrassed, according to NBC News/Marist polls. The poll also shows that the president's approval rating in all three states has fallen below 40 percent. In Michigan, only 36 percent approve of his job performance... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sex Offenders Can Live Next Door to Victims in Many States

A convicted sex offender who molested his niece when she was 7 years old moved in next door to his victim nearly a dozen years after he was sent to prison for the crime. Outraged, the Oklahoma woman, now 21, called lawmakers, the police and advocacy groups to plead with them to take action. Danyelle Dyer soon discovered that what Harold Dwayne English did in June is perfectly legal in the state - as well as in 44 others that don't specifically bar sex offenders from living near their victims, according... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Palestinians Await 'Clear Vision' From US on Peace Talks

A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says the Palestinians are still waiting for a "clear vision" from the United States on resuming peace talks with Israel as President Donald Trump's envoys are set to visit. Nabil Abu Rdeneh says Abbas "wants clarity" on the two-state solution, the cornerstone of international diplomatic efforts for the past two decades. Trump's adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, envoy for international negotiations Jason Greenblatt and Deputy National Security... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Suspect Raising Money for IS Granted Bail in Pakistan

An anti-terrorism court in Peshawar has granted bail to a suspect allegedly involved in generating funds for the so-called Islamic State in Pakistan’s northwestern region. Earlier this month security forces arrested Zahid Ullah, a resident of Peshawar on suspicion of raising money and recruiting for Islamic State. The security forces also retrieved a notebook from the suspect that had details of people who donated to the IS, Pakistani media reported. Political analyst A. Z. Hilali said this... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Comedy Legend Jerry Lewis Dies at 91

Jerry Lewis, the manic, rubber-faced showman who jumped and hollered to fame in a lucrative partnership with Dean Martin, settled down to become a self-conscious screen auteur and found an even greater following as the tireless, teary host of the annual muscular dystrophy telethons, has died. He was 91.   Publicist Candi Cazau says Lewis died Sunday of natural causes in Las Vegas with his family by his side.   Tributes from friends, co-stars and disciples poured in immediately.   "That fool was no dummy. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

August 20, 2017

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

Voice of America 

Afghanistan’s Special Operations Forces Transition from Division to Corps

Afghanistan’s elite Special Operations Forces officially transitioned from a division to a corps, as part of a four-year security plan aimed at vastly improving the country's security forces. “Today, it is a special day because the success you all have achieved for this nation is exemplified here,” Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said at the ceremony in Kabul on Sunday. “This year you defeated the enemy on the battlefield. I can see the results of your fight from last week and I see the huge improvement from last year.” “To the enemy... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Tens of Thousands Protest in Hong Kong Over Jailing of Democracy Activists

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday to protest against the jailing of three young democracy activists, with many questioning the independence of the Chinese-ruled city's judiciary. On Thursday, Joshua Wong, 20, Nathan Law, 24 and Alex Chow, 27, were jailed for six to eight months for unlawful assembly, dealing a blow to the youth-led push for universal suffrage and prompting accusations of political interference. Thousands of people marched in temperatures above... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

3 Lebanese Soldiers Killed During Offensive Against IS

Three Lebanese soldiers were killed during an offensive to take back areas along the Syrian border from Islamic State, the military said Sunday. A landmine exploded under one of the advancing armored vehicles of the army a day after it launched its biggest military operation yet against IS. "An army vehicle was hit by a landmine on the al-Ajsa road roundabout in Jurud Arsal at noon today, killing three soldiers and injuring one soldier seriously," the army said in a statement, according to the French news agency, AFP. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

US National Monument Review to Test Key Land Protection Law

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will recommend on Aug. 24 whether to eliminate or shrink nearly two dozen national monuments, creating the first major test for a 111-year-old law that gives presidents the power to protect swaths of public land. Zinke is expected to recommend that at least some of the national monuments under review — which were all created since 1996 — be rescinded or shrunk in size, responding to an order by President Donald Trump, who believes there should be greater opportunity... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Official: Iraq's Kurds Might Put off Independence Vote in Return for Concessions

Iraq's Kurds may consider the possibility of postponing a planned Sept. 25 referendum on independence in return for financial and political concessions from the central government in Baghdad, a senior Kurdish official said. A Kurdish delegation is visiting Baghdad to sound out proposals from Iraqi leaders that might convince the Kurds to postpone the vote, according to Mala Bakhtiar, executive secretary of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Politburo. The United States and other Western nations... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Solar Eclipse Coming with Nearly $700M Tab for US Employers

Add next week's total eclipse of the sun to the list of worker distractions that cost U.S. companies hundreds of millions of dollars in lost productivity. American employers will see at least $694 million in missing output for the roughly 20 minutes that outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimates workers will take out of their workday on Monday, Aug. 21 to stretch their legs, head outside the office and gaze at the nearly two-and-a-half minute eclipse. And 20 minutes is a conservative estimate... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Zimbabwe's First Lady Granted Immunity After Assault Allegation

Zimbabwe's First Lady Grace Mugabe returned home Sunday from South Africa where she was accused of assaulting a model, state media reported. South Africa's international relations minister granted the first lady diplomatic immunity Sunday, negating a "red alert" that had been issued at the South African border to prevent her from leaving the country. "I hereby recognise the immunities and privileges of the First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Dr Grace Mugabe," Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

UN Probe Concludes Taliban, Islamic State Jointly Killed 36 Afghans

A preliminary United Nations probe has concluded Taliban insurgents and local “self proclaimed" Islamic State militants jointly killed at least 36 people in a northern Afghan village earlier this month. The massacre occurred between August 3 and 5 shortly after insurgents overran the mainly Shi’ite Muslim village of Mirza Olang. The village lies in Sar-e-Pul province and Afghan officials at the time put the death toll at more than 50. The U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) report... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Britain Calls on EU to Move Brexit Talks Forward

Brexit minister David Davis called on the European Union on Sunday to relax its position that the two sides must first make progress on a divorce settlement before moving on to discussing future relations. After a slow start to negotiations to unravel more than 40 years of union, Britain is pressing for talks to move beyond the divorce to offer companies some assurance of what to expect after Britain leaves the EU in March 2019. This week, the government will issue five new papers to outline proposals for future ties... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Mattis Tight-Lipped on New Afghan Strategy

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says he is satisfied with the process the Trump administration went through to formulate its new strategy for Afghanistan, but he declined to provide details. Speaking in Amman, Mattis said he will not talk about the policy until it is officially disclosed by the White House. Trump said Saturday his administration has decided how to deal with the 16-year war in Afghanistan. One day after meeting at the Camp David presidential retreat with his national security team... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

New Warning As Yemen Warring Parties Face Internal Strife

Internal strains afflicting both sides in Yemen's conflict have deepened, as the U.N. warned that the failure of the country's political elites to settle their differences has prolonged the suffering of millions already beset by famine and disease. In a briefing on Sunday, U.N. envoy to Yemen Ould Cheikh Ahmed said the intractable two-year-old conflict was exposing ordinary people to death and hardship. "Yemen today continues to traverse a critical and agonizing period as civilians pay a terrible... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Turkish Political Refugees Flock to Germany, Seeking Safety

The Turkish judge sits in a busy cafe in a big German city. Thirteen months ago, he was a respected public servant in his homeland. Now he is heartbroken and angry over the nightmarish turn of events that brought him here.   The day after a 2016 coup attempt shook Turkey, he was blacklisted along with thousands of other judges and prosecutors. The judge smiles, sadly, as he recounts hiding at a friend's home, hugging his crying son goodbye and paying smugglers to get him to safety.   "I'm very sad I had to leave my country," he said... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

A Look at Zimbabwe's First Lady, Who Is Accused of Assault

A South African model's claims of assault have drawn attention to Zimbabwe's increasingly outspoken first lady Grace Mugabe, who has been viewed as a possible successor to her 93-year-old husband. Grace Mugabe and President Robert Mugabe returned to Zimbabwe Sunday, despite calls by a South African legal group and protesters for the Zimbabwean first lady to be denied diplomatic immunity. Here's a look at the wife of the world's oldest head of state, who has faced assault claims elsewhere in the past: What happened? Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Iran Parliament Approves Majority of Rouhani Cabinet Picks

Iranian lawmakers on Sunday approved 16 Cabinet members nominated by recently re-elected President Hassan Rouhani, including the first defense minister unaffiliated with the elite, hard-line Revolutionary Guard in 25 years.   Parliament speaker Ali Larijani said lawmakers approved 16 of 17 proposed ministers, among them Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif with 236 votes, and Oil Minister Began Zingano with 230 out of 288 members of parliament who voted. The chamber has 290 seats.   The most votes went to Gen. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Philippine Churches to Ring Bells to Protest Drug Killings

A Philippine Catholic leader said Sunday that church bells would be rung every night for three months across his northern district to raise alarm over a sharp spike in police killings of drug suspects, adding to a growing outcry over President Rodrigo Duterte's bloody crackdown. Archbishop Socrates Villegas said church bells would toll for 15 minutes nightly across his religious district from Tuesday to Nov. 27 to rouse a citizenry "which has become a coward in expressing anger against evil." The... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

What to Know About the Solar Eclipse

A total solar eclipse will march across the United States on Monday, casting a shadow from Oregon's Pacific Coast, across the U.S. heartland, all the way to South Carolina's Atlantic Coast.   Why is this eclipse so anticipated?   This will be the first time in 38 years that the mainland United States will experience a total eclipse, and it will be the first time in 99 years that a total eclipse will pass from the U.S. Pacific Coast to the U.S. Atlantic Coast. The last time that happened was in 1918... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Syria's Assad Says War Still Not Won But West's Plots Foiled

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Sunday that while his country had foiled Western designs to topple him, his army had not defeated insurgents and the fight was continuing. In a televised address, Assad said that even though there were signs of victory after six-and-a-half years of civil war, the "battle continues, and where we go later and it becomes possible to talk about victory...that's a different matter". He did not elaborate.

Voice of America 

Police: Bandit Gang Abducts 7 Pakistani Police Officers

Pakistani police say bandits have abducted seven policemen from a forested area of southern Punjab. They say the gang wants several of its members who are behind bars to be freed.  Senior police officer Atiq Tahir says the police were returning by boat to the town of Rojhan, in Rajanpur district, from an outpost in a forested area along the Indus River when the gang captured them in the early morning.  Tahir said police reinforcements with armored vehicles were dispatched to the forest. Another... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Spanish Police Set Up Roadblocks to Catch Attack Suspect

Spain's hunt for the driver of a van that barreled through a Barcelona crowd last week focused on the northeastern towns of Ripoll and Manlleu Sunday.  Police set up numerous roadblocks hoping to snare Younes Abouyaaquoub, a 22-year-old Moroccan man they suspect was behind Thursday's attack, which killed 13 people and injured more than 100 others.  A related attack hours later in the resort town of Cambrils killed another and injured six others when a car was driven into a crowd before police... Читать дальше...

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

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Центр восточной медицины в Петербурге


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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

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Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин

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