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Новости за 07.10.2023

Voice of America 

Syria Shells Northern Rebel-Held Idlib Region, Killing 7

Syrian and Russian bombardment of rebel-held parts of northwest Syria claimed seven more lives and wounded others Saturday, two days after one of the country's deadliest attacks on a government target in years, a war monitor and a paramedic group said. Thursday’s drone strike on the Homs Military Academy killed 89 people, including 31 women and five children, and wounded as many as 277, according to the health ministry. The Syrian military accused insurgents “backed by known international forces” of carrying out the attack and said... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

In Photos: Hamas Attack on Israel and Retaliation

Hamas militants fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of fighters into Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip Saturday. Israel said it is now at war with Hamas and launched airstrikes in Gaza.

Voice of America 

China Expels Former Bank of China Chairman From Communist Party

China's ruling Communist Party has expelled the former chairman of the state-owned Bank of China from the party, accusing him of illegal activities and taking bribes, the top anti-graft watchdog said Saturday. Liu Liange was accused of illegally granting loans and causing significant financial risks, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, or CCDI, said in a statement on its website. He also brought prohibited publications into the country and illegally took bribes and accepted entertainment at private clubs and ski resorts... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Jailed Iranian Women’s Activist Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Human rights campaigners across the world welcomed the awarding of the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize to Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian women’s rights campaigner who is jailed in Tehran. Henry Ridgwell reports.

Voice of America 

Where Do International Students in the US Come From?

The proportion of international students to the total student population in the United States has grown over the last 60 years, with 5.5% of students now coming from abroad.   Where do most of them come from? Check out these data visualizations from Visual Capitalist to find out. (September 2023).

Voice of America 

Deaths Rise to 47 After Icy flood Sweeps Through India's Himalayan Northeast

Rescuers found more bodies overnight as they dug through slushy debris and ice-cold water in a hunt for survivors after a glacial lake burst through a dam in India’s Himalayan northeast, washing away houses and bridges and forcing thousands to flee. Officials said the hundreds of rescuers recovered six more bodies early Saturday, bringing the death toll to 47. At least 150 people were still missing. The flood began shortly after midnight Wednesday, when the waters of a glacial lake overflowed... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Angola Clamps Down on Namibia Cattle Farmers

Hundreds of Namibian communal farmers who seasonally cross the border into Angola in search of pastures for their livestock have been asked to leave and apply for permits as Angola clamps down on illegal cattle herders in their country. Changing weather patterns attributed to global warming are causing a decline in pastoral land, which is affecting cross-border migration of farmers. Immanuel Nangolo has a herd of 300 cattle and, when pastures are not green in Namibia, he makes his way north to Angola to feed his hungry livestock. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Sudan Citizens Live on Knife’s Edge Amid Ongoing Conflict

While on a quest to solicit support for millions of Sudanese whose lives have been upended by war, a senior U.N. official Thursday warned that the people of Sudan are living on a knife’s edge and are at risk of falling off the cliff if the world does not step up to help them. United Nations statistics show Sudan has become the world’s fastest-growing displacement crisis since two rival generals plunged the country into war nearly six months ago. Some 5.4 million people are either displaced within Sudan or in neighboring countries as refugees.

Voice of America 

Nearly 1,000 Birds Die After Colliding With Chicago Building

A massive number of migrating birds collided with McCormick Place — a Chicago convention center — this week, resulting in an unprecedented number of bird deaths. Dave Willard has collected dead and injured birds from around the center during the migration season for about 40 years. In an interview with the Audubon website, Willard said that he and his colleagues collected 964 dead birds and approximately 80 “stunned live ones.” “It was truly unprecedented,” he said of Thursday’s event. Hundreds... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

At Least 15 Dead, 40 Injured in Afghanistan Earthquake, Official Says

At least 15 people were killed and 40 injured after earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, a disaster management official told Reuters. The figures are based on primary reports from the Zinda Jan district of Herat province, said Mullah Jan Sayeq, spokesperson for Afghanistan's ministry of disaster management.

Voice of America 

UN Urges Halt to Pakistan’s Forcible Returns of Afghan Migrants

The United Nations agencies for migration and refugee protection Saturday jointly appealed to Pakistan to suspend plans to deport undocumented Afghan immigrants, warning they could be at imminent risk back in Afghanistan. The appeal comes after Pakistan Tuesday ordered all immigrants in the country illegally, including some 1.7 million Afghan nationals, to leave by Nov. 1 or face deportation to their native countries. Many families have already left for Afghanistan to avoid arrest and forcible deportation... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

6 Held Killing of Ecuador Presidential Candidate are Slain in Prison

Six Colombians arrested as the alleged assassins of a candidate in Ecuador's August presidential election were slain Friday inside a prison in Guayaquil, officials announced, without providing details on what happened. The prison authority said only that six prisoners killed inside Litoral Penitentiary were the men "charged with the murder of former presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio." It identified them as Jhon Gregore R., Andrés Manuel M., Adey Fernando G., Camilo Andrés R., Sules Osmini C. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Will Weight Loss Drugs Like Ozempic Take a Bite Out of Junk Food Sales?

All About America explores American culture, politics, trends, history, ideals and places of interest. As Americans shed pounds on weight loss drugs like Ozempic, snack food companies could be in for some shrinkage, as well. "The food, beverage and restaurant industries could see softer demand, particularly for unhealthier foods and high-fat, sweet and salty options,” Morgan Stanley food analyst Pamela Kaufman says in a company report. A survey of 300 people currently taking semaglutide weight... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

In Northern Nigeria, Atheism Can Be ‘Automatic Death Sentence’

When the megaphone called out for the daily Islamic prayers, the nonbeliever grabbed his prayer beads and ambled through the streets to join others at the mosque in Kano, northern Nigeria's largest city. Formerly a Muslim, he now identifies as an atheist but remains closeted, performing religious obligations only as a cover. "To survive as an atheist, you cannot act like one," said the man, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity over fears for his safety. He said he narrowly... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Climate Change Threatens Whales, Dolphins, US Study Says

Whales, dolphins and seals living in U.S. waters face major threats from warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels and decreasing sea ice volumes associated with climate change, according to a first-of-its-kind assessment. Researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration examined more than 100 stocks of American marine mammal species and found more than 70% of those stocks are vulnerable to threats, such as loss of habitat and food, due to the consequences of warming waters. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Nearly 80% of Italians Say They Are Catholic. But Few Regularly Go to Church

Two children scribbled petitions to St. Gabriele dell'Addolorata in the sanctuary where the young saint is venerated in this central Italian mountain village. Andrea, 6, asked for blessings for his family and pets, while Sofia, 9, offered thanksgiving for winning a dance competition. Their parents bring them here often, and consider themselves better Catholics than many — but they rarely if ever go to Mass and don't receive Communion because they are not married, thus shunning two sacraments the Catholic Church considers foundational. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Hamas Launches Unprecedented Operation Against Israel with Rockets, Infiltration

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented infiltration Saturday into southern Israel, sending fighters across the border and firing thousands of rockets into the country as the ruling Hamas militant group announced the beginning of a new operation. The Israeli military put the country on war alert and began striking targets in Gaza in response, setting the stage for what was likely to be a new heavy round of fighting between the bitter enemies. In a serious escalation... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

At Least 16 Migrants Killed, 29 Injured in Southern Mexico Bus Crash

At least 16 migrants from Venezuela and Haiti died early Friday in a bus crash in southern Mexico, authorities said. Mexico’s National Immigration Institute originally reported 18 dead, but later lowered that figure. Prosecutors in the southern state of Oaxaca later said there had been an overcount due to some of the bodies being dismembered, and that the real death toll was 16. Both sources said the dead include two women and three children, and that 29 people were injured. There was no immediate information on their condition. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

China-India Competition Forces New Maldives Leader into Balancing Act

Maldives President-elect Mohamed Muizzu’s election victory has put South Asian countries’ attempted balancing act between China and India into the global spotlight. Muizzu is known as a pro-China politician, and analysts predict he will try to institute some pro-China policies. At the same time, they think India’s active presence in the Indian Ocean archipelago will force Muizzu to strike a delicate balance between Beijing and New Delhi. "Muizzu tapped into the anti-India sentiment [during the... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Police Find 115 Decaying Bodies at US Funeral Home Offering 'Green' Burials

At least 115 decaying bodies were found at a storage facility for a "green" funeral operator after neighbors reported a stench emanating from the site in rural southern Colorado, police said Friday. The owner tried to conceal the improper storage of corpses and said he was doing taxidermy at the facility, according to a suspension letter sent to him by state regulators that was made public Friday. No one has been arrested or charged. The Return to Nature Funeral Home facility in the small town... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Indonesia Denies Its Fires Causing Haze in Neighboring Malaysia

Indonesia denied Friday that forest and peat fires on Sumatra and Borneo islands were causing the haze in Malaysia, after the neighboring government sent a letter complaining about the air quality and asking for both countries to work together to deal with the blazes. Forest and peat fires are an annual problem in Indonesia that strains relations with neighboring countries. In recent years, smoke from the fires has blanketed parts of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and southern Thailand. Some... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Canadian Woman Repatriated From Syria Charged With Terrorism 

A Canadian woman linked to Islamic State jihadis who was repatriated from a camp in Syria six months ago has been charged with participating in a terrorist group, police said Friday.  Ammara Amjad was arrested Thursday in Milton, Ontario, west of Toronto, "for her alleged participation in the activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement.  The 29-year-old was granted bail during a brief court appearance and is scheduled to be back before a judge on November 17. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Chinese Rights Lawyer Detained in Laos Is Deported, Wife Says 

The wife of Chinese human rights lawyer Lu Siwei has confirmed that her husband has been deported to China from Laos, where he was detained more than two months ago. Lu is being held in the Xindu Detention Center in Chengdu, Sichuan province, his wife, Zhang Chunxiao, wrote on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The detention center notified Lu’s family members to send clothes, medicine and money, she said. The center did not tell the family when Lu had arrived at the detention center or when he was returned to China. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Chinese Investors, Pinched at Home, Buy Less Property in Thailand

Chinese real estate investors who once snapped up high-end condos and apartments in Thailand are cutting back due to an economic downturn and real estate crisis at home.   Many Chinese invest as much as 70% of their savings in real estate, a sensibility that has benefited Thailand's luxury condo and apartment sector for several years.   Kashif Ansari, co-founder and CEO of Juwai IQI Group, a real estate marketing firm that helps connect Chinese buyers to properties in Southeast Asia from Kuala Lumpur and other offices... Читать дальше...

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Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации - Собянин


Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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«Спартак» — «Динамо» Москва — 2:2. Видеообзор матча РПЛ

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России